-The DirectTo benchmark reads in a text file to build a list of
-messages for tracking and routing aircraft without conflicts.
+Any statement *** in asterix *** is an assertion that
+disjoint reachability analysis should be able to verify.
+The DirectTo benchmark executes a list of messages from
+an input file to solve a safe aircraft routing problem.
+The D2 (direct-to) singleton object has a singleton
+reference to:
+ -ReadWrite, reads input file, creates messages
+ -MessageList, commands to execute for building problem
+ -Static, structure of static constants from input file
+ -AircraftList, all types of aircraft in problem
+ -FlightList, list of flights in algorithm
+ -FixList, list of fixes algorithm computes
+ -Algorithm, reads from Static
+ -TrajectorySynthesizer, reads from Static
+ -Flight, why a singleton Flight object?
+*** all memory in the program should be reachable from
+at most one of any singleton (D2, Static, etc) ***
+MessageList has a Vector of Message objects, where each
+one specifys an effect for other structures such as
+setting a constant in the Static singleton, or adding
+an aircraft type to the Aircraft list, etc. Message
+objects themselves only have references that are freshly
+allocated, so:
+*** Message objects should be disjoint ***
+The ReadWrite singleton appends new Message objects
+to the MessageList and has no references of its own,
+*** Nothing is reachable from a ReadWrite ***
+The Static singleton has primitive members, so
+*** Nothing is reachable from a Static ***
+AircraftList has a Vector of Aircraft objects, where
+each one has a String for type and some primitive
+attributes, where the type is generated from a
+StringTokenizer (getting a token gets a new String),
+and in practice is disjoint for every Aircraft, so:
+*** Aircraft objects should be disjoint ***
+FixList has a Vector of Fix objects, where each one
+has a String name and a Point2d (an alternate point
+in a flight plan?). I believe they are not modified
+after being built from freshly allocated tokenizing,
+*** Fix objects should be disjoint ***
+FlightList has a Vector of Flight objects which have
+several fresh, set-once references (flightID String,
+a Track, etc).
+Flight objects may share Aircraft (types),
+In Message.executeMessage(), if you comment out every
+message handler except any one of these, they cause
+Message objects to show sharing:
+ - FlightList.addFlightPlan()
+ - FlightList.amendFlightInfo()
+ - FlightList.amendFlightPlan() (still a quick analysis!)
+ - FlightList.sendingAircraft()
public class D2 {
public ReadWrite singletonReadWrite ; public ReadWrite getReadWrite () { return singletonReadWrite ; }
+ public MessageList singletonMessageList ; public MessageList getMessageList () { return singletonMessageList ; }
public Static singletonStatic ; public Static getStatic () { return singletonStatic ; }
public AircraftList singletonAircraftList ; public AircraftList getAircraftList () { return singletonAircraftList ; }
- public Algorithm singletonAlgorithm ; public Algorithm getAlgorithm () { return singletonAlgorithm ; }
- public FixList singletonFixList ; public FixList getFixList () { return singletonFixList ; }
- public Flight singletonFlight ; public Flight getFlight () { return singletonFlight ; }
public FlightList singletonFlightList ; public FlightList getFlightList () { return singletonFlightList ; }
- public MessageList singletonMessageList ; public MessageList getMessageList () { return singletonMessageList ; }
+ public FixList singletonFixList ; public FixList getFixList () { return singletonFixList ; }
+ public Algorithm singletonAlgorithm ; public Algorithm getAlgorithm () { return singletonAlgorithm ; }
public TrajectorySynthesizer singletonTrajectorySynthesizer; public TrajectorySynthesizer getTrajectorySynthesizer() { return singletonTrajectorySynthesizer; }
public D2() {
singletonReadWrite = new ReadWrite ();
