--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for alarm device
+package Alarm
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class Alarm {
+ private String id
+ private String label
+ private String displayName
+ private String alarm
+ private String currentAlarm
+ private String alarmLatestValue
+ def sendEvent
+ def timers
+ Alarm(Closure sendEvent, String id, String label, String displayName, String alarm, String currentAlarm, String alarmLatestValue) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.timers = new SimulatedTimer()
+ this.id = id
+ this.label = label
+ this.displayName = displayName
+ this.alarm = alarm
+ this.currentAlarm = currentAlarm
+ this.alarmLatestValue = alarmLatestValue
+ }
+ //By Apps
+ def both() {
+ println("the alarm with id:$id is changed to both!")
+ this.alarmLatestValue = this.alarm
+ this.alarm = "both"
+ this.currentAlarm = "both"
+ sendEvent([name: "alarm", value: "both", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [value: "both"]])
+ }
+ def on() {
+ both()
+ }
+ def off() {
+ println("the alarm with id:$id is changed to off!")
+ this.alarmLatestValue = this.alarm
+ this.alarm = "off"
+ this.currentAlarm = "off"
+ sendEvent([name: "alarm", value: "off", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [value: "off"]])
+ }
+ def siren() {
+ println("the alarm with id:$id is changed to siren!")
+ this.alarmLatestValue = this.alarm
+ this.alarm = "siren"
+ this.currentAlarm = "siren"
+ sendEvent([name: "alarm", value: "siren", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [value: "siren"]])
+ }
+ def strobe() {
+ println("the alarm with id:$id is changed to strobe!")
+ this.alarmLatestValue = this.alarm
+ this.alarm = "strobe"
+ this.currentAlarm = "strobe"
+ sendEvent([name: "alarm", value: "strobe", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [value: "strobe"]])
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "alarm") {
+ return currentAlarm
+ }
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "alarm") {
+ return alarmLatestValue
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for alarm device
+package Alarm
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class Alarms {
+ int deviceNumbers
+ List alarms
+ def timers
+ def sendEvent
+ //If we have only one device
+ private String id = "alarmID0"
+ private String label = "alarm0"
+ private String displayName = "alarm0"
+ private String alarm = "off"
+ private String currentAlarm = "off"
+ private String alarmLatestValue = "off"
+ Alarms(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.timers = new SimulatedTimer()
+ this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
+ this.alarms = []
+ alarms.add(new Alarm(sendEvent, id, label, displayName, this.alarm, this.currentAlarm, this.alarmLatestValue))
+ }
+ //Methods for closures
+ def count(Closure Input) {
+ alarms.count(Input)
+ }
+ def size() {
+ alarms.size()
+ }
+ def each(Closure Input) {
+ alarms.each(Input)
+ }
+ def find(Closure Input) {
+ alarms.find(Input)
+ }
+ def collect(Closure Input) {
+ alarms.collect(Input)
+ }
+ //By Apps
+ def both() {
+ alarms[0].both()
+ alarmLatestValue = alarm
+ alarm = "both"
+ currentAlarm = "both"
+ }
+ def off() {
+ alarms[0].off()
+ alarmLatestValue = alarm
+ alarm = "off"
+ currentAlarm = "off"
+ }
+ def on() {
+ both()
+ }
+ def siren() {
+ alarms[0].siren()
+ alarmLatestValue = alarm
+ alarm = "siren"
+ currentAlarm = "siren"
+ }
+ def strobe() {
+ alarms[0].strobe()
+ alarmLatestValue = alarm
+ alarm = "strobe"
+ currentAlarm = "strobe"
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ alarms[0].currentValue(deviceFeature)
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ alarms[0].latestValue(deviceFeature)
+ }
+ def getAt(int ix) {
+ alarms[ix]
+ }
private String label
private String displayName
private String contactState
+ private String currentContact
private String latestValue
+ private String alarmState
- ContactSensor(String id, String label, String displayName, String contactState, String latestValue) {
+ ContactSensor(String id, String label, String displayName, String contactState, String currentContact, String alarmState, String latestValue) {
this.id = id
this.label = label
this.displayName = displayName
this.contactState = contactState
+ this.currentContact = currentContact
this.latestValue = latestValue
+ this.alarmState = alarmState
def setValue(String value) {
this.latestValue = contactState
println("the contact sensor with id:$id is triggered to $value!")
this.contactState = value
+ this.currentContact = value
+ }
+ def on() {
+ println("the contact sensor with id:$id is armed!")
+ this.alarmState = "armed"
+ }
+ def off() {
+ println("the contact sensor with id:$id is not armed!")
+ this.alarmState = "not armed"
def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
private String label = "contactSensor0"
private String displayName = "contactSensor0"
private String contactState = "closed"
+ private String currentContact = "closed"
private String latestValue = "closed"
+ private String alarmState = "armed"
ContactSensors(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
this.contacts = []
- contacts.add(new ContactSensor(id, label, displayName, this.contactState, this.latestValue))
+ contacts.add(new ContactSensor(id, label, displayName, this.contactState, this.currentContact, this.alarmState, this.latestValue))
//Methods for closures
//By Model Checker
def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
- contacts[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
- this.latestValue = contacts[0].latestValue
- this.contactState = contacts[0].contactState
- sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ if (eventDataMap["value"] != contacts[0].contactState) {
+ contacts[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
+ this.latestValue = contacts[0].latestValue
+ this.contactState = contacts[0].contactState
+ this.currentContact = contacts[0].contactState
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ }
+ def on() {
+ contacts[0].on()
+ this.alarmState = "armed"
+ }
+ def off() {
+ contacts[0].off()
+ this.alarmState = "not armed"
def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
//By Model Checker
def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
- doorControls[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
- this.doorState = doorControls[0].doorState
- sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ if (eventDataMap["value"] != doorControls[0].doorState) {
+ doorControls[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
+ this.doorState = doorControls[0].doorState
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
private boolean isStateChange
private String unit
private LinkedHashMap data
+ private int integerValue
Event(String value, String name, String deviceId, String descriptionText, boolean displayed, String linkText, String displayName, boolean isStateChange, String unit, LinkedHashMap data) {
this.deviceId = deviceId
this.unit = unit
this.data = data
this.displayed = displayed
+ if (name == "battery")
+ this.integerValue = value.toInteger()
- * Auto Lock Door
+ * Copyright 2015 SmartThings
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- * Author: Chris Sader (@csader)
- * Collaborators: @chrisb
- * Date: 2013-08-21
- * URL: http://www.github.com/smartthings-users/smartapp.auto-lock-door
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * Copyright (C) 2013 Chris Sader.
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
- * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
- * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
- * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
- * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
- * conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
+ * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ * Make it So
+ *
+ * Author: SmartThings
+ * Date: 2013-03-06
+ name: "Make It So",
+ namespace: "smartthings",
+ author: "SmartThings",
+ description: "Saves the states of a specified set switches and thermostat setpoints and restores them at each mode change. To use 1) Set the mode, 2) Change switches and setpoint to where you want them for that mode, and 3) Install or update the app. Changing to that mode or touching the app will set the devices to the saved state.",
+ category: "Convenience",
+ iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Meta/light_thermo-switch.png",
+ iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Meta/light_thermo-switch@2x.png"
- section("When a door unlocks...") {
- input "lock1", "capability.lock"
- }
- section("Lock it how many minutes later?") {
- input "minutesLater", "number", title: "When?"
- }
- section("Lock it only when this door is closed") {
- input "openSensor", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Where?"
- }
+preferences {
+ section("Switches") {
+ input "switches", "capability.switch", multiple: true, required: false
+ }
+ section("Thermostats") {
+ input "thermostats", "capability.thermostat", multiple: true, required: false
+ }
+ section("Locks") {
+ input "locks", "capability.lock", multiple: true, required: false
+ }
-def installed()
- log.debug "Auto Lock Door installed. (URL: http://www.github.com/smartthings-users/smartapp.auto-lock-door)"
- initialize()
+def installed() {
+ subscribe(location, changedLocationMode)
+ subscribe(app, appTouch)
+ saveState()
-def updated()
- unsubscribe()
- unschedule()
- log.debug "Auto Lock Door updated."
- initialize()
+def updated() {
+ unsubscribe()
+ subscribe(location, changedLocationMode)
+ subscribe(app, appTouch)
+ saveState()
-def initialize()
+def appTouch(evt)
- log.debug "Settings: ${settings}"
- subscribe(lock1, "lock", doorHandler)
- subscribe(openSensor, "contact.closed", doorClosed)
- subscribe(openSensor, "contact.open", doorOpen)
+ restoreState(currentMode)
-def lockDoor()
+def changedLocationMode(evt)
- log.debug "Locking Door if Closed"
- if((openSensor.latestValue("contact") == "closed")){
- log.debug "Door Closed"
- lock1.lock()
- } else {
- if ((openSensor.latestValue("contact") == "open")) {
- def delay = minutesLater * 60
- log.debug "Door open will try again in $minutesLater minutes"
- runIn( delay, lockDoor )
- }
- }
+ restoreState(evt.value)
-def doorOpen(evt) {
- log.debug "Door open reset previous lock task..."
- unschedule( lockDoor )
- def delay = minutesLater * 60
- runIn( delay, lockDoor )
+private restoreState(mode)
+ log.info "restoring state for mode '$mode'"
+ def map = state[mode] ?: [:]
+ switches?.each {
+ def value = map[it.id]
+ if (value?.switch == "on") {
+ def level = value.level
+ if (level) {
+ log.debug "setting $it.label level to $level"
+ it.setLevel(level)
+ }
+ else {
+ log.debug "turning $it.label on"
+ it.on()
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value?.switch == "off") {
+ log.debug "turning $it.label off"
+ it.off()
+ }
+ }
-def doorClosed(evt) {
- log.debug "Door Closed"
+ thermostats?.each {
+ def value = map[it.id]
+ if (value?.coolingSetpoint) {
+ log.debug "coolingSetpoint = $value.coolingSetpoint"
+ it.setCoolingSetpoint(value.coolingSetpoint)
+ }
+ if (value?.heatingSetpoint) {
+ log.debug "heatingSetpoint = $value.heatingSetpoint"
+ it.setHeatingSetpoint(value.heatingSetpoint)
+ }
+ }
+ locks?.each {
+ def value = map[it.id]
+ if (value) {
+ if (value?.locked) {
+ it.lock()
+ }
+ else {
+ it.unlock()
+ }
+ }
+ }
-def doorHandler(evt)
+private saveState()
- log.debug "Door ${openSensor.latestValue}"
- log.debug "Lock ${evt.name} is ${evt.value}."
