--- /dev/null
+#include <mutex> // unique_lock
+#include <cds/cxx11_atomic.h>
+#include <cds/gc/details/retired_ptr.h>
+#include <cds/details/aligned_allocator.h>
+#include <cds/details/allocator.h>
+#include <cds/lock/spinlock.h>
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable:4251) // C4251: 'identifier' : class 'type' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'type2'
+namespace cds { namespace gc {
+ /// Dynamic Hazard Pointer reclamation schema
+ /**
+ The cds::gc::dhp namespace and its members are internal representation of the GC and should not be used directly.
+ Use cds::gc::DHP class in your code.
+ Dynamic Hazard Pointer (DHP) garbage collector is a singleton. The main user-level part of DHP schema is
+ GC class and its nested classes. Before use any DHP-related class you must initialize DHP garbage collector
+ by contructing cds::gc::DHP object in beginning of your main().
+ See cds::gc::DHP class for explanation.
+ \par Implementation issues
+ The global list of free guards (\p cds::gc::dhp::details::guard_allocator) is protected by a spin-lock (i.e. serialized).
+ It seems that this solution should not introduce significant performance bottleneck, because each thread has its own set
+ of guards allocated from the global list of free guards and the access to the global list is occurred only when
+ all thread's guard is busy. In this case the thread allocates a next block of guards from the global list.
+ Guards allocated for the thread is push back to the global list only when the thread terminates.
+ */
+ namespace dhp {
+ // Forward declarations
+ class Guard;
+ template <size_t Count> class GuardArray;
+ class ThreadGC;
+ class GarbageCollector;
+ /// Retired pointer type
+ typedef cds::gc::details::retired_ptr retired_ptr;
+ using cds::gc::details::free_retired_ptr_func;
+ /// Details of Dynamic Hazard Pointer algorithm
+ namespace details {
+ // Forward declaration
+ class liberate_set;
+ /// Retired pointer buffer node
+ struct retired_ptr_node {
+ retired_ptr m_ptr ; ///< retired pointer
+ retired_ptr_node * m_pNext ; ///< next retired pointer in buffer
+ retired_ptr_node * m_pNextFree ; ///< next item in free list of retired_ptr_node
+ };
+ /// Internal guard representation
+ struct guard_data {
+ typedef retired_ptr_node * handoff_ptr ; ///< trapped value type
+ typedef void * guarded_ptr ; ///< type of value guarded
+ atomics::atomic<guarded_ptr> pPost ; ///< pointer guarded
+ atomics::atomic<guard_data *> pGlobalNext ; ///< next item of global list of allocated guards
+ atomics::atomic<guard_data *> pNextFree ; ///< pointer to the next item in global or thread-local free-list
+ guard_data * pThreadNext ; ///< next item of thread's local list of guards
+ //@cond
+ guard_data() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : pPost( nullptr )
+ , pGlobalNext( nullptr )
+ , pNextFree( nullptr )
+ , pThreadNext( nullptr )
+ {}
+ void init() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ /// Checks if the guard is free, that is, it does not contain any pointer guarded
+ bool isFree() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return pPost.load( atomics::memory_order_acquire ) == nullptr;
+ }
+ };
+ /// Guard allocator
+ template <class Alloc = CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR>
+ class guard_allocator
+ {
+ cds::details::Allocator<details::guard_data> m_GuardAllocator ; ///< guard allocator
+ atomics::atomic<guard_data *> m_GuardList ; ///< Head of allocated guard list (linked by guard_data::pGlobalNext field)
+ atomics::atomic<guard_data *> m_FreeGuardList ; ///< Head of free guard list (linked by guard_data::pNextFree field)
+ SpinLock m_freeListLock ; ///< Access to m_FreeGuardList
+ /*
+ Unfortunately, access to the list of free guard is lock-based.
+ Lock-free manipulations with guard free-list are ABA-prone.
+ TODO: working with m_FreeGuardList in lock-free manner.
+ */
+ private:
+ /// Allocates new guard from the heap. The function uses aligned allocator
+ guard_data * allocNew()
+ {
+ //TODO: the allocator should make block allocation
+ details::guard_data * pGuard = m_GuardAllocator.New();
+ // Link guard to the list
+ // m_GuardList is accumulated list and it cannot support concurrent deletion,
+ // so, ABA problem is impossible for it
+ details::guard_data * pHead = m_GuardList.load( atomics::memory_order_acquire );
+ do {
+ pGuard->pGlobalNext.store( pHead, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ // pHead is changed by compare_exchange_weak
+ } while ( !m_GuardList.compare_exchange_weak( pHead, pGuard, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
+ pGuard->init();
+ return pGuard;
+ }
+ public:
+ // Default ctor
+ guard_allocator() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : m_GuardList( nullptr )
+ , m_FreeGuardList( nullptr )
+ {}
+ // Destructor
+ ~guard_allocator()
+ {
+ guard_data * pNext;
+ for ( guard_data * pData = m_GuardList.load( atomics::memory_order_relaxed ); pData != nullptr; pData = pNext ) {
+ pNext = pData->pGlobalNext.load( atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ m_GuardAllocator.Delete( pData );
+ }
+ }
+ /// Allocates a guard from free list or from heap if free list is empty
+ guard_data * alloc()
+ {
+ // Try to pop a guard from free-list
+ details::guard_data * pGuard;
+ {
+ std::unique_lock<SpinLock> al( m_freeListLock );
+ pGuard = m_FreeGuardList.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if ( pGuard )
+ m_FreeGuardList.store( pGuard->pNextFree.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed), atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ }
+ if ( !pGuard )
+ return allocNew();
+ pGuard->init();
+ return pGuard;
+ }
+ /// Frees guard \p pGuard
+ /**
+ The function places the guard \p pGuard into free-list
+ */
+ void free( guard_data * pGuard ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ pGuard->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ std::unique_lock<SpinLock> al( m_freeListLock );
+ pGuard->pNextFree.store( m_FreeGuardList.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed), atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ m_FreeGuardList.store( pGuard, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ }
+ /// Allocates list of guard
+ /**
+ The list returned is linked by guard's \p pThreadNext and \p pNextFree fields.
+ cds::gc::dhp::ThreadGC supporting method
+ */
+ guard_data * allocList( size_t nCount )
+ {
+ assert( nCount != 0 );
+ guard_data * pHead;
+ guard_data * pLast;
+ pHead =
+ pLast = alloc();
+ // The guard list allocated is private for the thread,
+ // so, we can use relaxed memory order
+ while ( --nCount ) {
+ guard_data * p = alloc();
+ pLast->pNextFree.store( pLast->pThreadNext = p, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ pLast = p;
+ }
+ pLast->pNextFree.store( pLast->pThreadNext = nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ return pHead;
+ }
+ /// Frees list of guards
+ /**
+ The list \p pList is linked by guard's \p pThreadNext field.
+ cds::gc::dhp::ThreadGC supporting method
+ */
+ void freeList( guard_data * pList ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( pList != nullptr );
+ guard_data * pLast = pList;
+ while ( pLast->pThreadNext ) {
+ pLast->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ guard_data * p;
+ pLast->pNextFree.store( p = pLast->pThreadNext, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ pLast = p;
+ }
+ std::unique_lock<SpinLock> al( m_freeListLock );
+ pLast->pNextFree.store( m_FreeGuardList.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed), atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ m_FreeGuardList.store( pList, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ }
+ /// Returns the list's head of guards allocated
+ guard_data * begin() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return m_GuardList.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ }
+ };
+ /// Retired pointer buffer
+ /**
+ The buffer of retired nodes ready for liberating.
+ When size of buffer exceeds a threshold the GC calls \p scan() procedure to free
+ retired nodes.
