#define NOTMARKED 0
#define ALIGNOBJSIZE(x) (x)>>5
+#define ALIGNSIZETOBYTES(x) (x)<<5
+#define ALIGNTOTABLEINDEX(x) (x)>>(5+4)
+#define CONVERTTABLEINDEXTOPTR(x) (((unsigned INTPTR)((x)<<(5+4)))+gcbase)
#define OBJMASK 0x40000000 //set towhatever smallest object mark is
#define MARKMASK 0xc0000000 //set towhatever smallest object mark is
for(; page_index < page_index_end; page_index++) {
bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = {0};
unsigned int block = 0;
- BLOCKINDEX((void *) page_sva, block);
+ BLOCKINDEX(block, (void *) page_sva);
unsigned int coren = gc_block2core[block%(NUMCORES4GC*2)];
for(page_index = 0; page_index < page_num; page_index++) {
page_sva = gcbaseva + (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE) * page_index;
unsigned int block = 0;
- BLOCKINDEX((void *) page_sva, block);
+ BLOCKINDEX(block, (void *) page_sva);
unsigned int coren = gc_block2core[block%(NUMCORES4GC*2)];
printf("%x, %d, %d, ",(int)page_sva,page_index,coren);
for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORESACTIVE; i++) {
for(page_index = 0; page_index < page_num; page_index++) {
page_sva = gcbaseva + (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE) * page_index;
unsigned int block = 0;
- BLOCKINDEX((void *)page_sva, block);
+ BLOCKINDEX(block, (void *)page_sva);
unsigned int coren = gc_block2core[block%(NUMCORES4GC*2)];
printf(" %x, %d, %d, ",(int)page_sva,page_index,coren);
int accesscore = 0; // TODO
gccorestatus[i] = 1;
gcnumsendobjs[0][i] = gcnumsendobjs[1][i] = 0;
gcnumreceiveobjs[0][i] = gcnumreceiveobjs[1][i] = 0;
- gcloads[i] = NULL;
+ gcloads[i] = 0;
gcrequiredmems[i] = 0;
gcfilledblocks[i] = 0;
gcstopblock[i] = 0;
gcblock2fill = 0;
gcmovepending = 0;
gccurr_heaptop = 0;
- gcdstcore = 0;
return true;
-INLINE void checkMarkStatus_p2() {
+void checkMarkStatus_p2() {
// check if the sum of send objs and receive obj are the same
// yes->check if the info is the latest; no->go on executing
unsigned int sumsendobj = 0;
-INLINE void checkMarkStatus() {
+void checkMarkStatus() {
if((!waitconfirm)||(waitconfirm && (numconfirm == 0))) {
unsigned int entry_index = 0;
if(waitconfirm) {
// compute load balance for all cores
-INLINE int loadbalance(void ** heaptop) {
+int loadbalance(void ** heaptop, unsigned int * topblock, unsigned int * topcore) {
// compute load balance
// get the total loads
- unsigned int tloads = gcloads[STARTUPCORE];
- for(int i = 1; i < NUMCORES4GC; i++) {
+ unsigned int tloads = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORES4GC; i++) {
tloads += gcloads[i];
*heaptop = gcbaseva + tloads;
- unsigned int b = 0;
- BLOCKINDEX(*heaptop, b);
+ unsigned int topblockindex;
+ BLOCKINDEX(topblockindex, *heaptop);
// num of blocks per core
- unsigned int numbpc = (unsigned int)b/(unsigned int)(NUMCORES4GC);
- gctopblock = b;
- RESIDECORE(*heaptop, gctopcore);
+ unsigned int numbpc = (topblockindex+NUMCORES4GC-1)/NUMCORES4GC;
+ *topblock = topblockindex;
+ RESIDECORE(*heaptop, *topcore);
return numbpc;
// compute total mem size required and sort the lobjs in ascending order
-INLINE unsigned int sortLObjs() {
+unsigned int sortLObjs() {
unsigned int tmp_lobj = 0;
unsigned int tmp_len = 0;
unsigned int tmp_host = 0;
return sumsize;
-INLINE bool cacheLObjs() {
+bool cacheLObjs() {
// check the total mem size need for large objs
unsigned long long sumsize = 0;
unsigned int size = 0;
void updateSmemTbl(unsigned int coren, void * localtop) {
unsigned int ltopcore = 0;
unsigned int bound = BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L;
- BLOCKINDEX(localtop, ltopcore);
+ BLOCKINDEX(ltopcore, localtop);
if((unsigned int)localtop>=(unsigned int)(gcbaseva+BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND)){
-INLINE unsigned int checkCurrHeapTop() {
- // update the smemtbl
- BAMBOO_MEMSET_WH(bamboo_smemtbl, 0, sizeof(int)*gcnumblock);
- // flush all gcloads to indicate the real heap top on one core
- // previous it represents the next available ptr on a core
- if(((unsigned int)gcloads[0]>(unsigned int)(gcbaseva+BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L))&&(((unsigned int)gcloads[0]%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)) == 0)) {
- // edge of a block, check if this is exactly the heaptop
- BASEPTR(0, gcfilledblocks[0]-1, &(gcloads[0]));
- gcloads[0]+=BLOCKSIZE(gcfilledblocks[0]<=1);
- }
- updateSmemTbl(0, gcloads[0]);
- for(int i = 1; i < NUMCORES4GC; i++) {
- unsigned int tmptop = 0;
- if((gcfilledblocks[i] > 0)&&(((unsigned int)gcloads[i]%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)) == 0)) {
- // edge of a block, check if this is exactly the heaptop
- BASEPTR(i, gcfilledblocks[i]-1, &gcloads[i]);
- gcloads[i]+=BLOCKSIZE(gcfilledblocks[i]<=1);
- tmptop = gcloads[i];
- }
- updateSmemTbl(i, gcloads[i]);
- }
- // find current heap top
- // TODO
- // a bug here: when using local allocation, directly move large objects
- // to the highest free chunk might not be memory efficient
- unsigned int tmpheaptop = 0;
- for(int i = gcnumblock-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if(bamboo_smemtbl[i] > 0) {
- return gcbaseva+bamboo_smemtbl[i]+OFFSET2BASEVA(i);
- }
- }
- return gcbaseva;
-INLINE void movelobj(void * tmpheaptop, void * ptr,int size,int isize) {
- // move the large obj
- if((unsigned int)gcheaptop < (unsigned int)(tmpheaptop+size)) {
- memmove(tmpheaptop, gcheaptop, size);
- } else {
- memcpy(tmpheaptop, gcheaptop, size);
- }
- // fill the remaining space with -2 padding
- BAMBOO_MEMSET_WH(tmpheaptop+size, -2, isize-size);
- gcheaptop += size;
- // cache the mapping info
- gcmappingtbl[OBJMAPPINGINDEX(ptr)]=tmpheaptop;
- tmpheaptop += isize;
-INLINE void moveLObjs() {
-#ifdef SMEMM
- // update the gcmem_mixed_usedmem
- gcmem_mixed_usedmem = 0;
- unsigned int size = 0;
- unsigned int bound = 0;
- void * tmpheaptop = checkCurrHeapTop();
- // move large objs from gcheaptop to tmpheaptop
- // write the header first
- unsigned int tomove = gcbaseva+(BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE)-gcheaptop;
-#ifdef SMEMM
- gcmem_mixed_usedmem += tomove;
- // flush the sbstartbl
- BAMBOO_MEMSET_WH(gcsbstarttbl,'\0',(BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE/BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)*sizeof(unsigned int));
- if(tomove == 0) {
- gcheaptop = tmpheaptop;
- } else {
- // check how many blocks it acrosses
- unsigned INTPTR remain = (unsigned INTPTR) (tmpheaptop-gcbaseva);
- //number of the sblock
- unsigned int sb = remain/BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
- unsigned int b = 0; // number of the block
- BLOCKINDEX(tmpheaptop, b);
