unsigned int blockindex;
BLOCKINDEX(blockindex, heaptop);
unsigned INTPTR localblocknum=GLOBALBLOCK2LOCAL(blockindex);
- tprintf("Returned mem for core %d\n", cnum);
//this core is done as far as memory usage is concerned
//need to get another block from elsewhere
//set flag to wait for memory
- printf("A: %d\n", BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
void *startaddr=handlegcfinishcompact_I(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, minimumbytes, gccurr_heaptop);
} else {
while(!gctomove) ;
- printf("BX: %d\n", BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
} else {
- printf("CX: %d\n", BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
//send request for memory
send_msg_4(STARTUPCORE,GCFINISHCOMPACT,BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, minimumbytes, gccurr_heaptop);
//wait for flag to be set that we received message
- printf("XD: %d\n", BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
int cc=0;
- while(!gctomove) {
- cc++;
- if ((cc%100000)==0)
- printf("Z");
- }
- printf("DD: %d\n", BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
+ while(!gctomove)
+ ;
//store pointer
while(true) {
if ((gccurr_heaptop < ((unsigned INTPTR)(to->bound-to->ptr)))&&!senttopmessage) {
//This block is the last for this core...let the startup know
- printf("gchtp=%u tobound=%x toptr=%x\n", gccurr_heaptop, to->bound, to->ptr);
- printf("Sending return %d\n", BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE);
handleReturnMem(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, to->ptr+gccurr_heaptop);
} else {
unsigned int minimumbytes=compactblocks(orig, to);
- printf("optr=%x obound=%x\n",orig->ptr, orig->bound);
if (orig->ptr==orig->bound) {
//need more data to compact
//increment the core
if (minimumbytes!=0) {
- printf("%d needs %u bytes.\n",BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE,minimumbytes);
getSpace(to, minimumbytes);
if (!gcmarktbl[arrayoffset]) {
do {
- if (arrayoffset<origendoffset) {
+ if (arrayoffset>=origendoffset) {
//finished with block...
//Scan more carefully next
if (objlength!=NOTMARKED) {
unsigned int length=ALIGNSIZETOBYTES(objlength);
void *endtoptr=toptr+length;
INLINE void processmsg_gcstartpre_I() {
// the first time to be informed to start gc
gcflag = true;
- if(!smemflag) {
- // Zero out the remaining memory here because for the GC_CACHE_ADAPT
- // version, we need to make sure during the gcinit phase the shared heap
- // is not touched. Otherwise, there would be problem when adapt the cache
- // strategy.
- bamboo_smem_size = 0;
- bamboo_cur_msp = NULL;
- smemflag = true;
- bamboo_smem_zero_top = NULL;
- }
+ // Zero out the remaining memory here because for the GC_CACHE_ADAPT
+ // version, we need to make sure during the gcinit phase the shared heap
+ // is not touched. Otherwise, there would be problem when adapt the cache
+ // strategy.
+ bamboo_smem_size = 0;
+ bamboo_cur_msp = NULL;
+ smemflag = true;
+ bamboo_smem_zero_top = NULL;
INLINE void processmsg_gcstartinit_I() {