(new TypeDescriptor(typeutil.getClass(TypeUtil.StringClass))).makeArray(state))+state.numClasses()));
+ outstructs.println("#define OBJECTARRAYTYPE "+
+ (state.getArrayNumber(
+ (new TypeDescriptor(typeutil.getClass(TypeUtil.ObjectClass))).makeArray(state))+state.numClasses()));
outstructs.println("#define STRINGTYPE "+typeutil.getClass(TypeUtil.StringClass).getId());
outstructs.println("#define CHARARRAYTYPE "+
(state.getArrayNumber((new TypeDescriptor(TypeDescriptor.CHAR)).makeArray(state))+state.numClasses()));
(state.getArrayNumber((new TypeDescriptor(TypeDescriptor.BYTE)).makeArray(state).makeArray(state))+state.numClasses()));
outstructs.println("#define NUMCLASSES "+state.numClasses());
- if (state.TASK)
+ if (state.TASK) {
outstructs.println("#define STARTUPTYPE "+typeutil.getClass(TypeUtil.StartupClass).getId());
+ outstructs.println("#define TAGTYPE "+typeutil.getClass(TypeUtil.TagClass).getId());
+ outstructs.println("#define TAGARRAYTYPE "+
+ (state.getArrayNumber(new TypeDescriptor(typeutil.getClass(TypeUtil.TagClass)).makeArray(state))+state.numClasses()));
+ }
// Output the C class declarations
// These could mutually reference each other
if (state.THREAD)
outtask.println("struct taskdescriptor {");
outtask.println("void * taskptr;");
outtask.println("int numParameters;");
+ outtask.println("int numTotal;");
outtask.println("struct parameterdescriptor **descriptorarray;");
outtask.println("char * name;");
output.println("struct taskdescriptor task_"+task.getSafeSymbol()+"={");
output.println("/* number of parameters */" +task.numParameters() + ",");
+ int numtotal=task.numParameters()+fm.numTags();
+ output.println("/* number total parameters */" +numtotal + ",");
for(int i=0;i<fm.numTags();i++) {
TempDescriptor temp=fm.getTag(i);
- output.println(" struct TagDescriptor * "+temp.getSafeSymbol()+";");
+ output.println(" struct ___TagDescriptor___ * "+temp.getSafeSymbol()+";");
for(int i=0;i<fm.numTags();i++) {
TempDescriptor temp=fm.getTag(i);
int offset=i+objectparams.numPrimitives();
- output.println("struct TagDescriptor * "+temp.getSafeSymbol()+"=parameterarray["+offset+"];");
+ output.println("struct ___TagDescriptor___ * "+temp.getSafeSymbol()+"=parameterarray["+offset+"];");
if ((objectparams.numPrimitives()+fm.numTags())>maxtaskparams)
public void generateFlatFlagActionNode(FlatMethod fm, FlatFlagActionNode ffan, PrintWriter output) {
output.println("/* FlatFlagActionNode */");
+ /* Process tag changes */
+ Relation tagsettable=new Relation();
+ Relation tagcleartable=new Relation();
+ Iterator tagsit=ffan.getTempTagPairs();
+ while (tagsit.hasNext()) {
+ TempTagPair ttp=(TempTagPair) tagsit.next();
+ TempDescriptor objtmp=ttp.getTemp();
+ TagDescriptor tag=ttp.getTag();
+ TempDescriptor tagtmp=ttp.getTagTemp();
+ boolean tagstatus=ffan.getTagChange(ttp);
+ if (tagstatus) {
+ tagsettable.put(objtmp, tagtmp);
+ } else {
+ tagcleartable.put(objtmp, tagtmp);
+ }
+ }
Hashtable flagandtable=new Hashtable();
Hashtable flagortable=new Hashtable();
- Iterator orit=flagortable.keySet().iterator();
- while(orit.hasNext()) {
- TempDescriptor temp=(TempDescriptor)orit.next();
- int ormask=((Integer)flagortable.get(temp)).intValue();
+ HashSet flagtagset=new HashSet();
+ flagtagset.addAll(flagortable.keySet());
+ flagtagset.addAll(flagandtable.keySet());
+ flagtagset.addAll(tagsettable.keySet());
+ flagtagset.addAll(tagcleartable.keySet());
+ Iterator ftit=flagtagset.iterator();
+ while(ftit.hasNext()) {
+ TempDescriptor temp=(TempDescriptor)ftit.next();
+ Set tagtmps=tagcleartable.get(temp);
+ if (tagtmps!=null) {
+ Iterator tagit=tagtmps.iterator();
+ while(tagit.hasNext()) {
+ TempDescriptor tagtmp=(TempDescriptor)tagit.next();
+ output.println("tagclear(&"+localsprefix+", (struct ___Object___ *)"+generateTemp(fm, temp)+", "+generateTemp(fm,tagtmp)+");");
