private TaskAnalysis taskanalysis;
private State state;
- private TreeMap graphs;
+ private Hashtable graph;
private Hashtable executiongraph;
private SymbolTable tasks;
this.tasks = this.state. getTaskSymbolTable();
- this.graphs=new TreeMap();
+ this.graph=new Hashtable();
this.executiongraph = new Hashtable();
public void createExecutionGraph() throws {
- /** Explore the analysis structure "OPTIONAL ARGS" PROJECT**/
+ /*Explore the taskanalysis structure*/
Enumeration e=taskanalysis.flagstates.keys();
LinkedList fifo = new LinkedList();
Vector sourceNodeList = new Vector();
Enumeration e;
- graphs.clear();
- int l=0;
+ graph.clear();
/* Search for starting nodes */
Collection nodes = ((Hashtable)taskanalysis.flagstates.get(cd)).values();
Iterator it = nodes.iterator();
/* Perform the Breadth first search algorithm and build ExecutionGraph */
FlagState fstemp, fstemp2;
Iterator sourceit = sourceNodeList.iterator();
while( sourceit.hasNext() ){
- createLevel(l);
FlagState fs = (FlagState);
- int i=0;
while ( !fifo.isEmpty() ){
fstemp = (FlagState)fifo.getFirst();
Iterator edges = fstemp.edges();
if (edges.hasNext()){
- createNode(fstemp, l);
+ //build corresponding nodes of the ExecutionGraph
+ createNode(fstemp);
+ //add the other non marked (prevent looping) fses to the fifo
FEdge edge = (FEdge);
- if (!isFinished(fstemp, l)){
+ //if the flagstate is not entirely processed, back into fifo
+ if (!isFinished(fstemp)){
- Hashtable temphash = new Hashtable();
- temphash = clean((Hashtable)graphs.get(l));
- graphs.put(l, temphash);
- l++;
+ //clean the graph to remove doubles due to reinjection of non totally processed fses in the fifo
+ graph = clean(graph);
- private void createLevel(int level){
- if (!graphs.containsKey(level)){
- Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
- graphs.put(level, ht);
- }
- }
- private void createNode(FlagState fs, int level){
+ private void createNode(FlagState fs){
Enumeration allocatingtasks;
EGTaskNode tn;
EGTaskNode target;
FEdge edge;
+ //the idea is to look at the inedges to find the "parents" nodes. Then create the "children" and link them to the "parents".
if (fs.isSourceNode()){
+ //in the case of sourcenode, "parents" are the allocating tasks
for (Iterator inedges = ((Vector)fs.getAllocatingTasks()).iterator(); inedges.hasNext();){
String tname = new String(((TaskDescriptor);
+ //the hashkey for source EGTaskNodes is : nextfs+taskname.
String key1 = new String(fs.getTextLabel()+tname);
- if (((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).containsKey(key1)){
- tn = (EGTaskNode)((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).get(key1);
+ //get the parent
+ if (graph.containsKey(key1)){
+ tn = (EGTaskNode)graph.get(key1);
- else{
+ else{//if not existing, create it
tn = new EGTaskNode(tname,(TaskDescriptor)tasks.get(tname));
+ //create the children. the key is : nextfs+taskname+previousfs (that ensures that only one node can have that key).
for (Iterator edges = fs.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
edge = (FEdge);
- // if(!edge.isProcessed()){
- target=new EGTaskNode(edge.getLabel(), fs, (TaskDescriptor)tasks.get(edge.getLabel()));
- String key2 = new String(((FlagState)edge.getTarget()).getTextLabel()+target.getName()+((FlagState)edge.getSource()).getTextLabel());
- if (((FlagState)edge.getTarget()).isMarked()){
- target.doSelfLoopMarking();
- }
- if (((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).containsKey(key2)){
- target = (EGTaskNode)((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).get(key2);
- TEdge newedge=new TEdge(target);
- tn.addEdge(newedge);
- }
- else {
- TEdge newedge=new TEdge(target);
- tn.addEdge(newedge);
- }
- ((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).put(key2, target);
- // }
+ target=new EGTaskNode(edge.getLabel(), fs, (TaskDescriptor)tasks.get(edge.getLabel()));
+ String key2 = new String(((FlagState)edge.getTarget()).getTextLabel()+target.getName()+((FlagState)edge.getSource()).getTextLabel());
+ //mark if is self loop
+ if (((FlagState)edge.getTarget()).isMarked()){
+ target.doSelfLoopMarking();
+ }
+ //check if child already exists. if not, create it.