+ def mode = currentMode
+ def map = state[mode] ?: [:]
+ switches?.each {
+ map[it.id] = [switch: it.currentSwitch, level: it.currentLevel]
+ }
+ thermostats?.each {
+ map[it.id] = [coolingSetpoint: it.currentCoolingSetpoint, heatingSetpoint: it.currentHeatingSetpoint]
+ }
- if (evt.value == "locked") { // If the human locks the door then...
- log.debug "Cancelling previous lock task..."
- unschedule( lockDoor ) // ...we don't need to lock it later.
- }
- else { // If the door is unlocked then...
- def delay = minutesLater * 60 // runIn uses seconds
- log.debug "Re-arming lock in ${minutesLater} minutes (${delay}s)."
- runIn( delay, lockDoor ) // ...schedule to lock in x minutes.
- }
+ locks?.each {
+ map[it.id] = [locked: it.currentLock == "locked"]
+ }
+ state[mode] = map
+ log.debug "saved state for mode ${mode}: ${state[mode]}"
+ log.debug "state: $state"
+private getCurrentMode()
+ location.mode ?: "_none_"
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
def updated = this.&updated
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
-def initialize = this.&initialize
+def appTouch = this.&appTouch
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
-def lockDoor = this.&lockDoor
+def changedLocationMode = this.&changedLocationMode
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
-def doorOpen = this.&doorOpen
+def restoreState = this.&restoreState
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
-def doorClosed = this.&doorClosed
+def saveState = this.&saveState
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
-def doorHandler = this.&doorHandler
+def getCurrentMode = this.&getCurrentMode
+//Object for class switch!
+def switches
+//Object for class thermostat!
+def thermostats
//Object for class lock!
-def lock1
-//Global variable for number!
-def minutesLater = 1
-//Object for class contactSensor!
-def openSensor
+def locks
-lock1 = obj.lockObject
-openSensor = obj.contactObject
+switches = obj.switchObject
+thermostats = obj.thermostatObject
+locks = obj.lockObject
//Global variable for settings!
-settings = [app:app, lock1:lock1, minutesLater:minutesLater, openSensor:openSensor]
+settings = [app:app, switches:switches, thermostats:thermostats, locks:locks]
+ * NFC Tag Toggle
+ *
+ * Copyright 2014 SmartThings
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
+ * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
name: "NFC Tag Toggle",
namespace: "smartthings",
input "garageDoor", "capability.doorControl", title: "Garage door controller", required: false, multiple: true
page(name: "pageTwo", title: "Master devices", install: true, uninstall: true)
def pageTwo() {
dynamicPage(name: "pageTwo") {
- section("If set, the state of these devices will be toggled each time the tag is touched, " +
+ section("If set, the state of these devices will be toggled each time the tag is touched, " +
"e.g. a light that's on will be turned off and one that's off will be turned on, " +
"other devices of the same type will be set to the same state as their master device. " +
"If no master is designated then the majority of devices of the same type will be used " +
"to determine whether to turn on or off the devices.") {
if (switch1 || masterSwitch) {
input "masterSwitch", "enum", title: "Master switch", options: switch1.collect{[(it.id): it.displayName]}, required: false
if (garageDoor || masterDoor) {
input "masterDoor", "enum", title: "Master door", options: garageDoor.collect{[(it.id): it.displayName]}, required: false
- }
+ }
section([mobileOnly:true]) {
label title: "Assign a name", required: false
mode title: "Set for specific mode(s)", required: false
- }
+ }
if (lock) {
def status = currentStatus(lock, masterLock, "lock")
lock.each {
if (garageDoor) {
def status = currentStatus(garageDoor, masterDoor, "status")
garageDoor.each {
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
def initialize = this.&initialize
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
-def currentStatus = this.¤tStatus
-//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
def touchHandler = this.&touchHandler
//Object for class door control!
def garageDoor
//Global variable for enum!
-def masterSwitch = "switchID0"
+def masterSwitch = "Yes"
//Global variable for enum!
-def masterLock = "lockID0"
+def masterLock = "Yes"
//Global variable for enum!
-def masterDoor = "DoorControlID0"
+def masterDoor = "No"
import AeonKeyFob.AeonKeyFobs
import MusicPlayer.MusicPlayer
import MusicPlayer.MusicPlayers
+import MotionSensor.MotionSensor
+import MotionSensor.MotionSensors
+import ImageCapture.ImageCapture
+import ImageCapture.ImageCaptures
+import SmokeDetector.SmokeDetector
+import SmokeDetector.SmokeDetectors
+import Alarm.Alarm
+import Alarm.Alarms
+import SpeechSynthesis.SpeechSynthesis
+import SpeechSynthesis.SpeechSynthesises
import Timer.SimulatedTimer
@Field def state = [home:[],away:[],night:[]]
//Create a global logger object for methods
@Field def log = new Logger()
+//Create a global variable for optional property
+@Field def optional = false //by default for now
//Global variables for files
@Field def aeonKeyFobObject0
@Field def aeonKeyFobObject1
@Field def aeonKeyFobObject2
+//Global Object for class motion sensor!
+@Field motionSensorObjects = 0
+@Field def motionSensorObject0
+@Field def motionSensorObject1
+@Field def motionSensorObject2
+//Global Object for class image capture!
+@Field imageCaptureObjects = 0
+@Field def imageCaptureObject0
+@Field def imageCaptureObject1
+@Field def imageCaptureObject2
+//Global Object for class smoke detector!
+@Field smokeDetectorObjects = 0
+@Field def smokeDetectorObject0
+@Field def smokeDetectorObject1
+@Field def smokeDetectorObject2
+//Global Object for class alarm!
+@Field alarmObjects = 0
+@Field def alarmObject0
+@Field def alarmObject1
+@Field def alarmObject2
+//Global Object for class alarm!
+@Field speechSynthesisObjects = 0
+@Field def speechSynthesisObject0
+@Field def speechSynthesisObject1
+@Field def speechSynthesisObject2
//Global variables
@Field number3
@Field number4
@Field number5
+//For decimal
+@Field decimalVariables = 0
+@Field decimal0
+@Field decimal1
+@Field decimal2
+@Field decimal3
+@Field decimal4
+@Field decimal5
//For time
@Field timeVariables = 0
@Field time0
@Field contact3
@Field contact4
@Field contact5
+//For text
+@Field textVariables = 0
+@Field textVariable0
+@Field textVariable1
+@Field textVariable2
+@Field textVariable3
+@Field textVariable4
+@Field textVariable5
+//For boolean
+@Field boolVariables = 0
+@Field boolVariable0
+@Field boolVariable1
+@Field boolVariable2
+@Field boolVariable3
+@Field boolVariable4
+@Field boolVariable5
/////Input Methods/////
+//input "", "", linkedHashMap, Closure
+def input(LinkedHashMap metaData, String name, String type, Closure Input) {
+ metaData.put('name',name)
+ metaData.put('type',type)
+ input(metaData)
+ find(Input)
//input linkedHashMap
def input(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
if (metaData.containsKey('title')) {
case "capability.alarm":
+ if (alarmObjects == 0) {
+ alarmObject0 = metaData['name']
+ this[alarmObject0] = new Alarms({}, 1)
+ } else if (alarmObjects == 1) {
+ alarmObject1 = metaData['name']
+ this[alarmObject1] = new Alarms({}, 1)
+ } else if (alarmObjects == 2) {
+ alarmObject2 = metaData['name']
+ this[alarmObject2] = new Alarms({}, 1)
+ }
+ alarmObjects=alarmObjects+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Object for class alarm!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.alarmObject\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Object for class alarm!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.alarmObject\n")
+ }
case "capability.battery":
case "capability.accelerationSensor":
case "capability.motionSensor":
+ if (motionSensorObjects == 0) {
+ motionSensorObject0 = metaData['name']
+ this[motionSensorObject0] = new MotionSensors({}, 1)
+ } else if (motionSensorObjects == 1) {
+ motionSensorObject1 = metaData['name']
+ this[motionSensorObject1] = new MotionSensors({}, 1)
+ } else if (motionSensorObjects == 2) {
+ motionSensorObject2 = metaData['name']
+ this[motionSensorObject2] = new MotionSensors({}, 1)
+ }
+ motionSensorObjects=motionSensorObjects+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Object for class Motion Sensor!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.motionSensorObject\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Object for class Motion Sensor!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.motionSensorObject\n")
+ }
case "capability.musicPlayer":
if (musicPlayerObjects == 0) {
case "capability.sleepSensor":
case "capability.smokeDetector":
+ if (smokeDetectorObjects == 0) {
+ smokeDetectorObject0 = metaData['name']
+ this[smokeDetectorObject0] = new SmokeDetectors({}, 1)
+ } else if (smokeDetectorObjects == 1) {
+ smokeDetectorObject1 = metaData['name']
+ this[smokeDetectorObject1] = new SmokeDetectors({}, 1)
+ } else if (smokeDetectorObjects == 2) {
+ smokeDetectorObject2 = metaData['name']
+ this[smokeDetectorObject2] = new SmokeDetectors({}, 1)
+ }
+ smokeDetectorObjects=smokeDetectorObjects+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Object for class smoke detector!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.smokeDetectorObject\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Object for class smoke detector!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.smokeDetectorObject\n")
+ }
case "capability.stepSensor":
case "capability.valve":
+ case "capability.speechSynthesis":
+ if (speechSynthesisObjects == 0) {
+ speechSynthesisObject0 = metaData['name']
+ this[speechSynthesisObject0] = new SpeechSynthesises({}, 1)
+ } else if (speechSynthesisObjects == 1) {
+ speechSynthesisObject1 = metaData['name']
+ this[speechSynthesisObject1] = new SpeechSynthesises({}, 1)
+ } else if (speechSynthesisObjects == 2) {
+ speechSynthesisObject2 = metaData['name']
+ this[speechSynthesisObject2] = new SpeechSynthesises({}, 1)
+ }
+ speechSynthesisObjects=speechSynthesisObjects+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Object for class speech synthesis!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.speechSynthesisObject\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Object for class speech synthesis!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.speechSynthesisObject\n")
+ }
+ break
case "capability.waterSensor":
case "capability.touchSensor":
case "capability.imageCapture":
+ if (imageCaptureObjects == 0) {
+ imageCaptureObject0 = metaData['name']
+ this[imageCaptureObject0] = new ImageCaptures({}, 1)
+ } else if (imageCaptureObjects == 1) {
+ imageCaptureObject1 = metaData['name']
+ this[imageCaptureObject1] = new ImageCaptures({}, 1)
+ } else if (imageCaptureObjects == 2) {
+ imageCaptureObject2 = metaData['name']
+ this[imageCaptureObject2] = new ImageCaptures({}, 1)
+ }
+ imageCaptureObjects=imageCaptureObjects+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Object for class Image Capture!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.imageCaptureObject\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Object for class Image Capture!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.imageCaptureObject\n")
+ }
case "device.mobilePresence":
case "mode":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the mode:'
+ def randomVariable = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 3)
+ def modes = ["away", "home", "night"]
+ def userInput = modes[randomVariable]
if (modeVariables == 0) {
mode0 = metaData['name']
case "decimal":
+ def userInput = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 60) + 40
+ if (decimalVariables == 0) {
+ decimal0 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal0] = userInput
+ } else if (decimalVariables == 1) {
+ decimal1 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal1] = userInput
+ } else if (decimalVariables == 2) {
+ decimal2 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal2] = userInput
+ } else if (decimalVariables == 3) {
+ decimal3 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal3] = userInput
+ } else if (decimalVariables == 4) {
+ decimal4 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal4] = userInput
+ } else if (decimalVariables == 5) {
+ decimal5 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal5] = userInput
+ }
+ decimalVariables=decimalVariables+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Global variable for decimal number!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = "+userInput+"\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Global variable for decimal number!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = "+userInput+"\n")
+ }
case "text":
+ def userInput = "This is just a text!"