+ else
+ output.println("tagclear((struct ___Object___ *)"+generateTemp(fm, temp)+", "+generateTemp(fm,tagtmp)+");");
+ }
+ }
+ tagtmps=tagsettable.get(temp);
+ if (tagtmps!=null) {
+ Iterator tagit=tagtmps.iterator();
+ while(tagit.hasNext()) {
+ TempDescriptor tagtmp=(TempDescriptor)tagit.next();
+ output.println("tagset(&"+localsprefix+", (struct ___Object___ *)"+generateTemp(fm, temp)+", "+generateTemp(fm,tagtmp)+");");
+ else
+ output.println("tagset((struct ___Object___ *)"+generateTemp(fm, temp)+", "+generateTemp(fm,tagtmp)+");");
+ }
+ }
+ int ormask=0;
int andmask=0xFFFFFFF;
+ if (flagortable.containsKey(temp))
+ ormask=((Integer)flagortable.get(temp)).intValue();
if (flagandtable.containsKey(temp))
if (ffan.getTaskType()==FlatFlagActionNode.NEWOBJECT) {
output.println("flagorand("+generateTemp(fm, temp)+", 0x"+Integer.toHexString(ormask)+", 0x"+Integer.toHexString(andmask)+");");
- Iterator andit=flagandtable.keySet().iterator();
- while(andit.hasNext()) {
- TempDescriptor temp=(TempDescriptor)andit.next();
- int andmask=((Integer)flagandtable.get(temp)).intValue();
- if (!flagortable.containsKey(temp)) {
- if (ffan.getTaskType()==FlatFlagActionNode.NEWOBJECT)
- output.println("flagorandinit("+generateTemp(fm, temp)+", 0, 0x"+Integer.toHexString(andmask)+");");
- else
- output.println("flagorand("+generateTemp(fm, temp)+", 0, 0x"+Integer.toHexString(andmask)+");");
- }
- }
- /* Process tag changes */
- Relation tagsettable=new Relation();
- Relation tagcleartable=new Relation();
- Iterator tagsit=ffan.getTempTagPairs();
- while (tagsit.hasNext()) {
- TempTagPair ttp=(TempTagPair) tagsit.next();
- TempDescriptor objtmp=ttp.getTemp();
- TagDescriptor tag=ttp.getTag();
- TempDescriptor tagtmp=ttp.getTagTemp();
- boolean tagstatus=ffan.getTagChange(ttp);
- if (tagstatus) {
- tagsettable.put(objtmp, tagtmp);
- } else {
- tagcleartable.put(objtmp, tagtmp);
- }
- }
- Iterator clearit=tagcleartable.keySet().iterator();
- while(clearit.hasNext()) {
- TempDescriptor objtmp=(TempDescriptor)clearit.next();
- Set tagtmps=tagcleartable.get(objtmp);
- Iterator tagit=tagtmps.iterator();
- while(tagit.hasNext()) {
- TempDescriptor tagtmp=(TempDescriptor)tagit.next();
- output.println("tagclear("+generateTemp(fm, objtmp)+", "+generateTemp(fm,tagtmp)+");");
- }
- }
- Iterator setit=tagsettable.keySet().iterator();
- while(setit.hasNext()) {
- TempDescriptor objtmp=(TempDescriptor)setit.next();
- Set tagtmps=tagcleartable.get(objtmp);
- Iterator tagit=tagtmps.iterator();
- while(tagit.hasNext()) {
- TempDescriptor tagtmp=(TempDescriptor)tagit.next();
- output.println("tagset("+generateTemp(fm, objtmp)+", "+generateTemp(fm,tagtmp)+");");
- }
- }
#include "option.h"
+#define ARRAYSET(array, type, index, value) \
+((type *)(&(& array->___length___)[1]))[index]=value
+#define ARRAYGET(array, type, index) \
+((type *)(&(& array->___length___)[1]))[index]
extern int classsize[];
jmp_buf error_handler;
int instructioncount;
#include "instrument.h"
-struct Queue * activetasks;
+struct genhashtable * activetasks;
struct parameterwrapper * objectqueues[NUMCLASSES];
struct genhashtable * failedtasks;
struct taskparamdescriptor * currtpd;
failedtasks=genallocatehashtable((unsigned int (*)(void *)) &hashCodetpd,
(int (*)(void *,void *)) &comparetpd);
/* Create queue of active tasks */
- activetasks=createQueue();
+ activetasks=genallocatehashtable((unsigned int (*)(void *)) &hashCodetpd,
+ (int (*)(void *,void *)) &comparetpd);
/* Process task information */
return 1;
+/* This function sets a tag. */
+#ifdef PRECISE_GC
+void tagset(void *ptr, struct ___Object___ * obj, struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tagd) {
+void tagset(struct ___Object___ * obj, struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tagd) {