+ */
+ class retired_ptr_buffer
+ {
+ atomics::atomic<retired_ptr_node *> m_pHead ; ///< head of buffer
+ atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nItemCount; ///< buffer's item count
+ public:
+ //@cond
+ CDS_CONSTEXPR retired_ptr_buffer() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : m_pHead( nullptr )
+ , m_nItemCount(0)
+ {}
+ ~retired_ptr_buffer() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( m_pHead.load( atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) == nullptr );
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ /// Pushes new node into the buffer. Returns current buffer size
+ size_t push( retired_ptr_node& node ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ retired_ptr_node * pHead = m_pHead.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ do {
+ node.m_pNext = pHead;
+ // pHead is changed by compare_exchange_weak
+ } while ( !m_pHead.compare_exchange_weak( pHead, &node, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
+ return m_nItemCount.fetch_add( 1, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) + 1;
+ }
+ /// Result of \ref dhp_gc_privatve "privatize" function.
+ /**
+ The \p privatize function returns retired node list as \p first and the size of that list as \p second.
+ */
+ typedef std::pair<retired_ptr_node *, size_t> privatize_result;
+ /// Gets current list of retired pointer and clears the list
+ /**@anchor dhp_gc_privatve
+ */
+ privatize_result privatize() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ privatize_result res;
+ res.first = m_pHead.exchange( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_acq_rel );
+ // Item counter is needed only as a threshold for \p scan() function
+ // So, we may clear the item counter without synchronization with m_pHead
+ res.second = m_nItemCount.exchange( 0, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ return res;
+ }
+ /// Returns current size of buffer (approximate)
+ size_t size() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return m_nItemCount.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ };
+ /// Pool of retired pointers
+ /**
+ The class acts as an allocator of retired node.
+ Retired pointers are linked in the lock-free list.
+ */
+ template <class Alloc = CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR>
+ class retired_ptr_pool {
+ /// Pool item
+ typedef retired_ptr_node item;
+ /// Count of items in block
+ static const size_t m_nItemPerBlock = 1024 / sizeof(item) - 1;
+ /// Pool block
+ struct block {
+ block * pNext ; ///< next block
+ item items[m_nItemPerBlock] ; ///< item array
+ };
+ atomics::atomic<block *> m_pBlockListHead ; ///< head of of allocated block list
+ // To solve ABA problem we use epoch-based approach
+ static const unsigned int c_nEpochCount = 4 ; ///< Max epoch count
+ atomics::atomic<unsigned int> m_nCurEpoch ; ///< Current epoch
+ atomics::atomic<item *> m_pEpochFree[c_nEpochCount] ; ///< List of free item per epoch
+ atomics::atomic<item *> m_pGlobalFreeHead ; ///< Head of unallocated item list
+ cds::details::Allocator< block, Alloc > m_BlockAllocator ; ///< block allocator
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ void allocNewBlock()
+ {
+ // allocate new block
+ block * pNew = m_BlockAllocator.New();
+ // link items within the block
+ item * pLastItem = pNew->items + m_nItemPerBlock - 1;
+ for ( item * pItem = pNew->items; pItem != pLastItem; ++pItem ) {
+ pItem->m_pNextFree = pItem + 1;
+ CDS_STRICT_DO( pItem->m_pNext = nullptr );
+ }
+ // link new block to block list
+ {
+ block * pHead = m_pBlockListHead.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ do {
+ pNew->pNext = pHead;
+ // pHead is changed by compare_exchange_weak
+ } while ( !m_pBlockListHead.compare_exchange_weak( pHead, pNew, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
+ }
+ // link block's items to free list
+ {
+ item * pHead = m_pGlobalFreeHead.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ do {
+ pLastItem->m_pNextFree = pHead;
+ // pHead is changed by compare_exchange_weak
+ } while ( !m_pGlobalFreeHead.compare_exchange_weak( pHead, pNew->items, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned int current_epoch() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return m_nCurEpoch.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire) & (c_nEpochCount - 1);
+ }
+ unsigned int next_epoch() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return (m_nCurEpoch.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire) - 1) & (c_nEpochCount - 1);
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ //@cond
+ retired_ptr_pool()
+ : m_pBlockListHead( nullptr )
+ , m_nCurEpoch(0)
+ , m_pGlobalFreeHead( nullptr )
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(m_pEpochFree)/sizeof(m_pEpochFree[0]); ++i )
+ m_pEpochFree[i].store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ allocNewBlock();
+ }
+ ~retired_ptr_pool()
+ {
+ block * p;
+ for ( block * pBlock = m_pBlockListHead.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed); pBlock; pBlock = p ) {
+ p = pBlock->pNext;
+ m_BlockAllocator.Delete( pBlock );
+ }
+ }
+ /// Increments current epoch
+ void inc_epoch() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ m_nCurEpoch.fetch_add( 1, atomics::memory_order_acq_rel );
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ /// Allocates new retired pointer
+ retired_ptr_node& alloc()
+ {
+ unsigned int nEpoch;
+ item * pItem;
+ for (;;) {
+ pItem = m_pEpochFree[ nEpoch = current_epoch() ].load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ if ( !pItem )
+ goto retry;
+ if ( m_pEpochFree[nEpoch].compare_exchange_weak( pItem, pItem->m_pNextFree, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ))
+ goto success;
+ }
+ // Epoch free list is empty
+ // Alloc from global free list
+ retry:
+ pItem = m_pGlobalFreeHead.load( atomics::memory_order_acquire );
+ do {
+ if ( !pItem ) {
+ allocNewBlock();
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ // pItem is changed by compare_exchange_weak
+ } while ( !m_pGlobalFreeHead.compare_exchange_weak( pItem, pItem->m_pNextFree, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
+ success:
+ CDS_STRICT_DO( pItem->m_pNextFree = nullptr );
+ return *pItem;
+ }
+ /// Allocates and initializes new retired pointer
+ retired_ptr_node& alloc( const retired_ptr& p )
+ {
+ retired_ptr_node& node = alloc();
+ node.m_ptr = p;
+ return node;
+ }
+ /// Places the list (pHead, pTail) of retired pointers to pool (frees retired pointers)
+ /**
+ The list is linked on the m_pNextFree field
+ */
+ void free_range( retired_ptr_node * pHead, retired_ptr_node * pTail ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( pHead != nullptr );
+ assert( pTail != nullptr );
+ unsigned int nEpoch;
+ item * pCurHead;
+ do {
+ pCurHead = m_pEpochFree[nEpoch = next_epoch()].load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ pTail->m_pNextFree = pCurHead;
+ } while ( !m_pEpochFree[nEpoch].compare_exchange_weak( pCurHead, pHead, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
+ }
+ };
+ /// Uninitialized guard
+ class guard
+ {
+ friend class ThreadGC;
+ protected:
+ details::guard_data * m_pGuard ; ///< Pointer to guard data
+ public:
+ /// Initialize empty guard.
+ : m_pGuard( nullptr )
+ {}
+ /// The object is not copy-constructible
+ guard( guard const& ) = delete;
+ /// Object destructor, does nothing
+ ~guard() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {}
+ /// Guards pointer \p p
+ void set( void * p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( m_pGuard != nullptr );
+ m_pGuard->pPost.store( p, atomics::memory_order_release );
+ }
+ /// Clears the guard
+ void clear() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( m_pGuard != nullptr );
+ m_pGuard->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ }
+ /// Guards pointer \p p
+ template <typename T>
+ T * operator =(T * p) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ set( reinterpret_cast<void *>( const_cast<T *>(p) ));
+ return p;
+ }
+ //@cond
+ std::nullptr_t operator=(std::nullptr_t) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ clear();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ public: // for ThreadGC.
+ /*
+ GCC cannot compile code for template versions of ThreasGC::allocGuard/freeGuard,
+ the compiler produces error: \91cds::gc::dhp::details::guard_data* cds::gc::dhp::details::guard::m_pGuard\92 is protected
+ despite the fact that ThreadGC is declared as friend for guard class.
