--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright 2017 Facebook, Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <atomic>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <memory>
+#include <folly/concurrency/CacheLocality.h>
+namespace folly {
+/// UnboundedQueue supports a variety of options for unbounded
+/// dynamically expanding an shrinking queues, including variations of:
+/// - Single vs. multiple producers
+/// - Single vs. multiple consumers
+/// - Blocking vs. spin-waiting
+/// - Non-waiting, timed, and waiting consumer operations.
+/// Producer operations never wait or fail (unless out-of-memory).
+/// Template parameters:
+/// - T: element type
+/// - SingleProducer: true if there can be only one producer at a
+/// time.
+/// - SingleConsumer: true if there can be only one consumer at a
+/// time.
+/// - MayBlock: true if consumers may block, false if they only
+/// spins. A performance tuning parameter.
+/// - LgSegmentSize (default 8): Log base 2 of number of elements per
+/// segment. A performance tuning parameter. See below.
+/// When to use UnboundedQueue:
+/// - If a small bound may lead to deadlock or performance degradation
+/// under bursty patterns.
+/// - If there is no risk of the queue growing too much.
+/// When not to use UnboundedQueue:
+/// - If there is risk of the queue growing too much and a large bound
+/// is acceptable, then use DynamicBoundedQueue.
+/// - If the queue must not allocate on enqueue or it must have a
+/// small bound, then use fixed-size MPMCQueue or (if non-blocking
+/// SPSC) ProducerConsumerQueue.
+/// Template Aliases:
+/// USPSCQueue<T, MayBlock, LgSegmentSize>
+/// UMPSCQueue<T, MayBlock, LgSegmentSize>
+/// USPMCQueue<T, MayBlock, LgSegmentSize>
+/// UMPMCQueue<T, MayBlock, LgSegmentSize>
+/// Functions:
+/// Producer operations never wait or fail (unless OOM)
+/// void enqueue(const T&);
+/// void enqueue(T&&);
+/// Adds an element to the end of the queue.
+/// Consumer operations:
+/// void dequeue(T&);
+/// Extracts an element from the front of the queue. Waits
+/// until an element is available if needed.
+/// bool try_dequeue(T&);
+/// Tries to extracts an element from the front of the queue
+/// if available. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
+/// bool try_dequeue_until(T&, time_point& deadline);
+/// Tries to extracts an element from the front of the queue
+/// if available until the specified deadline. Returns true
+/// if successful, false otherwise.
+/// bool try_dequeue_for(T&, duration&);
+/// Tries to extracts an element from the front of the queue
+/// if available for for the specified duration. Returns true
+/// if successful, false otherwise.
+/// Secondary functions:
+/// size_t size();
+/// Returns an estimate of the size of the queue.
+/// bool empty();
+/// Returns true only if the queue was empty during the call.
+/// Note: size() and empty() are guaranteed to be accurate only if
+/// the queue is not changed concurrently.
+/// Usage examples:
+/// @code
+/// /* UMPSC, doesn't block, 1024 int elements per segment */
+/// UMPSCQueue<int, false, 10> q;
+/// q.enqueue(1);
+/// q.enqueue(2);
+/// q.enqueue(3);
+/// ASSERT_FALSE(q.empty());
+/// ASSERT_EQ(q.size(), 3);
+/// int v;
+/// q.dequeue(v);
+/// ASSERT_EQ(v, 1);
+/// ASSERT_TRUE(try_dequeue(v));
+/// ASSERT_EQ(v, 2);
+/// ASSERT_TRUE(try_dequeue_until(v, now() + seconds(1)));
+/// ASSERT_EQ(v, 3);
+/// ASSERT_TRUE(q.empty());
+/// ASSERT_EQ(q.size(), 0);
+/// ASSERT_FALSE(try_dequeue(v));
+/// ASSERT_FALSE(try_dequeue_for(v, microseconds(100)));
+/// @endcode
+/// Design:
+/// - The queue is composed of one or more segments. Each segment has
+/// a fixed size of 2^LgSegmentSize entries. Each segment is used
+/// exactly once.
+/// - Each entry is composed of a futex and a single element.
+/// - The queue contains two 64-bit ticket variables. The producer
+/// ticket counts the number of producer tickets isued so far, and
+/// the same for the consumer ticket. Each ticket number corresponds
+/// to a specific entry in a specific segment.
+/// - The queue maintains two pointers, head and tail. Head points to
+/// the segment that corresponds to the current consumer
+/// ticket. Similarly, tail pointer points to the segment that
+/// corresponds to the producer ticket.
+/// - Segments are organized as a singly linked list.
+/// - The producer with the first ticket in the current producer
+/// segment is solely responsible for allocating and linking the
+/// next segment.
+/// - The producer with the last ticket in the current producer
+/// segment is solely responsible for advancing the tail pointer to
+/// the next segment.
+/// - Similarly, the consumer with the last ticket in the current
+/// consumer segment is solely responsible for advancing the head
+/// pointer to the next segment. It must ensure that head never
+/// overtakes tail.
+/// Memory Usage:
+/// - An empty queue contains one segment. A nonempty queue contains
+/// one or two more segment than fits its contents.
+/// - Removed segments are not reclaimed until there are no threads,
+/// producers or consumers, have references to them or their
+/// predessors. That is, a lagging thread may delay the reclamation
+/// of a chain of removed segments.
+/// Performance considerations:
+/// - All operations take constant time, excluding the costs of
+/// allocation, reclamation, interence from other threads, and
+/// waiting for actions by other threads.
+/// - In general, using the single producer and or single consumer
+/// variants yields better performance than the MP and MC
+/// alternatives.
+/// - SPSC without blocking is the fastest configuration. It doesn't
+/// include any read-modify-write atomic operations, full fences, or
+/// system calls in the critical path.
+/// - MP adds a fetch_add to the critical path of each producer operation.
+/// - MC adds a fetch_add or compare_exchange to the critical path of
+/// each consumer operation.
+/// - The possibility of consumers blocking, even if they never do,
+/// adds a compare_exchange to the crtical path of each producer
+/// operation.