+ if (textVariables == 0) {
+ text0 = metaData['name']
+ this[text0] = userInput
+ } else if (textVariables == 1) {
+ text1 = metaData['name']
+ this[text1] = userInput
+ } else if (textVariables == 2) {
+ text2 = metaData['name']
+ this[text2] = userInput
+ } else if (textVariables == 3) {
+ text3 = metaData['name']
+ this[text3] = userInput
+ } else if (textVariables == 4) {
+ text4 = metaData['name']
+ this[text4] = userInput
+ } else if (textVariables == 5) {
+ text5 = metaData['name']
+ this[text5] = userInput
+ }
+ textVariables=textVariables+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Global variable for text!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = \""+userInput+"\"\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Global variable for text!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = \""+userInput+"\"\n")
+ }
case "number":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the number:'
+ def userInput = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 60) + 40
if (numberVariables == 0) {
number0 = metaData['name']
case "time":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the time:'
+ def userInput = "15:00"
if (timeVariables == 0) {
time0 = metaData['name']
case "enum":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the enum:'
+ def randomVariable = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 2)
+ def modes = ["Yes", "No"]
+ def userInput = modes[randomVariable]
if (enumVariables == 0) {
enum0 = metaData['name']
case "bool":
+ def userInput = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 2)
+ if (boolVariables == 0) {
+ bool0 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool0] = userInput
+ } else if (boolVariables == 1) {
+ bool1 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool1] = userInput
+ } else if (boolVariables == 2) {
+ bool2 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool2] = userInput
+ } else if (boolVariables == 3) {
+ bool3 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool3] = userInput
+ } else if (boolVariables == 4) {
+ bool4 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool4] = userInput
+ } else if (boolVariables == 5) {
+ bool5 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool5] = userInput
+ }
+ boolVariables=boolVariables+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Global variable for boolean!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = \""+userInput+"\"\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Global variable for boolean!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = \""+userInput+"\"\n")
+ }
case "phone":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the phone:'
+ def userInput = 9495379373
if (phoneVariables == 0) {
phone0 = metaData['name']
case "contact":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the metaData['name'] of the contact:'
+ def userInput = "AJ"
if (contactVariables == 0) {
contact0 = metaData['name']
+def href(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ println("//IGNORE--some data//")
/////Input Methods/////
find(inputData) //Run the closure to extract sections/inputMethods
+def paragraph(String paragraphText) {
+ println(paragraphText)
def section(String title, Closure inputData) {
find(inputData) //Run the closure to extract inputMethods
import os
readyToReturn = 0
ToReturn = ""
+eventMap = []
+app1Capabilities = []
+app2Capabilities = []
def GetToken(f):
global readyToReturn
return "EOF"
def ExtractFunctions(F, appName):
+ global eventMap
Temp = GetToken(F)
while (Temp != "EOF"):
if (Temp == "def" or Temp == "private"):
Temp = GetToken(F)
+ if (Temp == "def" or Temp == "private"):
+ Temp = GetToken(F)
NameofFunc = Temp
- if (GetToken(F) != "="): #We have a function to create object for
+ if (GetToken(F) == "("): #We have a function to create object for
if (appName == "App1"):
extractedFunctionsApp1.write("//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!\n")
extractedFunctionsApp1.write("def %s = this.&" % NameofFunc)
extractedFunctionsApp2.write("//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!\n")
extractedFunctionsApp2.write("def %s = this.&" % NameofFunc)
extractedFunctionsApp2.write("%s\n" % NameofFunc)
+ #Check subscribed events
+ if (Temp == "subscribe"):
+ counter = 0
+ while (counter < 5 and Temp != "\""):
+ Temp = GetToken(F)
+ counter = counter + 1
+ Temp = GetToken(F)
+ #If counter >= 5 that means it is not found, so it must be appTouch
+ if (counter >= 5):
+ Temp = "Touched"
+ if Temp not in eventMap:
+ eventMap.append(Temp)
+ #Check and analyze capabilities for physical interaction
+ AnalyzeCapabilities(Temp, appName)
Temp = GetToken(F)
+ #Warn if there is a potential for physical interaction
+ AnalyzePhysicalInteraction(app1Capabilities, app2Capabilities)
+ AnalyzePhysicalInteraction(app2Capabilities, app1Capabilities)
+def AnalyzeCapabilities(Temp, appName):
+ #Illuminance related
+ if (Temp == "capability.switch" or
+ Temp == "capability.switchLevel" or
+ Temp == "capability.illuminanceMeasurement" or
+ #Motion related
+ Temp == "capability.motionSensor" or
+ #Water related
+ Temp == "capability.valve" or
+ Temp == "capability.waterSensor" or
+ #Sound related
+ Temp == "capability.musicPlayer" or
+ Temp == "capability.alarm" or
+ Temp == "capability.speechSynthesis" or
+ Temp == "capability.soundSensor"):
+ if (appName == "App1"):
+ app1Capabilities.append(Temp)
+ else:
+ app2Capabilities.append(Temp)
+def AnalyzePhysicalInteraction(app1Capab, app2Capab):
+ #Light
+ if ("capability.illuminanceMeasurement" in app1Capab) and ("capability.switch" in app2Capab or
+ "capability.switchLevel" in app2Capab):
+ print ("\nWARNING: Potential PHYSICAL CONFLICT (light) detected between App1 and App2!\n")
+ #Motion
+ if ("capability.motionSensor" in app1Capab):
+ print ("\nWARNING: Potential PHYSICAL CONFLICT (motion) detected between App1 and App2!\n")
+ #Water
+ if ("capability.waterSensor" in app1Capab) and ("capability.valve" in app2Capab or
+ "capability.switch" in app2Capab):
+ print ("\nWARNING: Potential PHYSICAL CONFLICT (water) detected between App1 and App2!\n")
+ #Sound
+ if ("capability.soundSensor" in app1Capab) and ("capability.musicPlayer" in app2Capab or
+ "capability.alarm" in app2Capab or "capability.speechSynthesis" in app2Capab):
+ print ("\nWARNING: Potential PHYSICAL CONFLICT (sound) detected between App1 and App2!\n")
+def ExtractEvents(extractedEvents):
+ global eventMap
+ extractedEvents.write("Random random = new Random(42)\n")
+ extractedEvents.write("counter = 1000\n")
+ extractedEvents.write("while(counter > 0) {\n")
+ extractedEvents.write("\tdef eventNumber = random.nextInt(%d)\n" % (len(eventMap) - 1))
+ extractedEvents.write("\tswitch(eventNumber) {\n")
+ eventCounter = 0;
+ for i in range(len(eventMap)):
+ extractedEvents.write("\t\tcase %d:\n" % eventCounter)
+ if eventMap[i] == "lock":
+ event = open("eventSimulator/lockEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ elif eventMap[i] == "unlock":
+ event = open("eventSimulator/unlockEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ elif eventMap[i] == "contact.open":
+ event = open("eventSimulator/contactOpenEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ elif eventMap[i] == "contact.closed":
+ event = open("eventSimulator/contactClosedEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ elif eventMap[i] == "switch.on":
+ event = open("eventSimulator/switchOnEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ elif eventMap[i] == "switch.off":
+ event = open("eventSimulator/switchOffEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ elif eventMap[i] == "nfcTouch":
+ event = open("eventSimulator/nfcTouchEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ elif eventMap[i] == "Touched":
+ event = open("eventSimulator/appTouchEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ elif eventMap[i] == "button":
+ #Write two events subsequently
+ event = open("eventSimulator/buttonPushedEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ extractedEvents.write("\t\t\tbreak\n")
+ eventCounter = eventCounter + 1
+ extractedEvents.write("\t\tcase %d:\n" % eventCounter)
+ event = open("eventSimulator/buttonHeldEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ elif eventMap[i] == "presence":
+ #Write two events subsequently
+ event = open("eventSimulator/presencePresentEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ extractedEvents.write("\t\t\tbreak\n")
+ eventCounter = eventCounter + 1
+ extractedEvents.write("\t\tcase %d:\n" % eventCounter)
+ event = open("eventSimulator/presenceLeftEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ elif eventMap[i] == "doorState":
+ #Write two events subsequently
+ event = open("eventSimulator/doorOpenEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ extractedEvents.write("\t\t\tbreak\n")
+ eventCounter = eventCounter + 1
+ extractedEvents.write("\t\tcase %d:\n" % eventCounter)
+ event = open("eventSimulator/doorClosedEvent.groovy", "r")
+ for line in event:
+ extractedEvents.write(line)
+ event.close()
+ eventCounter = eventCounter + 1
+ ###TODO: Add more events later
+ extractedEvents.write("\n\t\t\tbreak\n")
+ extractedEvents.write("\t}\n")
+ extractedEvents.write("\tcounter--\n")
+ extractedEvents.write("}\n")
import AeonKeyFob.AeonKeyFobs
import MusicPlayer.MusicPlayer
import MusicPlayer.MusicPlayers
+import MotionSensor.MotionSensor
+import MotionSensor.MotionSensors
+import ImageCapture.ImageCapture
+import ImageCapture.ImageCaptures
+import SmokeDetector.SmokeDetector
+import SmokeDetector.SmokeDetectors
+import Alarm.Alarm
+import Alarm.Alarms
+import SpeechSynthesis.SpeechSynthesis
+import SpeechSynthesis.SpeechSynthesises
import Timer.SimulatedTimer
@Field def state = [home:[],away:[],night:[]]
//Create a global logger object for methods
@Field def log = new Logger()
+//Create a global variable for optional property
+@Field def optional = false //by default for now
//Global variables for files
@Field def aeonKeyFobObject0
@Field def aeonKeyFobObject1
@Field def aeonKeyFobObject2
+//Global Object for class motion sensor!
