import java.util.*;
import IR.Flat.*;
import IR.*;
+import Analysis.Liveness;
import Analysis.Pointer.BasicBlock.BBlock;
import Analysis.Pointer.AllocFactory.AllocNode;
HashMap<FlatNode, Graph> graphMap;
HashMap<FlatCall, Set<BBlock>> callMap;
HashMap<BBlock, Set<PPoint>> returnMap;
+ HashMap<BBlock, Set<TempDescriptor>> bblivetemps;
State state;
TypeUtil typeUtil;
this.blockMap=new HashMap<FlatMethod, BasicBlock>();
this.bbgraphMap=new HashMap<BBlock, Graph>();
+ this.bblivetemps=new HashMap<BBlock, Set<TempDescriptor>>();
this.graphMap=new HashMap<FlatNode, Graph>();
this.callMap=new HashMap<FlatCall, Set<BBlock>>();
this.returnMap=new HashMap<BBlock, Set<PPoint>>();
public BasicBlock getBBlock(FlatMethod fm) {
- if (!blockMap.containsKey(fm))
+ if (!blockMap.containsKey(fm)) {
blockMap.put(fm, BasicBlock.getBBlock(fm));
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Set<TempDescriptor>> livemap=Liveness.computeLiveTemps(fm);
+ for(BBlock bblock:blockMap.get(fm).getBlocks()) {
+ FlatNode fn=bblock.nodes.get(0);
+ if (fn==fm) {
+ HashSet<TempDescriptor> fmset=new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
+ fmset.addAll((List<TempDescriptor>)Arrays.asList(fm.writesTemps()));
+ bblivetemps.put(bblock, fmset);
+ } else {
+ Set<TempDescriptor> livetemps=livemap.get(fn);
+ bblivetemps.put(bblock, livetemps);
+ livetemps.add(returntmp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
return blockMap.get(fm);
public void doAnalysis() {
+ nextdelta:
while(!toprocess.isEmpty()) {
Delta delta=toprocess.remove();
PPoint ppoint=delta.getBlock();
if (ppoint.getIndex()==-1) {
//Build base graph for entrance to this basic block
+ //System.out.println("Processing "+bblock.nodes.get(0).toString().replace(' ','_'));
+ //delta.print();
delta=applyInitDelta(delta, bblock);
+ //System.out.println("Generating:");
+ //delta.print();
} else {
+ //System.out.println("Processing Call "+bblock.nodes.get(ppoint.getIndex()).toString().replace(' ','_'));
+ //delta.print();
delta=applyCallDelta(delta, bblock);
+ //System.out.println("Generating:");
+ //delta.print();
Graph graph=bbgraphMap.get(bblock);
Graph nodeGraph=null;
+ boolean init=delta.getInit();
+ if (!init&&delta.isEmpty())
+ continue nextdelta;
//Compute delta at exit of each node
for(int i=startindex; i<nodes.size();i++) {
FlatNode currNode=nodes.get(i);
+ //System.out.println("Start Processing "+currNode);
if (!graphMap.containsKey(currNode)) {
graphMap.put(currNode, new Graph(graph));
delta=processNode(bblock, i, currNode, delta, nodeGraph);
+ //System.out.println("Processing "+currNode+" and generating delta:");
+ //delta.print();
generateFinalDelta(bblock, delta, nodeGraph);
- if (false) {
+ if (true) {
int debugindex=0;
for(Map.Entry<BBlock, Graph> e:bbgraphMap.entrySet()) {
Graph g=e.getValue();
- plotGraph(g,"BB"+debugindex);
+ plotGraph(g,"BB"+e.getKey().nodes.get(0).toString().replace(' ','_'));
+ for(FlatMethod fm:blockMap.keySet()) {
+ System.out.println(fm.printMethod());
+ }
for(Map.Entry<FlatNode, Graph> e:graphMap.entrySet()) {
FlatNode fn=e.getKey();
Graph g=e.getValue();
- }
- for(FlatMethod fm:blockMap.keySet()) {
- fm.printMethod();
- }
+ }
boolean first=true;
for(PPoint caller:returnMap.get(bblock)) {
+ //System.out.println("Sending Return BBlock to "+caller.getBBlock().nodes.get(caller.getIndex()).toString().replace(' ','_'));
+ //newDelta.print();
if (first) {
//normal block
for(int i=0;i<blockvector.size();i++) {