+ //link to the parent.
+ if (graph.containsKey(key2)){
+ target = (EGTaskNode)graph.get(key2);
+ TEdge newedge=new TEdge(target);
+ tn.addEdge(newedge);
+ }
+ else {
+ TEdge newedge=new TEdge(target);
+ tn.addEdge(newedge);
+ }
+ //put child in graph
+ graph.put(key2, target);
- ((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).put(key1, tn);
+ //put parent in graph
+ graph.put(key1, tn);
for (Iterator inedges = fs.inedges(); inedges.hasNext();){
+ //regular case, "parents" are the inedges.
FEdge in=(FEdge);
- String key1 = new String(fs.getTextLabel()+in.getLabel()+((FlagState)in.getSource()).getTextLabel());
if (!in.isProcessed()){
- tn = (EGTaskNode)((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).get(key1);
+ //the key to search is : nextfs+taskname+previousfs.
+ String key1 = new String(fs.getTextLabel()+in.getLabel()+((FlagState)in.getSource()).getTextLabel());
+ tn = (EGTaskNode)graph.get(key1);
+ //if the TaskNode does not exist, that means that we are in the case of a loop.
+ //The fs will not be entirely processed, will be put back in the fifo until the TaskNode has finaly been created.
if (tn != null){
+ //same process than with the sourcenode.
for (Iterator edges = fs.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
edge = (FEdge);
target=new EGTaskNode(edge.getLabel(), fs, (TaskDescriptor)tasks.get(edge.getLabel()));
if (((String)((FlagState)edge.getTarget()).getTextLabel()).compareTo(fs.getTextLabel())==0){
- if (((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).containsKey(key2)){
- target = (EGTaskNode)((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).get(key2);
+ if (graph.containsKey(key2)){
+ target = (EGTaskNode)graph.get(key2);
TEdge newedge=new TEdge(target);
TEdge newedge=new TEdge(target);
- ((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).put(key2, target);
+ graph.put(key2, target);
- ((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).put(key1, tn);
+ graph.put(key1, tn);
+ //put the graph into executiongraph
private void adapt(ClassDescriptor cd) {
Vector tasknodes = new Vector();
- Collection c1 = graphs.values();
- for (Iterator it1 = c1.iterator(); it1.hasNext();){
- Collection tempc=((Hashtable);
- for(Iterator it2 = tempc.iterator(); it2.hasNext();){
- EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
- if(tn.getName().compareTo("Runtime")!=0){
- TaskDescriptor td = tn.getTD();
- System.out.println("Trying to get : " + tn.getName());
- if(td.numParameters()>1) tn.setMultipleParams();
- }
- }
- tasknodes.addAll(tempc);
- }
+ tasknodes.addAll(graph.values());
+ //print the contain of graph
private void test() {
- int i = 0;
- Collection c1 = graphs.values();
- for (Iterator it1 = c1.iterator(); it1.hasNext();){
- Hashtable ht = ((Hashtable);
- System.out.println("\nLevel " + i++ + " contains :");
- Collection c2 = ht.values();
- for ( Iterator it2 = c2.iterator(); it2.hasNext();){
- EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
- System.out.println(tn.getTextLabel()+" ID "+tn.getLabel()+" FS "+tn.getFSName());
- }
- }
- }
- private void printDOTFile()throws {
- Enumeration e = executiongraph.keys();
- while (e.hasMoreElements()){
- createDOTFile((ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement());
- }
- }
- private void createDOTFile(ClassDescriptor cd) throws {
- Vector v = (Vector)executiongraph.get(cd);
- output;