+ struct ___Object___ * tagptr=obj->___tags___;
+ if (tagptr==NULL) {
+ obj->___tags___=(struct ___Object___ *)tagd;
+ } else {
+ /* Have to check if it is already set */
+ if (tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * td=(struct ___TagDescriptor___ *) tagptr;
+ if (td==tagd)
+ return;
+#ifdef PRECISE_GC
+ int ptrarray[]={2, (int) ptr, (int) obj, (int)tagd};
+ struct ArrayObject * ao=allocate_newarray(&ptrarray,TAGARRAYTYPE,TAGARRAYINTERVAL);
+ obj=(struct ___Object___ *)ptrarray[2];
+ tagd=(struct ___TagDescriptor___ *)ptrarray[3];
+ td=(struct ___TagDescriptor___ *) obj->___tags___;
+ struct ArrayObject * ao=allocate_newarray(TAGARRAYTYPE,TAGARRAYINTERVAL);
+ ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, 0, td);
+ ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, 1, tagd);
+ obj->___tags___=(struct ___Object___ *) ao;
+ ao->___cachedCode___=2;
+ } else {
+ /* Array Case */
+ int i;
+ struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
+ for(i=0;i<ao->___cachedCode___;i++) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * td=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, i);
+ if (td==tagd)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ao->___cachedCode___<ao->___length___) {
+ ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, ao->___cachedCode___, tagd);
+ ao->___cachedCode___++;
+ } else {
+#ifdef PRECISE_GC
+ int ptrarray[]={2,(int) ptr, (int) obj, (int) tagd};
+ struct ArrayObject * aonew=allocate_newarray(&ptrarray,TAGARRAYTYPE,TAGARRAYINTERVAL+ao->___length___);
+ obj=(struct ___Object___ *)ptrarray[2];
+ tagd=(struct ___TagDescriptor___ *) ptrarray[3];
+ ao=(struct ArrayObject *)obj->___tags___;
+ struct ArrayObject * aonew=allocate_newarray(TAGARRAYTYPE,TAGARRAYINTERVAL+ao->___length___);
+ aonew->___cachedCode___=ao->___length___+1;
+ for(i=0;i<ao->___length___;i++) {
+ ARRAYSET(aonew, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, i, ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, i));
+ }
+ ARRAYSET(aonew, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, ao->___length___, tagd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ struct ___Object___ * tagset=tagd->___tagset___;
+ if(tagset==NULL) {
+ tagd->___tagset___=obj;
+ } else if (tagset->type!=OBJECTARRAYTYPE) {
+#ifdef PRECISE_GC
+ int ptrarray[]={2, (int) ptr, (int) obj, (int)tagd};
+ struct ArrayObject * ao=allocate_newarray(&ptrarray,OBJECTARRAYTYPE,OBJECTARRAYINTERVAL);
+ obj=(struct ___Object___ *)ptrarray[2];
+ tagd=(struct ___TagDescriptor___ *)ptrarray[3];
+ struct ArrayObject * ao=allocate_newarray(OBJECTARRAYTYPE,OBJECTARRAYINTERVAL);
+ ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, 0, tagd->___tagset___);
+ ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, 1, obj);
+ ao->___cachedCode___=2;
+ tagd->___tagset___=(struct ___Object___ *)ao;
+ } else {
+ struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagset;
+ if (ao->___cachedCode___<ao->___length___) {
+ ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___Object___*, ao->___cachedCode___++, obj);
+ } else {
+ int i;
+#ifdef PRECISE_GC
+ int ptrarray[]={2, (int) ptr, (int) obj, (int)tagd};
+ struct ArrayObject * aonew=allocate_newarray(&ptrarray,OBJECTARRAYTYPE,OBJECTARRAYINTERVAL+ao->___length___);
+ obj=(struct ___Object___ *)ptrarray[2];
+ tagd=(struct ___TagDescriptor___ *)ptrarray[3];
+ ao=(struct ArrayObject *)tagd->___tagset___;
+ struct ArrayObject * aonew=allocate_newarray(OBJECTARRAYTYPE,OBJECTARRAYINTERVAL);
+ aonew->___cachedCode___=ao->___cachedCode___+1;
+ for(i=0;i<ao->___length___;i++) {
+ ARRAYSET(aonew, struct ___Object___*, i, ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___*, i));
+ }
+ ARRAYSET(aonew, struct ___Object___ *, ao->___cachedCode___, obj);