- // check the remaining space in this block
- bound = (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE);
- if(remain < (BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND)) {
- bound = (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L);
- }
- remain = bound - remain%bound;
- size = 0;
- unsigned int isize = 0;
- unsigned int host = 0;
- unsigned int ptr = 0;
- unsigned int base = tmpheaptop;
- unsigned int cpysize = 0;
- tmpheaptop += BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- gc_lobjqueueinit4_I();
- while(gc_lobjmoreItems4_I()) {
- ptr = (unsigned int)(gc_lobjdequeue4_I(&size, &host));
- isize=ALIGNSIZE(size, &isize);
- if(remain >= isize) {
- remain -= isize;
- // move the large obj
- movelobj(tmpheaptop,ptr,size,isize);
- cpysize += isize;
- // update bamboo_smemtbl
- bamboo_smemtbl[b] += isize;
- } else {
- // this object acrosses blocks
- if(cpysize > 0) {
- bamboo_smemtbl[b] += BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- cpysize = 0;
- base = tmpheaptop;
- if(remain == 0) {
- remain = BLOCKSIZE((tmpheaptop-gcbaseva)<(BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND));
- }
- tmpheaptop += BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- BLOCKINDEX(tmpheaptop, b);
- sb = (unsigned int)(tmpheaptop-gcbaseva)/(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE);
- }
- // move the obj
- movelobj(tmpheaptop,ptr,size,isize);
- // set the gcsbstarttbl and bamboo_smemtbl
- unsigned int tmpsbs=1+(unsigned int)(isize-remain-1)/BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
- for(int k = 1; k < tmpsbs; k++) {
- gcsbstarttbl[sb+k] = -1;
- }
- sb += tmpsbs;
- BLOCKINDEX(tmpheaptop-1, tmpsbs);
- for(; b < tmpsbs; b++) {
- bamboo_smemtbl[b] = bound;
- if(b==NUMCORES4GC-1) {
- }
- }
- if(((unsigned int)(isize-remain)%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)) == 0) {
- gcsbstarttbl[sb] = -1;
- remain = BLOCKSIZE((tmpheaptop-gcbaseva)<(BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND));
- bamboo_smemtbl[b] = bound;
- } else {
- gcsbstarttbl[sb] = (int)tmpheaptop;
- remain = tmpheaptop-gcbaseva;
- bamboo_smemtbl[b] = remain%bound;
- remain = bound - bamboo_smemtbl[b];
- }
- cpysize = 0;
- base = tmpheaptop;
- if(remain == BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) {
- // fill with 0 in case
- BAMBOO_MEMSET_WH(tmpheaptop, '\0', remain);
- }
- tmpheaptop += BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- }
- }
- if(cpysize > 0) {
- bamboo_smemtbl[b] += BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- } else {
- tmpheaptop -= BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- }
- gcheaptop = tmpheaptop;
- }
- bamboo_free_block = 0;
- unsigned int tbound = 0;
- do {
- tbound=BLOCKSIZE(bamboo_free_block<NUMCORES4GC);
- if(bamboo_smemtbl[bamboo_free_block] == tbound) {
- bamboo_free_block++;
- } else {
- // the first non-full partition
- break;
- }
- } while(true);
void gc_collect(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
gc_status_info.gcprocessing = true;
// inform the master that this core is at a gc safe point and is ready to
MAPPHASE, // 0x4
- FLUSHPHASE, // 0x5
// for load balancing
unsigned int gcheaptop;
unsigned INTPTR gcloads[NUMCORES4GC];
+//Top of each core's heap
void * topptrs[NUMCORES4GC];
unsigned int gctopcore; // the core host the top of the heap
unsigned int gctopblock; // the number of current top block
-unsigned int gcnumlobjs;
// compact instruction
unsigned int gcmarkedptrbound;
unsigned int gcblock2fill;
unsigned int gcstopblock[NUMCORES4GC]; // indicate when to stop compact phase
unsigned int gcfilledblocks[NUMCORES4GC]; //indicate how many blocks have been fulfilled
// move instruction;
unsigned int gcmovestartaddr;
-unsigned int gcdstcore;
volatile bool gctomove;
unsigned int gcrequiredmems[NUMCORES4GC]; //record pending mem requests
volatile unsigned int gcmovepending;
// table recording the starting address of each small block
// (size is BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE)
// Note: 1. this table always resides on the very bottom of the shared memory
-// 2. it is not counted in the shared heap, would never be garbage
-// collected
int * gcsbstarttbl;
unsigned int gcsbstarttbl_len;
((((unsigned int)p)>=gcbaseva)&&(((unsigned int)p)<(gcbaseva+(BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE))))
+//Minimum alignment unit
+//Bytes to shift to get minimum alignment units
+#define MAXBLOCK 0x4fffffff //local block number that can never be reached...
/* Number of bits used for each alignment unit */
+//Takes in size and converts into alignment units
+//Takes in pointer to heap object and converts to offset in alignment units
#define OBJMAPPINGINDEX(p) ALIGNOBJSIZE((unsigned INTPTR)(p-gcbaseva))
-#define ALIGNUNITS(s) (((s-1)>>ALIGNMENTSHIFT)+1)
+//Converts size of object into alignment units (need to round up)
+#define ALIGNUNITS(s) (((s-1)>>ALIGNMENTSHIFT)+1)
+//Rounds object size up to next alignment unit size
#define ALIGNSIZE(s) ((((unsigned int)(s-1))&~(ALIGNMENTBYTES-1))+ALIGNMENTBYTES)
// mapping of pointer to block # (start from 0), here the block # is
// the global index
-#define BLOCKINDEX(p, b) \
- { \
+#define BLOCKINDEX(b, p) \
+ { \
unsigned INTPTR t = (unsigned INTPTR)(p - gcbaseva); \
- b = t / BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L; \
- } else { \
+ b = t / BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L; \
+ } else { \
- } \
+ } \
#define RESIDECORE(p, c) { \
c = 0; \
} else { \
unsigned INTPTR b; \
- BLOCKINDEX(p, b); \
+ BLOCKINDEX(b, p); \
c = gc_block2core[(b%(NUMCORES4GC*2))]; \
} \
return host;
-// NOTE: n starts from 0
-// mapping of heaptop (how many bytes there are in the local heap) to
-// the number of the block
-// the number of the block indicates that the block is the xth block on
-// the local heap
+/*This macro takes in a number of bytes (the current offset into the
+ heap) and returns the number of local blocks needed for that many
+ bytes */
#define NUMBLOCKS(s, n) \
if(s < (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)) { \
- (*((unsigned int*)(n))) = 0; \
- } else { \
- (*((unsigned int*)(n))) = 1 + ((s) - (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)) / (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE); \
- }
-#define OFFSET(s, o) \
- if(s < BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L) { \
- (*((unsigned int*)(o))) = (s); \
+ (n) = 0; \
} else { \
- (*((unsigned int*)(o))) = ((s)-(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L))%(BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE); \
