} else throw new Error("Can't find run method");
- /* Add New Check for Thread Join */
- if (nodemd.getClassDesc().getSymbol().equals(TypeUtil.ThreadClass)&&
- nodemd.getSymbol().equals("join")) {
- assert(nodemd.getModifiers().isNative());
- }
Integer currreturnval=EITHER; //Start off with the either value
for(Iterator methodit=methodset.iterator();methodit.hasNext();) {
MethodDescriptor md=(MethodDescriptor);
boolean isnative=md.getModifiers().isNative();
- boolean isjoin = md.getSymbol().equals("join");
+ boolean isjoin = md.getClassDesc().getSymbol().equals(TypeUtil.ThreadClass)&&!nodemd.getModifiers().isStatic()&&nodemd.numParameters()==0&&md.getSymbol().equals("join");
LocalityBinding lb=new LocalityBinding(md, isatomic);
if (isnative&&isatomic) {
System.out.println("Don't call native methods in atomic blocks!");
if (fc.getThis()!=null) {
Integer thistype=currtable.get(fc.getThis());
if (thistype==null)
throw new Error("Starting thread on local object not allowed in context:\n"+currlb.getExplanation());
+ if(isjoin&&thistype.equals(LOCAL))
+ throw new Error("Joining thread on local object not allowed in context:\n"+currlb.getExplanation());
throw new Error("Using type that can be either local or global in context:\n"+currlb.getExplanation());
- //if(runmethodset==null&&thistype.equals(GLOBAL)&&!isatomic)
- /* TODO Remove this ..This is a hack for thread join() call */
if(runmethodset==null&&thistype.equals(GLOBAL)&&!isatomic && !isjoin)
throw new Error("Using global object outside of transaction in context:\n"+currlb.getExplanation());
- //if (runmethodset==null&&isnative&&thistype.equals(GLOBAL))
- /* TODO Remove this ..This is a hack for thread join() call */
if (runmethodset==null&&isnative&&thistype.equals(GLOBAL) && !isjoin)
throw new Error("Potential call to native method "+md+" on global objects:\n"+currlb.getExplanation());