outputStructs.println(" "+srcPair.getSESE().getSESErecordName()+"* "+srcPair+";");
+ // DYNAMIC stuff needs a source SESE ptr and offset
+ Iterator<TempDescriptor> itrDynInVars = fsen.getDynamicInVarSet().iterator();
+ while( itrDynInVars.hasNext() ) {
+ TempDescriptor dynInVar = itrDynInVars.next();
+ outputStructs.println(" void* "+dynInVar+"_srcSESE;");
+ outputStructs.println(" int "+dynInVar+"_srcOffset;");
+ }
// space for all in and out set primitives
Iterator<TempDescriptor> itrPrims = inSetAndOutSetPrims.iterator();
while( itrPrims.hasNext() ) {
// static vars are from a known SESE
tempItr = fsen.getStaticInVarSet().iterator();
while( tempItr.hasNext() ) {
- TempDescriptor temp = tempItr.next();
- TypeDescriptor type = temp.getType();
- VariableSourceToken vst = fsen.getStaticInVarSrc( temp );
- String to;
- String size;
- if( type.isPtr() ) {
- to = "(void*) ";
- size = "sizeof ";
- } else {
- to = temp.getSafeSymbol();
- size = "sizeof( "+temp.getSafeSymbol()+" )";
- }
+ TempDescriptor temp = tempItr.next();
+ VariableSourceToken vst = fsen.getStaticInVarSrc( temp );
SESEandAgePair srcPair = new SESEandAgePair( vst.getSESE(), vst.getAge() );
- String from = paramsprefix+"->"+srcPair+"->"+vst.getAddrVar();
- output.println(" "+to+" = "+from+";");
+ String from = paramsprefix+"->"+srcPair+"->"+vst.getAddrVar();
+ output.println(" "+temp+" = "+from+";");
+ // dynamic vars come from an SESE and src
+ tempItr = fsen.getDynamicInVarSet().iterator();
+ while( tempItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TempDescriptor temp = tempItr.next();
+ // go grab it from the SESE source
+ output.println(" if( "+paramsprefix+"->"+temp+"_srcSESE != NULL ) {");
+ output.println(" "+temp+" = *(("+temp.getType()+"*) ("+
+ paramsprefix+"->"+temp+"_srcSESE + "+
+ paramsprefix+"->"+temp+"_srcOffset));");
+ // or if the source was our parent, its in the record to grab
+ output.println(" } else {");
+ output.println(" "+temp+" = "+paramsprefix+"->"+temp+";");
+ output.println(" }");
+ }
// Check to see if we need to do a GC if this is a
// multi-threaded program...
// before doing anything, lock your own record and increment the running children
if( fsen != mlpa.getRootSESE() ) {
+ /*
output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.lock) );");
output.println(" ++("+paramsprefix+"->common.numRunningChildren);");
output.println(" pthread_mutex_unlock( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.lock) );");
+ */
// just allocate the space for this record
from = temp.getSafeSymbol();
- String to = "seseToIssue->"+temp.getSafeSymbol();
- String size = "sizeof( seseToIssue->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+" )";
+ String to = "seseToIssue->"+temp.getSafeSymbol();
output.println(" "+to+" = "+from+";");
// to pass the static name to the child's record
output.println(" seseToIssue->"+srcPair+" = "+srcPair+";");
+ // dynamic sources might already be accounted for in the static list,
+ // so only add them to forwarding lists if they're not already there
+ Iterator<TempDescriptor> dynVarsItr = fsen.getDynamicInVarSet().iterator();
+ while( dynVarsItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TempDescriptor dynInVar = dynVarsItr.next();
+ output.println(" {");
+ output.println(" SESEcommon* src = (SESEcommon*)"+dynInVar+"_srcSESE;");
+ // the dynamic source is NULL if it comes from your own space--you can't pass
+ // the address off to the new child, because you're not done executing and
+ // might change the variable, so copy it right now
+ output.println(" if( src != NULL ) {");
+ output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &(src->lock) );");
+ output.println(" if( isEmpty( src->forwardList ) ||");
+ output.println(" seseToIssue != peekItem( src->forwardList ) ) {");
+ output.println(" addNewItem( src->forwardList, seseToIssue );");
+ output.println(" ++(seseToIssue->common.unresolvedDependencies);");
+ output.println(" }");
+ output.println(" pthread_mutex_unlock( &(src->lock) );");
+ output.println(" seseToIssue->"+dynInVar+"_srcOffset = "+dynInVar+"_srcOffset;");
+ output.println(" } else {");
+ output.println(" seseToIssue->"+dynInVar+" = "+dynInVar+";");
+ output.println(" }");
+ output.println(" }");
+ // even if the value is already copied, make sure your NULL source
+ // gets passed so child knows it already has the dynamic value
+ output.println(" seseToIssue->"+dynInVar+"_srcSESE = "+dynInVar+"_srcSESE;");
+ }
// maintain pointers for for finding dynamic SESE
// instances from static names
// this SESE cannot be done until all of its children are done
// so grab your own lock with the condition variable for watching
// that the number of your running children is greater than zero
+ /*
output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &("+com+".lock) );");
output.println(" while( "+com+".numRunningChildren > 0 ) {");
output.println(" pthread_cond_wait( &("+com+".runningChildrenCond), &("+com+".lock) );");
output.println(" }");
output.println(" pthread_mutex_unlock( &("+com+".lock) );");
+ */
// copy out-set from local temps into the sese record
Iterator<TempDescriptor> itr = fsexn.getFlatEnter().getOutVarSet().iterator();
// last of all, decrement your parent's number of running children
+ /*
output.println(" if( "+paramsprefix+"->common.parent != NULL ) {");
output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.parent->lock) );");
output.println(" --("+paramsprefix+"->common.parent->numRunningChildren);");
output.println(" pthread_cond_signal( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.parent->runningChildrenCond) );");
output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.parent->lock) );");
output.println(" }");
+ */
public void generateFlatWriteDynamicVarNode( FlatMethod fm,