--- /dev/null
+/* Draw a Mandelbrot set, maximum magnification 10000000 times;
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#ifdef RAW
+#include <raw.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+const int AppletWidth = 3200;
+const int AppletHeight = 3200;
+int length;
+const float amin = (float)-2.0;
+const float amax = (float)1.0;
+const float bmin = (float)-1.5;
+const float bmax = (float)1.5;
+const float alen = (float)3.0;
+const float blen = (float)3.0;
+const int times = 255;
+int alpha = 0xff;
+int red = 0xff;
+int green = 0xff;
+int blue = 0xff;
+int* pixels;
+void begin(void);
+void run(void);
+#ifndef RAW
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ int option;
+ begin();
+ return 0;
+void begin(void){
+ length = AppletWidth * AppletHeight;
+ pixels = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * length);;
+ int incr=0;
+ while (incr < length) {
+ pixels[incr++] = alpha<<24 | 0x00<<16 | 0x00<<8 | 0xff;
+ }
+ int maxint = RAND_MAX;
+ red = (int)(((float)rand()/maxint)*255);
+ green = (int)(((float)rand()/maxint)*255);
+ blue = (int)(((float)rand()/maxint)*255);
+ run();
+ free(pixels);
+#ifdef RAW
+ raw_test_pass(raw_get_cycle());
+ raw_test_done(1);
+void run () {
+ float a,b,x,y; //a--width, b--height
+ int scaleda,scaledb;
+ float adelta = (float)(alen/AppletWidth);
+ float bdelta = (float)(blen/AppletHeight);
+ for(a=amin;a<amax;a+=adelta) {
+ for(b=bmin;b<bmax;b+=bdelta) {
+ x=(float)0.0;
+ y=(float)0.0;
+ int iteration=0;
+ float x2 = (float)0.0;
+ float y2 = (float)0.0;
+ float xy = (float)0.0;
+ int finish = 1; //(x2 + y2 <= 4.0) & (iteration != times);
+ while(finish) {
+ float tmpy = (float)2.0*xy;
+ x = x2 - y2 + a;
+ y = tmpy + b;
+ x2 = x*x;
+ y2 = y*y;
+ xy = x*y;
+ iteration++;
+ int tmpf = (x2 + y2 <= 4.0);
+ finish = tmpf & (iteration != times);
+ }
+ if(iteration<=times & iteration>0) {
+ scaleda=(int)((a - amin)*AppletWidth/(amax - amin));
+ scaledb=(int)((b - bmin)*AppletHeight/(bmax - bmin));
+ int index = scaledb * AppletWidth + scaleda;
+ pixels[index] = alpha<<24 | red<<16 | iteration<<8 | blue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // output image
--- /dev/null
+/* Draw a Mandelbrot set, maximum magnification 10000000 times;
+ */
+task t1(StartupObject s{initialstate}) {
+ //System.printString("task t1\n");
+ int width = 3200;
+ int height = 3200;
+ int group = 640;
+ int h = height / group;
+ for(int i = 0; i < group; i++) {
+ Fractal fratal = new Fractal(i,
+ group,
+ width,
+ height){run};
+ }
+ Image image = new Image(group){!finish};
+ taskexit(s{!initialstate});
+task t2(Fractal fractal{run}) {
+ //System.printString("task t2\n");
+ // Now do the computation.