+ (n) = 1 + ((s) - (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L)) / (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE); \
+//this macro takes in a global block identifier and returns the base
+//offset into the heap
#define OFFSET2BASEVA(i) \
+//This macro takes in a local block number and returns the size of the block
#define BLOCKSIZE(c) \
-// mapping of (core #, index of the block) to the global block index
+//Takes as input the core number c and the local block index n and
+//returns the global block index
#define BLOCKINDEX2(c, n) \
- (gc_core2block[(2*(c))+((n)%2)]+((NUMCORES4GC*2)*((n)/2)))
+ (gc_core2block[2*(c)+((n)&1)]+(NUMCORES4GC*2)*((n)>>1))
+//This macro takes in a global block number and returns the base
+//pointer of the next block
#define BOUNDPTR(b) \
-#define BLOCKBOUND(n) \
-// mapping of (core #, number of the block) to the base pointer of the block
-#define BASEPTR(c, n, p) \
- { \
- unsigned int b = BLOCKINDEX2((c), (n)); \
- if(b < (NUMCORES4GC)) { \
- (*((unsigned int*)p)) = gcbaseva + b * (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L); \
- } else { \
- (*((unsigned int*)p)) = gcbaseva+(BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND)+ \
- } \
+//This macro takes in the core number c and the local block number and
+//sets p to the base pointer
+#define BASEPTR(p, c, n) { \
+ unsigned int b = BLOCKINDEX2((c), (n)); \
+ if(b < (NUMCORES4GC)) { \
+ p = gcbaseva + b * (BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L); \
+ } else { \
+ p = gcbaseva+(BAMBOO_LARGE_SMEM_BOUND)+ \
+ } \
// the next core in the top of the heap
#define NEXTTOPCORE(b) (gc_block2core[((b)+1)%(NUMCORES4GC*2)])
-// close current block, fill the header
-#define CLOSEBLOCK(base, size) \
- { \
- *((int*)(base)) = (size); \
- }
// check if all cores are stall now
{ \
#include "multicoreruntime.h"
#include "multicoregarbage.h"
-INLINE bool gc_checkCoreStatus() {
+bool gc_checkCoreStatus() {
for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORES4GC; ++i) {
if(gccorestatus[i] != 0) {
return false;
return true;
-INLINE void gc_resetCoreStatus() {
+void gc_resetCoreStatus() {
for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORES4GC; ++i) {
gccorestatus[i] = 1;
-// should be invoked with interrupt closed
-INLINE int assignSpareMem_I(unsigned int sourcecore,unsigned int * requiredmem, void ** tomove, void ** startaddr) {
- unsigned int b = 0;
- BLOCKINDEX(topptrs[sourcecore], b);
- void * boundptr = BOUNDPTR(b);
+void initOrig_Dst(struct moveHelper * orig,struct moveHelper * to) {
+ // init the dst ptr
+ to->blocknum = 0;
+ BASEPTR(to->base, BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, to->blocknum);
+ to->ptr = to->base;
+ to->bound=to->base+BLOCKSIZE(to->blocknum);
+ // init the orig ptr
+ orig->blocknum = 0;
+ orig->ptr=orig->base = to->base;
+ orig->bound = orig->base + BLOCKSIZE(orig->blocknum);
+void getSpaceLocally(struct moveHelper *to) {
+ //we have space on our core...just keep going
+ to->localblocknum++;
+ BASEPTR(to->base,BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, to->localblocknum);
+ to->ptr=to->base;
+ to->bound = to->base + BLOCKSIZE(to->localblocknum);
+void getSpaceRemotely(struct moveHelper *to, unsigned int minimumbytes) {
+ //need to get another block from elsewhere
+ //set flag to wait for memory
+ gctomove=false;
+ //send request for memory
+ send_msg_4(STARTUPCORE,GCFINISHCOMPACT,BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, to->ptr, minimumbytes);
+ //wait for flag to be set that we received message
+ while(!gctomove) ;
+ //store pointer
+ to->ptr = gcmovestartaddr;
+ //set localblock number to high number to indicate this block isn't local
+ to->localblocknum = MAXBLOCK;
+ unsigned int globalblocknum;
+ BLOCKINDEX(globalblocknum, to->ptr);
+ to->base = gcbaseva + OFFSET2BASEVA(globalblocknum);
+ to->bound = gcbaseva + BOUNDPTR(globalblocknum);
+void getSpace(struct moveHelper *to, unsigned int minimumbytes) {
+ //need more space to compact into
+ if (to->localblocknum < gcblock2fill) {
+ getSpaceLocally(to);
+ } else {
+ getSpaceRemotely(to, minimumbytes);
+ }
+void compacthelper(struct moveHelper * orig,struct moveHelper * to) {
+ while(true) {
+ unsigned int minimumbytes=compactblocks(orig, to);
+ if (orig->ptr==orig->bound) {
+ //need more data to compact
+ //increment the core
+ orig->localblocknum++;
+ BASEPTR(orig->base,BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, orig->localblocknum);
+ orig->ptr=orig->base;
+ orig->bound = orig->base + BLOCKSIZE(orig->localblocknum);
+ if (orig->base >= gcbaseva+BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (minimumbytes!=0) {
+ getSpace(to, minimumbytes);
+ }
+ }
+/* Should be invoked with interrupt turned off. */
+unsigned int assignSpareMem_I(unsigned int sourcecore, unsigned int requiredmem, void ** tomove, void ** startaddr) {
+ unsigned int blockindex;
+ BLOCKINDEX(blockindex, topptrs[sourcecore]);
+ void * boundptr = BOUNDPTR(blockindex);
unsigned INTPTR remain = (unsigned INTPTR) (boundptr - topptrs[sourcecore]);
unsigned int memneed = requiredmem + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
*startaddr = topptrs[sourcecore];
return 0;
} else {
// next available block
- gcfilledblocks[sourcecore] += 1;
+ gcfilledblocks[sourcecore]++;
void * newbase = NULL;
BASEPTR(sourcecore, gcfilledblocks[sourcecore], &newbase);
topptrs[sourcecore] = newbase;
-INLINE int assignSpareMem(unsigned int sourcecore,unsigned int * requiredmem,unsigned int * tomove, void ** startaddr) {
+unsigned int assignSpareMem(unsigned int sourcecore,unsigned int requiredmem,unsigned int * tomove, void ** startaddr) {
int retval=assignSpareMem_I(sourcecore, requiredmem, tomove, startaddr);
return retval;
-INLINE void compact2Heaptophelper_I(unsigned int coren, void ** p,unsigned int* numblocks,unsigned int* remain) {
- unsigned int b;
- unsigned int memneed = gcrequiredmems[coren] + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- if(STARTUPCORE == coren) {
- gctomove = true;
- gcmovestartaddr = *p;
- gcdstcore = gctopcore;
- gcblock2fill = *numblocks + 1;
- } else {
- cache_msg_4_I(coren,GCMOVESTART,gctopcore,*p,(*numblocks)+1);
- } else {
- send_msg_4_I(coren,GCMOVESTART,gctopcore,*p,(*numblocks)+1);
- }
- }
- if(memneed < *remain) {
- *p = *p + memneed;
- gcrequiredmems[coren] = 0;
- topptrs[gctopcore] += memneed;
- *remain = *remain - memneed;
- } else {
- // next available block
- *p = *p + *remain;
- gcfilledblocks[gctopcore] += 1;
- void * newbase = NULL;
- BASEPTR(gctopcore, gcfilledblocks[gctopcore], &newbase);
- topptrs[gctopcore] = newbase;