+ tagd->___tagset___=(struct ___Object___ *) ao;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* This function clears a tag. */
+#ifdef PRECISE_GC
+void tagclear(void *ptr, struct ___Object___ * obj, struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tagd) {
+void tagclear(struct ___Object___ * obj, struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tagd) {
+ /* We'll assume that tag is alway there.
+ Need to statically check for this of course. */
+ struct ___Object___ * tagptr=obj->___tags___;
+ if (tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {
+ if ((struct ___TagDescriptor___ *)tagptr==tagd)
+ obj->___tags___=NULL;
+ else
+ printf("ERROR 1 in tagclear\n");
+ } else {
+ struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<ao->___cachedCode___;i++) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * td=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, i);
+ if (td==tagd) {
+ ao->___cachedCode___--;
+ if (i<ao->___cachedCode___)
+ ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, i, ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, ao->___cachedCode___));
+ ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, ao->___cachedCode___, NULL);
+ if (ao->___cachedCode___==0)
+ obj->___tags___=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("ERROR 2 in tagclear\n");
+ }
+ {
+ struct ___Object___ *tagset=tagd->___tagset___;
+ if (tagset->type!=OBJECTARRAYTYPE) {
+ if (tagset==obj)
+ tagd->___tagset___=NULL;
+ else
+ printf("ERROR 3 in tagclear\n");
+ } else {
+ struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagset;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<ao->___cachedCode___;i++) {
+ struct ___Object___ * tobj=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, i);
+ if (tobj==obj) {
+ ao->___cachedCode___--;
+ if (i<ao->___cachedCode___)
+ ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, i, ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, ao->___cachedCode___));
+ ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, ao->___cachedCode___, NULL);
+ if (ao->___cachedCode___==0)
+ tagd->___tagset___=NULL;
+ goto ENDCLEAR;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("ERROR 4 in tagclear\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+/* This function allocates a new tag. */
+#ifdef PRECISE_GC
+struct ___TagDescriptor___ * allocate_tag(void *ptr, int index) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * v=(struct ___TagDescriptor___ *) mygcmalloc((struct garbagelist *) ptr, classsize[STARTUPTYPE]);
+struct ___TagDescriptor___ * allocate_tag(int index) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * v=FREEMALLOC(classsize[STARTUPTYPE]);
+ v->type=STARTUPTYPE;
+ v->flag=index;
+ return v;
/* This function updates the flag for object ptr. It or's the flag
with the or mask and and's it with the andmask. */
+void flagbody(struct ___Object___ *ptr, int flag);
void flagorand(void * ptr, int ormask, int andmask) {
+ int oldflag=((int *)ptr)[1];
+ int flag=ormask|oldflag;
+ flag&=andmask;
+ // Not sure why this was necessary
+ // if (flag==oldflag) /* Don't do anything */
+ // return;
+ //else
+ flagbody(ptr, flag);
+void intflagorand(void * ptr, int ormask, int andmask) {
int oldflag=((int *)ptr)[1];
int flag=ormask|oldflag;
-void flagbody(void *ptr, int flag) {
- struct RuntimeHash *flagptr=(struct RuntimeHash *)(((int*)ptr)[2]);
- ((int*)ptr)[1]=flag;
+void flagbody(struct ___Object___ *ptr, int flag) {
+ struct parameterwrapper *flagptr=(struct parameterwrapper *)ptr->flagptr;
+ ptr->flag=flag;
/*Remove object from all queues */
while(flagptr!=NULL) {
- struct RuntimeHash *next;
- RuntimeHashget(flagptr, (int) ptr, (int *) &next);
- RuntimeHashremove(flagptr, (int)ptr, (int) next);
+ struct parameterwrapper *next;
