let Defs = [FPSW] in {
+// FPBinary_rr just defines pseudo-instructions, no need to set a scheduling
+// resources.
defm ADD : FPBinary_rr<fadd>;
defm SUB : FPBinary_rr<fsub>;
defm MUL : FPBinary_rr<fmul>;
defm DIV : FPBinary_rr<fdiv>;
+// Sets the scheduling resources for the actual NAME#_F<size>m defintions.
+let SchedRW = [WriteFAddLd] in {
defm ADD : FPBinary<fadd, MRM0m, "add">;
defm SUB : FPBinary<fsub, MRM4m, "sub">;
defm SUBR: FPBinary<fsub ,MRM5m, "subr">;
+let SchedRW = [WriteFMulLd] in {
defm MUL : FPBinary<fmul, MRM1m, "mul">;
+let SchedRW = [WriteFDivLd] in {
defm DIV : FPBinary<fdiv, MRM6m, "div">;
defm DIVR: FPBinary<fdiv, MRM7m, "divr">;
class FPST0rInst<Format fp, string asm>
: FPI<0xD8, fp, (outs), (ins RST:$op), asm>;
// NOTE: GAS and apparently all other AT&T style assemblers have a broken notion
// of some of the 'reverse' forms of the fsub and fdiv instructions. As such,
// we have to put some 'r's in and take them out of weird places.
+let SchedRW = [WriteFAdd] in {
def ADD_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM0r, "fadd\t$op">;
def ADD_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM0r, "fadd\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
def ADD_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM0r, "faddp\t$op">;
def SUB_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM4r, "fsub\t$op">;
def SUBR_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM4r, "fsub{|r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
def SUBR_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM4r, "fsub{|r}p\t$op">;
+} // SchedRW
+let SchedRW = [WriteFMul] in {
def MUL_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM1r, "fmul\t$op">;
def MUL_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM1r, "fmul\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
def MUL_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM1r, "fmulp\t$op">;
+} // SchedRW
+let SchedRW = [WriteFDiv] in {
def DIVR_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM7r, "fdivr\t$op">;
def DIV_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM7r, "fdiv{r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
def DIV_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM7r, "fdiv{r}p\t$op">;
def DIV_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM6r, "fdiv\t$op">;
def DIVR_FrST0 : FPrST0Inst <MRM6r, "fdiv{|r}\t{%st(0), $op|$op, st(0)}">;
def DIVR_FPrST0 : FPrST0PInst<MRM6r, "fdiv{|r}p\t$op">;
+} // SchedRW
def COM_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM2r, "fcom\t$op">;
def COMP_FST0r : FPST0rInst <MRM3r, "fcomp\t$op">;
let Defs = [FPSW] in {
defm CHS : FPUnary<fneg, MRM_E0, "fchs">;
defm ABS : FPUnary<fabs, MRM_E1, "fabs">;
+let SchedRW = [WriteFSqrt] in {
defm SQRT: FPUnary<fsqrt,MRM_FA, "fsqrt">;
defm SIN : FPUnary<fsin, MRM_FE, "fsin">;
defm COS : FPUnary<fcos, MRM_FF, "fcos">;