+ //this could be the last one....
+ int count=gc_countRunningCores();
+ if (gcmovepending==count) {
+ // All cores have stopped...hand out memory as necessary to handle all requests
+ handleMemoryRequests_I();
+ } else {
+ //see if returned memory blocks let us resolve requests
+ useReturnedMem();
+ }
+void useReturnedMem(unsigned int corenum, block_t localblockindex) {
+ for(int i=0;i<NUMCORES4GC;i++) {
+ unsigned INTPTR requiredmem=gcrequiredmems[i];
+ if (requiredmem) {
+ unsigned INTPTR desiredmem=maxusefulmems[i];
+ unsigned INTPTR threshold=(desiredmem<MINMEMORYCHUNKSIZE)? desiredmem: MINMEMORYCHUNKSIZE;
+ unsigned INTPTR memcheck=requiredmem>threshold?requiredmem:threshold;
+ for(block_t nextlocalblocknum=localblockindex;nextlocalblocknum<numblockspercore;nextlocalblocknum++) {
+ unsigned INTPTR blocknum=BLOCKINDEX2(cnum, nextlocalblocknum);
+ struct blockrecord * nextblockrecord=&allocationinfo.blocktable[blockindex];
+ if (nextblockrecord->status==BS_FREE) {
+ unsigned INTPTR freespace=block->freespace&~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK;
+ if (freespace>=memcheck) {
+ block->status=BS_USED;
+ void *blockptr=OFFSET2BASEVA(searchblock)+gcbaseva;
+ unsigned INTPTR usedspace=((block->usedspace-1)&~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK)+BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ allocationinfo.lowestfreeblock=firstfree;
+ //taken care of one block
+ gcmovepending--;
+ void *startaddr=blockptr+usedspace;
+ gcrequiredmems[i]=0;
+ maxusefulmems[i]=0;
+ cache_msg_2_I(core,GCMOVESTART,startaddr);
+ } else {
+ send_msg_2_I(core,GCMOVESTART,startaddr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
void handleReturnMem(unsigned int cnum, void *heaptop) {
//send request for memory
send_msg_4(STARTUPCORE,GCFINISHCOMPACT,BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, minimumbytes, gccurr_heaptop);
//wait for flag to be set that we received message
- int cc=0;