int chdir(const char* path) { return _chdir(path); }
+#if defined(_MT) && !defined(_DLL)
// We aren't hooking into the internals of the CRT, nope, not at all.
extern "C" int __cdecl _free_osfhnd(int const fh);
int close(int fh) {
if (folly::portability::sockets::is_fh_socket(fh)) {
SOCKET h = (SOCKET)_get_osfhandle(fh);
// Luckily though, there is a function in the internals of the
// CRT that is used to free only the file descriptor, so we
// can call that to avoid leaking the file descriptor itself.
+ //
+ // Unfortunately, we can only access the function when we're
+ // compiling against the static CRT, as it isn't an exported
+ // symbol. Leaking the file descriptor is less of a leak than
+ // leaking the socket's resources, so we close the socket and
+ // leave the descriptor itself alone.
auto c = closesocket(h);
+#if defined(_MT) && !defined(_DLL)
+ // We're building for the static CRT. We can do things!
return c;
return _close(fh);