; REQUIRES: shell
; This first line will generate the .o files for the next run line
+; RUN: rm -rf %t.cachedir
; RUN: mkdir -p %t.cachedir
; RUN: %lli_mcjit -extra-module=%p/Inputs/multi-module-b.ll -extra-module=%p/Inputs/multi-module-c.ll -enable-cache-manager -object-cache-dir=%t.cachedir %s
+; Collect generated objects.
+; RUN: rm -rf %t.cachedir2
+; RUN: mkdir -p %t.cachedir2
+; RUN: find %t.cachedir -type f -name 'multi-module-?.o' -exec mv -v '{}' %t.cachedir2 ';'
; This line tests MCJIT object loading
-; RUN: %lli_mcjit -extra-object=%t.cachedir/%p/Inputs/multi-module-b.o -extra-object=%t.cachedir/%p/Inputs/multi-module-c.o %s
+; RUN: %lli_mcjit -extra-object=%t.cachedir2/multi-module-b.o -extra-object=%t.cachedir2/multi-module-c.o %s
+; RUN: rm -rf %t.cachedir3
+; RUN: mkdir -p %t.cachedir3
; These lines put the object files into an archive
-; RUN: llvm-ar r %t.cachedir/%p/Inputs/load-object.a %t.cachedir/%p/Inputs/multi-module-b.o
-; RUN: llvm-ar r %t.cachedir/%p/Inputs/load-object.a %t.cachedir/%p/Inputs/multi-module-c.o
+; RUN: llvm-ar r %t.cachedir3/load-object.a %t.cachedir2/multi-module-b.o
+; RUN: llvm-ar r %t.cachedir3/load-object.a %t.cachedir2/multi-module-c.o
; This line test MCJIT archive loading
-; RUN: %lli_mcjit -extra-archive=%t.cachedir/%p/Inputs/load-object.a %s
+; RUN: %lli_mcjit -extra-archive=%t.cachedir3/load-object.a %s
declare i32 @FB()