+@Field motionSensorObjects = 0
+@Field def motionSensorObject0
+@Field def motionSensorObject1
+@Field def motionSensorObject2
+//Global Object for class image capture!
+@Field imageCaptureObjects = 0
+@Field def imageCaptureObject0
+@Field def imageCaptureObject1
+@Field def imageCaptureObject2
+//Global Object for class smoke detector!
+@Field smokeDetectorObjects = 0
+@Field def smokeDetectorObject0
+@Field def smokeDetectorObject1
+@Field def smokeDetectorObject2
+//Global Object for class alarm!
+@Field alarmObjects = 0
+@Field def alarmObject0
+@Field def alarmObject1
+@Field def alarmObject2
+//Global Object for class alarm!
+@Field speechSynthesisObjects = 0
+@Field def speechSynthesisObject0
+@Field def speechSynthesisObject1
+@Field def speechSynthesisObject2
//Global variables
@Field number3
@Field number4
@Field number5
+//For decimal
+@Field decimalVariables = 0
+@Field decimal0
+@Field decimal1
+@Field decimal2
+@Field decimal3
+@Field decimal4
+@Field decimal5
//For time
@Field timeVariables = 0
@Field time0
@Field contact3
@Field contact4
@Field contact5
+//For text
+@Field textVariables = 0
+@Field textVariable0
+@Field textVariable1
+@Field textVariable2
+@Field textVariable3
+@Field textVariable4
+@Field textVariable5
+//For boolean
+@Field boolVariables = 0
+@Field boolVariable0
+@Field boolVariable1
+@Field boolVariable2
+@Field boolVariable3
+@Field boolVariable4
+@Field boolVariable5
/////Input Methods/////
+//input "", "", linkedHashMap, Closure
+def input(LinkedHashMap metaData, String name, String type, Closure Input) {
+ metaData.put('name',name)
+ metaData.put('type',type)
+ input(metaData)
+ find(Input)
//input linkedHashMap
def input(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
if (metaData.containsKey('title')) {
case "capability.alarm":
+ if (alarmObjects == 0) {
+ alarmObject0 = metaData['name']
+ this[alarmObject0] = new Alarms({}, 1)
+ } else if (alarmObjects == 1) {
+ alarmObject1 = metaData['name']
+ this[alarmObject1] = new Alarms({}, 1)
+ } else if (alarmObjects == 2) {
+ alarmObject2 = metaData['name']
+ this[alarmObject2] = new Alarms({}, 1)
+ }
+ alarmObjects=alarmObjects+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Object for class alarm!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.alarmObject\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Object for class alarm!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.alarmObject\n")
+ }
case "capability.battery":
case "capability.accelerationSensor":
case "capability.motionSensor":
+ if (motionSensorObjects == 0) {
+ motionSensorObject0 = metaData['name']
+ this[motionSensorObject0] = new MotionSensors({}, 1)
+ } else if (motionSensorObjects == 1) {
+ motionSensorObject1 = metaData['name']
+ this[motionSensorObject1] = new MotionSensors({}, 1)
+ } else if (motionSensorObjects == 2) {
+ motionSensorObject2 = metaData['name']
+ this[motionSensorObject2] = new MotionSensors({}, 1)
+ }
+ motionSensorObjects=motionSensorObjects+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Object for class Motion Sensor!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.motionSensorObject\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Object for class Motion Sensor!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.motionSensorObject\n")
+ }
case "capability.musicPlayer":
if (musicPlayerObjects == 0) {
case "capability.sleepSensor":
case "capability.smokeDetector":
+ if (smokeDetectorObjects == 0) {
+ smokeDetectorObject0 = metaData['name']
+ this[smokeDetectorObject0] = new SmokeDetectors({}, 1)
+ } else if (smokeDetectorObjects == 1) {
+ smokeDetectorObject1 = metaData['name']
+ this[smokeDetectorObject1] = new SmokeDetectors({}, 1)
+ } else if (smokeDetectorObjects == 2) {
+ smokeDetectorObject2 = metaData['name']
+ this[smokeDetectorObject2] = new SmokeDetectors({}, 1)
+ }
+ smokeDetectorObjects=smokeDetectorObjects+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Object for class smoke detector!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.smokeDetectorObject\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Object for class smoke detector!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.smokeDetectorObject\n")
+ }
case "capability.stepSensor":
case "capability.valve":
+ case "capability.speechSynthesis":
+ if (speechSynthesisObjects == 0) {
+ speechSynthesisObject0 = metaData['name']
+ this[speechSynthesisObject0] = new SpeechSynthesises({}, 1)
+ } else if (speechSynthesisObjects == 1) {
+ speechSynthesisObject1 = metaData['name']
+ this[speechSynthesisObject1] = new SpeechSynthesises({}, 1)
+ } else if (speechSynthesisObjects == 2) {
+ speechSynthesisObject2 = metaData['name']
+ this[speechSynthesisObject2] = new SpeechSynthesises({}, 1)
+ }
+ speechSynthesisObjects=speechSynthesisObjects+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Object for class speech synthesis!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.speechSynthesisObject\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Object for class speech synthesis!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.speechSynthesisObject\n")
+ }
+ break
case "capability.waterSensor":
case "capability.touchSensor":
case "capability.imageCapture":
+ if (imageCaptureObjects == 0) {
+ imageCaptureObject0 = metaData['name']
+ this[imageCaptureObject0] = new ImageCaptures({}, 1)
+ } else if (imageCaptureObjects == 1) {
+ imageCaptureObject1 = metaData['name']
+ this[imageCaptureObject1] = new ImageCaptures({}, 1)
+ } else if (imageCaptureObjects == 2) {
+ imageCaptureObject2 = metaData['name']
+ this[imageCaptureObject2] = new ImageCaptures({}, 1)
+ }
+ imageCaptureObjects=imageCaptureObjects+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Object for class Image Capture!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.imageCaptureObject\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Object for class Image Capture!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+"\n")
+ extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.append(metaData['name']+" = obj.imageCaptureObject\n")
+ }
case "device.mobilePresence":
case "mode":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the mode:'
+ def randomVariable = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 3)
+ def modes = ["away", "home", "night"]
+ def userInput = modes[randomVariable]
if (modeVariables == 0) {
mode0 = metaData['name']
case "decimal":
+ def userInput = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 60) + 40
+ if (decimalVariables == 0) {
+ decimal0 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal0] = userInput
+ } else if (decimalVariables == 1) {
+ decimal1 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal1] = userInput
+ } else if (decimalVariables == 2) {
+ decimal2 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal2] = userInput
+ } else if (decimalVariables == 3) {
+ decimal3 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal3] = userInput
+ } else if (decimalVariables == 4) {
+ decimal4 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal4] = userInput
+ } else if (decimalVariables == 5) {
+ decimal5 = metaData['name']
+ this[decimal5] = userInput
+ }
+ decimalVariables=decimalVariables+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Global variable for decimal number!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = "+userInput+"\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Global variable for decimal number!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = "+userInput+"\n")
+ }
case "text":
+ def userInput = "This is just a text!"
+ if (textVariables == 0) {
+ text0 = metaData['name']
+ this[text0] = userInput
+ } else if (textVariables == 1) {
+ text1 = metaData['name']
+ this[text1] = userInput
+ } else if (textVariables == 2) {
+ text2 = metaData['name']
+ this[text2] = userInput
+ } else if (textVariables == 3) {
+ text3 = metaData['name']
+ this[text3] = userInput
+ } else if (textVariables == 4) {
+ text4 = metaData['name']
+ this[text4] = userInput
+ } else if (textVariables == 5) {
+ text5 = metaData['name']
+ this[text5] = userInput
+ }
+ textVariables=textVariables+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Global variable for text!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = \""+userInput+"\"\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Global variable for text!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = \""+userInput+"\"\n")
+ }
case "number":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the number:'
+ def userInput = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 60) + 40
if (numberVariables == 0) {
number0 = metaData['name']
case "time":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the time:'
+ def userInput = "15:00"
if (timeVariables == 0) {
time0 = metaData['name']
case "enum":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the enum:'
+ def randomVariable = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 2)
+ def modes = ["Yes", "No"]
+ def userInput = modes[randomVariable]
if (enumVariables == 0) {
enum0 = metaData['name']
case "bool":
+ def userInput = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % 2)
+ if (boolVariables == 0) {
+ bool0 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool0] = userInput
+ } else if (boolVariables == 1) {
+ bool1 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool1] = userInput
+ } else if (boolVariables == 2) {
+ bool2 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool2] = userInput
+ } else if (boolVariables == 3) {
+ bool3 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool3] = userInput
+ } else if (boolVariables == 4) {
+ bool4 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool4] = userInput
+ } else if (boolVariables == 5) {
+ bool5 = metaData['name']
+ this[bool5] = userInput
+ }
+ boolVariables=boolVariables+1
+ settings.put(metaData['name'], metaData['name'])
+ if (App == "App1") {
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("//Global variable for boolean!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp1.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = \""+userInput+"\"\n")
+ } else {
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("//Global variable for boolean!\n")
+ extractedObjectsApp2.append("def "+metaData['name']+" = \""+userInput+"\"\n")
+ }
case "phone":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the phone:'
+ def userInput = 9495379373
if (phoneVariables == 0) {
phone0 = metaData['name']
case "contact":
- def userInput = System.console().readLine 'Enter the metaData['name'] of the contact:'
+ def userInput = "AJ"
if (contactVariables == 0) {
contact0 = metaData['name']
+def href(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ println("//IGNORE--some data//")
/////Input Methods/////
find(inputData) //Run the closure to extract sections/inputMethods
+def paragraph(String paragraphText) {
+ println(paragraphText)
def section(String title, Closure inputData) {
find(inputData) //Run the closure to extract inputMethods
+ * NFC Tag Toggle
+ *
+ * Copyright 2014 SmartThings
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
+ * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
name: "NFC Tag Toggle",
namespace: "smartthings",
input "garageDoor", "capability.doorControl", title: "Garage door controller", required: false, multiple: true
page(name: "pageTwo", title: "Master devices", install: true, uninstall: true)
def pageTwo() {
dynamicPage(name: "pageTwo") {
- section("If set, the state of these devices will be toggled each time the tag is touched, " +
+ section("If set, the state of these devices will be toggled each time the tag is touched, " +
"e.g. a light that's on will be turned off and one that's off will be turned on, " +
"other devices of the same type will be set to the same state as their master device. " +
"If no master is designated then the majority of devices of the same type will be used " +
"to determine whether to turn on or off the devices.") {
if (switch1 || masterSwitch) {
input "masterSwitch", "enum", title: "Master switch", options: switch1.collect{[(it.id): it.displayName]}, required: false
if (garageDoor || masterDoor) {
input "masterDoor", "enum", title: "Master door", options: garageDoor.collect{[(it.id): it.displayName]}, required: false
- }
+ }
section([mobileOnly:true]) {
label title: "Assign a name", required: false
mode title: "Set for specific mode(s)", required: false
- }
+ }
if (lock) {
def status = currentStatus(lock, masterLock, "lock")
lock.each {
if (garageDoor) {
def status = currentStatus(garageDoor, masterDoor, "status")
garageDoor.each {
//Object for location
-@Field def locationObject = new LocationVar()
+@Field def locationObject = new LocationVar(sendEvent)
//Object for touch to call function
@Field def appObject = new Touched(sendEvent, 0)
//Create a global list for events
@Field def aeonKeyFobObject = new AeonKeyFobs(sendEvent, 1)
//Global Object for class music player!