+ singletonMessageList = new MessageList ();
singletonStatic = new Static ();
singletonAircraftList = new AircraftList ();
+ singletonFlightList = new FlightList ();
singletonFixList = new FixList ();
singletonAlgorithm = new Algorithm ();
- singletonFlight = new Flight ("");
- singletonFlightList = new FlightList ();
- singletonMessageList = new MessageList ();
singletonTrajectorySynthesizer = new TrajectorySynthesizer();
f=new Vector(100);
- /*
- public void addFlight(int index, Flight flight) {
- f.addElement(index,flight);
- }
- */
public void addFlightPlan(D2 d2, int time, StringTokenizer st) {
Flight newFlight=disjoint flightAdd new Flight(st.nextToken());
- public Message(Message m) {
- this.time=m.time;
- this.type=m.type;
- this.parameters=m.parameters;
- }
public void executeMessage(D2 d2) {
System.out.println("Executing message of type "+type);
SOURCE_FILES=D2.java #smalltest.java
-BSFLAGS= -debug -nooptimize -mainclass $(MAIN_CLASS) -justanalyze -ownership -ownallocdepth 1 -ownwritedots final -ownaliasfile aliases.txt -enable-assertions
+BSFLAGS= -debug -nooptimize -mainclass $(MAIN_CLASS) #-justanalyze -ownership -ownallocdepth 1 -ownwritedots final -ownaliasfile aliases.txt -enable-assertions
all: $(PROGRAM).bin
//import java.io.*;
public class D2 {
- public ReadWrite rw;
- private Static singletonStatic ; public Static getStatic () { return singletonStatic ; }
- private AircraftList singletonAircraftList ; public AircraftList getAircraftList () { return singletonAircraftList ; }
- private Algorithm singletonAlgorithm ; public Algorithm getAlgorithm () { return singletonAlgorithm ; }
- private FixList singletonFixList ; public FixList getFixList () { return singletonFixList ; }
- private Flight singletonFlight ; public Flight getFlight () { return singletonFlight ; }
- private FlightList singletonFlightList ; public FlightList getFlightList () { return singletonFlightList ; }
- private MessageList singletonMessageList ; public MessageList getMessageList () { return singletonMessageList ; }
- private TrajectorySynthesizer singletonTrajectorySynthesizer; public TrajectorySynthesizer getTrajectorySynthesizer() { return singletonTrajectorySynthesizer; }
+ public ReadWrite singletonReadWrite ; public ReadWrite getReadWrite () { return singletonReadWrite ; }
+ public MessageList singletonMessageList ; public MessageList getMessageList () { return singletonMessageList ; }
+ public Static singletonStatic ; public Static getStatic () { return singletonStatic ; }
+ public AircraftList singletonAircraftList ; public AircraftList getAircraftList () { return singletonAircraftList ; }
+ public FlightList singletonFlightList ; public FlightList getFlightList () { return singletonFlightList ; }
+ public FixList singletonFixList ; public FixList getFixList () { return singletonFixList ; }
+ public Algorithm singletonAlgorithm ; public Algorithm getAlgorithm () { return singletonAlgorithm ; }
+ public TrajectorySynthesizer singletonTrajectorySynthesizer; public TrajectorySynthesizer getTrajectorySynthesizer() { return singletonTrajectorySynthesizer; }
public D2() {
+ singletonReadWrite = new ReadWrite ();
+ singletonMessageList = new MessageList ();
singletonStatic = new Static ();
singletonAircraftList = new AircraftList ();
+ singletonFlightList = new FlightList ();
singletonFixList = new FixList ();
singletonAlgorithm = new Algorithm ();
- singletonFlight = new Flight ( "" );
- singletonFlightList = new FlightList ();
- singletonMessageList = new MessageList ();
- singletonTrajectorySynthesizer = new TrajectorySynthesizer();
+ singletonTrajectorySynthesizer = new TrajectorySynthesizer();
public static void main(String arg[]) {
System.out.println("D2 - Application started");
D2 d2 = new D2();
- d2.rw=new ReadWrite();
- d2.rw.read(d2);
+ d2.getReadWrite().read(d2);
- int count = 0;
+ /*
while( d2.getFlightList().anyPlanesAlive() ) {
- // d2.getAlgorithm().doIteration(d2);
