/// @brief Prevent core file generation.
static void PreventCoreFiles();
+ /// This function determines if the standard input is connected directly
+ /// to a user's input (keyboard probably), rather than coming from a file
+ /// or pipe.
+ static bool StandardInIsUserInput();
+ /// This function determines if the standard output is connected to a
+ /// "tty" or "console" window. That is, the output would be displayed to
+ /// the user rather than being put on a pipe or stored in a file.
+ static bool StandardOutIsDisplayed();
+ /// This function determines if the standard error is connected to a
+ /// "tty" or "console" window. That is, the output would be displayed to
+ /// the user rather than being put on a pipe or stored in a file.
+ static bool StandardErrIsDisplayed();
/// @}
+bool Process::StandardInIsUserInput() {
+ return isatty(0);
+ // If we don't have isatty, just return false.
+ return false;
+bool Process::StandardOutIsDisplayed() {
+ return isatty(1);
+ // If we don't have isatty, just return false.
+ return false;
+bool Process::StandardErrIsDisplayed() {
+ return isatty(2);
+ // If we don't have isatty, just return false.
+ return false;
// vim: sw=2 smartindent smarttab tw=80 autoindent expandtab
+bool Process::StandardInIsUserInput() {
+ return isatty(0);
+ // If we don't have isatty, just return false.
+ return false;
+bool Process::StandardOutIsDisplayed() {
+ return isatty(1);
+ // If we don't have isatty, just return false.
+ return false;
+bool Process::StandardErrIsDisplayed() {
+ return isatty(2);
+ // If we don't have isatty, just return false.
+ return false;
// vim: sw=2 smartindent smarttab tw=80 autoindent expandtab