+ struct ___Object___ * tag=ptr->___tags___;
+ RuntimeHashget(flagptr->objectset, (int) ptr, (int *) &next);
+ RuntimeHashremove(flagptr->objectset, (int)ptr, (int) next);
struct QueueItem *tmpptr;
- struct parameterwrapper * parameter=objectqueues[((int *)ptr)[0]];
+ struct parameterwrapper * parameter=objectqueues[ptr->type];
int i;
- struct RuntimeHash * prevptr=NULL;
+ struct parameterwrapper * prevptr=NULL;
+ struct ___Object___ *tagptr=ptr->___tags___;
+ /* Outer loop iterates through all parameter queues an object of
+ this type could be in. */
while(parameter!=NULL) {
+ /* Check tags */
+ if (parameter->numbertags>0) {
+ if (tagptr==NULL)
+ goto nextloop;
+ else if(tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tag=(struct ___TagDescriptor___*) tagptr;
+ for(i=0;i<parameter->numbertags;i++) {
+ //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
+ int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
+ if (tagid!=tagptr->flag)
+ goto nextloop; /*We don't have this tag */
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct ArrayObject * ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
+ for(i=0;i<parameter->numbertags;i++) {
+ //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
+ int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
+ int j;
+ for(j=0;j<ao->___cachedCode___;j++) {
+ if (tagid==ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, i)->flag)
+ goto foundtag;
+ }
+ goto nextloop;
+ foundtag:
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check flags */
for(i=0;i<parameter->numberofterms;i++) {
int andmask=parameter->intarray[i*2];
int checkmask=parameter->intarray[i*2+1];
if ((flag&andmask)==checkmask) {
- RuntimeHashadd(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr, (int) prevptr);
- prevptr=parameter->objectset;
- {
- struct RuntimeIterator iteratorarray[MAXTASKPARAMS];
- void * taskpointerarray[MAXTASKPARAMS];
- int j;
- int numparams=parameter->task->numParameters;
- int done=1;
- struct taskdescriptor * task=parameter->task;
- int newindex=-1;
- for(j=0;j<numparams;j++) {
- struct parameterwrapper *pw=(struct parameterwrapper *)task->descriptorarray[j]->queue;
- if (parameter==pw) {
- taskpointerarray[j]=ptr;
- newindex=j;
- } else {
- RuntimeHashiterator(pw->objectset, &iteratorarray[j]);
- if (RunhasNext(&iteratorarray[j])) {
- taskpointerarray[j]=(void *) Runkey(&iteratorarray[j]);
- Runnext(&iteratorarray[j]);
- } else {
- done=0;
- break; /* No tasks to dispatch */
- }
- }
- }
- /* Queue task items... */
- while(done) {
- struct taskparamdescriptor *tpd=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct taskparamdescriptor));
- tpd->task=task;
- tpd->numParameters=numparams;
- tpd->parameterArray=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(void *)*numparams);
- for(j=0;j<numparams;j++)
- tpd->parameterArray[j]=taskpointerarray[j];
- /* Queue task */
- if (!gencontains(failedtasks, tpd))
- addNewItem(activetasks, tpd);
- else {
- RUNFREE(tpd->parameterArray);
- RUNFREE(tpd);
- }
- /* This loop iterates to the next parameter combination */
- for(j=0;j<numparams;j++) {
- if (j==newindex) {
- if ((j+1)==numparams)
- done=0;
- continue;
- }
- if (RunhasNext(&iteratorarray[j])) {
- taskpointerarray[j]=(void *) Runkey(&iteratorarray[j]);
- Runnext(&iteratorarray[j]);
- break;
- } else if ((j+1)!=numparams) {
- RuntimeHashiterator(task->descriptorarray[j]->queue, &iteratorarray[j]);
- } else {
- done=0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ enqueuetasks(parameter, prevptr, ptr);
+ prevptr=parameter;
+ nextloop:
- ((struct RuntimeHash **)ptr)[2]=prevptr;
+ ptr->flagptr=prevptr;
+void enqueuetasks(struct parameterwrapper *parameter, struct parameterwrapper *prevptr, struct ___Object___ *ptr) {
+ void * taskpointerarray[MAXTASKPARAMS];