+/// - MPMC, SPMC, MPSC require the use of a deferred reclamation
+/// mechanism to guarantee that segments removed from the linked
+/// list, i.e., unreachable from the head pointer, are reclaimed
+/// only after they are no longer needed by any lagging producers or
+/// consumers.
+/// - The overheads of segment allocation and reclamation are intended
+/// to be mostly out of the critical path of the queue's throughput.
+/// - If the template parameter LgSegmentSize is changed, it should be
+/// set adequately high to keep the amortized cost of allocation and
+/// reclamation low.
+/// - Another consideration is that the queue is guaranteed to have
+/// enough space for a number of consumers equal to 2^LgSegmentSize
+/// for local blocking. Excess waiting consumers spin.
+/// - It is recommended to measure perforamnce with different variants
+/// when applicable, e.g., UMPMC vs UMPSC. Depending on the use
+/// case, sometimes the variant with the higher sequential overhead
+/// may yield better results due to, for example, more favorable
+/// producer-consumer balance or favorable timining for avoiding
+/// costly blocking.
+template <
+ typename T,
+ bool SingleProducer,
+ bool SingleConsumer,
+ bool MayBlock,
+ size_t LgSegmentSize = 8,
+ template <typename> class Atom = std::atomic>
+class UnboundedQueue {
+ using Ticket = uint64_t;
+ class Entry;
+ class Segment;
+ static constexpr bool SPSC = SingleProducer && SingleConsumer;
+ static constexpr size_t SegmentSize = 1 << LgSegmentSize;
+ static constexpr size_t Stride = SPSC || (LgSegmentSize <= 1) ? 1 : 27;
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_nothrow_destructible<T>::value,
+ "T must be nothrow_destructible");
+ static_assert((Stride & 1) == 1, "Stride must be odd");
+ static_assert(LgSegmentSize < 32, "LgSegmentSize must be < 32");
+ Atom<Segment*> head_;
+ Atom<Ticket> consumerTicket_;
+ Atom<Segment*> tail_;
+ Atom<Ticket> producerTicket_;
+ public:
+ UnboundedQueue();
+ ~UnboundedQueue();
+ /** enqueue */
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE void enqueue(const T& arg) {
+ enqueueImpl(arg);
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE void enqueue(T&& arg) {
+ enqueueImpl(std::move(arg));
+ }
+ /** dequeue */
+ void dequeue(T& item) noexcept;
+ /** try_dequeue */
+ bool try_dequeue(T& item) noexcept {
+ return try_dequeue_until(
+ item, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point::min());
+ }
+ /** try_dequeue_until */
+ template <typename Clock, typename Duration>
+ bool try_dequeue_until(
+ T& item,
+ const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& deadline) noexcept;
+ /** try_dequeue_for */
+ template <typename Rep, typename Period>
+ bool try_dequeue_for(
+ T& item,
+ const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& duration) noexcept {
+ return try_dequeue_until(item, std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + duration);
+ }
+ /** size */
+ size_t size() const noexcept {
+ auto p = producerTicket();
+ auto c = consumerTicket();
+ return p > c ? p - c : 0;
+ }
+ /** empty */
+ bool empty() const noexcept {
+ auto c = consumerTicket();
+ auto p = producerTicket();
+ return p <= c;
+ }
+ private:
+ template <typename Arg>
+ void enqueueImpl(Arg&& arg);
+ template <typename Arg>
+ void enqueueCommon(Segment* s, Arg&& arg);
+ void dequeueCommon(Segment* s, T& item) noexcept;
+ template <typename Clock, typename Duration>
+ bool singleConsumerTryDequeueUntil(
+ Segment* s,
+ T& item,
+ const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& deadline) noexcept;
+ template <typename Clock, typename Duration>
+ bool multiConsumerTryDequeueUntil(
+ Segment* s,
+ T& item,
+ const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& deadline) noexcept;
+ Segment* findSegment(Segment* s, const Ticket t) const noexcept;
+ void allocNextSegment(Segment* s, const Ticket t);
+ void advanceTail(Segment* s) noexcept;
+ void advanceHead(Segment* s) noexcept;
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t index(Ticket t) const noexcept {
+ return (t * Stride) & (SegmentSize - 1);
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE bool responsibleForAlloc(Ticket t) const noexcept {
+ return (t & (SegmentSize - 1)) == 0;
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE bool responsibleForAdvance(Ticket t) const noexcept {
+ return (t & (SegmentSize - 1)) == (SegmentSize - 1);
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE Segment* head() const noexcept {
+ return head_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE Segment* tail() const noexcept {
+ return tail_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE Ticket producerTicket() const noexcept {
+ return producerTicket_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE Ticket consumerTicket() const noexcept {
+ return consumerTicket_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+ }
+ void setHead(Segment* s) noexcept {
+ head_.store(s, std::memory_order_release);
+ }
+ void setTail(Segment* s) noexcept {
+ tail_.store(s, std::memory_order_release);
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE void setProducerTicket(Ticket t) noexcept {
+ producerTicket_.store(t, std::memory_order_release);
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE void setConsumerTicket(Ticket t) noexcept {
+ consumerTicket_.store(t, std::memory_order_release);
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE Ticket fetchIncrementConsumerTicket() noexcept {
+ if (SingleConsumer) {
+ auto oldval = consumerTicket();
+ setConsumerTicket(oldval + 1);
+ return oldval;
+ } else { // MC
+ return consumerTicket_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
+ }
+ }
+ FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE Ticket fetchIncrementProducerTicket() noexcept {
+ if (SingleProducer) {
+ auto oldval = producerTicket();
+ setProducerTicket(oldval + 1);
+ return oldval;
+ } else { // MP
+ return producerTicket_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
+ }
+ }
+}; // UnboundedQueue