+ //System.out.println("Sending BBlock to "+blockvector.get(i).nodes.get(0).toString().replace(' ','_'));
+ //newDelta.print();
if (i==0) {
newDelta.setBlock(new PPoint(blockvector.get(i)));
+ } else {
+ //System.out.println("EMPTY DELTA");
+ //System.out.println("delta");
+ //delta.print();
+ //System.out.println("newDelta");
+ //newDelta.print();
while(!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
AllocNode node=tovisit.pop();
MySet<Edge> edges=GraphManip.getEdges(graph, delta, node);
- newDelta.heapedgeadd.put(node, edges);
- edgeset.addAll(edges);
- for(Edge e:edges) {
- if (!nodeset.contains(e.dst)&&(oldnodeset==null||!oldnodeset.contains(e.dst))) {
- nodeset.add(e.dst);
- tovisit.add(e.dst);
+ if (!edges.isEmpty()) {
+ newDelta.heapedgeadd.put(node, edges);
+ edgeset.addAll(edges);
+ for(Edge e:edges) {
+ if (!nodeset.contains(e.dst)&&(oldnodeset==null||!oldnodeset.contains(e.dst))) {
+ nodeset.add(e.dst);
+ tovisit.add(e.dst);
+ }
AllocNode node=e.dst;
ClassDescriptor cd=node.getType().getClassDesc();
//Figure out exact method called and add to set
- targets.add(cd.getCalledMethod(md));
+ MethodDescriptor calledmd=cd.getCalledMethod(md);
+ targets.add(calledmd);
return targets;
//First build of this graph
//Build and enqueue to just use existing delta
Delta d=newDelta.changeParams(tmpMap, new PPoint(block.getStart()));
+ //System.out.println("AProcessing "+block.getStart().nodes.get(0).toString().replace(' ','_'));
+ //d.print();
} else if (newmethod) {
if (basedelta==null) {
//Build and enqueue delta
Delta d=basedelta.changeParams(tmpMap, new PPoint(block.getStart()));
+ //System.out.println("BProcessing "+block.getStart().nodes.get(0).toString().replace(' ','_'));
+ //d.print();
} else {
//Build and enqueue delta
Delta d=newDelta.changeParams(tmpMap, new PPoint(block.getStart()));
+ //System.out.println("CProcessing "+block.getStart().nodes.get(0).toString().replace(' ','_'));
+ //d.print();
computeReachableNodes(graph, delta, newDelta, nodeset, tovisit, edgeset, null);
//Compute call targets
- HashSet<MethodDescriptor> targets=computeTargets(fcall, newDelta);
+ HashSet<MethodDescriptor> newtargets=computeTargets(fcall, newDelta);
//Fix mapping
- fixMapping(fcall, targets, null, newDelta, callblock, callindex);
+ fixMapping(fcall, newtargets, null, newDelta, callblock, callindex);
//Compute edges into region to splice out
computeExternalEdges(graph, delta, nodeset, null, externaledgeset);
+ graph.callTargets=newtargets;
graph.callNodeAges=new HashSet<AllocNode>();
graph.callOldNodes=new HashSet<AllocNode>();
//Go through each temp
processParams(graph, delta, newDelta, nodeset, tovisit, edgeset, fcall, true);
//Go through each new heap edge that starts from old node
MySet<Edge> newedges=GraphManip.getDiffEdges(delta, oldnodeset);
for(Edge e:newedges) {
+ //Add new edges that start from old node to newDelta
+ AllocNode src=e.src;
+ if (!newDelta.heapedgeadd.containsKey(src)) {
+ newDelta.heapedgeadd.put(src, new MySet<Edge>());
+ }
+ newDelta.heapedgeadd.get(src).add(e);
if (!nodeset.contains(e.dst)&&!oldnodeset.contains(e.dst)) {
//Traverse all reachable nodes
computeReachableNodes(graph, delta, newDelta, nodeset, tovisit, edgeset, oldnodeset);
//Compute call targets
- HashSet<MethodDescriptor> targets=computeTargets(fcall, newDelta);
+ HashSet<MethodDescriptor> newtargets=computeTargets(fcall, newDelta);
+ graph.callTargets.addAll(newtargets);
//add in new nodeset and edgeset
//Fix mapping
- fixMapping(fcall, targets, oldedgeset, newDelta, callblock, callindex);
