// your IR predecessor pushed on you
Boolean isPotentialStallSite = isPotentialStallSite( fn );
- if( fn instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode ||
- fn instanceof FlatSESEExitNode ) {
- // fix it so this is never a potential stall site, but from
- // a child definition onward propagate 'true' -> eom's comment: not sure why we need to set isPotentialStallSite=ture
- setIsPotentialStallSite( fn, false );
- // isPotentialStallSite = true;
- }
- if( fn instanceof FlatSESEExitNode ) {
- isPotentialStallSite = true;
- }
if( fn == fsen.getFlatExit() ) {
// don't enqueue any futher nodes when you find your exit,
// NOR mark your own flat as a statement you are currently
+ if( fn instanceof FlatSESEExitNode ) {
+ isPotentialStallSite = true;
+ }
// the purpose of this traversal is to find program
// points where rblock 'fsen' might be executing
addPossibleExecutingRBlock( fn, fsen );
if( fn instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode ) {
// don't visit internal nodes of child,
// just enqueue the exit node
assert fsen.getChildren().contains( child );
assert child.getParents().contains( fsen );
flatNodesToVisit.put( child.getFlatExit(), fm );
+ setIsPotentialStallSite( fn, false );
// explicitly do this to handle the case that you
// should mark yourself as possibly executing at
isPotentialStallSite = isPrevPossibleStallSite || isPotentialStallSite;
Boolean currentStatus=fn2isPotentialStallSite.get(fn);
- if(currentStatus==null || (fn instanceof FlatMethod) ){
+ if(currentStatus==null) {
//first visit
FlatNode nn = fn.getNext(i);
flatNodesToVisit.put(nn, fm);
+ setIsPotentialStallSite(fn, isPotentialStallSite);
- setIsPotentialStallSite(fn, isPotentialStallSite);
// keep old implementation for possible references:
// old strategy couldn't handle property