+/* Aliases */
+template <
+ typename T,
+ bool MayBlock,
+ size_t LgSegmentSize = 8,
+ template <typename> class Atom = std::atomic>
+using USPSCQueue = UnboundedQueue<T, true, true, MayBlock, LgSegmentSize, Atom>;
+template <
+ typename T,
+ bool MayBlock,
+ size_t LgSegmentSize = 8,
+ template <typename> class Atom = std::atomic>
+using UMPSCQueue =
+ UnboundedQueue<T, false, true, MayBlock, LgSegmentSize, Atom>;
+template <
+ typename T,
+ bool MayBlock,
+ size_t LgSegmentSize = 8,
+ template <typename> class Atom = std::atomic>
+using USPMCQueue =
+ UnboundedQueue<T, true, false, MayBlock, LgSegmentSize, Atom>;
+template <
+ typename T,
+ bool MayBlock,
+ size_t LgSegmentSize = 8,
+ template <typename> class Atom = std::atomic>
+using UMPMCQueue =
+ UnboundedQueue<T, false, false, MayBlock, LgSegmentSize, Atom>;
+} // namespace folly
+#include <folly/concurrency/UnboundedQueue-inl.h>
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright 2017 Facebook, Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <folly/concurrency/UnboundedQueue.h>
+#include <folly/MPMCQueue.h>
+#include <folly/ProducerConsumerQueue.h>
+#include <folly/portability/GTest.h>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <thread>
+DEFINE_bool(bench, false, "run benchmark");
+DEFINE_int32(reps, 10, "number of reps");
+DEFINE_int32(ops, 1000000, "number of operations per rep");
+template <typename T, bool MayBlock>
+using USPSC = folly::USPSCQueue<T, MayBlock>;
+template <typename T, bool MayBlock>
+using UMPSC = folly::UMPSCQueue<T, MayBlock>;
+template <typename T, bool MayBlock>
+using USPMC = folly::USPMCQueue<T, MayBlock>;
+template <typename T, bool MayBlock>
+using UMPMC = folly::UMPMCQueue<T, MayBlock>;
+template <template <typename, bool> class Q, bool MayBlock>
+void basic_test() {
+ Q<int, MayBlock> q;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(q.empty());
+ ASSERT_EQ(q.size(), 0);
+ int v = -1;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(q.try_dequeue(v));
+ q.enqueue(1);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(q.empty());
+ ASSERT_EQ(q.size(), 1);
+ q.enqueue(2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(q.size(), 2);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(q.empty());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(q.try_dequeue(v));
+ ASSERT_EQ(v, 1);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(q.empty());
+ ASSERT_EQ(q.size(), 1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(q.try_dequeue(v));
+ ASSERT_EQ(v, 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(q.empty());
+ ASSERT_EQ(q.size(), 0);
+TEST(UnboundedQueue, basic) {
+ basic_test<USPSC, false>();
+ basic_test<UMPSC, false>();
+ basic_test<USPMC, false>();
+ basic_test<UMPMC, false>();
+ basic_test<USPSC, true>();
+ basic_test<UMPSC, true>();
+ basic_test<USPMC, true>();
+ basic_test<UMPMC, true>();
+template <template <typename, bool> class Q, bool MayBlock>
+void timeout_test() {
+ Q<int, MayBlock> q;
+ int v = -1;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(q.try_dequeue_until(
+ v, std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::microseconds(1)));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(q.try_dequeue_for(v, std::chrono::microseconds(1)));
+ q.enqueue(10);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(q.try_dequeue_until(
+ v, std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::microseconds(1)));
+ ASSERT_EQ(v, 10);
+TEST(UnboundedQueue, timeout) {
+ timeout_test<USPSC, false>();
+ timeout_test<UMPSC, false>();
+ timeout_test<USPMC, false>();
+ timeout_test<UMPMC, false>();
+ timeout_test<USPSC, true>();
+ timeout_test<UMPSC, true>();
+ timeout_test<USPMC, true>();
+ timeout_test<UMPMC, true>();
+template <typename ProdFunc, typename ConsFunc, typename EndFunc>
+inline uint64_t run_once(
+ int nprod,
+ int ncons,
+ const ProdFunc& prodFn,
+ const ConsFunc& consFn,
+ const EndFunc& endFn) {
+ std::atomic<bool> start{false};
+ std::atomic<int> ready{0};
+ /* producers */
+ std::vector<std::thread> prodThr(nprod);
+ for (int tid = 0; tid < nprod; ++tid) {
+ prodThr[tid] = std::thread([&, tid] {
+ ++ready;
+ while (!start.load()) {
+ /* spin */;
+ }
+ prodFn(tid);
+ });
+ }
+ /* consumers */
+ std::vector<std::thread> consThr(ncons);
+ for (int tid = 0; tid < ncons; ++tid) {
+ consThr[tid] = std::thread([&, tid] {
+ ++ready;
+ while (!start.load()) {
+ /* spin */;
+ }
+ consFn(tid);
+ });
+ }
+ /* wait for all producers and consumers to be ready */
+ while (ready.load() < (nprod + ncons)) {
+ /* spin */;
+ }
+ /* begin time measurement */
+ auto tbegin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ start.store(true);
+ /* wait for completion */
+ for (int i = 0; i < nprod; ++i) {
+ prodThr[i].join();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < ncons; ++i) {
+ consThr[i].join();
+ }
+ /* end time measurement */
+ auto tend = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ endFn();
+ return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(tend - tbegin)
+ .count();
+template <bool SingleProducer, bool SingleConsumer, bool MayBlock>
+void enq_deq_test(const int nprod, const int ncons) {
+ if (SingleProducer) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(nprod, 1);
+ }
+ if (SingleConsumer) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(ncons, 1);
+ }
+ int ops = 1000;
+ folly::UnboundedQueue<int, SingleProducer, SingleConsumer, MayBlock, 4> q;
+ std::atomic<uint64_t> sum(0);
+ auto prod = [&](int tid) {
+ for (int i = tid; i < ops; i += nprod) {
+ q.enqueue(i);
+ }
+ };
+ auto cons = [&](int tid) {
+ uint64_t mysum = 0;
+ for (int i = tid; i < ops; i += ncons) {
+ int v = -1;
+ if ((i % 3) == 0) {
+ while (!q.try_dequeue(v)) {
+ /* keep trying */;
+ }
+ } else if ((i % 3) == 1) {
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point deadline =
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(1);
+ while (!q.try_dequeue_until(v, deadline)) {
+ /* keep trying */;
+ }
+ } else {
+ q.dequeue(v);
+ }