- gcrequiredmems[coren] -= *remain - BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- gcstopblock[gctopcore]++;
- gctopcore = NEXTTOPCORE(gctopblock);
- gctopblock++;
- *numblocks = gcstopblock[gctopcore];
- *p = topptrs[gctopcore];
- BLOCKINDEX(*p, b);
- *remain=GC_BLOCK_REMAIN_SIZE(b, (*p));
- }
- gcmovepending--;
-INLINE void compact2Heaptop() {
- // no cores with spare mem and some cores are blocked with pending move
- // find the current heap top and make them move to the heap top
- void * p = topptrs[gctopcore];
- unsigned int numblocks = gcfilledblocks[gctopcore];
- unsigned int b;
- unsigned int remain=GC_BLOCK_REMAIN_SIZE(b, p);
- // check if the top core finishes
- if(gccorestatus[gctopcore] != 0) {
- // let the top core finishes its own work first
- compact2Heaptophelper_I(gctopcore, &p, &numblocks, &remain);
- return;
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORES4GC; i++) {
- if((gccorestatus[i] != 0) && (gcrequiredmems[i] > 0)) {
- compact2Heaptophelper_I(i, &p, &numblocks, &remain);
- if(gccorestatus[gctopcore] != 0) {
- // the top core is not free now
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-INLINE void resolvePendingMoveRequest() {
- int i;
- int j;
- bool nosparemem = true;
- bool haspending = false;
- bool hasrunning = false;
- bool noblock = false;
- unsigned int dstcore = 0; // the core who need spare mem
- unsigned int sourcecore = 0; // the core who has spare mem
- for(i = j = 0; (i < NUMCORES4GC) && (j < NUMCORES4GC); ) {
- if(nosparemem) {
- // check if there are cores with spare mem
- if(gccorestatus[i] == 0) {
- // finished working, check if it still have spare mem
- if(gcfilledblocks[i] < gcstopblock[i]) {
- // still have spare mem
- nosparemem = false;
- sourcecore = i;
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- if(!haspending) {
- if(gccorestatus[j] != 0) {
- // not finished, check if it has pending move requests
- if((gcfilledblocks[j]==gcstopblock[j])&&(gcrequiredmems[j]>0)) {
- dstcore = j;
- haspending = true;
- } else {
- hasrunning = true;
- }
- }
- j++;
- }
- if(!nosparemem && haspending) {
- // find match
- unsigned int tomove = 0;
- unsigned int startaddr = 0;
- gcrequiredmems[dstcore] = assignSpareMem(sourcecore,gcrequiredmems[dstcore],&tomove,&startaddr);
- if(STARTUPCORE == dstcore) {
- gcdstcore = sourcecore;
- gctomove = true;
- gcmovestartaddr = startaddr;
- gcblock2fill = tomove;
- } else {
- send_msg_4(dstcore,GCMOVESTART,sourcecore,startaddr,tomove);
- }
- gcmovepending--;
- nosparemem = true;
- haspending = false;
- noblock = true;
- }
- }
- if(!hasrunning && !noblock) {
- gc_status_info.gcphase = SUBTLECOMPACTPHASE;
- compact2Heaptop();
- }
-// If out of boundary of valid shared memory, return false, else return true
-INLINE bool nextSBlock(struct moveHelper * orig) {
- orig->blockbase = orig->blockbound;
- bool sbchanged = false;
- unsigned int origptr = orig->ptr;
- unsigned int blockbase = orig->blockbase;
- unsigned int blockbound = orig->blockbound;
- unsigned int bound = orig->bound;
- // check if across a big block
- // TODO now do not zero out the whole memory, maybe the last two conditions
- // are useless now
- if((blockbase>=bound)||(origptr>=bound)||((origptr!=NULL)&&(*((int*)origptr))==0)||((*((int*)blockbase))==0)) {
- innernextSBlock:
- // end of current heap block, jump to next one
- orig->numblocks++;
- BASEPTR(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, orig->numblocks, &(orig->base));
- if(orig->base >= gcbaseva + BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE) {
- // out of boundary
- orig->ptr = orig->base; // set current ptr to out of boundary too
- return false;
- }
- orig->blockbase = orig->base;
- orig->sblockindex=(unsigned int)(orig->blockbase-gcbaseva)/BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
- sbchanged = true;
- unsigned int blocknum = 0;
- BLOCKINDEX(orig->base, blocknum);
- if(bamboo_smemtbl[blocknum] == 0) {
- // goto next block
- goto innernextSBlock;
- }
- // check the bamboo_smemtbl to decide the real bound
- orig->bound = orig->base + bamboo_smemtbl[blocknum];
- } else if(0 == ((unsigned INTPTR)orig->blockbase)%BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE) {
- orig->sblockindex += 1;
- sbchanged = true;
- }
- // check if this sblock should be skipped or have special start point
- int sbstart = gcsbstarttbl[orig->sblockindex];
- if(sbstart == -1) {
- // goto next sblock
- orig->sblockindex += 1;
- orig->blockbase += BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
- goto outernextSBlock;
- } else if((sbstart != 0) && (sbchanged)) {
- // the first time to access this SBlock
- // not start from the very beginning
- orig->blockbase = sbstart;
- }
- // setup information for this sblock
- orig->blockbound = orig->blockbase+(unsigned int)*((int*)(orig->blockbase));
- orig->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- orig->ptr = orig->blockbase + orig->offset;
- if(orig->ptr >= orig->bound) {
- // met a lobj, move to next block
- goto innernextSBlock;
- }
- return true;
-// return false if there are no available data to compact
-INLINE bool initOrig_Dst(struct moveHelper * orig,struct moveHelper * to) {
- // init the dst ptr
- to->numblocks = 0;
- to->top = to->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- to->bound = BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L;
- BASEPTR(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, to->numblocks, &(to->base));
+/* should be invoked with interrupt turned off */
- void * tobase = to->base;
- to->ptr = tobase + to->offset;
- // init the orig ptr
- orig->numblocks = 0;
- orig->base = tobase;
- unsigned int blocknum = 0;
- BLOCKINDEX(orig->base, blocknum);
- void * origbase = orig->base;
- // check the bamboo_smemtbl to decide the real bound
- orig->bound = origbase + (unsigned INTPTR)bamboo_smemtbl[blocknum];
- orig->blockbase = origbase;
- orig->sblockindex = (unsigned INTPTR)(origbase - gcbaseva) / BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
- int sbstart = gcsbstarttbl[orig->sblockindex];
- if(sbstart == -1) {
- // goto next sblock
- orig->blockbound=gcbaseva+BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE*(orig->sblockindex+1);
- return nextSBlock(orig);
- } else if(sbstart != 0) {
- orig->blockbase = sbstart;
- }
- orig->blockbound = orig->blockbase + *((int*)(orig->blockbase));
- orig->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- orig->ptr = orig->blockbase + orig->offset;
- return true;
-INLINE void nextBlock(struct moveHelper * to) {
- to->top = to->bound + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE; // header!