+ int j;
+ int numparams=parameter->task->numParameters;
+ int numiterators=parameter->task->numTotal-1;
+ struct taskdescriptor * task=parameter->task;
+ RuntimeHashadd(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr, (int) prevptr);
+ /* Add enqueued object to parameter vector */
+ taskpointerarray[parameter->slot]=ptr;
+ /* Reset iterators */
+ for(j=0;j<numiterators;j++) {
+ toiReset(¶meter->iterators[j]);
+ }
+ /* Find initial state */
+ for(j=0;j<numiterators;j++) {
+ backtrackinit:
+ if(toiHasNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray))
+ toiNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray);
+ else if (j>0) {
+ /* Need to backtrack */
+ toiReset(¶meter->iterators[j]);
+ j--;
+ goto backtrackinit;
+ } else {
+ /* Nothing to enqueue */
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while(1) {
+ /* Enqueue current state */
+ struct taskparamdescriptor *tpd=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct taskparamdescriptor));
+ tpd->task=task;
+ tpd->numParameters=numiterators+1;
+ tpd->parameterArray=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(void *)*(numiterators+1));
+ for(j=0;j<=numiterators;j++)
+ tpd->parameterArray[j]=taskpointerarray[j];
+ /* Enqueue task */
+ if (!gencontains(failedtasks, tpd)&&!gencontains(activetasks,tpd)) {
+ genputtable(activetasks, tpd, tpd);
+ } else {
+ RUNFREE(tpd->parameterArray);
+ RUNFREE(tpd);
+ }
+ /* This loop iterates to the next parameter combination */
+ if (numiterators==0)
+ return;
+ for(j=numiterators-1; j<numiterators;j++) {
+ backtrackinc:
+ if(toiHasNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray))
+ toiNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray);
+ else if (j>0) {
+ /* Need to backtrack */
+ toiReset(¶meter->iterators[j]);
+ j--;
+ goto backtrackinc;
+ } else {
+ /* Nothing more to enqueue */
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
/* Handler for signals. The signals catch null pointer errors and
arithmatic errors. */
mmap(0, 0x1000, 0, MAP_SHARED|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANON, -1, 0);
- while(!isEmpty(activetasks)||(maxreadfd>0)) {
+ while((hashsize(activetasks)>0)||(maxreadfd>0)) {
/* Check if any filedescriptors have IO pending */
if (maxreadfd>0) {
void * objptr;
// printf("Setting fd %d\n",fd);
if (RuntimeHashget(fdtoobject, fd,(int *) &objptr)) {
- flagorand(objptr,1,0xFFFFFFFF); /* Set the first flag to 1 */
+ intflagorand(objptr,1,0xFFFFFFFF); /* Set the first flag to 1 */
/* See if there are any active tasks */
- if (!isEmpty(activetasks)) {
+ if (hashsize(activetasks)>0) {
int i;
- struct QueueItem * qi=(struct QueueItem *) getTail(activetasks);
- currtpd=(struct taskparamdescriptor *) qi->objectptr;
- removeItem(activetasks, qi);
+ currtpd=(struct taskparamdescriptor *) getfirstkey(activetasks);
+ genfreekey(activetasks, currtpd);
/* Check if this task has failed */
if (gencontains(failedtasks, currtpd)) {
goto newtask;
+ int numparams=currtpd->task->numParameters;
+ int numtotal=currtpd->task->numTotal;
/* Make sure that the parameters are still in the queues */
- for(i=0;i<currtpd->task->numParameters;i++) {
+ for(i=0;i<numparams;i++) {
void * parameter=currtpd->parameterArray[i];
struct parameterdescriptor * pd=currtpd->task->descriptorarray[i];
struct parameterwrapper *pw=(struct parameterwrapper *) pd->queue;
+ int j;
+ /* Check that object is still in queue */
if (!RuntimeHashcontainskey(pw->objectset, (int) parameter)) {
goto newtask;
+ /* Check that object still has necessary tags */
+ for(j=0;j<pd->numbertags;j++) {
+ int slotid=pd->tagarray[2*i]+numparams;
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tagd=currtpd->parameterArray[slotid];
+ if (!containstag(parameter, tagd)) {
+ RUNFREE(currtpd->parameterArray);
+ RUNFREE(currtpd);
