Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_up_dr = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_up_r = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
// so again, with respect to some arg i...
lnArgItr = paramIndex2ln.entrySet().iterator();
while( lnArgItr.hasNext() ) {
// in the caller graph
Set sCallee = ogCallee.id2hrn.entrySet();
Iterator iCallee = sCallee.iterator();
while( iCallee.hasNext() ) {
Map.Entry meCallee = (Map.Entry) iCallee.next();
Integer idCallee = (Integer) meCallee.getKey();
// return value may need to be assigned in caller
TempDescriptor returnTemp = fc.getReturnTemp();
if( returnTemp != null && !returnTemp.getType().isImmutable() ) {
+ /*
if( debugCallMap &&
mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee )
true); // hide edge taints
} catch( IOException e ) {}
+ */
// merge the shadow nodes of allocation sites back down to normal capacity
+ /*
if( debugCallMap &&
mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee )
true); // hide edge taints
} catch( IOException e ) {}
+ */
// improve reachability as much as possible
System.out.println( " "+mc+" done calling "+fm );
if( x == debugCallMapCount ) {
- System.exit( -1 );
+ System.exit( 0 );
BSFLAGS= -debug -nooptimize -mainclass $(MAIN_CLASS)
-#DBCALLFLAGS= -owndebugcaller main -owndebugcallee executeAll
-DBCALLFLAGS= -owndebugcaller executeAll -owndebugcallee executeMessage -owndebugcallcount 1
+DBCALLFLAGS= -owndebugcaller main -owndebugcallee executeAll
+#DBCALLFLAGS= -owndebugcaller executeAll -owndebugcallee executeMessage -owndebugcallcount 0
#DBCALLFLAGS= -owndebugcaller executeMessage -owndebugcallee amendFlightPlan
ANALYZEFLAGS= -justanalyze $(DBCALLFLAGS) -ownership -ownallocdepth 1 -ownwritedots final -ownaliasfile aliases.txt -enable-assertions