- to->bound += BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE;
- to->numblocks++;
- BASEPTR(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, to->numblocks, &(to->base));
- to->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- to->ptr = to->base + to->offset;
-INLINE unsigned int findValidObj(struct moveHelper * orig,struct moveHelper * to,int * type) {
- unsigned int size = 0;
- while(true) {
- CACHEADAPT_COMPLETE_PAGE_CONVERT(orig, to, to->ptr, false);
- unsigned int origptr = (unsigned int)(orig->ptr);
- unsigned int origbound = (unsigned int)orig->bound;
- unsigned int origblockbound = (unsigned int)orig->blockbound;
- if((origptr >= origbound) || (origptr == origblockbound)) {
- if(!nextSBlock(orig)) {
- // finished, no more data
- return -1;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // check the obj's type, size and mark flag
- *type = ((int *)(origptr))[0];
- size = 0;
- if(*type == 0) {
- // end of this block, go to next one
- if(!nextSBlock(orig)) {
- // finished, no more data
- return -1;
- }
- continue;
- } else if(*type < NUMCLASSES) {
- // a normal object
- size = classsize[*type];
- } else {
- // an array
- struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *)(origptr);
- unsigned int elementsize=classsize[*type];
- unsigned int length=ao->___length___;
- size=(unsigned int)sizeof(struct ArrayObject)+(unsigned int)(length*elementsize);
- }
- return size;
- }
-// endaddr does not contain spaces for headers
-INLINE bool moveobj(struct moveHelper * orig, struct moveHelper * to, unsigned int stopblock) {
- if(stopblock == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- int type = 0;
- unsigned int size = findValidObj(orig, to, &type);
- unsigned int isize = 0;
- if(size == -1) {
- // finished, no more data
- return true;
- }
- ALIGNSIZE(size, &isize); // no matter is the obj marked or not
- // should be able to across
- void * origptr = orig->ptr;
- int markedstatus;
- GETMARKED(markedstatus, origptr);
- if(markedstatus==MARKEDFIRST) {
- unsigned int totop = (unsigned int)to->top;
- unsigned int tobound = (unsigned int)to->bound;
- BAMBOO_ASSERT(totop<=tobound);
- // marked obj, copy it to current heap top
- // check to see if remaining space is enough
- if((unsigned int)(totop + isize) > tobound) {
- // fill 0 indicating the end of this block
- BAMBOO_MEMSET_WH(to->ptr, '\0', tobound - totop);
- // fill the header of this block and then go to next block
- to->offset += tobound - totop;
- CLOSEBLOCK(to->base, to->offset);
- void * tmp_ptr = to->ptr;
- nextBlock(to);
- if((to->top+isize)>(to->bound)) tprintf("%x, %x, %d, %d, %d, %d \n", to->ptr, orig->ptr, to->top, to->bound, isize, size);
- BAMBOO_ASSERT((to->top+isize)<=(to->bound));
- CACHEADAPT_COMPLETE_PAGE_CONVERT(orig, to, tmp_ptr, true);
- if(stopblock == to->numblocks) {
- // already fulfilled the block
- return true;
- }
- }
- BAMBOO_ASSERT((to->top+isize)<=(to->bound));
- // set the mark field to 2, indicating that this obj has been moved
- // and need to be flushed
- void * toptr = to->ptr;
- if(toptr != origptr) {
- if((unsigned int)(origptr) < (unsigned int)(toptr+size)) {
- memmove(toptr, origptr, size);
- } else {
- memcpy(toptr, origptr, size);
- }
- // fill the remaining space with -2
- BAMBOO_MEMSET_WH((unsigned int)(toptr+size), -2, isize-size);
- }
- // store mapping info
- gcmappingtbl[OBJMAPPINGINDEX(origptr)]=(unsigned int)toptr;
- gccurr_heaptop -= isize;
- to->ptr += isize;
- to->offset += isize;
- to->top += isize;
- BAMBOO_ASSERT((to->top)<=(to->bound));
- void * tmp_ptr = to->ptr;
-#endif // GC_CACHE_ADAPT
- if(to->top == to->bound) {
- CLOSEBLOCK(to->base, to->offset);
- nextBlock(to);
- }
- CACHEADAPT_COMPLETE_PAGE_CONVERT(orig, to, tmp_ptr, true);
- }
- // move to next obj
- orig->ptr += isize;
- return ((((unsigned int)(orig->ptr) > (unsigned int)(orig->bound))||((unsigned int)(orig->ptr) == (unsigned int)(orig->blockbound)))&&!nextSBlock(orig));
-// should be invoked with interrupt closed
-bool gcfindSpareMem_I(unsigned int * startaddr,unsigned int * tomove,unsigned int * dstcore,unsigned int requiredmem,unsigned int requiredcore) {
+void * gcfindSpareMem_I(unsigned int requiredmem,unsigned int requiredcore) {
+ void * startaddr;
for(int k = 0; k < NUMCORES4GC; k++) {
if((gccorestatus[k] == 0) && (gcfilledblocks[k] < gcstopblock[k])) {
// check if this stopped core has enough mem
- assignSpareMem_I(k, requiredmem, tomove, startaddr);
- *dstcore = k;
- return true;
+ assignSpareMem_I(k, requiredmem, tomove, &startaddr);
+ return startaddr;
- // if can not find spare mem right now, hold the request
+ // If we cannot find spare mem right now, hold the request
gcrequiredmems[requiredcore] = requiredmem;
- return false;
+ return NULL;
bool gcfindSpareMem(unsigned int * startaddr,unsigned int * tomove,unsigned int * dstcore,unsigned int requiredmem,unsigned int requiredcore) {
return retval;
-bool compacthelper(struct moveHelper * orig,struct moveHelper * to,int * filledblocks, void ** heaptopptr,bool * localcompact, bool lbmove) {
- bool loadbalancemove = lbmove;
- // scan over all objs in this block, compact the marked objs
- // loop stop when finishing either scanning all active objs or
- // fulfilled the gcstopblock
- while(true) {
- while((unsigned int)(orig->ptr) < (unsigned int)gcmarkedptrbound) {
- if(moveobj(orig, to, gcblock2fill)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // if no objs have been compact, do nothing,
- // otherwise, fill the header of this block
- if(to->offset > (unsigned int)BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE) {
- CLOSEBLOCK(to->base, to->offset);
- } else {
- to->offset = 0;
- to->ptr = to->base;
- }
- if(*localcompact) {
- *heaptopptr = to->ptr;
- *filledblocks = to->numblocks;
- }
- // send msgs to core coordinator indicating that the compact is finishing
- // send compact finish message to core coordinator
- gcfilledblocks[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = *filledblocks;
- topptrs[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = *heaptopptr;
- //tprintf("--finish compact: %d, %d, %d, %x, %x \n", BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, loadbalancemove, *filledblocks, *heaptopptr, gccurr_heaptop);
- if((unsigned int)(orig->ptr) < (unsigned int)gcmarkedptrbound) {
- // ask for more mem
- gctomove = false;
- if(gcfindSpareMem(&gcmovestartaddr,&gcblock2fill,&gcdstcore,gccurr_heaptop,BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE)) {
- gctomove = true;
- } else {
- return false;
+/* This function is performance critical... spend more time optimizing it */
+unsigned int compactblocks(struct moveHelper * orig, struct moveHelper * to) {
+ void *toptr=to->ptr;
+ void *tobound=to->bound;
+ void *origptr=orig->ptr;
+ void *origbound=orig->bound;
+ unsigned INTPTR origendoffset=ALIGNTOTABLEINDEX((unsigned INTPTR)(origbound-gcbase));
+ unsigned int objlength;
+ while(origptr<origbound) {
+ //Try to skip over stuff fast first
+ unsigned INTPTR offset=(unsigned INTPTR) (origptr-gcbase);
+ unsigned INTPTR arrayoffset=ALIGNTOTABLEINDEX(offset);
+ if (!gcmarktbl[arrayoffset]) {
+ do {
+ arrayoffset++;
+ if (arrayoffset<origendoffset) {
+ //finished with block...