+ if (nprod == 1 && ncons == 1) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(v, i);
+ }
+ mysum += v;
+ }
+ sum.fetch_add(mysum);
+ };
+ auto endfn = [&] {
+ uint64_t expected = ops;
+ expected *= ops - 1;
+ expected /= 2;
+ ASSERT_EQ(sum.load(), expected);
+ };
+ run_once(nprod, ncons, prod, cons, endfn);
+TEST(UnboundedQueue, enq_deq) {
+ /* SPSC */
+ enq_deq_test<true, true, false>(1, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<true, true, true>(1, 1);
+ /* MPSC */
+ enq_deq_test<false, true, false>(1, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, true, true>(1, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, true, false>(2, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, true, true>(2, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, true, false>(10, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, true, true>(10, 1);
+ /* SPMC */
+ enq_deq_test<true, false, false>(1, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<true, false, true>(1, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<true, false, false>(1, 2);
+ enq_deq_test<true, false, true>(1, 2);
+ enq_deq_test<true, false, false>(1, 10);
+ enq_deq_test<true, false, true>(1, 10);
+ /* MPMC */
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, false>(1, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, true>(1, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, false>(2, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, true>(2, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, false>(10, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, true>(10, 1);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, false>(1, 2);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, true>(1, 2);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, false>(1, 10);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, true>(1, 10);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, false>(2, 2);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, true>(2, 2);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, false>(10, 10);
+ enq_deq_test<false, false, true>(10, 10);
+template <typename RepFunc>
+uint64_t runBench(const std::string& name, int ops, const RepFunc& repFn) {
+ int reps = FLAGS_reps;
+ uint64_t min = UINTMAX_MAX;
+ uint64_t max = 0;
+ uint64_t sum = 0;
+ repFn(); // sometimes first run is outlier
+ for (int r = 0; r < reps; ++r) {
+ uint64_t dur = repFn();
+ sum += dur;
+ min = std::min(min, dur);
+ max = std::max(max, dur);
+ // if each rep takes too long run at least 3 reps
+ const uint64_t minute = 60000000000UL;
+ if (sum > minute && r >= 2) {
+ reps = r + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ const std::string unit = " ns";
+ uint64_t avg = sum / reps;
+ uint64_t res = min;
+ std::cout << name;
+ std::cout << " " << std::setw(4) << max / ops << unit;
+ std::cout << " " << std::setw(4) << avg / ops << unit;
+ std::cout << " " << std::setw(4) << res / ops << unit;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ return res;
+template <template <typename, bool> class Q, typename T, int Op>
+uint64_t bench(const int nprod, const int ncons, const std::string& name) {
+ int ops = FLAGS_ops;
+ auto repFn = [&] {
+ Q<T, Op == 3 || Op == 4 || Op == 5> q;
+ std::atomic<uint64_t> sum(0);
+ auto prod = [&](int tid) {
+ for (int i = tid; i < ops; i += nprod) {
+ q.enqueue(i);
+ }
+ };
+ auto cons = [&](int tid) {
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point deadline =
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::hours(24);
+ uint64_t mysum = 0;
+ for (int i = tid; i < ops; i += ncons) {
+ T v;
+ if (Op == 0 || Op == 3) {
+ while (UNLIKELY(!q.try_dequeue(v))) {
+ /* keep trying */;
+ }
+ } else if (Op == 1 || Op == 4) {
+ while (UNLIKELY(!q.try_dequeue_until(v, deadline))) {
+ /* keep trying */;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Op == 2 || Op == 5);
+ q.dequeue(v);
+ }
+ if (nprod == 1 && ncons == 1) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(int(v), i);
+ }
+ mysum += v;
+ }
+ sum.fetch_add(mysum);
+ };
+ auto endfn = [&] {
+ uint64_t expected = ops;
+ expected *= ops - 1;
+ expected /= 2;
+ ASSERT_EQ(sum.load(), expected);
+ };
+ return run_once(nprod, ncons, prod, cons, endfn);
+ };
+ return runBench(name, ops, repFn);
+/* For performance comparison */
+template <typename T, size_t capacity>
+class MPMC {
+ folly::MPMCQueue<T> q_;
+ public:
+ MPMC() : q_(capacity) {}
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void enqueue(Args&&... args) {
+ q_.blockingWrite(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ }
+ void dequeue(T& item) {
+ q_.blockingRead(item);
+ }
+ bool try_dequeue(T& item) {
+ return q_.read(item);
+ }
+ template <typename Clock, typename Duration>
+ bool try_dequeue_until(
+ T& item,
+ const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& deadline) {
+ return q_.tryReadUntil(deadline, item);
+ }
+template <typename T, bool ignore>
+using FMPMC = MPMC<T, 256 * 1024>;
+template <typename T, size_t capacity>
+class PCQ {
+ folly::ProducerConsumerQueue<T> q_;
+ public:
+ PCQ() : q_(capacity) {}
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void enqueue(Args&&... args) {
+ while (!q_.write(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {
+ /* keep trying*/;
+ }
+ }
+ void dequeue(T&) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(false);
+ }
+ bool try_dequeue(T& item) {
+ return q_.read(item);
+ }
+ template <typename Clock, typename Duration>
+ bool try_dequeue_until(T&, const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>&) {
+ return false;
+ }
+template <typename T, bool ignore>
+using FPCQ = PCQ<T, 256 * 1024>;
+template <size_t M>
+struct IntArray {
+ int a[M];
+ IntArray() {}
+ /* implicit */ IntArray(int v) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < M; ++i) {
+ a[i] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ operator int() {
+ return a[0];
+ }
+void dottedLine() {
+ std::cout << ".............................................................."