@Field def musicPlayerObject = new MusicPlayers(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class motion sensor!
+@Field def motionSensorObject = new MotionSensors(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class image capture!
+@Field def imageCaptureObject = new ImageCaptures(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class smoke detector!
+@Field def smokeDetectorObject = new SmokeDetectors(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class alarm!
+@Field def alarmObject = new Alarms(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class speech synthesis!
+@Field def speechSynthesisObject = new SpeechSynthesises(sendEvent, 1)
def timersList = []
//Create a global variable for settings
def settings
+//Zip code
+def zipCode = 92617
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for image capture sensor
+package ImageCapture
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class ImageCapture {
+ private String id
+ private String label
+ private String displayName
+ private String image
+ private String alarmState
+ ImageCapture(String id, String label, String displayName, String image, String alarmState) {
+ this.id = id
+ this.label = label
+ this.displayName = displayName
+ this.image = image
+ this.alarmState = alarmState
+ }
+ def alarmOn() {
+ println("The camera with id:$id is armed!")
+ this.alarmState = "armed"
+ }
+ def alarmOff() {
+ println("The camera with id:$id is not armed!")
+ this.alarmState = "not armed"
+ }
+ def take() {
+ println("The camera with id:$id is taken a picture!")
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for image capture sensor
+package ImageCapture
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class ImageCaptures {
+ private int deviceNumbers
+ private List imageCaptureSensors
+ def sendEvent
+ //For one device(We cannot have obj.id)-> We should have obj[0].id
+ private String id = "motionSensorID0"
+ private String label = "motionSensor0"
+ private String displayName = "motionSensor0"
+ private String image = "imageData"
+ private String alarmState = "armed"
+ ImageCaptures(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
+ this.imageCaptureSensors = []
+ imageCaptureSensors.add(new ImageCapture(id, label, displayName, this.image, this.alarmState))
+ }
+ //Methods for closures
+ def count(Closure Input) {
+ imageCaptureSensors.count(Input)
+ }
+ def size() {
+ imageCaptureSensors.size()
+ }
+ def each(Closure Input) {
+ imageCaptureSensors.each(Input)
+ }
+ def find(Closure Input) {
+ imageCaptureSensors.find(Input)
+ }
+ def collect(Closure Input) {
+ imageCaptureSensors.collect(Input)
+ }
+ def alarmOn() {
+ imageCaptureSensors[0].alarmOn()
+ this.alarmState = "armed"
+ }
+ def alarmOff() {
+ imageCaptureSensors[0].alarmOff()
+ this.alarmState = "not armed"
+ }
+ def take() {
+ imageCaptureSensors[0].take()
+ }
+ def getAt(int ix) {
+ imageCaptureSensors[ix]
+ }
private String mode
private List contacts
private List phoneNumbers
+ def sendEvent
private Phrase helloHome
- LocationVar() {
+ LocationVar(Closure sendEvent) {
this.modes = [[name: "home"],[name: "away"],[name: "night"]]
this.mode = "home"
this.helloHome = new Phrase()
this.contactBookEnabled = 1
this.contacts = ['AJ']
this.phoneNumbers = [9495379373]
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ def sentMode = eventDataMap['value']
+ println("The location is changed to $sentMode!")
+ this.mode = sentMode
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
//By Apps
def lock() {
+ lockLatestValue = lockState
+ lockState = "locked"
+ currentLock = "locked"
def lock(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ lockLatestValue = lockState
+ lockState = "locked"
+ currentLock = "locked"
def unlock() {
+ lockLatestValue = lockState
+ lockState = "unlocked"
+ currentLock = "unlocked"
def unlock(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ lockLatestValue = lockState
+ lockState = "unlocked"
+ currentLock = "unlocked"
//By Model Checker
def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
- locks[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
- this.lockState = locks[0].lockState
- this.currentLock = locks[0].lockState
- this.lockLatestValue = locks[0].lockLatestValue
- sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ if (eventDataMap["value"] != locks[0].lockState) {
+ locks[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
+ this.lockState = locks[0].lockState
+ this.currentLock = locks[0].lockState
+ this.lockLatestValue = locks[0].lockLatestValue
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
--- /dev/null
+def getSunriseAndSunset(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def sunRiseSetInfo = [sunrise:[time:1563800160000],sunset:[time:1563850740000]]
+ return sunRiseSetInfo
--- /dev/null
+def getTemperatureScale() {
+ return 'C' //Celsius for now
def runIn(int seconds, Closure functionToCall) {
if (timersFuncList.contains(functionToCall)) {
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds, functionToCall)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds*0, functionToCall)
} else {
timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds, functionToCall)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds*0, functionToCall)
+ }
+def runIn(int seconds, Closure functionToCall, LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ runIn(seconds, functionToCall)
+def runIn(int seconds, String nameOfFunction, LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ runIn(seconds, nameOfFunction)
+def runIn(int seconds, String nameOfFunction) {
+ timersFuncList.add(nameOfFunction)
+ timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(seconds*1000*0) {
+ "$nameOfFunction"()
timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*1000) {
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*1000*0) {
if (timersFuncList.contains(nameOfFunction)) {
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds, nameOfFunction)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds*0, nameOfFunction)
} else {
timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds, nameOfFunction)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds*0, nameOfFunction)
def sendSms(long phoneNumber, String text) {
println("Sending \""+text+"\" to "+phoneNumber.toString())
+def sendSMS(long phoneNumber, String text) {
+ println("Sending \""+text+"\" to "+phoneNumber.toString())
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for presence sensor
+package MotionSensor
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class MotionSensor {
+ private String id
+ private String label
+ private String displayName
+ private String motion
+ private String currentMotion
+ private String motionLatestValue
+ private List states = []
+ private List timeOfStates = []
+ MotionSensor(String id, String label, String displayName, String motion, String motionLatestValue) {
+ this.id = id
+ this.label = label
+ this.displayName = displayName
+ this.motion = motion
+ this.currentMotion = motion
+ this.motionLatestValue = motionLatestValue
+ }
+ def setValue(String value) {
+ this.motionLatestValue = motion
+ println("the motion sensor with id:$id is triggered to $value!")
+ this.motion = value
+ this.currentMotion = value
+ this.states.add(value)
+ this.timeOfStates.add(System.currentTimeMillis())
+ }
+ def statesSince(String info, Date dateObj) {
+ def List happenedStates = []
+ def sinceThen = dateObj.time
+ for (int i = 0;i < timeOfStates.size();i++) {
+ if (timeOfStates[i]>=sinceThen)
+ happenedStates.add(states[i])
+ }
+ return happenedStates
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "motion") {
+ return motion
+ }
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "motion") {
+ return motionLatestValue
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for presence sensor
+package MotionSensor
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class MotionSensors {
+ private int deviceNumbers
+ private List motionSensors
+ def sendEvent
+ //For one device(We cannot have obj.id)-> We should have obj[0].id
+ private String id = "motionSensorID0"
+ private String label = "motionSensor0"
+ private String displayName = "motionSensor0"
+ private String motion = "inactive"
+ private String currentMotion = "inactive"
+ private String motionLatestValue = "inactive"
+ MotionSensors(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
+ this.motionSensors = []
+ motionSensors.add(new MotionSensor(id, label, displayName, this.motion, this.motionLatestValue))
+ }
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ if (eventDataMap["value"] != motionSensors[0].motion) {
+ motionSensors[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
+ this.motionLatestValue = motionSensors[0].motionLatestValue
+ this.motion = motionSensors[0].motion
+ this.currentMotion = motionSensors[0].motion
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ }
+ //Methods for closures
+ def count(Closure Input) {
+ motionSensors.count(Input)
+ }
+ def size() {
+ motionSensors.size()
+ }
+ def each(Closure Input) {
+ motionSensors.each(Input)
+ }
+ def find(Closure Input) {
+ motionSensors.find(Input)
+ }
+ def collect(Closure Input) {
+ motionSensors.collect(Input)
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ motionSensors[0].currentValue(deviceFeature)//It is called if we have only one device
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ motionSensors[0].latestValue(deviceFeature)//It is called if we have only one device
+ }
+ def statesSince(String info, Date dateObj) {
+ return motionSensors[0].statesSince(info, dateObj)
+ }
+ def getAt(int ix) {
+ motionSensors[ix]
+ }
def mute() {
+ this.mute = "muted"
def nextTrack() {
+ this.status = "playing"
+ this.trackNumber = musicPlayers[0].trackNumber
def pause() {
+ this.status = "paused"
def play() {
+ this.status = "playing"
def playTrack(String trackToPlay) {
+ this.status = "playing"
+ this.trackNumber = musicPlayers[0].trackNumber
def previousTrack() {
+ this.status = "playing"
+ this.trackNumber = musicPlayers[0].trackNumber
def restoreTrack(String trackToRestore) {
def resumeTrack(String trackToResume) {
+ this.status = "playing"
def setLevel(int level) {
+ this.level = level
def setTrack(String trackToSet) {
+ this.status = "playing"
+ this.trackNumber = musicPlayers[0].trackNumber
def stop() {
+ this.status = "stopped"
def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
//By Model Checker
def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
- presenceSensors[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
- if (deviceNumbers == 1)
+ if (eventDataMap["value"] != presenceSensors[0].presenceState) {
+ presenceSensors[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
this.presenceLatestValue = presenceSensors[0].presenceLatestValue
this.presenceState = presenceSensors[0].presenceState
this.currentPresence = presenceSensors[0].presenceState
- sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
//Methods for closures
eventHandler = open("Methods/"+"eventHandler.groovy", "r")
schedule = open("Methods/"+"schedule.groovy", "r")
now = open("Methods/"+"now.groovy", "r")
+getTemperatureScale = open("Methods/"+"getTemperatureScale.groovy", "r")
+getSunriseAndSunset = open("Methods/"+"getSunriseAndSunset.groovy", "r")
App1 = open("Extractor/"+"App1/App1.groovy", "r")
extractedObjectsApp1 = open("Extractor/"+"App1/extractedObjectsApp1.groovy", "r")
extractedObjectsConstructorApp1 = open("Extractor/"+"App1/extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.groovy", "r")
Out.write("import AeonKeyFob.AeonKeyFobs\n")
Out.write("import MusicPlayer.MusicPlayer\n")
Out.write("import MusicPlayer.MusicPlayers\n")
+Out.write("import MotionSensor.MotionSensor\n")
+Out.write("import MotionSensor.MotionSensors\n")
+Out.write("import ImageCapture.ImageCapture\n")
+Out.write("import ImageCapture.ImageCaptures\n")
+Out.write("import SmokeDetector.SmokeDetector\n")
+Out.write("import SmokeDetector.SmokeDetectors\n")
+Out.write("import Alarm.Alarm\n")
+Out.write("import Alarm.Alarms\n")
+Out.write("import SpeechSynthesis.SpeechSynthesis\n")
+Out.write("import SpeechSynthesis.SpeechSynthesises\n")
Out.write("import Event.Event\n")
Out.write("import Timer.SimulatedTimer\n")
for line in now:
+for line in getTemperatureScale:
+ Out.write("\t"+line)
+for line in getSunriseAndSunset:
+ Out.write("\t"+line)
Start = 0
for line in App1:
sendSms = open("Methods/"+"sendSms.groovy", "r")
eventHandler = open("Methods/"+"eventHandler.groovy", "r")
schedule = open("Methods/"+"schedule.groovy", "r")
+now = open("Methods/"+"now.groovy", "r")
+getTemperatureScale = open("Methods/"+"getTemperatureScale.groovy", "r")
+getSunriseAndSunset = open("Methods/"+"getSunriseAndSunset.groovy", "r")
App2 = open("Extractor/"+"App2/App2.groovy", "r")
extractedObjectsApp2 = open("Extractor/"+"App2/extractedObjectsApp2.groovy", "r")
extractedObjectsConstructorApp2 = open("Extractor/"+"App2/extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.groovy", "r")
for line in now:
+for line in getTemperatureScale:
+ Out.write("\t"+line)
+for line in getSunriseAndSunset:
+ Out.write("\t"+line)
Start = 0
for line in App2:
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for smoke detector
+package SmokeDetector
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class SmokeDetector {
+ private String id
+ private String label
+ private String displayName
+ private String smoke
+ private String currentSmokeValue
+ private String smokeLatestValue
+ SmokeDetector(String id, String label, String displayName, String smoke, String smokeLatestValue) {
+ this.id = id
+ this.label = label
+ this.displayName = displayName
+ this.smoke = smoke
+ this.currentSmokeValue = smoke
+ this.smokeLatestValue = smokeLatestValue
+ }
+ def setValue(String value) {
+ this.smokeLatestValue = smoke
+ println("the smoke detector with id:$id is triggered to $value!")