+ origptr=origbound;
+ to->ptr=toptr;
+ orig->ptr=origptr;
+ return 0;
- } else {
- gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
- gctomove = false;
- // write back to the Main Memory and release any DTLB entry for the
- // last block as someone else might later write into it
- // flush the shared heap
- return true;
- }
- } else {
- if((unsigned int)(orig->ptr) < (unsigned int)gcmarkedptrbound) {
- // ask for more mem
- gctomove = false;
- send_msg_6(STARTUPCORE,GCFINISHCOMPACT,BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE,loadbalancemove,*filledblocks,*heaptopptr,gccurr_heaptop);
- } else {
- // finish compacting
- send_msg_6(STARTUPCORE,GCFINISHCOMPACT,BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE,loadbalancemove,*filledblocks,*heaptopptr, 0);
- // write back to the Main Memory and release any DTLB entry for the
- // last block as someone else might later write into it.
- // flush the shared heap
- }
+ } while(!gcmarktbl[arrayoffset]);
+ origptr=CONVERTTABLEINDEXTOPTR(arrayoffset);
- if(orig->ptr < gcmarkedptrbound) {
- // still have unpacked obj
- while(!gctomove) ;
- loadbalancemove = true;
- gctomove = false;
- to->ptr = gcmovestartaddr;
- to->numblocks = gcblock2fill - 1;
- to->bound = BLOCKBOUND(to->numblocks);
- BASEPTR(gcdstcore, to->numblocks, &(to->base));
- to->offset = to->ptr - to->base;
- to->top=(to->numblocks==0)?(to->offset):(to->bound-BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE+to->offset);
- to->base = to->ptr;
- to->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- to->ptr += to->offset; // for header
- to->top += to->offset;
- *localcompact = (gcdstcore == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
+ //Scan more carefully next
+ objlength=getMarkedLength(origptr);
+ if (objlength!=NOTMARKED) {
+ unsigned int length=ALIGNSIZETOBYTES(objlength);
+ void *endtoptr=toptr+length;
+ if (endtoptr>tobound) {
+ toptr=tobound;
+ to->ptr=toptr;
+ orig->ptr=origptr;
+ return length;
+ }
+ //good to move objects and update pointers
+ gcmappingtbl[OBJMAPPINGINDEX(origptr)]=toptr;
+ origptr+=length;
+ toptr=endtoptr;
} else
- return true;
+ origptr+=ALIGNSIZE;
// initialize structs for compacting
struct moveHelper orig={0,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0};
struct moveHelper to={0,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0};
- if(!initOrig_Dst(&orig, &to)) {
- // no available data to compact
- // send compact finish msg to STARTUP core
- } else {
+ initOrig_Dst(&orig, &to);
- unsigned int filledblocks = 0;
- void * heaptopptr = NULL;
- bool localcompact = true;
- compacthelper(&orig, &to, &filledblocks, &heaptopptr, &localcompact, false);
- }
+ compacthelper(&orig, &to);
void master_compact() {
// predict number of blocks to fill for each core
void * tmpheaptop = 0;
- int numpbc = loadbalance(&tmpheaptop);
+ int numblockspercore = loadbalance(&tmpheaptop, &gctopblock, &gctopcore);
GC_PRINTF("mark phase finished \n");
+ gc_resetCoreStatus();
tmpheaptop = gcbaseva + BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE;
for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORES4GC; i++) {
- unsigned int tmpcoreptr = 0;
- BASEPTR(i, numpbc, &tmpcoreptr);
// init some data strutures for compact phase
- gcloads[i] = NULL;
gcfilledblocks[i] = 0;
gcrequiredmems[i] = 0;
gccorestatus[i] = 1;
//send start compact messages to all cores
- gcstopblock[i] = numpbc+1;
+ gcstopblock[i] = numblockspercore;
if(i != STARTUPCORE) {
- send_msg_2(i, GCSTARTCOMPACT, numpbc+1);
+ send_msg_2(i, GCSTARTCOMPACT, numblockspercore);
} else {
- gcblock2fill = numpbc+1;
+ gcblock2fill = numblockspercore;
// compact phase
- compact_master();
- GC_PRINTF("prepare to move large objs \n");
- // move largeObjs
- moveLObjs();
- GC_PRINTF("compact phase finished \n");
+ compact();
+ /* wait for all cores to finish compacting */
-void compact_master() {
- // initialize pointers for compacting
- struct moveHelper orig={0,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0};
- struct moveHelper to={0,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0};
+ while(gc_checkCoreStatus())
+ ;
- initOrig_Dst(&orig, &to);
- int filledblocks = 0;
- void * heaptopptr = NULL;
- bool finishcompact = false;
- bool iscontinue = true;
- bool localcompact = true;
- bool lbmove = false;
- while((COMPACTPHASE == gc_status_info.gcphase) || (SUBTLECOMPACTPHASE == gc_status_info.gcphase)) {
- if((!finishcompact) && iscontinue) {
- finishcompact = compacthelper(&orig,&to,&filledblocks,&heaptopptr,&localcompact, lbmove);
- }
- if(gc_checkCoreStatus()) {
- // all cores have finished compacting restore the gcstatus of all cores
- gc_resetCoreStatus();
- break;
- } else {
- // check if there are spare mem for pending move requires
- if(COMPACTPHASE == gc_status_info.gcphase) {
- resolvePendingMoveRequest();
- } else {
- compact2Heaptop();
- }
- }
- if(gctomove) {
- to.ptr = gcmovestartaddr;
- to.numblocks = gcblock2fill - 1;
- to.bound = BLOCKBOUND(to.numblocks);
- BASEPTR(gcdstcore, to.numblocks, &(to.base));
- to.offset = to.ptr - to.base;
- to.top = (to.numblocks==0)?(to.offset):(to.bound-BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE+to.offset);
- to.base = to.ptr;
- to.ptr += to.offset; // for header
- to.top += to.offset;
- localcompact = (gcdstcore == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
- gctomove = false;
- iscontinue = true;
- lbmove = true;
- } else if(!finishcompact) {
- // still pending
- iscontinue = false;
- lbmove = false;
- }
- }
+ GC_PRINTF("compact phase finished \n");
#endif // MULTICORE_GC
#include "multicore.h"
struct moveHelper {
- unsigned int numblocks; // block num for heap
- void * base; // base virtual address of current heap block
- void * ptr; // virtual address of current heap top
- unsigned int offset; // offset in current heap block
- void * blockbase; // virtual address of current small block to check
- unsigned int blockbound; // bound virtual address of current small blcok
- unsigned int sblockindex; // index of the small blocks
- unsigned int top; // real size of current heap block to check
- unsigned int bound; // bound size of current heap block to check
+ unsigned int localblocknum; // local block num for heap
+ void * base; // base virtual address of current heap block
+ void * ptr; // current pointer into block
+ void * bound; // upper bound of current block
-// compute the remaining size of block #b