- File dotfile_flagstates= new File("execution"+cd.getSymbol()+".dot");
- FileOutputStream dotstream=new FileOutputStream(dotfile_flagstates,true);
- output = new, true);
- output.println("digraph dotvisitor {");
- output.println("\tnode [fontsize=10,height=\"0.1\", width=\"0.1\"];");
- output.println("\tedge [fontsize=6];");
- traverse(output, v);
- output.println("}\n");
- }
- private void traverse( output, Vector v) {
- EGTaskNode tn;
- for(Iterator it1 = v.iterator(); it1.hasNext();){
- tn = (EGTaskNode);
- output.println("\t"+tn.getLabel()+" [label=\""+tn.getTextLabel()+"\"");
- if (tn.isSelfLoop()) output.println(", shape=box");
- if (tn.isMultipleParams()) output.println(", color=blue");
- output.println("];");
- for(Iterator it2 = tn.edges();it2.hasNext();){
- output.println("\t"+tn.getLabel()+" -> "+((EGTaskNode)((TEdge)";");
- }
+ System.out.println("\nGraph contains :");
+ Collection c = graph.values();
+ for ( Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
+ System.out.println(tn.getTextLabel()+" ID "+tn.getLabel()+" FS "+tn.getFSName());
+ //removes the duplicated edges
private Hashtable clean(Hashtable ht){
Hashtable cleaned = new Hashtable();
Collection c = ht.values();
return cleaned;
+ //removes all the edge doubles in vector v
private Vector removeDouble(Vector v){
Vector vcleaned = new Vector();
return vcleaned;
- private boolean isFinished(FlagState fs, int level){
+ //test if a flagstate has been entirely processed
+ private boolean isFinished(FlagState fs){
- boolean result = true;
for (Iterator inedges = fs.inedges(); inedges.hasNext();){
FEdge in=(FEdge);
if (!in.isProcessed()){
String key1 = new String(fs.getTextLabel()+in.getLabel()+((FlagState)in.getSource()).getTextLabel());
- if (((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).get(key1)==null){
+ if (graph.get(key1)==null){
+ //except for the case of self loop, if the pointed tn is not present, fs is not totally processed
if (((String)((FlagState)in.getSource()).getTextLabel()).compareTo(fs.getTextLabel())!=0){
- result = false;
+ return false;
- return result;
+ return true;
+ }
+ //********DEBUG
+ //create dot files
+ private void printDOTFile()throws {
+ Enumeration e = executiongraph.keys();
+ while (e.hasMoreElements()){
+ createDOTFile((ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement());
+ }
+ }
+ private void createDOTFile(ClassDescriptor cd) throws {
+ Vector v = (Vector)executiongraph.get(cd);
+ output;
+ File dotfile_flagstates= new File("execution"+cd.getSymbol()+".dot");
+ FileOutputStream dotstream=new FileOutputStream(dotfile_flagstates,true);
+ output = new, true);
+ output.println("digraph dotvisitor {");
+ output.println("\tnode [fontsize=10,height=\"0.1\", width=\"0.1\"];");
+ output.println("\tedge [fontsize=6];");
+ traverse(output, v);
+ output.println("}\n");
+ private void traverse( output, Vector v) {
+ EGTaskNode tn;
+ for(Iterator it1 = v.iterator(); it1.hasNext();){
+ tn = (EGTaskNode);
+ output.println("\t"+tn.getLabel()+" [label=\""+tn.getTextLabel()+"\"");
+ if (tn.isSelfLoop()) output.println(", shape=box");
+ if (tn.isMultipleParams()) output.println(", color=blue");
+ output.println("];");
+ for(Iterator it2 = tn.edges();it2.hasNext();){
+ output.println("\t"+tn.getLabel()+" -> "+((EGTaskNode)((TEdge)";");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //*********************