+ fractal.run();
+ taskexit(fractal{!run, output});
+//task t3(Image image{!finish}, Fractal fractal{output}) {
+ //System.printString("task t3\n");
+// if(image.outputImage(fractal.pixels, fractal.id)) {
+ //System.printString("Finish!\n");
+// taskexit(image{finish}, fractal{!output});
+// } else {
+// taskexit(fractal{!output});
+// }
+public class Fractal {
+ flag run;
+ flag output;
+ public int id;
+ public int group;
+ public int AppletWidth;
+ private int AppletHeight;
+ private float amin;
+ private float amax;
+ private float bmin;
+ private float bmax;
+ private float alen, blen;
+ public int[] pixels;
+ int alpha;
+ int red;
+ int green;
+ int blue;
+ int times;
+ public Fractal(int index,
+ int group,
+ int width,
+ int height) {
+ this.id = index;
+ this.group = group;
+ this.AppletWidth = width;
+ this.AppletHeight = height;
+ this.amin = (float)-2.0;
+ this.amax = (float)1.0;
+ this.bmin = (float)-1.5;
+ this.bmax = (float)1.5;
+ this.alen = (float)3.0;//this.amax - this.amin;
+ this.blen = (float)3.0;//this.bmax - this.bmin;
+ this.alpha = 0xff;
+ this.red = 0xff;
+ this.green = 0xff;
+ this.blue = 0xff;
+ this.times = 255;
+ int length = this.AppletWidth * this.AppletHeight / this.group;
+ this.pixels = new int[length];
+ int[] ps = this.pixels;
+ int incr=0;
+ while (incr < length) {
+ ps[incr++] = this.alpha<<24 | 0x00<<16 | 0x00<<8 | 0xff;
+ }
+ Random rnd = new Random();
+ int maxint = (1<<32) - 1;
+ red = (int)(((float)rnd.nextInt()/maxint)*255);
+ green = (int)(((float)rnd.nextInt()/maxint)*255);
+ blue = (int)(((float)rnd.nextInt()/maxint)*255);
+ }
+ public void run () {
+ float amin = this.amin;
+ float amax = this.amax;
+ float bmin = this.bmin;
+ float bmax = this.bmax;
+ int appletWidth = this.AppletWidth;
+ int appletHeight = this.AppletHeight;
+ int times = this.times;
+ int alpha = this.alpha;
+ int red = this.red;
+ int blue = this.blue;
+ float a,b,x,y; //a--width, b--height
+ int scaleda,scaledb;
+ float adelta = (this.alen/appletWidth);
+ float bdelta = (this.blen/appletHeight);
+ int[] ps = this.pixels;
+ int length = ps.length;
+ int id = this.id;
+ int group = this.group;
+ float startb = bmin + bdelta * id;
+ float endb = bmax - bdelta * (group - id);
+ float bspan = bdelta * group;
+ for(a=amin;a<amax;a+=adelta) {
+ for(b=startb;b<endb;b+=bspan) {
+ x=(float)0.0;
+ y=(float)0.0;
+ int iteration=0;
+ float x2 = (float)0.0;
+ float y2 = (float)0.0;
+ float xy = (float)0.0;
+ boolean finish = true; //(x2 + y2 <= 4.0) & (iteration != times);
+ while(finish) {
+ float tmpy = (float)2.0*xy;
+ x = x2 - y2 + a;
+ y = tmpy + b;
+ x2 = x*x;
+ y2 = y*y;
+ xy = x*y;
+ iteration++;
+ boolean tmpf = (x2 + y2 <= 4.0);
+ finish = tmpf & (iteration != times);
+ }
+ if(iteration<=times & iteration>0) {
+ scaleda=(int)((a - amin)*appletWidth/(amax - amin));
+ scaledb=(int)((b - bmin)*appletHeight/(bmax - bmin));
+ int index = (scaledb * appletWidth + scaleda - id) / group;
+ if(index < length) {
+ ps[index] = alpha<<24 | red<<16 | iteration<<8 | blue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+public class Image {
+ flag finish;
+ private int group;
+ private int counter;
+ private int[][] pixels;
+ private String outputfile;
+ public Image(int g) {
+ this.group = g;
+ this.counter = 0;
+ this.pixels = new int[g][];
+ this.outputfile = new String("/scratch/fractal/image.dat");
+ }
+ public boolean outputImage(int[] pixels, int index) {
+ this.counter++;
+ this.pixels[index] = pixels;
+ boolean isFinish = (this.group == this.counter);
+ if(isFinish) {
+ // output the image
+ /*FileOutputStream oStream = new FileOutputStream(outputfile, true);
+ //System.printString(new String(ps, 0, ps.length) + "\n");
+ oStream.write(ps, 0, ps.length);
+ oStream.close();*/
+ }
+ return isFinish;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file