+ << std::endl;
+template <typename T>
+void type_benches(const int np, const int nc, const std::string& name) {
+ std::cout << name
+ << "===========================================" << std::endl;
+ if (np == 1 && nc == 1) {
+ bench<USPSC, T, 0>(1, 1, "Unbounded SPSC try spin only ");
+ bench<USPSC, T, 1>(1, 1, "Unbounded SPSC timed spin only ");
+ bench<USPSC, T, 2>(1, 1, "Unbounded SPSC wait spin only ");
+ bench<USPSC, T, 3>(1, 1, "Unbounded SPSC try may block ");
+ bench<USPSC, T, 4>(1, 1, "Unbounded SPSC timed may block ");
+ bench<USPSC, T, 5>(1, 1, "Unbounded SPSC wait may block ");
+ dottedLine();
+ }
+ if (nc == 1) {
+ bench<UMPSC, T, 0>(np, 1, "Unbounded MPSC try spin only ");
+ bench<UMPSC, T, 1>(np, 1, "Unbounded MPSC timed spin only ");
+ bench<UMPSC, T, 2>(np, 1, "Unbounded MPSC wait spin only ");
+ bench<UMPSC, T, 3>(np, 1, "Unbounded MPSC try may block ");
+ bench<UMPSC, T, 4>(np, 1, "Unbounded MPSC timed may block ");
+ bench<UMPSC, T, 5>(np, 1, "Unbounded MPSC wait may block ");
+ dottedLine();
+ }
+ if (np == 1) {
+ bench<USPMC, T, 0>(1, nc, "Unbounded SPMC try spin only ");
+ bench<USPMC, T, 1>(1, nc, "Unbounded SPMC timed spin only ");
+ bench<USPMC, T, 2>(1, nc, "Unbounded SPMC wait spin only ");
+ bench<USPMC, T, 3>(1, nc, "Unbounded SPMC try may block ");
+ bench<USPMC, T, 4>(1, nc, "Unbounded SPMC timed may block ");
+ bench<USPMC, T, 5>(1, nc, "Unbounded SPMC wait may block ");
+ dottedLine();
+ }
+ bench<UMPMC, T, 0>(np, nc, "Unbounded MPMC try spin only ");
+ bench<UMPMC, T, 1>(np, nc, "Unbounded MPMC timed spin only ");
+ bench<UMPMC, T, 2>(np, nc, "Unbounded MPMC wait spin only ");
+ bench<UMPMC, T, 3>(np, nc, "Unbounded MPMC try may block ");
+ bench<UMPMC, T, 4>(np, nc, "Unbounded MPMC timed may block ");
+ bench<UMPMC, T, 5>(np, nc, "Unbounded MPMC wait may block ");
+ dottedLine();
+ if (np == 1 && nc == 1) {
+ bench<FPCQ, T, 0>(1, 1, "folly::PCQ read ");
+ dottedLine();
+ }
+ bench<FMPMC, T, 3>(np, nc, "folly::MPMC read ");
+ bench<FMPMC, T, 4>(np, nc, "folly::MPMC tryReadUntil ");
+ bench<FMPMC, T, 5>(np, nc, "folly::MPMC blockingRead ");
+ std::cout << "=============================================================="
+ << std::endl;
+void benches(const int np, const int nc) {
+ std::cout << "====================== " << std::setw(2) << np << " prod"
+ << " " << std::setw(2) << nc << " cons"
+ << " ======================" << std::endl;
+ type_benches<uint32_t>(np, nc, "=== uint32_t ======");
+ // Benchmarks for other element sizes can be added as follows:
+ // type_benches<IntArray<4>>(np, nc, "=== IntArray<4> ===");
+TEST(UnboundedQueue, bench) {
+ if (!FLAGS_bench) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::cout << "=============================================================="
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::setw(2) << FLAGS_reps << " reps of " << std::setw(8)
+ << FLAGS_ops << " handoffs\n";
+ dottedLine();
+ std::cout << "$ numactl -N 1 $dir/unbounded_queue_test --bench\n";
+ dottedLine();
+ std::cout << "Using a capacity of 256K for folly::ProducerConsumerQueue\n"
+ << "and folly::MPMCQueue\n";
+ std::cout << "=============================================================="
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Test name Max time Avg time Min time"
+ << std::endl;
+ for (int nc : {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32}) {
+ int np = 1;
+ benches(np, nc);
+ }
+ for (int np : {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32}) {
+ int nc = 1;
+ benches(np, nc);
+ }
+ for (int np : {2, 4, 8, 16, 32}) {
+ for (int nc : {2, 4, 8, 16, 32}) {
+ benches(np, nc);
+ }
+ }
+10 reps of 1000000 handoffs
+$ numactl -N 1 $dir/unbounded_queue_test --bench
+Using a capacity of 256K for folly::ProducerConsumerQueue
+and folly::MPMCQueue
+Test name Max time Avg time Min time
+====================== 1 prod 1 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded SPSC try spin only 5 ns 5 ns 5 ns
+Unbounded SPSC timed spin only 5 ns 5 ns 5 ns
+Unbounded SPSC wait spin only 6 ns 6 ns 5 ns
+Unbounded SPSC try may block 38 ns 37 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded SPSC timed may block 38 ns 36 ns 34 ns
+Unbounded SPSC wait may block 34 ns 34 ns 33 ns
+Unbounded MPSC try spin only 45 ns 43 ns 42 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed spin only 47 ns 43 ns 42 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait spin only 45 ns 43 ns 41 ns
+Unbounded MPSC try may block 55 ns 52 ns 51 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed may block 54 ns 52 ns 51 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait may block 51 ns 50 ns 49 ns
+Unbounded SPMC try spin only 18 ns 17 ns 16 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed spin only 23 ns 21 ns 18 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait spin only 22 ns 19 ns 16 ns
+Unbounded SPMC try may block 30 ns 26 ns 22 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed may block 32 ns 24 ns 20 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait may block 49 ns 35 ns 29 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 25 ns 24 ns 24 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 38 ns 35 ns 30 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 41 ns 39 ns 37 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 53 ns 52 ns 51 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 52 ns 51 ns 49 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 53 ns 51 ns 50 ns
+folly::PCQ read 16 ns 11 ns 7 ns
+folly::MPMC read 52 ns 52 ns 51 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 96 ns 90 ns 55 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 61 ns 56 ns 50 ns
+====================== 1 prod 2 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded SPMC try spin only 76 ns 68 ns 53 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed spin only 79 ns 71 ns 65 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait spin only 39 ns 35 ns 32 ns
+Unbounded SPMC try may block 83 ns 81 ns 76 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed may block 86 ns 63 ns 23 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait may block 38 ns 36 ns 34 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 86 ns 79 ns 64 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 84 ns 77 ns 74 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 36 ns 35 ns 34 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 83 ns 79 ns 75 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 83 ns 76 ns 63 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 56 ns 48 ns 36 ns
+folly::MPMC read 103 ns 93 ns 68 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 109 ns 102 ns 91 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 61 ns 58 ns 54 ns
+====================== 1 prod 4 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded SPMC try spin only 116 ns 109 ns 97 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed spin only 117 ns 111 ns 108 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait spin only 43 ns 40 ns 37 ns
+Unbounded SPMC try may block 127 ns 113 ns 98 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed may block 116 ns 109 ns 97 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait may block 45 ns 43 ns 40 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 121 ns 113 ns 102 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 118 ns 108 ns 88 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 45 ns 41 ns 34 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 117 ns 108 ns 96 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 118 ns 109 ns 99 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 62 ns 53 ns 43 ns
+folly::MPMC read 139 ns 130 ns 111 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 205 ns 135 ns 115 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 104 ns 74 ns 54 ns
+====================== 1 prod 8 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded SPMC try spin only 169 ns 163 ns 157 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed spin only 167 ns 158 ns 133 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait spin only 44 ns 39 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded SPMC try may block 170 ns 165 ns 156 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed may block 172 ns 163 ns 153 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait may block 49 ns 40 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 166 ns 158 ns 149 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 171 ns 161 ns 145 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 62 ns 52 ns 42 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 169 ns 161 ns 149 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 170 ns 160 ns 147 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 70 ns 63 ns 61 ns
