// std::weak_ptr<MyExpensiveService> instance =
// Singleton<MyExpensiveService>::get_weak();
+// You also can directly access it by the variable defining the
+// singleton rather than via get(), and even treat that variable like
+// a smart pointer (dereferencing it or using the -> operator).
+// Please note, however, that all non-weak_ptr interfaces are
+// inherently subject to races with destruction. Use responsibly.
// The singleton will be created on demand. If the constructor for
// MyExpensiveService actually makes use of *another* Singleton, then
// the right thing will happen -- that other singleton will complete
// construction before get() returns. However, in the event of a
// circular dependency, a runtime error will occur.
+// You can have multiple singletons of the same underlying type, but
+// each must be given a unique name:
+// namespace {
+// folly::Singleton<MyExpensiveService> s1("name1");
+// folly::Singleton<MyExpensiveService> s2("name2");
+// }
+// ...
+// MyExpensiveService* svc1 = Singleton<MyExpensiveService>::get("name1");
+// MyExpensiveService* svc2 = Singleton<MyExpensiveService>::get("name2");
// By default, the singleton instance is constructed via new and
// deleted via delete, but this is configurable:
#pragma once
#include <folly/Exception.h>
+#include <folly/Hash.h>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
// In general, you don't need to worry about any of the above; just
// ensure registrationComplete() is called near the top of your main()
// function, otherwise no singletons can be instantiated.
+namespace detail {
+const char* const kDefaultTypeDescriptorName = "(default)";
+// A TypeDescriptor is the unique handle for a given singleton. It is
+// a combinaiton of the type and of the optional name, and is used as
+// a key in unordered_maps.
+class TypeDescriptor {
+ public:
+ TypeDescriptor(const std::type_info& ti, std::string name)
+ : ti_(ti), name_(name) {
+ if (name_ == kDefaultTypeDescriptorName) {
+ LOG(DFATAL) << "Caller used the default name as their literal name; "
+ << "name your singleton something other than "
+ << kDefaultTypeDescriptorName;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string name() const {
+ std::string ret = ti_.name();
+ ret += "/";
+ if (name_.empty()) {
+ ret += kDefaultTypeDescriptorName;
+ } else {
+ ret += name_;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ friend class TypeDescriptorHasher;
+ bool operator==(const TypeDescriptor& other) const {
+ return ti_ == other.ti_ && name_ == other.name_;
+ }
+ private:
+ const std::type_index ti_;
+ const std::string name_;
+class TypeDescriptorHasher {
+ public:
+ size_t operator()(const TypeDescriptor& ti) const {
+ return folly::hash::hash_combine(ti.ti_, ti.name_);
+ }
class SingletonVault {
SingletonVault() {};
// Register a singleton of a given type with the create and teardown
// functions.
- void registerSingleton(const std::type_info& type,
+ void registerSingleton(detail::TypeDescriptor type,
CreateFunc create,
TeardownFunc teardown) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex_);
void destroyInstances();
// Retrieve a singleton from the vault, creating it if necessary.
- std::shared_ptr<void> get_shared(const std::type_info& type) {
+ std::shared_ptr<void> get_shared(detail::TypeDescriptor type) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
- if (state_ != SingletonVaultState::Running) {
- throw std::logic_error(
- "Attempt to load a singleton before "
- "SingletonVault::registrationComplete was called (hint: you probably "
- "didn't call initFacebook)");
- }
- auto it = singletons_.find(type);
- if (it == singletons_.end()) {
- throw std::out_of_range(std::string("non-existent singleton: ") +
- type.name());
- }
- auto& entry = it->second;
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> entry_lock(entry->mutex_);
- if (entry->state == SingletonEntryState::BeingBorn) {
- throw std::out_of_range(std::string("circular singleton dependency: ") +
- type.name());
- }
- if (entry->instance == nullptr) {
- CHECK(entry->state == SingletonEntryState::Dead);
- entry->state = SingletonEntryState::BeingBorn;
- entry_lock.unlock();
- lock.unlock();
- // Can't use make_shared -- no support for a custom deleter, sadly.