- count++;
- if( count % 10000 == 0 ) {
- //System.out.println( "iteration "+count );
- }
- if( count == 1000 ) {
- break;
- }
+ d2.getAlgorithm().doIteration(d2);
- d2.rw.write(d2);
+ d2.getReadWrite().write(d2);
+ */
+ System.out.println("D2 - Application finished");
public static Flight copyOf(Flight f) {
- Flight fNew = disjoint flightCopy new Flight(f.flightID);
+ Flight fNew = /*disjoint flightCopy*/ new Flight(f.flightID);
fNew.trialStatus = f.trialStatus;
fNew.aircraftType = f.aircraftType;
fNew.track = f.track;
f=new Vector(100);
- /*
- public void addFlight(int index, Flight flight) {
- f.addElement(index,flight);
- }
- */
public void addFlightPlan(D2 d2, int time, StringTokenizer st) {
- Flight newFlight=disjoint flightAdd new Flight(st.nextToken());
+ Flight newFlight=/*disjoint flightAdd*/ new Flight(st.nextToken());
- public Message(Message m) {
- this.time=m.time;
- this.type=m.type;
- this.parameters=m.parameters;
- }
public void executeMessage(D2 d2) {
System.out.println("Executing message of type "+type);
+ //static messages
- //static messages
if (type.compareTo("SET_MAP_SIZE")==0) {
System.out.println("Setting the map size...");
else if (type.compareTo("REMOVE_FIX")==0) {
System.out.println("Removing a fix...");
- }
- else*/ if (type.compareTo("ADD_AIRCRAFT")==0) {
+ }
+ else if (type.compareTo("ADD_AIRCRAFT")==0) {
System.out.println("Adding an aircraft...");
- } else
- /*
+ }
else if (type.compareTo("REMOVE_AIRCRAFT")==0) {
System.out.println("Removing an aircraft...");
- //dynamic messages
+ */
+ //dynamic messages
+ /*
if (type.compareTo("DO_WORK")==0)
+ /*
if (type.compareTo("ADD_FLIGHT_PLAN")==0) {
System.out.println("Adding flight plan...");
- /*
- else if (type.compareTo("REMOVE_FLIGHT_PLAN")==0) {
+ */
+ /*else if (type.compareTo("REMOVE_FLIGHT_PLAN")==0) {
System.out.println("Removing flight plan...");
- }
+ }
else if (type.compareTo("AMEND_FLIGHT_INFO")==0) {
System.out.println("Amending flight info...");
d2.getFlightList().amendFlightInfo(d2, time,parameters);
- }
- else if (type.compareTo("AMEND_FLIGHT_PLAN")==0) {
+ }
+ else*/ if (type.compareTo("AMEND_FLIGHT_PLAN")==0) {
System.out.println("Amending flight plan...");
d2.getFlightList().amendFlightPlan(d2, time,parameters);
- }
+ }
+ /*
else if (type.compareTo("SENDING_AIRCRAFT")==0) {
System.out.println("Sending aircraft data...");
d2.getFlightList().sendingAircraft(d2, time,parameters);
public Message data() {
Message m = (Message) messages.elementAt(0);
- messages.removeElementAt(0);
return m;
public Message next() {
- return data();
+ Message m = (Message) messages.elementAt(0);
+ messages.removeElementAt(0);
+ return m;
public boolean hasNext() {
public /*static*/ Trajectory updateTrajectory (D2 d2, double time, Flight flight) {
- return null;
- /* System.out.println("Updating trajectory for "+flight.flightID);
+ System.out.println("Updating trajectory for "+flight.flightID);
int i;
System.out.println("Starting position: "+currentPos);
System.out.println("Finished updating trajectory ...");
- return traject;*/
+ return traject;
private /*static*/ void setInitialParameters(Flight flight) {
-MAIN_CLASS=D2 #smalltest
-SOURCE_FILES=D2.java #smalltest.java
-BSFLAGS= -debug -nooptimize -mainclass $(MAIN_CLASS) -justanalyze -ownership -ownallocdepth 1 -ownwritedots final -ownaliasfile aliases.txt -enable-assertions
+BSFLAGS= -debug -nooptimize -mainclass $(MAIN_CLASS)
-all: $(PROGRAM).bin
+#DBCALLFLAGS= -owndebugcaller main -owndebugcallee executeAll
+DBCALLFLAGS= -owndebugcaller executeAll -owndebugcallee executeMessage -owndebugcallcount 1
+#DBCALLFLAGS= -owndebugcaller executeMessage -owndebugcallee amendFlightPlan
+ANALYZEFLAGS= -justanalyze $(DBCALLFLAGS) -ownership -ownallocdepth 1 -ownwritedots final -ownaliasfile aliases.txt -enable-assertions
+all: $(PROGRAM)
view: PNGs
eog *.png &
DOTs: $(PROGRAM).bin
+analyze: $(SOURCE_FILES)
rm -f $(PROGRAM).bin
rm -fr tmpbuilddirectory