+ fixMapping(fcall, graph.callTargets, oldedgeset, newDelta, callblock, callindex);
//Compute edges into region to splice out
computeExternalEdges(graph, delta, oldnodeset, nodeset, externaledgeset);
//Splice out internal edges
removeEdges(delta, nodeset, edgeset, externaledgeset);
//Add in new external edges
//Apply diffs to graph
applyDiffs(graph, delta);
for(Map.Entry<TempDescriptor, MySet<Edge>> e: delta.varedgeadd.entrySet()) {
TempDescriptor tmp=e.getKey();
MySet<Edge> edgestoadd=e.getValue();
- graph.varMap.put(tmp, (MySet<Edge>) edgestoadd.clone());
+ if (graph.varMap.containsKey(tmp)) {
+ graph.varMap.get(tmp).addAll(edgestoadd);
+ } else
+ graph.varMap.put(tmp, (MySet<Edge>) edgestoadd.clone());
if (genbackwards) {
for(Edge eadd:edgestoadd) {
if (!graph.backMap.containsKey(eadd.dst))
//Kill new edges
if (graph.strongUpdateSet!=null&&fd!=null) {
- MySet<Edge> otherEdgesToRemove=GraphManip.getDiffEdges(delta, dstNodes);
+ MySet<Edge> otherEdgesToRemove=GraphManip.getDiffEdges(delta, dstNodes, fd);
if (edgesToRemove!=null)
return delta;
- static void updateVarDelta(Graph graph, Delta delta, TempDescriptor tmp, MySet<Edge> edgestoAdd, MySet<Edge> edgestoRemove) {
+ void updateVarDelta(Graph graph, Delta delta, TempDescriptor tmp, MySet<Edge> edgestoAdd, MySet<Edge> edgestoRemove) {
MySet<Edge> edgeAdd=delta.varedgeadd.get(tmp);
MySet<Edge> edgeRemove=delta.varedgeremove.get(tmp);
MySet<Edge> existingEdges=graph.getEdges(tmp);
if (edgeRemove!=null)
//Explicitly add it to the add set unless it is already in the graph
- if (!existingEdges.contains(e))
+ if (!existingEdges.contains(e)&&typeUtil.isSuperorType(tmp.getType(),e.dst.getType()))
- static void updateHeapDelta(Graph graph, Delta delta, MySet<Edge> edgestoAdd, MySet<Edge> edgestoRemove) {
+ void updateHeapDelta(Graph graph, Delta delta, MySet<Edge> edgestoAdd, MySet<Edge> edgestoRemove) {
if (edgestoRemove!=null)
for(Edge e: edgestoRemove) {
AllocNode src=e.src;
if (edgeRemove!=null)
//Explicitly add it to the add set unless it is already in the graph
- if (!existingEdges.contains(e)||!existingEdges.get(e).isNew()) {
+ if ((!existingEdges.contains(e)||!existingEdges.get(e).isNew())&&(e.fd==null||typeUtil.isSuperorType(e.fd.getType(), e.dst.getType()))) {
//Add it into the diffs
delta.varedgeadd.put(tmp, newedges);
//Remove the old edges
- delta.varedgeremove.put(tmp, (MySet<Edge>) graph.getEdges(tmp).clone());
+ MySet<Edge> oldedges=graph.getEdges(tmp);
+ if (!oldedges.isEmpty())
+ delta.varedgeremove.put(tmp, (MySet<Edge>) oldedges);
//Apply incoming diffs to graph
applyDiffs(graph, delta);
//Note that we create a single node
bbgraphMap.put(block, new Graph(null));
- Delta newdelta;
Graph graph=bbgraphMap.get(block);
if (newGraph) {
- newdelta=new Delta(null, true);
+ Delta newdelta=new Delta(null, true);
//Add in heap edges and throw away original diff
- graph.nodeMap.putAll(delta.heapedgeadd);
+ for(Map.Entry<AllocNode, MySet<Edge>> entry:delta.heapedgeadd.entrySet()) {
+ graph.nodeMap.put(entry.getKey(), new MySet<Edge>(entry.getValue()));
+ }
//Add in var edges and throw away original diff
- graph.varMap.putAll(delta.varedgeadd);
+ Set<TempDescriptor> livetemps=bblivetemps.get(block);
+ for(Map.Entry<TempDescriptor, MySet<Edge>> entry:delta.varedgeadd.entrySet()) {
+ if (livetemps.contains(entry.getKey()))
+ graph.varMap.put(entry.getKey(), new MySet<Edge>(entry.getValue()));
+ }
//Record that this is initial set...