+ We should not like to declare m_pGuard member as public one.
+ Therefore, we have to add set_guard/get_guard public functions
+ */
+ /// Set guard data
+ void set_guard( details::guard_data * pGuard ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( m_pGuard == nullptr );
+ m_pGuard = pGuard;
+ }
+ /// Get current guard data
+ details::guard_data * get_guard() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return m_pGuard;
+ }
+ /// Get current guard data
+ details::guard_data * get_guard() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return m_pGuard;
+ }
+ };
+ } // namespace details
+ /// Guard
+ /**
+ This class represents auto guard: ctor allocates a guard from guard pool,
+ dtor returns the guard back to the pool of free guard.
+ */
+ class Guard: public details::guard
+ {
+ //@cond
+ typedef details::guard base_class;
+ friend class ThreadGC;
+ //@endcond
+ ThreadGC& m_gc ; ///< ThreadGC object of current thread
+ public:
+ /// Allocates a guard from \p gc GC. \p gc must be ThreadGC object of current thread
+ Guard( ThreadGC& gc ) CDS_NOEXCEPT;
+ /// Returns guard allocated back to pool of free guards
+ ~Guard() CDS_NOEXCEPT; // inline after GarbageCollector
+ /// Returns DHP GC object
+ ThreadGC& getGC() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return m_gc;
+ }
+ /// Guards pointer \p p
+ template <typename T>
+ T * operator =(T * p) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return base_class::operator =<T>( p );
+ }
+ //@cond
+ std::nullptr_t operator=(std::nullptr_t) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return base_class::operator =(nullptr);
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ /// Array of guards
+ /**
+ This class represents array of auto guards: ctor allocates \p Count guards from guard pool,
+ dtor returns the guards allocated back to the pool.
+ */
+ template <size_t Count>
+ class GuardArray
+ {
+ details::guard m_arr[Count] ; ///< array of guard
+ ThreadGC& m_gc ; ///< ThreadGC object of current thread
+ const static size_t c_nCapacity = Count ; ///< Array capacity (equal to \p Count template parameter)
+ public:
+ /// Rebind array for other size \p OtherCount
+ template <size_t OtherCount>
+ struct rebind {
+ typedef GuardArray<OtherCount> other ; ///< rebinding result
+ };
+ public:
+ /// Allocates array of guards from \p gc which must be the ThreadGC object of current thread
+ GuardArray( ThreadGC& gc ) CDS_NOEXCEPT; // inline below
+ /// The object is not default-constructible
+ GuardArray() = delete;
+ /// The object is not copy-constructible
+ GuardArray( GuardArray const& ) = delete;
+ /// Returns guards allocated back to pool
+ ~GuardArray() CDS_NOEXCEPT; // inline below
+ /// Returns the capacity of array
+ CDS_CONSTEXPR size_t capacity() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return c_nCapacity;
+ }
+ /// Returns DHP ThreadGC object
+ ThreadGC& getGC() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return m_gc;
+ }
+ /// Returns reference to the guard of index \p nIndex (0 <= \p nIndex < \p Count)
+ details::guard& operator []( size_t nIndex ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ return m_arr[nIndex];
+ }
+ /// Returns reference to the guard of index \p nIndex (0 <= \p nIndex < \p Count) [const version]
+ const details::guard& operator []( size_t nIndex ) const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ return m_arr[nIndex];
+ }
+ /// Set the guard \p nIndex. 0 <= \p nIndex < \p Count
+ template <typename T>
+ void set( size_t nIndex, T * p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ m_arr[nIndex].set( p );
+ }
+ /// Clears (sets to \p nullptr) the guard \p nIndex
+ void clear( size_t nIndex ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ m_arr[nIndex].clear();
+ }
+ /// Clears all guards in the array
+ void clearAll() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < capacity(); ++i )
+ clear(i);
+ }
+ };
+ /// Memory manager (Garbage collector)
+ class CDS_EXPORT_API GarbageCollector
+ {
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ friend class ThreadGC;
+ /// Internal GC statistics
+ struct internal_stat
+ {
+ atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nGuardCount ; ///< Total guard count
+ atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nFreeGuardCount ; ///< Count of free guard
+ internal_stat()
+ : m_nGuardCount(0)
+ , m_nFreeGuardCount(0)
+ {}
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ /// Exception "No GarbageCollector object is created"
+ CDS_DECLARE_EXCEPTION( DHPManagerEmpty, "Global DHP GarbageCollector is NULL" );
+ /// Internal GC statistics
+ struct InternalState
+ {
+ size_t m_nGuardCount ; ///< Total guard count
+ size_t m_nFreeGuardCount ; ///< Count of free guard
+ //@cond
+ InternalState()
+ : m_nGuardCount(0)
+ , m_nFreeGuardCount(0)
+ {}
+ InternalState& operator =( internal_stat const& s )
+ {
+ m_nGuardCount = s.m_nGuardCount.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
+ m_nFreeGuardCount = s.m_nFreeGuardCount.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ private:
+ static GarbageCollector * m_pManager ; ///< GC global instance
+ details::guard_allocator<> m_GuardPool ; ///< Guard pool
+ details::retired_ptr_pool<> m_RetiredAllocator ; ///< Pool of free retired pointers
+ details::retired_ptr_buffer m_RetiredBuffer ; ///< Retired pointer buffer for liberating
+ atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nLiberateThreshold; ///< Max size of retired pointer buffer to call \p scan()
+ const size_t m_nInitialThreadGuardCount; ///< Initial count of guards allocated for ThreadGC
+ internal_stat m_stat ; ///< Internal statistics
+ bool m_bStatEnabled ; ///< Internal Statistics enabled
+ public:
+ /// Initializes DHP memory manager singleton
+ /**
+ This member function creates and initializes DHP global object.
+ The function should be called before using CDS data structure based on cds::gc::DHP GC. Usually,
+ this member function is called in the \p main() function. See cds::gc::dhp for example.
+ After calling of this function you may use CDS data structures based on cds::gc::DHP.
+ \par Parameters
+ \li \p nLiberateThreshold - \p scan() threshold. When count of retired pointers reaches this value,
+ the \ref dhp_gc_liberate "scan()" member function would be called for freeing retired pointers.
+ If \p nLiberateThreshold <= 1, \p scan() would called after each \ref dhp_gc_retirePtr "retirePtr" call.
+ \li \p nInitialThreadGuardCount - initial count of guard allocated for ThreadGC. When a thread
+ is initialized the GC allocates local guard pool for the thread from common guard pool.
+ By perforce the local thread's guard pool is grown automatically from common pool.
+ When the thread terminated its guard pool is backed to common GC's pool.
+ */
+ static void CDS_STDCALL Construct(
+ size_t nLiberateThreshold = 1024
+ , size_t nInitialThreadGuardCount = 8
+ );
+ /// Destroys DHP memory manager
+ /**
+ The member function destroys DHP global object. After calling of this function you may \b NOT
+ use CDS data structures based on cds::gc::DHP. Usually, the \p Destruct function is called
+ at the end of your \p main(). See cds::gc::dhp for example.
+ */
+ static void CDS_STDCALL Destruct();
+ /// Returns pointer to GarbageCollector instance
+ /**
+ If DHP GC is not initialized, \p DHPManagerEmpty exception is thrown
+ */
+ static GarbageCollector& instance()
+ {
+ if ( m_pManager == nullptr )
+ throw DHPManagerEmpty();
+ return *m_pManager;
+ }
+ /// Checks if global GC object is constructed and may be used
+ static bool isUsed() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return m_pManager != nullptr;
+ }
+ public:
+ //@{
+ /// Internal interface
+ /// Allocates a guard
+ details::guard_data * allocGuard()
+ {
+ return m_GuardPool.alloc();
+ }
+ /// Frees guard \p g for reusing in future
+ void freeGuard(details::guard_data * pGuard )
+ {
+ m_GuardPool.free( pGuard );
+ }
+ /// Allocates guard list for a thread.