+ this.smoke = value
+ this.currentSmokeValue = value
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "smoke") {
+ return currentSmokeValue
+ }
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "smoke") {
+ return smokeLatestValue
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for smoke detector
+package SmokeDetector
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class SmokeDetectors {
+ private int deviceNumbers
+ private List smokeDetectors
+ def sendEvent
+ //For one device(We cannot have obj.id)-> We should have obj[0].id
+ private String id = "smokeDetectorID0"
+ private String label = "smokeDetector0"
+ private String displayName = "smokeDetector0"
+ private String smoke = "clear"
+ private String currentSmokeValue = "clear"
+ private String smokeLatestValue = "clear"
+ SmokeDetectors(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
+ this.smokeDetectors = []
+ smokeDetectors.add(new SmokeDetector(id, label, displayName, this.currentSmokeValue, this.smokeLatestValue))
+ }
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ if (eventDataMap["value"] != smokeDetectors[0].currentSmokeValue) {
+ smokeDetectors[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
+ this.smokeLatestValue = smokeDetectors[0].smokeLatestValue
+ this.smoke = smokeDetectors[0].currentSmokeValue
+ this.currentSmokeValue = smokeDetectors[0].currentSmokeValue
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ }
+ //Methods for closures
+ def count(Closure Input) {
+ smokeDetectors.count(Input)
+ }
+ def size() {
+ smokeDetectors.size()
+ }
+ def each(Closure Input) {
+ smokeDetectors.each(Input)
+ }
+ def find(Closure Input) {
+ smokeDetectors.find(Input)
+ }
+ def collect(Closure Input) {
+ smokeDetectors.collect(Input)
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ smokeDetectors[0].currentValue(deviceFeature)//It is called if we have only one device
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ smokeDetectors[0].latestValue(deviceFeature)//It is called if we have only one device
+ }
+ def getAt(int ix) {
+ smokeDetectors[ix]
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for speech synthesis
+package SpeechSynthesis
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class SpeechSynthesis {
+ private String id
+ private String label
+ private String displayName
+ private int level
+ SpeechSynthesis(String id, String label, String displayName, int level) {
+ this.id = id
+ this.label = label
+ this.displayName = displayName
+ this.level = level
+ }
+ def setLevel(int level) {
+ println("The level of speech synthesis with id:$id is changed to $level")
+ this.level = level
+ }
+ def speak(String message) {
+ println("Speech synthesis with id:$id, SPEAKING:\"$message\"!")
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for speech synthesis
+package SpeechSynthesis
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class SpeechSynthesises {
+ private int deviceNumbers
+ private List speechSynthesises
+ def sendEvent
+ //For one device(We cannot have obj.id)-> We should have obj[0].id
+ private String id = "speechSynthesisID0"
+ private String label = "speechSynthesis0"
+ private String displayName = "speechSynthesis0"
+ private int level = 50
+ SpeechSynthesises(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
+ this.speechSynthesises = []
+ speechSynthesises.add(new SpeechSynthesis(id, label, displayName, this.level))
+ }
+ //Methods for closures
+ def count(Closure Input) {
+ speechSynthesises.count(Input)
+ }
+ def size() {
+ speechSynthesises.size()
+ }
+ def each(Closure Input) {
+ speechSynthesises.each(Input)
+ }
+ def find(Closure Input) {
+ speechSynthesises.find(Input)
+ }
+ def collect(Closure Input) {
+ speechSynthesises.collect(Input)
+ }
+ def setLevel(int level) {
+ speechSynthesises[0].setLevel(level)
+ this.level = level
+ }
+ def speak(String message) {
+ speechSynthesises[0].speak(message)
+ }
+ def getAt(int ix) {
+ speechSynthesises[ix]
+ }
//By Apps
def setLevel(int level) {
+ currentLevel = level
def on() {
+ switchLatestValue = switchState
+ switchState = "on"
+ currentSwitch = "on"
def on(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ switchLatestValue = switchState
+ switchState = "on"
+ currentSwitch = "on"
def off() {
+ switchLatestValue = switchState
+ switchState = "off"
+ currentSwitch = "off"
def off(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ switchLatestValue = switchState
+ switchState = "off"
+ currentSwitch = "off"
//By Model Checker
def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
- switches[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
- this.switchState = switches[0].switchState
- this.switchLatestValue = switches[0].switchLatestValue
- sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ if (eventDataMap["value"] != switches[0].switchState) {
+ switches[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
+ this.switchState = switches[0].switchState
+ this.switchLatestValue = switches[0].switchLatestValue
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
private String thermostatOperatingState
private String thermostatFanMode
private String thermostatMode
+ private String currentThermostatMode
+ private String climateName
def sendEvent
def timers
Thermostat(Closure sendEvent, String id, String label, String displayName, int temperature, int currentCoolingSetpoint, int currentHeatingSetpoint, int coolingSetpoint,
int thermostatSetpoint, int heatingSetpoint, List coolingSetpointRange, List thermostatSetpointRange, List heatingSetpointRange,
- List supportedThermostatFanModes, List supportedThermostatModes, String thermostatOperatingState, String thermostatFanMode, String thermostatMode) {
+ List supportedThermostatFanModes, List supportedThermostatModes, String thermostatOperatingState, String thermostatFanMode, String thermostatMode,
+ String climateName) {
this.id = id
this.label = label
this.sendEvent = sendEvent
this.thermostatOperatingState = thermostatOperatingState
this.thermostatFanMode = thermostatFanMode
this.thermostatMode = thermostatMode
+ this.currentThermostatMode = thermostatMode
+ this.climateName = climateName
def setThermostatMode(String thermostatMode) {
this.thermostatMode = thermostatMode
+ this.currentThermostatMode = currentThermostatMode
println("Mode of the thermostat with id:$id is changed to $thermostatMode!")
+ def cool() {
+ this.thermostatMode = "cool"
+ this.currentThermostatMode = "cool"
+ println("Mode of the thermostat with id:$id is changed to cool!")
+ }
+ def heat() {
+ this.thermostatMode = "heat"
+ this.currentThermostatMode = "heat"
+ println("Mode of the thermostat with id:$id is changed to heat!")
+ }
+ def auto() {
+ this.thermostatMode = "auto"
+ this.currentThermostatMode = "auto"
+ println("Mode of the thermostat with id:$id is changed to auto!")
+ }
+ def off() {
+ this.thermostatMode = "off"
+ this.currentThermostatMode = "off"
+ println("Mode of the thermostat with id:$id is changed to off!")
+ }
+ def setClimate(String info, String givenClimateName) {
+ this.climateName = givenClimateName
+ println("Climate name of the thermostat with id:$id is changed to $givenClimateName!")
+ }
+ def setHold(String info1, int coolingSetpoint, int heatingSetpoint, String info2, String info3) {
+ this.coolingSetpoint = coolingSetpoint
+ this.currentCoolingSetpoint = currentCoolingSetpoint
+ println("Cooling set point for the thermostat with id:$id is changed to $coolingSetpoint!")
+ this.heatingSetpoint = heatingSetpoint
+ this.currentHeatingSetpoint = currentHeatingSetpoint
+ println("Heating set point for the thermostat with id:$id is changed to $heatingSetpoint!")
+ }
//By Model Checker
- /*def setValue(String value) {
- println("the door with id:$id is $value!")
- this.lockLatestValue = this.lockState
- this.lockState = value
- this.currentLock = value
- }*/
+ def setValue(String value) {
+ println("the thermostat with id:$id is $value!")