+ goto newtask;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Copy the tags */
+ for(;i<numtotal;i++) {
+ taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET]=currtpd->parameterArray[i];
+ }
/* Checkpoint the state */
+/* This function processes an objects tags */
+void processtags(struct parameterdescriptor *pd, int index, struct parameterwrapper *parameter, int * iteratorcount, int *statusarray, int numparams) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<pd->numbertags;i++) {
+ int slotid=pd->tagarray[2*i];
+ int tagid=pd->tagarray[2*i+1];
+ if (statusarray[slotid+numparams]==0) {
+ parameter->iterators[*iteratorcount].istag=1;
+ parameter->iterators[*iteratorcount].tagid=tagid;
+ parameter->iterators[*iteratorcount].slot=slotid+numparams;
+ parameter->iterators[*iteratorcount].tagobjectslot=index;
+ statusarray[slotid+numparams]=1;
+ (*iteratorcount)++;
+ }
+ }
+void processobject(struct parameterwrapper *parameter, int index, struct parameterdescriptor *pd, int *iteratorcount, int * statusarray, int numparams) {
+ int i;
+ int tagcount=0;
+ struct RuntimeHash * objectset=((struct parameterwrapper *)pd->queue)->objectset;
+ parameter->iterators[*iteratorcount].istag=0;
+ parameter->iterators[*iteratorcount].slot=index;
+ parameter->iterators[*iteratorcount].objectset=objectset;
+ statusarray[index]=1;
+ for(i=0;i<pd->numbertags;i++) {
+ int slotid=pd->tagarray[2*i];
+ int tagid=pd->tagarray[2*i+1];
+ if (statusarray[slotid+numparams]!=0) {
+ /* This tag has already been enqueued, use it to narrow search */
+ parameter->iterators[*iteratorcount].tagbindings[tagcount]=slotid+numparams;
+ tagcount++;
+ }
+ }
+ parameter->iterators[*iteratorcount].numtags=tagcount;
+ (*iteratorcount)++;
+/* This function builds the iterators for a task & parameter */
+void builditerators(struct taskdescriptor * task, int index, struct parameterwrapper * parameter) {
+ int statusarray[MAXTASKPARAMS];
+ int i;
+ int numparams=task->numParameters;
+ int iteratorcount=0;
+ for(i=0;i<MAXTASKPARAMS;i++) statusarray[i]=0;
+ statusarray[index]=1; /* Initial parameter */
+ /* Process tags for initial iterator */
+ processtags(task->descriptorarray[index], index, parameter, & iteratorcount, statusarray, numparams);
+ while(1) {
+ loopstart:
+ /* Check for objects with existing tags */
+ for(i=0;i<numparams;i++) {
+ if (statusarray[i]==0) {
+ struct parameterdescriptor *pd=task->descriptorarray[i];
+ int j;
+ for(j=0;j<pd->numbertags;j++) {
+ int slotid=pd->tagarray[2*j];
+ if(statusarray[slotid+numparams]!=0) {
+ processobject(parameter, i, pd, &iteratorcount, statusarray, numparams);
+ processtags(pd, i, parameter, &iteratorcount, statusarray, numparams);
+ goto loopstart;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Nothing with a tag enqueued */
+ for(i=0;i<numparams;i++) {
+ if (statusarray[i]==0) {
+ struct parameterdescriptor *pd=task->descriptorarray[i];
+ processobject(parameter, i, pd, &iteratorcount, statusarray, numparams);
+ processtags(pd, i, parameter, &iteratorcount, statusarray, numparams);
+ goto loopstart;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Nothing left */
+ return;
+ }
/* This function processes the task information to create queues for
each parameter type. */
+ parameter->numbertags=param->numbertags;
+ parameter->tagarray=param->tagarray;
/* Link new queue in */
+ /* Build iterators for parameters */
+ for(j=0;j<task->numParameters;j++) {
+ struct parameterdescriptor *param=task->descriptorarray[j];
+ struct parameterwrapper *parameter=param->queue;
+ parameter->slot=j;
+ builditerators(task, j, parameter);
+ }
+ }
+void toiReset(struct tagobjectiterator * it) {
+ if (it->istag) {
+ it->tagobjindex=0;
+ } else if (it->numtags>0) {
+ it->tagobjindex=0;
+ } else {