//Add old nodes
graph.oldNodes.put(oldentry.getKey(), Boolean.TRUE);
+ return newdelta;
} else {
- newdelta=new Delta(null, false);
+ Delta newdelta=new Delta(null, false);
//merge in heap edges and variables
mergeHeapEdges(graph, delta, newdelta);
- mergeVarEdges(graph, delta, newdelta);
+ mergeVarEdges(graph, delta, newdelta, block);
mergeAges(graph, delta, newdelta);
+ return newdelta;
- return newdelta;
/* This function merges in the heap edges. It updates delta to be
MySet<Edge> dstedges=graph.nodeMap.get(nsrc);
MySet<Edge> diffedges=new MySet<Edge>();
for(Edge e:edges) {
if (!dstedges.contains(e)) {
//We have a new edge
/* This function merges in the var edges. It updates delta to be
* the difference */
- void mergeVarEdges(Graph graph, Delta delta, Delta newdelta) {
+ void mergeVarEdges(Graph graph, Delta delta, Delta newdelta, BBlock block) {
//Merge in edges
+ Set<TempDescriptor> livetemps=bblivetemps.get(block);
for(Map.Entry<TempDescriptor, MySet<Edge>> varedge:delta.varedgeadd.entrySet()) {
TempDescriptor tmpsrc=varedge.getKey();
- MySet<Edge> edges=varedge.getValue();
- if (graph.backMap!=null) {
+ if (livetemps.contains(tmpsrc)) {
+ MySet<Edge> edges=varedge.getValue();
+ if (graph.backMap!=null) {
+ for(Edge e:edges) {
+ if (!graph.backMap.containsKey(e.dst))
+ graph.backMap.put(e.dst, new MySet<Edge>());
+ graph.backMap.get(e.dst).add(e);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!graph.varMap.containsKey(tmpsrc)) {
+ graph.varMap.put(tmpsrc, new MySet<Edge>());
+ }
+ MySet<Edge> dstedges=graph.varMap.get(tmpsrc);
+ MySet<Edge> diffedges=new MySet<Edge>();
for(Edge e:edges) {
- if (!graph.backMap.containsKey(e.dst))
- graph.backMap.put(e.dst, new MySet<Edge>());
- graph.backMap.get(e.dst).add(e);
+ if (!dstedges.contains(e)) {
+ //We have a new edge
+ diffedges.add(e);
+ dstedges.add(e);
+ }
- }
- if (!graph.varMap.containsKey(tmpsrc)) {
- graph.varMap.put(tmpsrc, new MySet<Edge>());
- }
- MySet<Edge> dstedges=graph.varMap.get(tmpsrc);
- MySet<Edge> diffedges=new MySet<Edge>();
- for(Edge e:edges) {
- if (!dstedges.contains(e)) {
- //We have a new edge
- diffedges.add(e);
- dstedges.add(e);
+ //Done with edge set...
+ if (diffedges.size()>0) {
+ //completely new
+ newdelta.basevaredge.put(tmpsrc,diffedges);
- //Done with edge set...
- if (diffedges.size()>0) {
- //completely new
- newdelta.basevaredge.put(tmpsrc,diffedges);
- }