- auto instance = std::shared_ptr<void>(entry->create(), entry->teardown);
- lock.lock();
- entry_lock.lock();
- CHECK(entry->state == SingletonEntryState::BeingBorn);
- entry->instance = instance;
- entry->state = SingletonEntryState::Living;
- creation_order_.push_back(type);
- }
- CHECK(entry->state == SingletonEntryState::Living);
+ auto entry = get_entry(type, &lock);
return entry->instance;
+ // This function is inherently racy since we don't hold the
+ // shared_ptr that contains the Singleton. It is the caller's
+ // responsibility to be sane with this, but it is preferable to use
+ // the weak_ptr interface for true safety.
+ void* get_ptr(detail::TypeDescriptor type) {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ auto entry = get_entry(type, &lock);
+ return entry->instance_ptr;
+ }
// For testing; how many registered and living singletons we have.
size_t registeredSingletonCount() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex_);
struct SingletonEntry {
std::mutex mutex_;
std::shared_ptr<void> instance;
+ void* instance_ptr = nullptr;
CreateFunc create = nullptr;
TeardownFunc teardown = nullptr;
SingletonEntryState state = SingletonEntryState::Dead;
SingletonEntry(SingletonEntry&&) = delete;
+ // Get a pointer to the living SingletonEntry for the specified
+ // type. The singleton is created as part of this function, if
+ // necessary.
+ SingletonEntry* get_entry(detail::TypeDescriptor type,
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex>* lock) {
+ // mutex_ must be held when calling this function
+ if (state_ != SingletonVaultState::Running) {
+ throw std::logic_error(
+ "Attempt to load a singleton before "
+ "SingletonVault::registrationComplete was called (hint: you probably "
+ "didn't call initFacebook)");
+ }
+ auto it = singletons_.find(type);
+ if (it == singletons_.end()) {
+ throw std::out_of_range(std::string("non-existent singleton: ") +
+ type.name());
+ }
+ auto& entry = it->second;
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> entry_lock(entry->mutex_);
+ if (entry->state == SingletonEntryState::BeingBorn) {
+ throw std::out_of_range(std::string("circular singleton dependency: ") +
+ type.name());
+ }
+ if (entry->instance == nullptr) {
+ CHECK(entry->state == SingletonEntryState::Dead);
+ entry->state = SingletonEntryState::BeingBorn;
+ entry_lock.unlock();
+ lock->unlock();
+ // Can't use make_shared -- no support for a custom deleter, sadly.
+ auto instance = std::shared_ptr<void>(entry->create(), entry->teardown);
+ lock->lock();
+ entry_lock.lock();
+ CHECK(entry->state == SingletonEntryState::BeingBorn);
+ entry->instance = instance;
+ entry->instance_ptr = instance.get();
+ entry->state = SingletonEntryState::Living;
+ creation_order_.push_back(type);
+ }
+ CHECK(entry->state == SingletonEntryState::Living);
+ return entry.get();
+ }
mutable std::mutex mutex_;
typedef std::unique_ptr<SingletonEntry> SingletonEntryPtr;
- std::unordered_map<std::type_index, SingletonEntryPtr> singletons_;
- std::vector<std::type_index> creation_order_;
+ std::unordered_map<detail::TypeDescriptor,
+ SingletonEntryPtr,
+ detail::TypeDescriptorHasher> singletons_;
+ std::vector<detail::TypeDescriptor> creation_order_;
SingletonVaultState state_ = SingletonVaultState::Registering;
// get() repeatedly rather than saving the reference, and then not
// call get() during process shutdown.
static T* get(SingletonVault* vault = nullptr /* for testing */) {
- return get_shared(vault).get();
+ return get_ptr({typeid(T), ""}, vault);
+ }
+ static T* get(const char* name,
+ SingletonVault* vault = nullptr /* for testing */) {
+ return get_ptr({typeid(T), name}, vault);
// If, however, you do need to hold a reference to the specific
// singleton, you can try to do so with a weak_ptr. Avoid this when
// possible but the inability to lock the weak pointer can be a
// signal that the vault has been destroyed.