+ details::guard_data * allocGuardList( size_t nCount )
+ {
+ return m_GuardPool.allocList( nCount );
+ }
+ /// Frees thread's guard list pointed by \p pList
+ void freeGuardList( details::guard_data * pList )
+ {
+ m_GuardPool.freeList( pList );
+ }
+ /// Places retired pointer \p and its deleter \p pFunc into thread's array of retired pointer for deferred reclamation
+ /**@anchor dhp_gc_retirePtr
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ void retirePtr( T * p, void (* pFunc)(T *) )
+ {
+ retirePtr( retired_ptr( reinterpret_cast<void *>( p ), reinterpret_cast<free_retired_ptr_func>( pFunc ) ) );
+ }
+ /// Places retired pointer \p into thread's array of retired pointer for deferred reclamation
+ void retirePtr( retired_ptr const& p )
+ {
+ if ( m_RetiredBuffer.push( m_RetiredAllocator.alloc(p)) >= m_nLiberateThreshold.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed) )
+ scan();
+ }
+ protected:
+ /// Liberate function
+ /** @anchor dhp_gc_liberate
+ The main function of Dynamic Hazard Pointer algorithm. It tries to free retired pointers if they are not
+ trapped by any guard.
+ */
+ void scan();
+ //@}
+ public:
+ /// Get internal statistics
+ InternalState& getInternalState(InternalState& stat) const
+ {
+ return stat = m_stat;
+ }
+ /// Checks if internal statistics enabled
+ bool isStatisticsEnabled() const
+ {
+ return m_bStatEnabled;
+ }
+ /// Enables/disables internal statistics
+ bool enableStatistics( bool bEnable )
+ {
+ bool bEnabled = m_bStatEnabled;
+ m_bStatEnabled = bEnable;
+ return bEnabled;
+ }
+ private:
+ //@cond none
+ GarbageCollector( size_t nLiberateThreshold, size_t nInitialThreadGuardCount );
+ ~GarbageCollector();
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ /// Thread GC
+ /**
+ To use Dynamic Hazard Pointer reclamation schema each thread object must be linked with the object of ThreadGC class
+ that interacts with GarbageCollector global object. The linkage is performed by calling \ref cds_threading "cds::threading::Manager::attachThread()"
+ on the start of each thread that uses DHP GC. Before terminating the thread linked to DHP GC it is necessary to call
+ \ref cds_threading "cds::threading::Manager::detachThread()".
+ The ThreadGC object maintains two list:
+ \li Thread guard list: the list of thread-local guards (linked by \p pThreadNext field)
+ \li Free guard list: the list of thread-local free guards (linked by \p pNextFree field)
+ Free guard list is a subset of thread guard list.
+ */
+ class ThreadGC
+ {
+ GarbageCollector& m_gc ; ///< reference to GC singleton
+ details::guard_data * m_pList ; ///< Local list of guards owned by the thread
+ details::guard_data * m_pFree ; ///< The list of free guard from m_pList
+ public:
+ /// Default constructor
+ ThreadGC()
+ : m_gc( GarbageCollector::instance() )
+ , m_pList( nullptr )
+ , m_pFree( nullptr )
+ {}
+ /// The object is not copy-constructible
+ ThreadGC( ThreadGC const& ) = delete;
+ /// Dtor calls fini()
+ ~ThreadGC()
+ {
+ fini();
+ }
+ /// Initialization. Repeat call is available
+ void init()
+ {
+ if ( !m_pList ) {
+ m_pList =
+ m_pFree = m_gc.allocGuardList( m_gc.m_nInitialThreadGuardCount );
+ }
+ }
+ /// Finalization. Repeat call is available
+ void fini()
+ {
+ if ( m_pList ) {
+ m_gc.freeGuardList( m_pList );
+ m_pList =
+ m_pFree = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ /// Initializes guard \p g
+ void allocGuard( Guard& g )
+ {
+ assert( m_pList != nullptr );
+ if ( m_pFree ) {
+ g.m_pGuard = m_pFree;
+ m_pFree = m_pFree->pNextFree.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ else {
+ g.m_pGuard = m_gc.allocGuard();
+ g.m_pGuard->pThreadNext = m_pList;
+ m_pList = g.m_pGuard;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Frees guard \p g
+ void freeGuard( Guard& g )
+ {
+ assert( m_pList != nullptr );
+ g.m_pGuard->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ g.m_pGuard->pNextFree.store( m_pFree, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ m_pFree = g.m_pGuard;
+ }
+ /// Initializes guard array \p arr
+ template <size_t Count>
+ void allocGuard( GuardArray<Count>& arr )
+ {
+ assert( m_pList != nullptr );
+ size_t nCount = 0;
+ while ( m_pFree && nCount < Count ) {
+ arr[nCount].set_guard( m_pFree );
+ m_pFree = m_pFree->pNextFree.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
+ ++nCount;
+ }
+ while ( nCount < Count ) {
+ details::guard& g = arr[nCount++];
+ g.set_guard( m_gc.allocGuard() );
+ g.get_guard()->pThreadNext = m_pList;
+ m_pList = g.get_guard();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Frees guard array \p arr
+ template <size_t Count>
+ void freeGuard( GuardArray<Count>& arr )
+ {
+ assert( m_pList != nullptr );
+ details::guard_data * pGuard;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < Count - 1; ++i ) {
+ pGuard = arr[i].get_guard();
+ pGuard->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ pGuard->pNextFree.store( arr[i+1].get_guard(), atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ }
+ pGuard = arr[Count-1].get_guard();
+ pGuard->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ pGuard->pNextFree.store( m_pFree, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ m_pFree = arr[0].get_guard();
+ }
+ /// Places retired pointer \p and its deleter \p pFunc into list of retired pointer for deferred reclamation
+ template <typename T>
+ void retirePtr( T * p, void (* pFunc)(T *) )
+ {
+ m_gc.retirePtr( p, pFunc );
+ }
+ //@cond
+ void scan()
+ {
+ m_gc.scan();
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Inlines
+ inline Guard::Guard(ThreadGC& gc)
+ : m_gc( gc )
+ {
+ getGC().allocGuard( *this );
+ }
+ inline Guard::~Guard()
+ {
+ getGC().freeGuard( *this );
+ }
+ template <size_t Count>
+ inline GuardArray<Count>::GuardArray( ThreadGC& gc )
+ : m_gc( gc )
+ {
+ getGC().allocGuard( *this );
+ }
+ template <size_t Count>
+ inline GuardArray<Count>::~GuardArray()
+ {
+ getGC().freeGuard( *this );
+ }
+ } // namespace dhp
+}} // namespace cds::gc
+# pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // #ifndef __CDS_GC_DETAILS_DHP_H
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef __CDS_GC_DHP_DHP_H
-#define __CDS_GC_DHP_DHP_H
-#include <mutex> // unique_lock
-#include <cds/cxx11_atomic.h>
-#include <cds/gc/details/retired_ptr.h>
-#include <cds/details/aligned_allocator.h>
-#include <cds/details/allocator.h>
-#include <cds/lock/spinlock.h>
-# pragma warning(push)
-# pragma warning(disable:4251) // C4251: 'identifier' : class 'type' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'type2'
-namespace cds { namespace gc {
- /// Dynamic Hazard Pointer reclamation schema
- /**
- The cds::gc::dhp namespace and its members are internal representation of the GC and should not be used directly.
- Use cds::gc::DHP class in your code.
- Dynamic Hazard Pointer (DHP) garbage collector is a singleton. The main user-level part of DHP schema is
- GC class and its nested classes. Before use any DHP-related class you must initialize DHP garbage collector
- by contructing cds::gc::DHP object in beginning of your main().