+ RuntimeHashiterator(it->objectset, &it->it);
+ }
+int toiHasNext(struct tagobjectiterator *it, void ** objectarray) {
+ if (it->istag) {
+ /* Iterate tag */
+ /* Get object with tags */
+ struct ___Object___ *obj=objectarray[it->tagobjectslot];
+ struct ___Object___ *tagptr=obj->___tags___;
+ if (tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {
+ if ((it->tagobjindex==0)&& /* First object */
+ (it->tagid==((struct ___TagDescriptor___ *)tagptr)->flag)) /* Right tag type */
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
+ int tagindex=it->tagobjindex;
+ for(;tagindex<ao->___cachedCode___;tagindex++) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ *td=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, tagindex);
+ if (td->flag==it->tagid) {
+ it->tagobjindex=tagindex; /* Found right type of tag */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (it->numtags>0) {
+ /* Use tags to locate appropriate objects */
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tag=objectarray[it->tagbindings[0]];
+ struct ___Object___ *objptr=tag->___tagset___;
+ int i;
+ if (objptr->type!=OBJECTARRAYTYPE) {
+ if (it->tagobjindex>0)
+ return 0;
+ if (!RuntimeHashcontainskey(it->objectset, (int) objptr))
+ return 0;
+ for(i=1;i<it->numtags;i++) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tag2=objectarray[it->tagbindings[i]];
+ if (!containstag(objptr,tag2))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) objptr;
+ int tagindex;
+ int i;
+ for(tagindex=it->tagobjindex;tagindex<ao->___cachedCode___;tagindex++) {
+ struct ___Object___ *objptr=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___*, tagindex);
+ if (!RuntimeHashcontainskey(it->objectset, (int) objptr))
+ continue;
+ for(i=1;i<it->numtags;i++) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tag2=objectarray[it->tagbindings[i]];
+ if (!containstag(objptr,tag2))
+ goto nexttag;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ nexttag:
+ ;
+ }
+ it->tagobjindex=tagindex;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return RunhasNext(&it->it);
+int containstag(struct ___Object___ *ptr, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tag) {
+ int j;
+ struct ___Object___ * objptr=tag->___tagset___;
+ if (objptr->type==OBJECTARRAYTYPE) {
+ struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *)objptr;
+ for(j=0;j<ao->___cachedCode___;j++) {
+ if (ptr==ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___*, j))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ return objptr==ptr;
+void toiNext(struct tagobjectiterator *it , void ** objectarray) {
+ /* hasNext has all of the intelligence */
+ if(it->istag) {
+ /* Iterate tag */
+ /* Get object with tags */
+ struct ___Object___ *obj=objectarray[it->tagobjectslot];
+ struct ___Object___ *tagptr=obj->___tags___;
+ if (tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {
+ it->tagobjindex++;
+ objectarray[it->slot]=tagptr;
+ } else {
+ struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
+ objectarray[it->slot]=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, it->tagobjindex++);
+ }
+ } else if (it->numtags>0) {
+ /* Use tags to locate appropriate objects */
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tag=objectarray[it->tagbindings[0]];
+ struct ___Object___ *objptr=tag->___tagset___;
+ if (objptr->type!=OBJECTARRAYTYPE) {
+ it->tagobjindex++;
+ objectarray[it->slot]=objptr;
+ } else {
+ struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) objptr;
+ objectarray[it->slot]=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, it->tagobjindex++);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Iterate object */
+ objectarray[it->slot]=(void *)Runkey(&it->it);
+ Runnext(&it->it);
+ }
void exithandler(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void * uap) {