+ this.thermostatMode = value
+ this.currentThermostatMode = value
+ }
private String thermostatOperatingState = "cooling"
private String thermostatFanMode = "auto"
private String thermostatMode = "auto"
+ private String currentThermostatMode = "auto"
+ private String climateName = ""
Thermostats(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
this.sendEvent = sendEvent
thermostats.add(new Thermostat(sendEvent, id, label, displayName, this.temperature, this.currentCoolingSetpoint,
this.currentHeatingSetpoint, this.coolingSetpoint, this.thermostatSetpoint, this.heatingSetpoint, this.coolingSetpointRange,
this.thermostatSetpointRange, this.heatingSetpointRange, this.supportedThermostatFanModes, this.supportedThermostatModes,
- this.thermostatOperatingState, this.thermostatFanMode, this.thermostatMode))
+ this.thermostatOperatingState, this.thermostatFanMode, this.thermostatMode, this.climateName))
//Methods for closures
//By Apps
def setCoolingSetpoint(int coolingSetpoint) {
+ this.currentCoolingSetpoint = coolingSetpoint
+ this.coolingSetpoint = coolingSetpoint
def setHeatingSetpoint(int heatingSetpoint) {
+ this.currentHeatingSetpoint = heatingSetpoint
+ this.heatingSetpoint = heatingSetpoint
def setSchedule() {
def setThermostatFanMode(String thermostatFanMode) {
+ this.thermostatFanMode = thermostatFanMode
def setThermostatMode(String thermostatMode) {
+ this.thermostatMode = thermostatMode
+ this.currentThermostatMode = currentThermostatMode
+ def cool() {
+ thermostats[0].cool()
+ this.thermostatMode = "cool"
+ this.currentThermostatMode = "cool"
+ }
+ def heat() {
+ thermostats[0].heat()
+ this.thermostatMode = "heat"
+ this.currentThermostatMode = "heat"
+ }
+ def auto() {
+ thermostats[0].auto()
+ this.thermostatMode = "auto"
+ this.currentThermostatMode = "auto"
+ }
+ def off() {
+ thermostats[0].off()
+ this.thermostatMode = "off"
+ this.currentThermostatMode = "off"
+ }
+ def setClimate(String info, String givenClimateName) {
+ thermostats[0].setClimate(info, givenClimateName)
+ this.climateName = givenClimateName
+ }
+ def setHold(String info1, int coolingSetpoint, int heatingSetpoint, String info2, String info3) {
+ thermostats[0].setHold(info1, coolingSetpoint, heatingSetpoint, info2, info3)
+ this.currentCoolingSetpoint = coolingSetpoint
+ this.coolingSetpoint = coolingSetpoint
+ this.currentHeatingSetpoint = heatingSetpoint
+ this.heatingSetpoint = heatingSetpoint
+ }
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ if (eventDataMap["value"] != thermostats[0].thermostatMode) {
+ thermostats[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
+ this.thermostatMode = thermostats[0].thermostatMode
+ this.currentThermostatMode = thermostats[0].currentThermostatMode
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ }
def getAt(int ix) {
- locks[ix]
+ thermostats[ix]
--- /dev/null
+//For Alarms:
+String currentAlarm or String alarm
+//No events based on this device
+//For Contact Sensor:
+String currentContact or String contactState
+contact closed event:
+contactObject.setValue([name: "contact.closed", value: "closed", deviceId: "contactSensorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+contact open event:
+contactObject.setValue([name: "contact.open", value: "open", deviceId: "contactSensorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For DoorControl:
+String doorState
+door closed event using doorControl:
+doorControlObject.setValue([name: "doorState", value: "closed", deviceId: "doorControlID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+door open event using doorControl:
+doorControlObject.setValue([name: "doorState", value: "open", deviceId: "doorControlID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For Location:
+String location.mode
+location changes event:
+locationObject.setValue([name: "Location", value: "away", deviceId: "locationID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+locationObject.setValue([name: "Location", value: "home", deviceId: "locationID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+locationObject.setValue([name: "Location", value: "night", deviceId: "locationID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For Locks:
+String currentLock or String lockState
+lock event:
+lockObject.setValue([name: "lock", value: "locked", deviceId: "lockID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+unlock event:
+lockObject.setValue([name: "unlock", value: "unlocked ", deviceId: "lockID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For MotionSensors:
+String currentMotion or String motion
+Motion sensor event: motion detected:
+doorControlObject.setValue([name: "motion", value: "active", deviceId: "motionSensorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+Motion sensor event: motion not detected:
+doorControlObject.setValue([name: "motion", value: "inactive", deviceId: "motionSensorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For MusicPlayer:
+String status
+//No events based on this device
+//For PresenceSensor:
+String currentPresence or String presenceState
+presence sensor, present event:
+presenceSensorObject.setValue([name: "presence", value: "present", deviceId: "presenceSensorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+presence sensor, left event:
+presenceSensorObject.setValue([name: "presence", value: "not present", deviceId: "presenceSensorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For SmokeDetector:
+String currentSmokeValue or String smoke
+smoke is clear event:
+smokeDetectorObject.setValue([name: "smoke", value: "clear", deviceId: "smokeDetectorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+smoke is detected event:
+smokeDetectorObject.setValue([name: "smoke", value: "detected", deviceId: "smokeDetectorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+smoke is tested event:
+smokeDetectorObject.setValue([name: "smoke", value: "tested", deviceId: "smokeDetectorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+carbonMonoxide is clear event:
+smokeDetectorObject.setValue([name: "carbonMonoxide", value: "clear", deviceId: "smokeDetectorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+carbonMonoxide is detected event:
+smokeDetectorObject.setValue([name: "carbonMonoxide", value: "detected", deviceId: "smokeDetectorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+carbonMonoxide is tested event:
+smokeDetectorObject.setValue([name: "carbonMonoxide", value: "tested", deviceId: "smokeDetectorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+battery charge value event:
+smokeDetectorObject.setValue([name: "battery", value: "5"/*A number between 0 to 100 as a charge*/, deviceId: "smokeDetectorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+battery charge value event:
+smokeDetectorObject.setValue([name: "battery", value: "5"/*A number between 0 to 100 as a charge*/, deviceId: "smokeDetectorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For Thermostats:(we have different features in each line)
+String heatingSetpoint or currentHeatingSetpoint //heating set point
+String thermostatSetpoint //normal set point
+String coolingSetpoint or currentCoolingSetpoint //cooling set point
+String thermostatOperatingState //operating state
+String thermostatFanMode //fan mode
+String thermostatMode or currentThermostatMode //mode
+thermostad mode change event: to auto
+thermostatObject.setValue([name: "thermostatMode", value: "auto", deviceId: "thermostatID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+thermostad mode change event: to cool
+thermostatObject.setValue([name: "thermostatMode", value: "cool", deviceId: "thermostatID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+thermostad mode change event: to emergencyHeat
+thermostatObject.setValue([name: "thermostatMode", value: "emergencyHeat", deviceId: "thermostatID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+thermostad mode change event: to heat
+thermostatObject.setValue([name: "thermostatMode", value: "heat", deviceId: "thermostatID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+thermostad mode change event: to off
+thermostatObject.setValue([name: "thermostatMode", value: "off", deviceId: "thermostatID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For Switches:
+String currentSwitch or switchState
+switch changes to off:
+switchObject.setValue([name: "switch", value: "off", deviceId: "switchID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+switch changes to on:
+switchObject.setValue([name: "switch", value: "on", deviceId: "switchID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For appTouch:
+appObject.setValue([name: "Touched", value: "touched", deviceId: "touchedSensorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For nfcTouch:
+Nfc touched event:
+appObject.setValue([name: "nfcTouch", value: "touched", deviceId: "nfcSensorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+//For aeonKeyFob push button:
+button pushed event:
+aeonKeyFobObject.setValue([name: "button", value: "pushed", deviceId: "aeonKeyFobID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+button held event:
+aeonKeyFobObject.setValue([name: "button", value: "held", deviceId: "aeonKeyFobID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
import AeonKeyFob.AeonKeyFobs
import MusicPlayer.MusicPlayer
import MusicPlayer.MusicPlayers
+import MotionSensor.MotionSensor
+import MotionSensor.MotionSensors
+import ImageCapture.ImageCapture
+import ImageCapture.ImageCaptures
+import SmokeDetector.SmokeDetector
+import SmokeDetector.SmokeDetectors
+import Alarm.Alarm
+import Alarm.Alarms
+import SpeechSynthesis.SpeechSynthesis
+import SpeechSynthesis.SpeechSynthesises
import Event.Event
import Timer.SimulatedTimer
-import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.Verify
//Global eventHandler
def eventHandler(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
//Object for location
-@Field def locationObject = new LocationVar()
+@Field def locationObject = new LocationVar(sendEvent)
//Object for touch to call function
@Field def appObject = new Touched(sendEvent, 0)
//Create a global list for events
@Field def aeonKeyFobObject = new AeonKeyFobs(sendEvent, 1)
//Global Object for class music player!
@Field def musicPlayerObject = new MusicPlayers(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class motion sensor!
+@Field def motionSensorObject = new MotionSensors(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class image capture!
+@Field def imageCaptureObject = new ImageCaptures(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class smoke detector!
+@Field def smokeDetectorObject = new SmokeDetectors(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class alarm!
+@Field def alarmObject = new Alarms(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class speech synthesis!
+@Field def speechSynthesisObject = new SpeechSynthesises(sendEvent, 1)
//Application #1
class App1 {
def app
//Extracted objects for App1
+ //Object for class switch!
+ def switches
+ //Object for class thermostat!
+ def thermostats
//Object for class lock!
- def lock1
- //Global variable for number!
- def minutesLater = 1
- //Object for class contactSensor!
- def openSensor
+ def locks
//Extracted objects for functions for App1
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
def updated = this.&updated
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
- def initialize = this.&initialize
+ def appTouch = this.&appTouch
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
- def lockDoor = this.&lockDoor
+ def changedLocationMode = this.&changedLocationMode
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
- def doorOpen = this.&doorOpen
+ def restoreState = this.&restoreState
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
- def doorClosed = this.&doorClosed
+ def saveState = this.&saveState
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
- def doorHandler = this.&doorHandler
+ def getCurrentMode = this.&getCurrentMode
App1(Object obj) {
reference = obj
location = obj.locationObject
app = obj.appObject
- lock1 = obj.lockObject
- openSensor = obj.contactObject
+ switches = obj.switchObject
+ thermostats = obj.thermostatObject
+ locks = obj.lockObject
//Global variable for settings!