- See cds::gc::DHP class for explanation.
- \par Implementation issues
- The global list of free guards (\p cds::gc::dhp::details::guard_allocator) is protected by a spin-lock (i.e. serialized).
- It seems that this solution should not introduce significant performance bottleneck, because each thread has its own set
- of guards allocated from the global list of free guards and the access to the global list is occurred only when
- all thread's guard is busy. In this case the thread allocates a next block of guards from the global list.
- Guards allocated for the thread is push back to the global list only when the thread terminates.
- */
- namespace dhp {
- // Forward declarations
- class Guard;
- template <size_t Count> class GuardArray;
- class ThreadGC;
- class GarbageCollector;
- /// Retired pointer type
- typedef cds::gc::details::retired_ptr retired_ptr;
- using cds::gc::details::free_retired_ptr_func;
- /// Details of Dynamic Hazard Pointer algorithm
- namespace details {
- // Forward declaration
- class liberate_set;
- /// Retired pointer buffer node
- struct retired_ptr_node {
- retired_ptr m_ptr ; ///< retired pointer
- retired_ptr_node * m_pNext ; ///< next retired pointer in buffer
- retired_ptr_node * m_pNextFree ; ///< next item in free list of retired_ptr_node
- };
- /// Internal guard representation
- struct guard_data {
- typedef retired_ptr_node * handoff_ptr ; ///< trapped value type
- typedef void * guarded_ptr ; ///< type of value guarded
- atomics::atomic<guarded_ptr> pPost ; ///< pointer guarded
-#if 0
- typedef cds::SpinLock handoff_spin ; ///< type of spin-lock for accessing to \p pHandOff field
- handoff_spin spinHandOff ; ///< access to \p pHandOff field
- handoff_ptr pHandOff ; ///< trapped pointer
- atomics::atomic<guard_data *> pGlobalNext ; ///< next item of global list of allocated guards
- atomics::atomic<guard_data *> pNextFree ; ///< pointer to the next item in global or thread-local free-list
- guard_data * pThreadNext ; ///< next item of thread's local list of guards
- //@cond
- guard_data()
- : pPost( nullptr )
-#if 0
- , pHandOff( nullptr )
- , pGlobalNext( nullptr )
- , pNextFree( nullptr )
- , pThreadNext( nullptr )
- {}
- void init()
- {
- pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- }
- //@endcond
- /// Checks if the guard is free, that is, it does not contain any pointer guarded
- bool isFree() const
- {
- return pPost.load( atomics::memory_order_acquire ) == nullptr;
- }
- };
- /// Guard allocator
- template <class Alloc = CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR>
- class guard_allocator
- {
- cds::details::Allocator<details::guard_data> m_GuardAllocator ; ///< guard allocator
- atomics::atomic<guard_data *> m_GuardList ; ///< Head of allocated guard list (linked by guard_data::pGlobalNext field)
- atomics::atomic<guard_data *> m_FreeGuardList ; ///< Head of free guard list (linked by guard_data::pNextFree field)
- SpinLock m_freeListLock ; ///< Access to m_FreeGuardList
- /*
- Unfortunately, access to the list of free guard is lock-based.
- Lock-free manipulations with guard free-list are ABA-prone.
- TODO: working with m_FreeGuardList in lock-free manner.
- */
- private:
- /// Allocates new guard from the heap. The function uses aligned allocator
- guard_data * allocNew()
- {
- //TODO: the allocator should make block allocation
- details::guard_data * pGuard = m_GuardAllocator.New();
- // Link guard to the list
- // m_GuardList is accumulated list and it cannot support concurrent deletion,
- // so, ABA problem is impossible for it
- details::guard_data * pHead = m_GuardList.load( atomics::memory_order_acquire );
- do {
- pGuard->pGlobalNext.store( pHead, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- // pHead is changed by compare_exchange_weak
- } while ( !m_GuardList.compare_exchange_weak( pHead, pGuard, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
- pGuard->init();
- return pGuard;
- }
- public:
- // Default ctor
- guard_allocator()
- : m_GuardList( nullptr )
- , m_FreeGuardList( nullptr )
- {}
- // Destructor
- ~guard_allocator()
- {
- guard_data * pNext;
- for ( guard_data * pData = m_GuardList.load( atomics::memory_order_relaxed ); pData != nullptr; pData = pNext ) {
- pNext = pData->pGlobalNext.load( atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- m_GuardAllocator.Delete( pData );
- }
- }
- /// Allocates a guard from free list or from heap if free list is empty
- guard_data * alloc()
- {
- // Try to pop a guard from free-list
- details::guard_data * pGuard;
- {
- std::unique_lock<SpinLock> al( m_freeListLock );
- pGuard = m_FreeGuardList.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
- if ( pGuard )
- m_FreeGuardList.store( pGuard->pNextFree.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed), atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- }
- if ( !pGuard )
- return allocNew();
- pGuard->init();
- return pGuard;
- }
- /// Frees guard \p pGuard
- /**
- The function places the guard \p pGuard into free-list
- */
- void free( guard_data * pGuard )
- {
- pGuard->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- std::unique_lock<SpinLock> al( m_freeListLock );
- pGuard->pNextFree.store( m_FreeGuardList.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed), atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- m_FreeGuardList.store( pGuard, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- }
- /// Allocates list of guard
- /**
- The list returned is linked by guard's \p pThreadNext and \p pNextFree fields.
- cds::gc::dhp::ThreadGC supporting method
- */
- guard_data * allocList( size_t nCount )
- {
- assert( nCount != 0 );
- guard_data * pHead;
- guard_data * pLast;
- pHead =
- pLast = alloc();
- // The guard list allocated is private for the thread,
- // so, we can use relaxed memory order
- while ( --nCount ) {
- guard_data * p = alloc();
- pLast->pNextFree.store( pLast->pThreadNext = p, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- pLast = p;
- }
- pLast->pNextFree.store( pLast->pThreadNext = nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- return pHead;
- }
- /// Frees list of guards
- /**
- The list \p pList is linked by guard's \p pThreadNext field.
- cds::gc::dhp::ThreadGC supporting method
- */
- void freeList( guard_data * pList )
- {
- assert( pList != nullptr );
- guard_data * pLast = pList;
- while ( pLast->pThreadNext ) {
- pLast->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- guard_data * p;
- pLast->pNextFree.store( p = pLast->pThreadNext, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- pLast = p;
- }
- std::unique_lock<SpinLock> al( m_freeListLock );
- pLast->pNextFree.store( m_FreeGuardList.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed), atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- m_FreeGuardList.store( pList, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- }
- /// Returns the list's head of guards allocated
- guard_data * begin()
- {
- return m_GuardList.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- }
- };
- /// Retired pointer buffer
- /**
- The buffer of retired nodes ready for liberating.
- When size of buffer exceeds a threshold the GC calls \p liberate procedure to free
- retired nodes.
- */
- class retired_ptr_buffer
- {
- atomics::atomic<retired_ptr_node *> m_pHead ; ///< head of buffer
- atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nItemCount; ///< buffer's item count
- public:
- //@cond
- retired_ptr_buffer()
- : m_pHead( nullptr )
- , m_nItemCount(0)
- {}
- ~retired_ptr_buffer()
- {
- assert( m_pHead.load( atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) == nullptr );
- }
- //@endcond
- /// Pushes new node into the buffer. Returns current buffer size
- size_t push( retired_ptr_node& node )
- {
- retired_ptr_node * pHead = m_pHead.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- do {
- node.m_pNext = pHead;
- // pHead is changed by compare_exchange_weak
- } while ( !m_pHead.compare_exchange_weak( pHead, &node, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
- return m_nItemCount.fetch_add( 1, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) + 1;
- }
- /// Result of \ref dhp_gc_privatve "privatize" function.
