return liveinto;
- //This method computes which temps are live out of the second part
+ //This method computes which temps are live out of the second part
public Set<TempDescriptor> liveoutvirtualread(LocalityBinding lb, FlatAtomicEnterNode faen) {
MethodDescriptor md=lb.getMethod();
FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
if (secondpart.contains(fn2)) {
- } else {
+ } else if (!atomicnodes.contains(fn2)) {
if (outsidenode&&insidenode) {
public Set<FlatNode> livecode(LocalityBinding lb) {
if (!othermap.containsKey(lb))
return null;
- HashSet<FlatNode> delayedset=notreadymap.get(lb);
MethodDescriptor md=lb.getMethod();
FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
+ HashSet<FlatNode> delayedset=notreadymap.get(lb);
+ HashSet<FlatNode> otherset=othermap.get(lb);
+ HashSet<FlatNode> cannotdelayset=cannotdelaymap.get(lb);
+ Hashtable<FlatNode,Set<TempDescriptor>> livemap=Liveness.computeLiveTemps(fm);
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Set<FlatNode>>> reachingdefsmap=ReachingDefs.computeReachingDefs(fm, livemap);
+ HashSet<FlatNode> unionset=new HashSet<FlatNode>(delayedset);
Hashtable<FlatNode, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, HashSet<FlatNode>>> map=new Hashtable<FlatNode, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, HashSet<FlatNode>>>();
+ HashSet<FlatNode> livenodes=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ for(Iterator<FlatNode> fnit=fm.getNodeSet().iterator();fnit.hasNext();) {
+ FlatNode;
+ if (fn.kind()==FKind.FlatAtomicExitNode) {
+ Set<TempDescriptor> livetemps=livemap.get(fn);
+ Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Set<FlatNode>> tempmap=reachingdefsmap.get(fn);
+ for(Iterator<TempDescriptor> tmpit=livetemps.iterator();tmpit.hasNext();) {
+ TempDescriptor;
+ Set<FlatNode> fnset=tempmap.get(tmp);
+ boolean inpart1=false;
+ boolean inpart2=false;
+ for(Iterator<FlatNode> fnit2=fnset.iterator();fnit2.hasNext();) {
+ FlatNode;
+ if (delayedset.contains(fn2)) {
+ inpart2=true;
+ if (inpart1)
+ break;
+ } else if (otherset.contains(fn2)||cannotdelayset.contains(fn2)) {
+ inpart1=true;
+ if (inpart2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (inpart1&&inpart2) {
+ for(Iterator<FlatNode> fnit2=fnset.iterator();fnit2.hasNext();) {
+ FlatNode;
+ if (otherset.contains(fn2)||cannotdelayset.contains(fn2)) {
+ unionset.add(fn2);
+ livenodes.add(fn2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
HashSet<FlatNode> toanalyze=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
- HashSet<FlatNode> livenodes=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
while(!toanalyze.isEmpty()) {
FlatNode fn=toanalyze.iterator().next();
TempDescriptor readset[]=fn.readsTemps();
for(int i=0;i<readset.length;i++) {
TempDescriptor tmp=readset[i];
- if (tmptofn.containsKey(tmp))
+ if (tmptofn.containsKey(tmp)) {
livenodes.addAll(tmptofn.get(tmp)); // add live nodes
+ unionset.addAll(tmptofn.get(tmp));
+ }
//Do kills
if (fn.numNext()>1) {
//We have a conditional branch...need to handle this carefully
- Set<FlatNode> set0=getNext(fn, 0, delayedset, lb, locality);
- Set<FlatNode> set1=getNext(fn, 1, delayedset, lb, locality);
+ Set<FlatNode> set0=getNext(fn, 0, unionset, lb, locality, false);
+ Set<FlatNode> set1=getNext(fn, 1, unionset, lb, locality, false);
if (!set0.equals(set1)||set0.size()>1) {
//This branch is important--need to remember how it goes
+ unionset.add(fn);
return livenodes;
- public static Set<FlatNode> getBranchNodes(FlatNode fn, int i, Set<FlatNode> delayset, LocalityBinding lb, LocalityAnalysis locality) {
- FlatNode fnnext=fn.getNext(i);
- Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> atomictable=locality.getAtomic(lb);
- HashSet<FlatNode> reachable=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
- if (delayset.contains(fnnext)||atomictable.get(fnnext).intValue()==0) {
- reachable.add(fnnext);
- return reachable;
- }
- Stack<FlatNode> nodes=new Stack<FlatNode>();
- HashSet<FlatNode> visited=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
- nodes.push(fnnext);
- visited.add(fn);//don't go back to the start node
- while(!nodes.isEmpty()) {
- FlatNode fn2=nodes.pop();
- if (visited.contains(fn2))
- continue;
- visited.add(fn2);
- for (int j=0;j<fn2.numNext();j++) {
- FlatNode fn2next=fn2.getNext(j);
- if (delayset.contains(fn2next)||atomictable.get(fn2next).intValue()==0) {
- reachable.add(fn2next);
- } else
- nodes.push(fn2next);
- }
- }
- return reachable;
- }
- public static Set<FlatNode> getNext(FlatNode fn, int i, Set<FlatNode> delayset, LocalityBinding lb, LocalityAnalysis locality) {
+ public static Set<FlatNode> getNext(FlatNode fn, int i, Set<FlatNode> delayset, LocalityBinding lb, LocalityAnalysis locality, boolean contpastnode) {
Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> atomictable=locality.getAtomic(lb);
FlatNode fnnext=fn.getNext(i);
HashSet<FlatNode> reachable=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
Stack<FlatNode> nodes=new Stack<FlatNode>();
HashSet<FlatNode> visited=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ if (contpastnode)
+ visited.add(fn);
while(!nodes.isEmpty()) {
FlatNode fn2=nodes.pop();
//Delay branches if possible
if (fn.kind()==FKind.FlatCondBranch) {
- Set<FlatNode> leftset=getBranchNodes(fn, 0, cannotdelay, lb, locality);
- Set<FlatNode> rightset=getBranchNodes(fn, 1, cannotdelay, lb, locality);
+ Set<FlatNode> leftset=getNext(fn, 0, cannotdelay, lb, locality,true);
+ Set<FlatNode> rightset=getNext(fn, 1, cannotdelay, lb, locality,true);
if (leftset.size()>0&&rightset.size()>0&&