-// p--ptr
-#define GC_BLOCK_REMAIN_SIZE(b, p) \
-bool gcfindSpareMem_I(unsigned int * startaddr,unsigned int * tomove,unsigned int * dstcore,unsigned int requiredmem,unsigned int requiredcore);
+void initOrig_Dst(struct moveHelper * orig,struct moveHelper * to);
+void compacthelper(struct moveHelper * orig,struct moveHelper * to);
+void compactblocks(struct moveHelper * orig,struct moveHelper * to);
void compact();
void compact_master(struct moveHelper * orig, struct moveHelper * to);
#endif // MULTICORE_GC
// NOTE: the objptr should not be NULL and should not be non shared ptr
-#define FLUSHOBJ(obj, tt) {void *flushtmpptr=obj; if (flushtmpptr!=NULL) obj=flushObj(flushtmpptr);}
-#define FLUSHOBJNONNULL(obj, tt) {void *flushtmpptr=obj; obj=flushObj(flushtmpptr);}
+#define updateObj(objptr) gcmappingtbl[OBJMAPPINGINDEX(objptr)]
+#define UPDATEOBJ(obj, tt) {void *updatetmpptr=obj; if (updatetmpptr!=NULL) obj=updateObj(updatetmpptr);}
+#define UPDATEOBJNONNULL(obj, tt) {void *updatetmpptr=obj; obj=updateObj(updatetmpptr);}
-INLINE void * flushObj(void * objptr) {
- return gcmappingtbl[OBJMAPPINGINDEX(objptr)];
INLINE void updategarbagelist(struct garbagelist *listptr) {
for(;listptr!=NULL; listptr=listptr->next) {
for(int i=0; i<listptr->size; i++) {
- FLUSHOBJ(listptr->array[i], i);
+ UPDATEOBJ(listptr->array[i], i);
-INLINE void flushRuntimeObj(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
- // flush current stack
+INLINE void updateRuntimePtrs(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
+ // update current stack
- // flush static pointers global_defs_p
+ // update static pointers global_defs_p
updategarbagelist((struct garbagelist *)global_defs_p);
#ifdef TASK
- // flush objectsets
+ // update objectsets
for(int i=0; i<NUMCLASSES; i++) {
struct parameterwrapper ** queues = objectqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][i];
struct parameterwrapper * parameter = queues[j];
struct ObjectHash * set=parameter->objectset;
for(struct ObjectNode * ptr=set->listhead;ptr!=NULL;ptr=ptr->lnext) {
- FLUSHOBJNONNULL(ptr->key, 0);
+ UPDATEOBJNONNULL(ptr->key, 0);
- // flush current task descriptor
+ // update current task descriptor
if(currtpd != NULL) {
for(int i=0; i<currtpd->numParameters; i++) {
// the parameter can not be NULL
- FLUSHOBJNONNULL(currtpd->parameterArray[i], i);
+ UPDATEOBJNONNULL(currtpd->parameterArray[i], i);
- // flush active tasks
+ // update active tasks
if(activetasks != NULL) {
for(struct genpointerlist * ptr=activetasks->list;ptr!=NULL;ptr=ptr->inext){
struct taskparamdescriptor *tpd=ptr->src;
for(int i=0; i<tpd->numParameters; i++) {
// the parameter can not be NULL
- FLUSHOBJNONNULL(tpd->parameterArray[i], i);
+ UPDATEOBJNONNULL(tpd->parameterArray[i], i);
- // flush cached transferred obj
+ // update cached transferred obj
for(struct QueueItem * tmpobjptr = getHead(&objqueue);tmpobjptr != NULL;tmpobjptr = getNextQueueItem(tmpobjptr)) {
struct transObjInfo * objInfo=(struct transObjInfo *)(tmpobjptr->objectptr);
// the obj can not be NULL
- FLUSHOBJNONNULL(objInfo->objptr, 0);
+ UPDATEOBJNONNULL(objInfo->objptr, 0);
- // flush cached objs to be transferred
+ // update cached objs to be transferred
for(struct QueueItem * item = getHead(totransobjqueue);item != NULL;item = getNextQueueItem(item)) {
struct transObjInfo * totransobj = (struct transObjInfo *)(item->objectptr);
// the obj can not be NULL
- FLUSHOBJNONNULL(totransobj->objptr, 0);
+ UPDATEOBJNONNULL(totransobj->objptr, 0);
// enqueue lock related info
for(int i = 0; i < runtime_locklen; ++i) {
- FLUSHOBJ(runtime_locks[i].redirectlock, i);
- FLUSHOBJ(runtime_locks[i].value, i);
+ UPDATEOBJ(runtime_locks[i].redirectlock, i);
+ UPDATEOBJ(runtime_locks[i].value, i);
#ifdef MGC
- // flush the bamboo_threadlocks
+ // update the bamboo_threadlocks
for(int i = 0; i < bamboo_threadlocks.index; i++) {
// the locked obj can not be NULL
- FLUSHOBJNONNULL(bamboo_threadlocks.locks[i].object, i);
+ UPDATEOBJNONNULL(bamboo_threadlocks.locks[i].object, i);
- // flush the bamboo_current_thread
- FLUSHOBJ(bamboo_current_thread, 0);
+ // update the bamboo_current_thread
+ UPDATEOBJ(bamboo_current_thread, 0);
- // flush global thread queue
+ // update global thread queue
unsigned int thread_counter = *((unsigned int*)(bamboo_thread_queue+1));
if(thread_counter > 0) {
unsigned int start = *((unsigned int*)(bamboo_thread_queue+2));
for(int i = thread_counter; i > 0; i--) {
// the thread obj can not be NULL
- FLUSHOBJNONNULL(bamboo_thread_queue[4+start], 0);
+ UPDATEOBJNONNULL(bamboo_thread_queue[4+start], 0);
start = (start+1)&bamboo_max_thread_num_mask;
-INLINE void flushPtrsInObj(void * ptr) {
+INLINE void updatePtrsInObj(void * ptr) {
int type = ((int *)(ptr))[0];
// scan all pointers in ptr
unsigned int * pointer=pointerarray[type];
unsigned int size=pointer[0];
for(int i=1; i<=size; i++) {
unsigned int offset=pointer[i];
- FLUSHOBJ(*((void **)(((char *)ptr)+offset)), i);
+ UPDATEOBJ(*((void **)(((char *)ptr)+offset)), i);
} else if (((unsigned int)pointer)==1) {
struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) ptr;
int length=ao->___length___;
for(int j=0; j<length; j++) {
- FLUSHOBJ(((void **)(((char *)&ao->___length___)+sizeof(int)))[j], j);
+ UPDATEOBJ(((void **)(((char *)&ao->___length___)+sizeof(int)))[j], j);
for(int i=1; i<=size; i++) {
unsigned int offset=pointer[i];
- FLUSHOBJ(*((void **)(((char *)ptr)+offset)), i);
+ UPDATEOBJ(*((void **)(((char *)ptr)+offset)), i);
} else {
for(int i=1; i<=size; i++) {
unsigned int offset=pointer[i];
- FLUSHOBJ(*((void **)(((char *)ptr)+offset)), i);
+ UPDATEOBJ(*((void **)(((char *)ptr)+offset)), i);
-void flush(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
+/* This function is performance critical... spend more time optimizing it */
+unsigned int updateblocks(struct moveHelper * orig, struct moveHelper * to) {
+ void *tobase=to->base;
+ void *tobound=to->bound;
+ void *origptr=orig->ptr;
+ void *origbound=orig->bound;
+ unsigned INTPTR origendoffset=ALIGNTOTABLEINDEX((unsigned INTPTR)(origbound-gcbase));
+ unsigned int objlength;
+ while(origptr<origbound) {
+ //Try to skip over stuff fast first
+ unsigned INTPTR offset=(unsigned INTPTR) (origptr-gcbase);
+ unsigned INTPTR arrayoffset=ALIGNTOTABLEINDEX(offset);
+ if (!gcmarktbl[arrayoffset]) {
+ do {
+ arrayoffset++;
+ if (arrayoffset<origendoffset) {
+ //finished with block...