+folly::MPMC read 174 ns 167 ns 159 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 349 ns 171 ns 148 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 182 ns 138 ns 115 ns
+====================== 1 prod 16 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded SPMC try spin only 219 ns 198 ns 190 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed spin only 202 ns 198 ns 193 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait spin only 36 ns 36 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded SPMC try may block 202 ns 195 ns 190 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed may block 208 ns 197 ns 190 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait may block 1645 ns 1427 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 204 ns 198 ns 194 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 202 ns 195 ns 190 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 61 ns 59 ns 57 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 206 ns 196 ns 191 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 204 ns 198 ns 192 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 1658 ns 1293 ns 70 ns
+folly::MPMC read 210 ns 191 ns 182 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 574 ns 248 ns 192 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 1400 ns 1319 ns 1227 ns
+====================== 1 prod 32 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded SPMC try spin only 209 ns 205 ns 199 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed spin only 208 ns 205 ns 200 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait spin only 175 ns 51 ns 33 ns
+Unbounded SPMC try may block 215 ns 203 ns 186 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed may block 453 ns 334 ns 204 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait may block 1601 ns 1514 ns 1373 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 328 ns 218 ns 197 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 217 ns 206 ns 200 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 147 ns 85 ns 58 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 310 ns 223 ns 199 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 461 ns 275 ns 196 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 1623 ns 1526 ns 888 ns
+folly::MPMC read 280 ns 215 ns 194 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 28740 ns 13508 ns 212 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 1343 ns 1293 ns 1269 ns
+====================== 1 prod 1 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded SPSC try spin only 5 ns 5 ns 5 ns
+Unbounded SPSC timed spin only 8 ns 6 ns 6 ns
+Unbounded SPSC wait spin only 6 ns 6 ns 5 ns
+Unbounded SPSC try may block 37 ns 36 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded SPSC timed may block 37 ns 36 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded SPSC wait may block 35 ns 35 ns 34 ns
+Unbounded MPSC try spin only 43 ns 42 ns 41 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed spin only 45 ns 42 ns 42 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait spin only 44 ns 43 ns 42 ns
+Unbounded MPSC try may block 55 ns 51 ns 50 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed may block 61 ns 52 ns 50 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait may block 54 ns 52 ns 50 ns
+Unbounded SPMC try spin only 18 ns 17 ns 17 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed spin only 23 ns 19 ns 17 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait spin only 20 ns 17 ns 15 ns
+Unbounded SPMC try may block 30 ns 23 ns 19 ns
+Unbounded SPMC timed may block 23 ns 19 ns 17 ns
+Unbounded SPMC wait may block 36 ns 31 ns 26 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 25 ns 23 ns 17 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 37 ns 34 ns 25 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 40 ns 38 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 51 ns 49 ns 48 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 53 ns 50 ns 48 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 53 ns 49 ns 34 ns
+folly::PCQ read 15 ns 12 ns 7 ns
+folly::MPMC read 53 ns 51 ns 50 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 100 ns 96 ns 90 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 75 ns 59 ns 52 ns
+====================== 2 prod 1 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPSC try spin only 49 ns 49 ns 46 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed spin only 52 ns 50 ns 49 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait spin only 53 ns 52 ns 51 ns
+Unbounded MPSC try may block 63 ns 60 ns 57 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed may block 64 ns 61 ns 54 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait may block 62 ns 59 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 44 ns 41 ns 38 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 50 ns 49 ns 49 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 51 ns 49 ns 49 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 63 ns 60 ns 57 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 62 ns 60 ns 57 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 62 ns 60 ns 58 ns
+folly::MPMC read 78 ns 57 ns 52 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 78 ns 72 ns 70 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 56 ns 54 ns 52 ns
+====================== 4 prod 1 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPSC try spin only 48 ns 47 ns 46 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed spin only 47 ns 47 ns 46 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait spin only 49 ns 47 ns 47 ns
+Unbounded MPSC try may block 61 ns 59 ns 55 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed may block 62 ns 58 ns 46 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait may block 62 ns 61 ns 59 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 42 ns 42 ns 40 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 48 ns 47 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 48 ns 47 ns 46 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 63 ns 62 ns 61 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 63 ns 61 ns 51 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 62 ns 61 ns 59 ns
+folly::MPMC read 56 ns 55 ns 54 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 112 ns 106 ns 97 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 47 ns 47 ns 45 ns
+====================== 8 prod 1 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPSC try spin only 44 ns 43 ns 42 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed spin only 45 ns 44 ns 40 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait spin only 45 ns 44 ns 41 ns
+Unbounded MPSC try may block 61 ns 60 ns 58 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed may block 61 ns 59 ns 56 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait may block 61 ns 59 ns 56 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 43 ns 40 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 45 ns 44 ns 41 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 45 ns 43 ns 41 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 62 ns 60 ns 58 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 62 ns 59 ns 56 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 61 ns 58 ns 54 ns
+folly::MPMC read 147 ns 119 ns 63 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 152 ns 130 ns 97 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 135 ns 101 ns 48 ns
+====================== 16 prod 1 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPSC try spin only 47 ns 38 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed spin only 36 ns 36 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait spin only 46 ns 37 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded MPSC try may block 58 ns 47 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed may block 46 ns 46 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait may block 47 ns 45 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 41 ns 39 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 45 ns 41 ns 38 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 43 ns 40 ns 38 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 51 ns 49 ns 47 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 52 ns 49 ns 47 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 59 ns 50 ns 46 ns
+folly::MPMC read 924 ns 839 ns 664 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 968 ns 865 ns 678 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 929 ns 727 ns 487 ns