- /**
- The \p privatize function returns retired node list as \p first and the size of that list as \p second.
- */
- typedef std::pair<retired_ptr_node *, size_t> privatize_result;
- /// Gets current list of retired pointer and clears the list
- /**@anchor dhp_gc_privatve
- */
- privatize_result privatize()
- {
- privatize_result res;
- res.first = m_pHead.exchange( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_acq_rel );
- // Item counter is needed only as a threshold for liberate function
- // So, we may clear the item counter without synchronization with m_pHead
- res.second = m_nItemCount.exchange( 0, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- return res;
- }
- /// Returns current size of buffer (approximate)
- size_t size() const
- {
- return m_nItemCount.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
- }
- };
- /// Pool of retired pointers
- /**
- The class acts as an allocator of retired node.
- Retired pointers are linked in the lock-free list.
- */
- template <class Alloc = CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR>
- class retired_ptr_pool {
- /// Pool item
- typedef retired_ptr_node item;
- /// Count of items in block
- static const size_t m_nItemPerBlock = 1024 / sizeof(item) - 1;
- /// Pool block
- struct block {
- block * pNext ; ///< next block
- item items[m_nItemPerBlock] ; ///< item array
- };
- atomics::atomic<block *> m_pBlockListHead ; ///< head of of allocated block list
- // To solve ABA problem we use epoch-based approach
- static const unsigned int c_nEpochCount = 4 ; ///< Max epoch count
- atomics::atomic<unsigned int> m_nCurEpoch ; ///< Current epoch
- atomics::atomic<item *> m_pEpochFree[c_nEpochCount] ; ///< List of free item per epoch
- atomics::atomic<item *> m_pGlobalFreeHead ; ///< Head of unallocated item list
- cds::details::Allocator< block, Alloc > m_BlockAllocator ; ///< block allocator
- private:
- //@cond
- void allocNewBlock()
- {
- // allocate new block
- block * pNew = m_BlockAllocator.New();
- // link items within the block
- item * pLastItem = pNew->items + m_nItemPerBlock - 1;
- for ( item * pItem = pNew->items; pItem != pLastItem; ++pItem ) {
- pItem->m_pNextFree = pItem + 1;
- CDS_STRICT_DO( pItem->m_pNext = nullptr );
- }
- // link new block to block list
- {
- block * pHead = m_pBlockListHead.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- do {
- pNew->pNext = pHead;
- // pHead is changed by compare_exchange_weak
- } while ( !m_pBlockListHead.compare_exchange_weak( pHead, pNew, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
- }
- // link block's items to free list
- {
- item * pHead = m_pGlobalFreeHead.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- do {
- pLastItem->m_pNextFree = pHead;
- // pHead is changed by compare_exchange_weak
- } while ( !m_pGlobalFreeHead.compare_exchange_weak( pHead, pNew->items, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
- }
- }
- unsigned int current_epoch() const
- {
- return m_nCurEpoch.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire) & (c_nEpochCount - 1);
- }
- unsigned int next_epoch() const
- {
- return (m_nCurEpoch.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire) - 1) & (c_nEpochCount - 1);
- }
- //@endcond
- public:
- //@cond
- retired_ptr_pool()
- : m_pBlockListHead( nullptr )
- , m_nCurEpoch(0)
- , m_pGlobalFreeHead( nullptr )
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(m_pEpochFree)/sizeof(m_pEpochFree[0]); ++i )
- m_pEpochFree[i].store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- allocNewBlock();
- }
- ~retired_ptr_pool()
- {
- block * p;
- for ( block * pBlock = m_pBlockListHead.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed); pBlock; pBlock = p ) {
- p = pBlock->pNext;
- m_BlockAllocator.Delete( pBlock );
- }
- }
- /// Increments current epoch
- void inc_epoch()
- {
- m_nCurEpoch.fetch_add( 1, atomics::memory_order_acq_rel );
- }
- //@endcond
- /// Allocates new retired pointer
- retired_ptr_node& alloc()
- {
- unsigned int nEpoch;
- item * pItem;
- for (;;) {
- pItem = m_pEpochFree[ nEpoch = current_epoch() ].load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- if ( !pItem )
- goto retry;
- if ( m_pEpochFree[nEpoch].compare_exchange_weak( pItem, pItem->m_pNextFree, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ))
- goto success;
- }
- /*
- item * pItem = m_pEpochFree[ nEpoch = current_epoch() ].load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- while ( pItem ) {
- if ( m_pEpochFree[nEpoch].compare_exchange_weak( pItem, pItem->m_pNextFree, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ))
- goto success;
- }
- */
- // Epoch free list is empty
- // Alloc from global free list
- retry:
- pItem = m_pGlobalFreeHead.load( atomics::memory_order_acquire );
- do {
- if ( !pItem ) {
- allocNewBlock();
- goto retry;
- }
- // pItem is changed by compare_exchange_weak
- } while ( !m_pGlobalFreeHead.compare_exchange_weak( pItem, pItem->m_pNextFree, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
- success:
- CDS_STRICT_DO( pItem->m_pNextFree = nullptr );
- return *pItem;
- }
- /// Allocates and initializes new retired pointer
- retired_ptr_node& alloc( const retired_ptr& p )
- {
- retired_ptr_node& node = alloc();
- node.m_ptr = p;
- return node;
- }
- /// Places the list (pHead, pTail) of retired pointers to pool (frees retired pointers)
- /**
- The list is linked on the m_pNextFree field
- */
- void free_range( retired_ptr_node * pHead, retired_ptr_node * pTail )
- {
- assert( pHead != nullptr );
- assert( pTail != nullptr );
- unsigned int nEpoch;
- item * pCurHead;
- do {
- pCurHead = m_pEpochFree[nEpoch = next_epoch()].load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- pTail->m_pNextFree = pCurHead;
- } while ( !m_pEpochFree[nEpoch].compare_exchange_weak( pCurHead, pHead, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ));
- }
- };
- /// Uninitialized guard
- class guard
- {
- friend class ThreadGC;
- protected:
- details::guard_data * m_pGuard ; ///< Pointer to guard data
- public:
- /// Initialize empty guard.
- guard()
- : m_pGuard( nullptr )
- {}
- /// The object is not copy-constructible
- guard( guard const& ) = delete;
- /// Object destructor, does nothing
- ~guard()
- {}
- /// Guards pointer \p p
- void set( void * p )
- {
- assert( m_pGuard != nullptr );
- m_pGuard->pPost.store( p, atomics::memory_order_release );
- }
- /// Clears the guard
- void clear()
- {
- assert( m_pGuard != nullptr );
- m_pGuard->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- }
- /// Guards pointer \p p
- template <typename T>
- T * operator =( T * p )
- {
- set( reinterpret_cast<void *>( const_cast<T *>(p) ));
- return p;
- }
- //@cond
- std::nullptr_t operator=(std::nullptr_t)
- {
- clear();
- return nullptr;
- }
- //@endcond
- public: // for ThreadGC.
- /*
- GCC cannot compile code for template versions of ThreasGC::allocGuard/freeGuard,
- the compiler produces error: \91cds::gc::dhp::details::guard_data* cds::gc::dhp::details::guard::m_pGuard\92 is protected
- despite the fact that ThreadGC is declared as friend for guard class.
- We should not like to declare m_pGuard member as public one.
- Therefore, we have to add set_guard/get_guard public functions
- */
- /// Set guard data
- void set_guard( details::guard_data * pGuard )
- {
- assert( m_pGuard == nullptr );
- m_pGuard = pGuard;
- }
- /// Get current guard data
- details::guard_data * get_guard()
- {
- return m_pGuard;
- }
- /// Get current guard data
- details::guard_data * get_guard() const
- {
- return m_pGuard;
- }
- };
- } // namespace details
- /// Guard
- /**
- This class represents auto guard: ctor allocates a guard from guard pool,
- dtor returns the guard back to the pool of free guard.