+ origptr=origbound;
+ to->ptr=toptr;
+ orig->ptr=origptr;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } while(!gcmarktbl[arrayoffset]);
+ origptr=CONVERTTABLEINDEXTOPTR(arrayoffset);
+ }
+ //Scan more carefully next
+ objlength=getMarkedLength(origptr);
+ void *dstptr=gcmappingtbl[OBJMAPPINGINDEX(origptr)];
+ if (objlength!=NOTMARKED) {
+ unsigned int length=ALIGNSIZETOBYTES(objlength);
+ void *endtoptr=dstptr+length;
+ if (endtoptr>tobound||endtoptr<tobase) {
+ toptr=tobound;
+ to->ptr=toptr;
+ orig->ptr=origptr;
+ return length;
+ }
+ /* Move the object */
+ if(origptr <= dstptr+size) {
+ memmove(dstptr, origptr, size);
+ } else {
+ memcpy(dstptr, origptr, size);
+ }
+ /* Update the pointers in the object */
+ updatePtrsInObj(dstptr);
+ /* Clear the mark */
+ clearMark(origptr);
+ //good to move objects and update pointers
+ origptr+=length;
+ } else
+ origptr+=ALIGNSIZE;
+ }
- flushRuntimeObj(stackptr);
- while(gc_moreItems()) {
- void * ptr = (void *) gc_dequeue();
- // should be a local shared obj and should have mapping info
- int markedstatus;
- GETMARKED(markedstatus, ptr);
- if(markedstatus==MARKEDFIRST) {
- flushPtrsInObj((void *)ptr);
- // restore the mark field, indicating that this obj has been flushed
+void updatehelper(struct moveHelper * orig,struct moveHelper * to) {
+ while(true) {
+ unsigned int minimumbytes=updateblocks(orig, to);
+ if (orig->ptr==orig->bound) {
+ //need more data to compact
+ //increment the core
+ orig->localblocknum++;
+ BASEPTR(orig->base,BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, orig->localblocknum);
+ orig->ptr=orig->base;
+ orig->bound = orig->base + BLOCKSIZE(orig->localblocknum);
+ if (orig->base >= gcbaseva+BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE)
+ break;
- }
- // TODO bug here: the startup core contains all lobjs' info, thus all the
- // lobjs are flushed in sequence.
- // flush lobjs
- while(gc_lobjmoreItems_I()) {
- void * ptr = (void *) gc_lobjdequeue_I(NULL, NULL);
- FLUSHOBJ(ptr, 0);
- int markedstatus;
- GETMARKED(markedstatus, ptr);
- if(markedstatus==MARKEDFIRST) {
- flushPtrsInObj(ptr);
- // restore the mark field, indicating that this obj has been flushed
- }
- }
- // send flush finish message to core coordinator
+ if (minimumbytes!=0) {
+ getSpace(to, minimumbytes);
+ }
+ }
+void updateheap() {
+ // initialize structs for compacting
+ struct moveHelper orig={0,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0};
+ struct moveHelper to={0,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0};
+ initOrig_Dst(&orig, &to);
+ updatehelper(&orig, &to);
+void update(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
+ updateRuntimePtrs(stackptr);
+ updateheap();
+ // send update finish message to core coordinator
gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
} else {
- //tprintf("flush: %lld \n", BAMBOO_GET_EXE_TIME()-tmpt); // TODO
#endif // MULTICORE_GC
gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
- gcloads[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = gccurr_heaptop;
} else {
if(!sendStall) {
1, //GCSTARTINIT, // 0xE3
1, //GCSTART, // 0xE4
- 1, //GCSTARTFLUSH, // 0xE6
+ 1, //GCSTARTUPDATE, // 0xE6
4, //GCFINISHPRE, // 0xE7
2, //GCFINISHINIT, // 0xE8
4, //GCFINISHMARK, // 0xE9
- 2, //GCFINISHFLUSH, // 0xEb
+ 2, //GCFINISHUPDATE, // 0xEb
1, //GCFINISH, // 0xEc
5, //GCMARKREPORT, // 0xEe
2, //GCMARKEDOBJ, // 0xEf
- 4, //GCMOVESTART, // 0xF0
+ 2, //GCMOVESTART, // 0xF0
-1, //GCLOBJINFO, // 0xF2
gc_status_info.gcphase = COMPACTPHASE;
-INLINE void processmsg_gcstartflush_I() {
- gc_status_info.gcphase = FLUSHPHASE;
+INLINE void processmsg_gcstartupdate_I() {
+ gc_status_info.gcphase = UPDATEPHASE;
INLINE void processmsg_gcfinishpre_I() {
int cnum = msgdata[msgdataindex];
- bool loadbalancemove = msgdata[msgdataindex];
- int filledblocks = msgdata[msgdataindex];
void * heaptop = (void *) msgdata[msgdataindex];
- int data4 = msgdata[msgdataindex];
+ unsigned int bytesneeded = msgdata[msgdataindex];
- // only gc cores need to do compact
- if(cnum < NUMCORES4GC) {
- if(!loadbalancemove && (COMPACTPHASE == gc_status_info.gcphase)) {
- gcfilledblocks[cnum] = filledblocks;
- topptrs[cnum] = heaptop;
- }
- if(data4 > 0) {
- // ask for more mem
- void * startaddr = NULL;
- int tomove = 0;
- int dstcore = 0;
- if(gcfindSpareMem_I(&startaddr, &tomove, &dstcore, data4, cnum)) {
- // cache the msg first
- cache_msg_4_I(cnum,GCMOVESTART,dstcore,startaddr,tomove);
- } else {
- send_msg_4_I(cnum,GCMOVESTART,dstcore,startaddr,tomove);
- }
+ if(bytesneeded > 0) {
+ // ask for more mem
+ void * startaddr = gcfindSpareMem_I(bytesneeded, cnum);
+ if(startaddr) {
+ // cache the msg first
+ cache_msg_4_I(cnum,GCMOVESTART,startaddr);
+ } else {
+ send_msg_4_I(cnum,GCMOVESTART,startaddr);
- } else {
- gccorestatus[cnum] = 0;
- }
- }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //done with compacting
+ gccorestatus[cnum] = 0;
+ }
-INLINE void processmsg_gcfinishflush_I() {
+INLINE void processmsg_gcfinishupdate_I() {
int data1 = msgdata[msgdataindex];
- // received a flush phase finish msg
+ // received a update phase finish msg
- // all cores should do flush
+ // all cores should do update
if(data1 < NUMCORESACTIVE) {
gccorestatus[data1] = 0;
INLINE void processmsg_gcmovestart_I() {
gctomove = true;
- gcdstcore = msgdata[msgdataindex];
gcmovestartaddr = msgdata[msgdataindex];
- gcblock2fill = msgdata[msgdataindex];
INLINE void processmsg_gclobjinfo_I(unsigned int data1) {
- // all cores should do flush
+ // all cores should do update
if(data1 < NUMCORESACTIVE) {
gccorestatus[data1] = 0;
INLINE void processmsg_gcfinishpref_I() {
int data1 = msgdata[msgdataindex];
- // received a flush phase finish msg
+ // received a update phase finish msg
- // all cores should do flush
+ // all cores should do update
if(data1 < NUMCORESACTIVE) {
gccorestatus[data1] = 0;
- // received a flush phase start msg
- processmsg_gcstartflush_I();
+ // received a update phase start msg
+ processmsg_gcstartupdate_I();
- processmsg_gcfinishflush_I();
+ processmsg_gcfinishupdate_I();
* 12 -- GC init phase start
* 13 -- GC start
* 14 -- compact phase start
- * 15 -- flush phase start
+ * 15 -- update phase start
* 16 -- init phase finish
* 17 -- mark phase finish
* 18 -- compact phase finish
- * 19 -- flush phase finish
+ * 19 -- update phase finish
* 1a -- GC finish
* 1b -- marked phase finish confirm request
* 1c -- marked phase finish confirm response
GCSTART, // 0xE4