- settings = [app:app, lock1:lock1, minutesLater:minutesLater, openSensor:openSensor]
+ settings = [app:app, switches:switches, thermostats:thermostats, locks:locks]
//Global variables for each app
//Global variable for state[mode]
def timersList = []
//Create a global variable for settings
def settings
+ //Zip code
+ def zipCode = 92617
def runIn(int seconds, Closure functionToCall) {
if (timersFuncList.contains(functionToCall)) {
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds, functionToCall)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds*0, functionToCall)
} else {
timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds, functionToCall)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds*0, functionToCall)
+ }
+ }
+ def runIn(int seconds, Closure functionToCall, LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ runIn(seconds, functionToCall)
+ }
+ def runIn(int seconds, String nameOfFunction, LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ runIn(seconds, nameOfFunction)
+ }
+ def runIn(int seconds, String nameOfFunction) {
+ timersFuncList.add(nameOfFunction)
+ timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(seconds*1000*0) {
+ "$nameOfFunction"()
def sendSms(long phoneNumber, String text) {
println("Sending \""+text+"\" to "+phoneNumber.toString())
+ def sendSMS(long phoneNumber, String text) {
+ println("Sending \""+text+"\" to "+phoneNumber.toString())
+ }
def sendPush(String text) {
timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*1000) {
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*1000*0) {
if (timersFuncList.contains(nameOfFunction)) {
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds, nameOfFunction)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds*0, nameOfFunction)
} else {
timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds, nameOfFunction)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds*0, nameOfFunction)
def now() {
return System.currentTimeMillis()
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ def getTemperatureScale() {
+ return 'C' //Celsius for now
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ def getSunriseAndSunset(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def sunRiseSetInfo = [sunrise:[time:1563800160000],sunset:[time:1563850740000]]
+ return sunRiseSetInfo
+ }
- def installed()
- {
- log.debug "Auto Lock Door installed. (URL: http://www.github.com/smartthings-users/smartapp.auto-lock-door)"
- initialize()
+ def installed() {
+ subscribe(location, changedLocationMode)
+ subscribe(app, appTouch)
+ saveState()
- def updated()
- {
- unsubscribe()
- unschedule()
- log.debug "Auto Lock Door updated."
- initialize()
+ def updated() {
+ unsubscribe()
+ subscribe(location, changedLocationMode)
+ subscribe(app, appTouch)
+ saveState()
- def initialize()
+ def appTouch(evt)
- log.debug "Settings: ${settings}"
- subscribe(lock1, "lock", doorHandler)
- subscribe(openSensor, "contact.closed", doorClosed)
- subscribe(openSensor, "contact.open", doorOpen)
+ restoreState(currentMode)
- def lockDoor()
+ def changedLocationMode(evt)
- log.debug "Locking Door if Closed"
- if((openSensor.latestValue("contact") == "closed")){
- log.debug "Door Closed"
- lock1.lock()
- } else {
- if ((openSensor.latestValue("contact") == "open")) {
- def delay = minutesLater * 60
- log.debug "Door open will try again in $minutesLater minutes"
- runIn( delay, lockDoor )
- }
- }
+ restoreState(evt.value)
- def doorOpen(evt) {
- log.debug "Door open reset previous lock task..."
- unschedule( lockDoor )
- def delay = minutesLater * 60
- runIn( delay, lockDoor )
- }
+ private restoreState(mode)
+ {
+ log.info "restoring state for mode '$mode'"
+ def map = state[mode] ?: [:]
+ switches?.each {
+ def value = map[it.id]
+ if (value?.switch == "on") {
+ def level = value.level
+ if (level) {
+ log.debug "setting $it.label level to $level"
+ it.setLevel(level)
+ }
+ else {
+ log.debug "turning $it.label on"
+ it.on()
+ }
+ }
+ else if (value?.switch == "off") {
+ log.debug "turning $it.label off"
+ it.off()
+ }
+ }
+ thermostats?.each {
+ def value = map[it.id]
+ if (value?.coolingSetpoint) {
+ log.debug "coolingSetpoint = $value.coolingSetpoint"
+ it.setCoolingSetpoint(value.coolingSetpoint)
+ }
+ if (value?.heatingSetpoint) {
+ log.debug "heatingSetpoint = $value.heatingSetpoint"
+ it.setHeatingSetpoint(value.heatingSetpoint)
+ }
+ }
- def doorClosed(evt) {
- log.debug "Door Closed"
+ locks?.each {
+ def value = map[it.id]
+ if (value) {
+ if (value?.locked) {
+ it.lock()
+ }
+ else {
+ it.unlock()
+ }
+ }
+ }
- def doorHandler(evt)
+ private saveState()
- log.debug "Door ${openSensor.latestValue}"
- log.debug "Lock ${evt.name} is ${evt.value}."
+ def mode = currentMode
+ def map = state[mode] ?: [:]
- if (evt.value == "locked") { // If the human locks the door then...
- log.debug "Cancelling previous lock task..."
- unschedule( lockDoor ) // ...we don't need to lock it later.
- }
- else { // If the door is unlocked then...
- def delay = minutesLater * 60 // runIn uses seconds
- log.debug "Re-arming lock in ${minutesLater} minutes (${delay}s)."
- runIn( delay, lockDoor ) // ...schedule to lock in x minutes.
- }
+ switches?.each {
+ map[it.id] = [switch: it.currentSwitch, level: it.currentLevel]
+ }
+ thermostats?.each {
+ map[it.id] = [coolingSetpoint: it.currentCoolingSetpoint, heatingSetpoint: it.currentHeatingSetpoint]
+ }
+ locks?.each {
+ map[it.id] = [locked: it.currentLock == "locked"]
+ }
+ state[mode] = map
+ log.debug "saved state for mode ${mode}: ${state[mode]}"
+ log.debug "state: $state"
+ }
+ private getCurrentMode()
+ {
+ location.mode ?: "_none_"
//Object for class door control!
def garageDoor
//Global variable for enum!
- def masterSwitch = "switchID0"
+ def masterSwitch = "Yes"
//Global variable for enum!
- def masterLock = "lockID0"
+ def masterLock = "Yes"
//Global variable for enum!
- def masterDoor = "DoorControlID0"
+ def masterDoor = "No"
//Extracted objects for functions for App2
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
def initialize = this.&initialize
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
- def currentStatus = this.¤tStatus
- //Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
def touchHandler = this.&touchHandler
App2(Object obj) {
def timersList = []
//Create a global variable for settings
def settings
+ //Zip code
+ def zipCode = 92617
def runIn(int seconds, Closure functionToCall) {
if (timersFuncList.contains(functionToCall)) {
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds, functionToCall)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds*0, functionToCall)
} else {
timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds, functionToCall)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(functionToCall)].runAfter(1000*seconds*0, functionToCall)
+ }
+ }
+ def runIn(int seconds, Closure functionToCall, LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ runIn(seconds, functionToCall)
+ }
+ def runIn(int seconds, String nameOfFunction, LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ runIn(seconds, nameOfFunction)
+ }
+ def runIn(int seconds, String nameOfFunction) {
+ timersFuncList.add(nameOfFunction)
+ timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(seconds*1000*0) {
+ "$nameOfFunction"()
def sendSms(long phoneNumber, String text) {
println("Sending \""+text+"\" to "+phoneNumber.toString())
+ def sendSMS(long phoneNumber, String text) {
+ println("Sending \""+text+"\" to "+phoneNumber.toString())
+ }
////schedule(time, nameOfFunction as String)
def schedule(String time, String nameOfFunction) {
timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*1000) {
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*1000*0) {
if (timersFuncList.contains(nameOfFunction)) {
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds, nameOfFunction)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds*0, nameOfFunction)
} else {
timersList.add(new SimulatedTimer())
- def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds, nameOfFunction)
+ def task = timersList[timersFuncList.indexOf(nameOfFunction)].runAfter(delay*seconds*0, nameOfFunction)
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ def now() {
+ return System.currentTimeMillis()
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ def getTemperatureScale() {
+ return 'C' //Celsius for now
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ def getSunriseAndSunset(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def sunRiseSetInfo = [sunrise:[time:1563800160000],sunset:[time:1563850740000]]
+ return sunRiseSetInfo
+ }
def pageTwo() {
dynamicPage(name: "pageTwo") {
- section("If set, the state of these devices will be toggled each time the tag is touched, " +
+ section("If set, the state of these devices will be toggled each time the tag is touched, " +
"e.g. a light that's on will be turned off and one that's off will be turned on, " +
"other devices of the same type will be set to the same state as their master device. " +
"If no master is designated then the majority of devices of the same type will be used " +
"to determine whether to turn on or off the devices.") {
if (switch1 || masterSwitch) {
input "masterSwitch", "enum", title: "Master switch", options: switch1.collect{[(it.id): it.displayName]}, required: false
if (garageDoor || masterDoor) {
input "masterDoor", "enum", title: "Master door", options: garageDoor.collect{[(it.id): it.displayName]}, required: false
- }
+ }
section([mobileOnly:true]) {
label title: "Assign a name", required: false
mode title: "Set for specific mode(s)", required: false
- }
+ }
if (lock) {
def status = currentStatus(lock, masterLock, "lock")
lock.each {
if (garageDoor) {
def status = currentStatus(garageDoor, masterDoor, "status")
garageDoor.each {
-def events = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
-def list = events.permutations()
-int count = Verify.getInt(0,list.size()-1)
-println "COUNT: " + count
-list[count].each {
- switch(it) {
- case 1:
- appObject.setValue([name: "Touched", value: "Touched", deviceId: 0, descriptionText: "",
- displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
- println "1"
- break
- case 2:
- lockObject.setValue([name: "lock0", value: "locked", deviceId: 0, descriptionText: "",
- displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
- println " 2"
- break
- case 3:
- lockObject.setValue([name: "lock0", value: "unlocked", deviceId: 0, descriptionText: "",
- displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
- println " 3"
- break
- case 4:
- contactObject.setValue([name: "contact0", value: "open", deviceId: 0, descriptionText: "",
- displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
- println " 4"
- break
- case 5:
- contactObject.setValue([name: "contact0", value: "closed", deviceId: 0, descriptionText: "",
- displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
- println " 5"
- break
- case 6:
- switchObject.setValue([name: "switch0", value: "on", deviceId: 0, descriptionText: "",
- displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
- println " 6"
- break
- case 7:
- switchObject.setValue([name: "switch0", value: "off", deviceId: 0, descriptionText: "",
- displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
- println " 7"
- default:
- break
- }
+appObject.setValue([name: "Touched", value: "touched", deviceId: "touchedSensorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+appObject.setValue([name: "nfcTouch", value: "touched", deviceId: "nfcSensorID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+locationObject.setValue([name: "Location", value: "away", deviceId: "locationID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+locationObject.setValue([name: "Location", value: "home", deviceId: "locationID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])
+locationObject.setValue([name: "Location", value: "night", deviceId: "locationID0", descriptionText: "",
+displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: [info: "info"]])