- static std::weak_ptr<T> get_weak(SingletonVault* vault =
- nullptr /* for testing */) {
- return std::weak_ptr<T>(get_shared(vault));
+ static std::weak_ptr<T> get_weak(
+ SingletonVault* vault = nullptr /* for testing */) {
+ return get_weak("", vault);
+ }
+ static std::weak_ptr<T> get_weak(
+ const char* name, SingletonVault* vault = nullptr /* for testing */) {
+ return std::weak_ptr<T>(get_shared({typeid(T), name}, vault));
+ }
+ std::weak_ptr<T> get_weak(const char* name) {
+ return std::weak_ptr<T>(get_shared({typeid(T), name}, vault_));
- Singleton(Singleton::CreateFunc c = nullptr,
- Singleton::TeardownFunc t = nullptr,
- SingletonVault* vault = nullptr /* for testing */) {
+ // Allow the Singleton<t> instance to also retrieve the underlying
+ // singleton, if desired.
+ T* ptr() { return get_ptr(type_descriptor_, vault_); }
+ T& operator*() { return *ptr(); }
+ T* operator->() { return ptr(); }
+ explicit Singleton(Singleton::CreateFunc c = nullptr,
+ Singleton::TeardownFunc t = nullptr,
+ SingletonVault* vault = nullptr /* for testing */)
+ : Singleton({typeid(T), ""}, c, t, vault) {}
+ explicit Singleton(const char* name,
+ Singleton::CreateFunc c = nullptr,
+ Singleton::TeardownFunc t = nullptr,
+ SingletonVault* vault = nullptr /* for testing */)
+ : Singleton({typeid(T), name}, c, t, vault) {}
+ private:
+ explicit Singleton(detail::TypeDescriptor type,
+ Singleton::CreateFunc c = nullptr,
+ Singleton::TeardownFunc t = nullptr,
+ SingletonVault* vault = nullptr /* for testing */)
+ : type_descriptor_(type) {
if (c == nullptr) {
c = []() { return new T; };
if (vault == nullptr) {
vault = SingletonVault::singleton();
+ vault_ = vault;
+ vault->registerSingleton(type, c, teardown);
+ }
- vault->registerSingleton(typeid(T), c, teardown);
+ static T* get_ptr(detail::TypeDescriptor type_descriptor = {typeid(T), ""},
+ SingletonVault* vault = nullptr /* for testing */) {
+ return static_cast<T*>(
+ (vault ?: SingletonVault::singleton())->get_ptr(type_descriptor));
- private:
// Don't use this function, it's private for a reason! Using it
// would defeat the *entire purpose* of the vault in that we lose
// the ability to guarantee that, after a destroyInstances is
// Yes, you can just get the weak pointer and lock it, but hopefully
// if you have taken the time to read this far, you see why that
// would be bad.
- static std::shared_ptr<T> get_shared(SingletonVault* vault =
- nullptr /* for testing */) {
+ static std::shared_ptr<T> get_shared(
+ detail::TypeDescriptor type_descriptor = {typeid(T), ""},
+ SingletonVault* vault = nullptr /* for testing */) {
return std::static_pointer_cast<T>(
- (vault ?: SingletonVault::singleton())->get_shared(typeid(T)));
+ (vault ?: SingletonVault::singleton())->get_shared(type_descriptor));
+ detail::TypeDescriptor type_descriptor_;
+ SingletonVault* vault_;
const size_t serial_number;
+ size_t livingWatchdogCount() const { return creation_order.size(); }
Watchdog(const Watchdog&) = delete;
Watchdog& operator=(const Watchdog&) = delete;
EXPECT_EQ(vault.livingSingletonCount(), 0);
+TEST(Singleton, DirectUsage) {
+ SingletonVault vault;
+ EXPECT_EQ(vault.registeredSingletonCount(), 0);
+ // Verify we can get to the underlying singletons via directly using
+ // the singleton definition.