+====================== 32 prod 1 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPSC try spin only 90 ns 44 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed spin only 91 ns 43 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait spin only 92 ns 55 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPSC try may block 87 ns 52 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPSC timed may block 70 ns 48 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPSC wait may block 109 ns 60 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 47 ns 42 ns 37 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 50 ns 46 ns 38 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 50 ns 42 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 103 ns 59 ns 50 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 56 ns 52 ns 47 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 59 ns 51 ns 46 ns
+folly::MPMC read 1029 ns 911 ns 694 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 1023 ns 969 ns 907 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 1024 ns 921 ns 790 ns
+====================== 2 prod 2 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 83 ns 66 ns 24 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 84 ns 74 ns 49 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 50 ns 49 ns 47 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 86 ns 81 ns 77 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 82 ns 74 ns 59 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 62 ns 59 ns 56 ns
+folly::MPMC read 98 ns 85 ns 63 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 105 ns 94 ns 83 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 59 ns 56 ns 54 ns
+====================== 2 prod 4 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 114 ns 105 ns 91 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 119 ns 107 ns 102 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 54 ns 53 ns 52 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 114 ns 106 ns 93 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 111 ns 100 ns 92 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 70 ns 64 ns 60 ns
+folly::MPMC read 133 ns 125 ns 120 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 130 ns 125 ns 114 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 69 ns 68 ns 66 ns
+====================== 2 prod 8 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 169 ns 160 ns 152 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 165 ns 158 ns 149 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 59 ns 54 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 166 ns 158 ns 131 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 168 ns 163 ns 158 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 73 ns 66 ns 60 ns
+folly::MPMC read 170 ns 167 ns 160 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 163 ns 154 ns 146 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 82 ns 73 ns 60 ns
+====================== 2 prod 16 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 207 ns 198 ns 191 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 211 ns 198 ns 192 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 57 ns 55 ns 54 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 197 ns 193 ns 188 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 201 ns 195 ns 188 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 89 ns 78 ns 70 ns
+folly::MPMC read 196 ns 189 ns 181 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 202 ns 184 ns 173 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 267 ns 100 ns 76 ns
+====================== 2 prod 32 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 228 ns 207 ns 193 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 210 ns 205 ns 198 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 102 ns 71 ns 56 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 268 ns 211 ns 198 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 226 ns 205 ns 183 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 502 ns 164 ns 67 ns
+folly::MPMC read 228 ns 205 ns 195 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 207 ns 200 ns 192 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 830 ns 612 ns 192 ns
+====================== 4 prod 2 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 87 ns 65 ns 33 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 79 ns 60 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 47 ns 46 ns 44 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 87 ns 77 ns 52 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 86 ns 79 ns 57 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 62 ns 61 ns 60 ns
+folly::MPMC read 110 ns 95 ns 60 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 108 ns 104 ns 96 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 60 ns 57 ns 47 ns
+====================== 4 prod 4 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 110 ns 100 ns 86 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 113 ns 104 ns 93 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 49 ns 46 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 115 ns 105 ns 84 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 119 ns 108 ns 89 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 63 ns 61 ns 54 ns
+folly::MPMC read 140 ns 131 ns 113 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 132 ns 129 ns 121 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 58 ns 53 ns 48 ns
+====================== 4 prod 8 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 170 ns 162 ns 151 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 174 ns 158 ns 139 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 51 ns 50 ns 48 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 164 ns 160 ns 154 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 165 ns 158 ns 144 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 67 ns 62 ns 52 ns
+folly::MPMC read 174 ns 166 ns 156 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 165 ns 160 ns 150 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 58 ns 56 ns 49 ns
+====================== 4 prod 16 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 200 ns 195 ns 181 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 200 ns 195 ns 191 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 51 ns 49 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 198 ns 192 ns 188 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 199 ns 190 ns 182 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 77 ns 66 ns 60 ns
+folly::MPMC read 195 ns 186 ns 175 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 204 ns 187 ns 167 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 66 ns 60 ns 57 ns
+====================== 4 prod 32 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 246 ns 210 ns 195 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 217 ns 207 ns 199 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 66 ns 52 ns 46 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 250 ns 207 ns 197 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 208 ns 202 ns 195 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 80 ns 66 ns 56 ns
+folly::MPMC read 231 ns 201 ns 190 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 202 ns 199 ns 196 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 65 ns 61 ns 57 ns
+====================== 8 prod 2 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 50 ns 41 ns 39 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 73 ns 49 ns 40 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 46 ns 43 ns 39 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 81 ns 62 ns 56 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 75 ns 61 ns 53 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 61 ns 57 ns 50 ns
+folly::MPMC read 120 ns 102 ns 58 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 119 ns 112 ns 103 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 85 ns 71 ns 58 ns
+====================== 8 prod 4 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 104 ns 87 ns 39 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 109 ns 89 ns 40 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 46 ns 45 ns 43 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 121 ns 101 ns 74 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 116 ns 103 ns 72 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 62 ns 57 ns 52 ns
+folly::MPMC read 136 ns 130 ns 118 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 132 ns 127 ns 118 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 68 ns 61 ns 51 ns
+====================== 8 prod 8 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 175 ns 171 ns 162 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 177 ns 169 ns 159 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 49 ns 47 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 175 ns 171 ns 156 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 180 ns 170 ns 162 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 63 ns 62 ns 59 ns
+folly::MPMC read 177 ns 162 ns 147 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 170 ns 162 ns 148 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 57 ns 53 ns 49 ns