- */
- class Guard: public details::guard
- {
- //@cond
- typedef details::guard base_class;
- friend class ThreadGC;
- //@endcond
- ThreadGC& m_gc ; ///< ThreadGC object of current thread
- public:
- /// Allocates a guard from \p gc GC. \p gc must be ThreadGC object of current thread
- Guard(ThreadGC& gc);
- /// Returns guard allocated back to pool of free guards
- ~Guard(); // inline after GarbageCollector
- /// Returns DHP GC object
- ThreadGC& getGC()
- {
- return m_gc;
- }
- /// Guards pointer \p p
- template <typename T>
- T * operator =( T * p )
- {
- return base_class::operator =<T>( p );
- }
- //@cond
- std::nullptr_t operator=(std::nullptr_t)
- {
- return base_class::operator =(nullptr);
- }
- //@endcond
- };
- /// Array of guards
- /**
- This class represents array of auto guards: ctor allocates \p Count guards from guard pool,
- dtor returns the guards allocated back to the pool.
- */
- template <size_t Count>
- class GuardArray
- {
- details::guard m_arr[Count] ; ///< array of guard
- ThreadGC& m_gc ; ///< ThreadGC object of current thread
- const static size_t c_nCapacity = Count ; ///< Array capacity (equal to \p Count template parameter)
- public:
- /// Rebind array for other size \p OtherCount
- template <size_t OtherCount>
- struct rebind {
- typedef GuardArray<OtherCount> other ; ///< rebinding result
- };
- public:
- /// Allocates array of guards from \p gc which must be the ThreadGC object of current thread
- GuardArray( ThreadGC& gc ) ; // inline below
- /// The object is not default-constructible
- GuardArray() = delete;
- /// The object is not copy-constructible
- GuardArray( GuardArray const& ) = delete;
- /// Returns guards allocated back to pool
- ~GuardArray() ; // inline below
- /// Returns the capacity of array
- CDS_CONSTEXPR size_t capacity() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return c_nCapacity;
- }
- /// Returns DHP ThreadGC object
- ThreadGC& getGC() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return m_gc;
- }
- /// Returns reference to the guard of index \p nIndex (0 <= \p nIndex < \p Count)
- details::guard& operator []( size_t nIndex )
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- return m_arr[nIndex];
- }
- /// Returns reference to the guard of index \p nIndex (0 <= \p nIndex < \p Count) [const version]
- const details::guard& operator []( size_t nIndex ) const
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- return m_arr[nIndex];
- }
- /// Set the guard \p nIndex. 0 <= \p nIndex < \p Count
- template <typename T>
- void set( size_t nIndex, T * p )
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- m_arr[nIndex].set( p );
- }
- /// Clears (sets to \p nullptr) the guard \p nIndex
- void clear( size_t nIndex )
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- m_arr[nIndex].clear();
- }
- /// Clears all guards in the array
- void clearAll()
- {
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < capacity(); ++i )
- clear(i);
- }
- };
- /// Memory manager (Garbage collector)
- class CDS_EXPORT_API GarbageCollector
- {
- private:
- //@cond
- friend class ThreadGC;
- /// Internal GC statistics
- struct internal_stat
- {
- atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nGuardCount ; ///< Total guard count
- atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nFreeGuardCount ; ///< Count of free guard
- internal_stat()
- : m_nGuardCount(0)
- , m_nFreeGuardCount(0)
- {}
- };
- //@endcond
- public:
- /// Exception "No GarbageCollector object is created"
- CDS_DECLARE_EXCEPTION( DHPManagerEmpty, "Global DHP GarbageCollector is NULL" );
- /// Internal GC statistics
- struct InternalState
- {
- size_t m_nGuardCount ; ///< Total guard count
- size_t m_nFreeGuardCount ; ///< Count of free guard
- //@cond
- InternalState()
- : m_nGuardCount(0)
- , m_nFreeGuardCount(0)
- {}
- InternalState& operator =( internal_stat const& s )
- {
- m_nGuardCount = s.m_nGuardCount.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
- m_nFreeGuardCount = s.m_nFreeGuardCount.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
- return *this;
- }
- //@endcond
- };
- private:
- static GarbageCollector * m_pManager ; ///< GC global instance
- details::guard_allocator<> m_GuardPool ; ///< Guard pool
- details::retired_ptr_pool<> m_RetiredAllocator ; ///< Pool of free retired pointers
- details::retired_ptr_buffer m_RetiredBuffer ; ///< Retired pointer buffer for liberating
- //atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nInLiberate ; ///< number of parallel \p liberate fnction call
- atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nLiberateThreshold; ///< Max size of retired pointer buffer to call liberate
- const size_t m_nInitialThreadGuardCount; ///< Initial count of guards allocated for ThreadGC
- internal_stat m_stat ; ///< Internal statistics
- bool m_bStatEnabled ; ///< Internal Statistics enabled
- public:
- /// Initializes DHP memory manager singleton
- /**
- This member function creates and initializes DHP global object.
- The function should be called before using CDS data structure based on cds::gc::DHP GC. Usually,
- this member function is called in the \p main() function. See cds::gc::dhp for example.
- After calling of this function you may use CDS data structures based on cds::gc::DHP.
- \par Parameters
- \li \p nLiberateThreshold - the liberate threshold. When count of retired pointers reaches this value,
- the \ref dhp_gc_liberate "liberate" member function would be called for freeing retired pointers.
- If \p nLiberateThreshold <= 1, \p liberate would called after each \ref dhp_gc_retirePtr "retirePtr" call.
- \li \p nInitialThreadGuardCount - initial count of guard allocated for ThreadGC. When a thread
- is initialized the GC allocates local guard pool for the thread from common guard pool.
- By perforce the local thread's guard pool is grown automatically from common pool.
- When the thread terminated its guard pool is backed to common GC's pool.
- */
- static void CDS_STDCALL Construct(
- size_t nLiberateThreshold = 1024
- , size_t nInitialThreadGuardCount = 8
- );
- /// Destroys DHP memory manager
- /**
- The member function destroys DHP global object. After calling of this function you may \b NOT
- use CDS data structures based on cds::gc::DHP. Usually, the \p Destruct function is called
- at the end of your \p main(). See cds::gc::dhp for example.
- */
- static void CDS_STDCALL Destruct();
- /// Returns pointer to GarbageCollector instance
- /**
- If DHP GC is not initialized, \p DHPManagerEmpty exception is thrown
- */
- static GarbageCollector& instance()
- {
- if ( m_pManager == nullptr )
- throw DHPManagerEmpty();
- return *m_pManager;
- }
- /// Checks if global GC object is constructed and may be used
- static bool isUsed() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return m_pManager != nullptr;
- }
- public:
- //@{
- /// Internal interface
- /// Allocates a guard
- details::guard_data * allocGuard()
- {
- return m_GuardPool.alloc();
- }
- /// Frees guard \p g for reusing in future
- void freeGuard(details::guard_data * pGuard )
- {
- m_GuardPool.free( pGuard );
- }
- /// Allocates guard list for a thread.
- details::guard_data * allocGuardList( size_t nCount )
- {
- return m_GuardPool.allocList( nCount );
- }
- /// Frees thread's guard list pointed by \p pList
- void freeGuardList( details::guard_data * pList )
- {
- m_GuardPool.freeList( pList );
- }
- /// Places retired pointer \p and its deleter \p pFunc into thread's array of retired pointer for deferred reclamation
- /**@anchor dhp_gc_retirePtr
- */
- template <typename T>
- void retirePtr( T * p, void (* pFunc)(T *) )
- {
- retirePtr( retired_ptr( reinterpret_cast<void *>( p ), reinterpret_cast<free_retired_ptr_func>( pFunc ) ) );
- }
- /// Places retired pointer \p into thread's array of retired pointer for deferred reclamation
- void retirePtr( retired_ptr const& p )
- {
- if ( m_RetiredBuffer.push( m_RetiredAllocator.alloc(p)) >= m_nLiberateThreshold.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed) )
- liberate();
- }
- protected:
- /// Liberate function
- /** @anchor dhp_gc_liberate
- The main function of Dynamic Hazard Pointer algorithm. It tries to free retired pointers if they are not
- trapped by any guard.