+ Singleton<Watchdog> watchdog(nullptr, nullptr, &vault);
+ Singleton<Watchdog> named_watchdog("named", nullptr, nullptr, &vault);
+ EXPECT_EQ(vault.registeredSingletonCount(), 2);
+ vault.registrationComplete();
+ EXPECT_NE(watchdog.ptr(), nullptr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(watchdog.ptr(), Singleton<Watchdog>::get(&vault));
+ EXPECT_NE(watchdog.ptr(), named_watchdog.ptr());
+ EXPECT_EQ(watchdog->livingWatchdogCount(), 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ((*watchdog).livingWatchdogCount(), 2);
+TEST(Singleton, NamedUsage) {
+ SingletonVault vault;
+ EXPECT_EQ(vault.registeredSingletonCount(), 0);
+ // Define two named Watchdog singletons and one unnamed singleton.
+ Singleton<Watchdog> watchdog1_singleton(
+ "watchdog1", nullptr, nullptr, &vault);
+ EXPECT_EQ(vault.registeredSingletonCount(), 1);
+ Singleton<Watchdog> watchdog2_singleton(
+ "watchdog2", nullptr, nullptr, &vault);
+ EXPECT_EQ(vault.registeredSingletonCount(), 2);
+ Singleton<Watchdog> watchdog3_singleton(nullptr, nullptr, &vault);
+ EXPECT_EQ(vault.registeredSingletonCount(), 3);
+ vault.registrationComplete();
+ // Verify our three singletons are distinct and non-nullptr.
+ Watchdog* s1 = Singleton<Watchdog>::get("watchdog1", &vault);
+ EXPECT_EQ(s1, watchdog1_singleton.ptr());
+ Watchdog* s2 = Singleton<Watchdog>::get("watchdog2", &vault);
+ EXPECT_EQ(s2, watchdog2_singleton.ptr());
+ EXPECT_NE(s1, s2);
+ Watchdog* s3 = Singleton<Watchdog>::get(&vault);
+ EXPECT_EQ(s3, watchdog3_singleton.ptr());
+ EXPECT_NE(s3, s1);
+ EXPECT_NE(s3, s2);
+ // Verify the "default" singleton is the same as the empty string
+ // singleton.
+ Watchdog* s4 = Singleton<Watchdog>::get("", &vault);
+ EXPECT_EQ(s4, watchdog3_singleton.ptr());
// Some pathological cases such as getting unregistered singletons,
// double registration, etc.
TEST(Singleton, NaughtyUsage) {
Singleton<ChildWatchdog> child_watchdog_singleton(nullptr, nullptr, &vault);
EXPECT_EQ(vault.registeredSingletonCount(), 2);
+ Singleton<Watchdog> named_watchdog_singleton(
+ "a_name", nullptr, nullptr, &vault);
Watchdog* s1 = Singleton<Watchdog>::get(&vault);
EXPECT_EQ(shared_s1.get(), s1);
EXPECT_EQ(shared_s1.use_count(), 2);
+ {
+ auto named_weak_s1 = Singleton<Watchdog>::get_weak("a_name", &vault);
+ auto locked = named_weak_s1.lock();
+ EXPECT_NE(locked.get(), shared_s1.get());
+ }
LOG(ERROR) << "The following log message regarding ref counts is expected";
- EXPECT_EQ(vault.registeredSingletonCount(), 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(vault.registeredSingletonCount(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(vault.livingSingletonCount(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(shared_s1.use_count(), 1);