+====================== 8 prod 16 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 203 ns 192 ns 185 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 199 ns 193 ns 185 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 48 ns 46 ns 44 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 204 ns 194 ns 182 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 198 ns 187 ns 171 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 63 ns 61 ns 57 ns
+folly::MPMC read 193 ns 185 ns 167 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 199 ns 188 ns 164 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 57 ns 52 ns 49 ns
+====================== 8 prod 32 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 222 ns 208 ns 198 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 234 ns 212 ns 203 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 89 ns 58 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 234 ns 207 ns 196 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 205 ns 203 ns 197 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 65 ns 63 ns 61 ns
+folly::MPMC read 240 ns 204 ns 194 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 205 ns 202 ns 199 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 56 ns 52 ns 49 ns
+====================== 16 prod 2 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 52 ns 40 ns 34 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 63 ns 47 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 45 ns 39 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 62 ns 51 ns 47 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 77 ns 52 ns 46 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 63 ns 50 ns 46 ns
+folly::MPMC read 114 ns 103 ns 77 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 116 ns 106 ns 85 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 85 ns 79 ns 63 ns
+====================== 16 prod 4 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 106 ns 68 ns 33 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 88 ns 56 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 46 ns 39 ns 35 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 95 ns 66 ns 47 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 80 ns 57 ns 46 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 52 ns 48 ns 45 ns
+folly::MPMC read 121 ns 113 ns 104 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 119 ns 110 ns 101 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 65 ns 62 ns 57 ns
+====================== 16 prod 8 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 153 ns 109 ns 46 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 167 ns 110 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 43 ns 39 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 159 ns 125 ns 100 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 127 ns 82 ns 52 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 51 ns 50 ns 46 ns
+folly::MPMC read 149 ns 139 ns 129 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 141 ns 134 ns 112 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 59 ns 54 ns 49 ns
+====================== 16 prod 16 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 193 ns 169 ns 148 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 221 ns 175 ns 106 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 45 ns 41 ns 37 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 204 ns 171 ns 133 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 184 ns 162 ns 104 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 61 ns 52 ns 49 ns
+folly::MPMC read 181 ns 164 ns 157 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 185 ns 173 ns 157 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 56 ns 50 ns 45 ns
+====================== 16 prod 32 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 255 ns 217 ns 181 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 225 ns 205 ns 182 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 115 ns 57 ns 40 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 215 ns 199 ns 184 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 218 ns 196 ns 179 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 63 ns 54 ns 47 ns
+folly::MPMC read 260 ns 205 ns 185 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 205 ns 200 ns 192 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 53 ns 48 ns 43 ns
+====================== 32 prod 2 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 95 ns 66 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 95 ns 62 ns 45 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 56 ns 44 ns 36 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 123 ns 86 ns 50 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 109 ns 73 ns 47 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 95 ns 58 ns 47 ns
+folly::MPMC read 445 ns 380 ns 315 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 459 ns 341 ns 153 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 351 ns 286 ns 218 ns
+====================== 32 prod 4 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 114 ns 92 ns 59 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 135 ns 99 ns 47 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 139 ns 55 ns 38 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 165 ns 113 ns 72 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 119 ns 94 ns 51 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 61 ns 52 ns 47 ns
+folly::MPMC read 127 ns 112 ns 93 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 116 ns 107 ns 96 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 67 ns 59 ns 51 ns
+====================== 32 prod 8 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 226 ns 140 ns 57 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 176 ns 126 ns 61 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 86 ns 50 ns 39 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 170 ns 131 ns 76 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 201 ns 141 ns 110 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 94 ns 55 ns 47 ns
+folly::MPMC read 148 ns 131 ns 120 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 132 ns 126 ns 121 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 59 ns 54 ns 51 ns
+====================== 32 prod 16 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 209 ns 174 ns 146 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 214 ns 189 ns 154 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 138 ns 51 ns 38 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 247 ns 191 ns 144 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 245 ns 180 ns 123 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 74 ns 51 ns 46 ns
+folly::MPMC read 164 ns 148 ns 135 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 156 ns 149 ns 140 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 55 ns 50 ns 47 ns
+====================== 32 prod 32 cons ======================
+=== uint32_t =================================================
+Unbounded MPMC try spin only 255 ns 212 ns 179 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed spin only 391 ns 223 ns 147 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait spin only 78 ns 44 ns 38 ns
+Unbounded MPMC try may block 516 ns 249 ns 195 ns
+Unbounded MPMC timed may block 293 ns 210 ns 171 ns
+Unbounded MPMC wait may block 54 ns 51 ns 48 ns
+folly::MPMC read 195 ns 183 ns 164 ns
+folly::MPMC tryReadUntil 191 ns 175 ns 159 ns
+folly::MPMC blockingRead 49 ns 45 ns 43 ns
+$ lscpu
+Architecture: x86_64
+CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
+Byte Order: Little Endian
+CPU(s): 32
+On-line CPU(s) list: 0-31
+Thread(s) per core: 2
+Core(s) per socket: 8
+Socket(s): 2
+NUMA node(s): 2
+Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
+CPU family: 6
+Model: 45
+Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 0 @ 2.20GHz
+Stepping: 6
+CPU MHz: 2200.000
+CPU max MHz: 2200.0000
+CPU min MHz: 1200.0000
+BogoMIPS: 4399.92
+Virtualization: VT-x
+L1d cache: 32K
+L1i cache: 32K
+L2 cache: 256K
+L3 cache: 20480K
+NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-7,16-23
+NUMA node1 CPU(s): 8-15,24-31
+Flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr
+ pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr
+ sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp
+ lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good
+ nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc aperfmperf eagerfpu
+ pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est
+ tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid dca sse4_1 sse4_2
+ x2apic popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx
+ lahf_lm epb tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid
+ xsaveopt dtherm arat pln pts
+ */