- */
- void liberate();
- //@}
- private:
- //@cond
-#if 0
- void liberate( details::liberate_set& set );
- //@endcond
- public:
- /// Get internal statistics
- InternalState& getInternalState(InternalState& stat) const
- {
- return stat = m_stat;
- }
- /// Checks if internal statistics enabled
- bool isStatisticsEnabled() const
- {
- return m_bStatEnabled;
- }
- /// Enables/disables internal statistics
- bool enableStatistics( bool bEnable )
- {
- bool bEnabled = m_bStatEnabled;
- m_bStatEnabled = bEnable;
- return bEnabled;
- }
- private:
- //@cond none
- GarbageCollector( size_t nLiberateThreshold, size_t nInitialThreadGuardCount );
- ~GarbageCollector();
- //@endcond
- };
- /// Thread GC
- /**
- To use Dynamic Hazard Pointer reclamation schema each thread object must be linked with the object of ThreadGC class
- that interacts with GarbageCollector global object. The linkage is performed by calling \ref cds_threading "cds::threading::Manager::attachThread()"
- on the start of each thread that uses DHP GC. Before terminating the thread linked to DHP GC it is necessary to call
- \ref cds_threading "cds::threading::Manager::detachThread()".
- The ThreadGC object maintains two list:
- \li Thread guard list: the list of thread-local guards (linked by \p pThreadNext field)
- \li Free guard list: the list of thread-local free guards (linked by \p pNextFree field)
- Free guard list is a subset of thread guard list.
- */
- class ThreadGC
- {
- GarbageCollector& m_gc ; ///< reference to GC singleton
- details::guard_data * m_pList ; ///< Local list of guards owned by the thread
- details::guard_data * m_pFree ; ///< The list of free guard from m_pList
- public:
- /// Default constructor
- ThreadGC()
- : m_gc( GarbageCollector::instance() )
- , m_pList( nullptr )
- , m_pFree( nullptr )
- {}
- /// The object is not copy-constructible
- ThreadGC( ThreadGC const& ) = delete;
- /// Dtor calls fini()
- ~ThreadGC()
- {
- fini();
- }
- /// Initialization. Repeat call is available
- void init()
- {
- if ( !m_pList ) {
- m_pList =
- m_pFree = m_gc.allocGuardList( m_gc.m_nInitialThreadGuardCount );
- }
- }
- /// Finalization. Repeat call is available
- void fini()
- {
- if ( m_pList ) {
- m_gc.freeGuardList( m_pList );
- m_pList =
- m_pFree = nullptr;
- }
- }
- public:
- /// Initializes guard \p g
- void allocGuard( Guard& g )
- {
- assert( m_pList != nullptr );
- if ( m_pFree ) {
- g.m_pGuard = m_pFree;
- m_pFree = m_pFree->pNextFree.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
- }
- else {
- g.m_pGuard = m_gc.allocGuard();
- g.m_pGuard->pThreadNext = m_pList;
- m_pList = g.m_pGuard;
- }
- }
- /// Frees guard \p g
- void freeGuard( Guard& g )
- {
- assert( m_pList != nullptr );
- g.m_pGuard->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- g.m_pGuard->pNextFree.store( m_pFree, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- m_pFree = g.m_pGuard;
- }
- /// Initializes guard array \p arr
- template <size_t Count>
- void allocGuard( GuardArray<Count>& arr )
- {
- assert( m_pList != nullptr );
- size_t nCount = 0;
- while ( m_pFree && nCount < Count ) {
- arr[nCount].set_guard( m_pFree );
- m_pFree = m_pFree->pNextFree.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed);
- ++nCount;
- }
- while ( nCount < Count ) {
- details::guard& g = arr[nCount++];
- g.set_guard( m_gc.allocGuard() );
- g.get_guard()->pThreadNext = m_pList;
- m_pList = g.get_guard();
- }
- }
- /// Frees guard array \p arr
- template <size_t Count>
- void freeGuard( GuardArray<Count>& arr )
- {
- assert( m_pList != nullptr );
- details::guard_data * pGuard;
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < Count - 1; ++i ) {
- pGuard = arr[i].get_guard();
- pGuard->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- pGuard->pNextFree.store( arr[i+1].get_guard(), atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- }
- pGuard = arr[Count-1].get_guard();
- pGuard->pPost.store( nullptr, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- pGuard->pNextFree.store( m_pFree, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- m_pFree = arr[0].get_guard();
- }
- /// Places retired pointer \p and its deleter \p pFunc into list of retired pointer for deferred reclamation
- template <typename T>
- void retirePtr( T * p, void (* pFunc)(T *) )
- {
- m_gc.retirePtr( p, pFunc );
- }
- //@cond
- void scan()
- {
- m_gc.liberate();
- }
- //@endcond
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Inlines
- inline Guard::Guard(ThreadGC& gc)
- : m_gc( gc )
- {
- getGC().allocGuard( *this );
- }
- inline Guard::~Guard()
- {
- getGC().freeGuard( *this );
- }
- template <size_t Count>
- inline GuardArray<Count>::GuardArray( ThreadGC& gc )
- : m_gc( gc )
- {
- getGC().allocGuard( *this );
- }
- template <size_t Count>
- inline GuardArray<Count>::~GuardArray()
- {
- getGC().freeGuard( *this );
- }
- } // namespace dhp
-}} // namespace cds::gc
-# pragma warning(pop)
-#endif // #ifndef __CDS_GC_DHP_DHP_H
-#include <cds/gc/dhp/dhp.h>
+#include <cds/gc/details/dhp.h>
#include <cds/details/marked_ptr.h>
#include <cds/details/static_functor.h>
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\details\bounded_container.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\details\lib.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\details\static_functor.h" />\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\details\dhp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\details\hp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\details\hp_alloc.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\details\hp_inline.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\details\hp_type.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\dhp.h" />\r
- <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\dhp\dhp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\dhp\dhp_decl.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\dhp\dhp_impl.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\guarded_ptr.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\hp\hp.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\gc\hp</Filter>\r
- <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\dhp\dhp.h">\r
- <Filter>Header Files\cds\gc\dhp</Filter>\r
- </ClInclude>\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\dhp\dhp_decl.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\gc\dhp</Filter>\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\details\hp.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\gc\details</Filter>\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\details\dhp.h">\r
+ <Filter>Header Files\cds\gc\details</Filter>\r
+ </ClInclude>\r
\ No newline at end of file
#include <algorithm> // std::fill
#include <functional> // std::hash
-#include <cds/gc/dhp/dhp.h>
+#include <cds/gc/details/dhp.h>
#include <cds/algo/int_algo.h>
namespace cds { namespace gc { namespace dhp {
- liberate();
+ scan();
- void GarbageCollector::liberate()
+ void GarbageCollector::scan()
details::retired_ptr_buffer::privatize_result retiredList = m_RetiredBuffer.privatize();
if ( retiredList.first ) {
m_RetiredAllocator.free_range( range.first, range.second );
else {
- // liberate cycle did not free any retired pointer - double liberate threshold
+ // scan() cycle did not free any retired pointer - double scan() threshold
m_nLiberateThreshold.compare_exchange_strong( nLiberateThreshold, nLiberateThreshold * 2, atomics::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );