--- /dev/null
+#include "Table.h"
+#include "IoTString.h"
+#include "TimingSingleton.h"
+#include "TransactionStatus.h"
+#define MACHINE_ID 260
+int main(int numargs, char ** args) {
+ TimingSingleton * timer = TimingSingleton_getInstance();
+ bool foundError = false;
+ Vector<TransactionStatus *> * transStatusList = new Vector<TransactionStatus *>();
+ // Setup the 2 clients
+ IoTString *baseurl = new IoTString("http://dc-6.calit2.uci.edu/test.iotcloud/");
+ IoTString * password = new IoTString("reallysecret");
+ Table * t1 = new Table(baseurl, password, MACHINE_ID, -1);
+ t1->initTable();
+ //t1->rebuild();
+ printf("T1 Ready\n");
+ baseurl->releaseRef();
+ password->releaseRef();
+ // Make the Keys
+ printf("Setting up keys\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SENSORS; i++) {
+ printf("%d\n",i);
+ char buffer[80];
+ sprintf(buffer, "sensor%d", i);
+ IoTString *ia = new IoTString(buffer);
+ t1->createNewKey(ia, MACHINE_ID);
+ ia->releaseRef();
+ }
+ t1->update();
+ printf("Updating table\n");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < transStatusList->size(); i++) {
+ TransactionStatus * status = transStatusList->get(i);
+ if (status->getStatus() != TransactionStatus_StatusCommitted) {
+ foundError = true;
+ printf("Status error\n");
+ }
+ delete status;
+ }
+ if (foundError) {
+ printf("Found Errors...\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("No Errors Found...\n");
+ }
+ delete transStatusList;
+ delete t1;
test: bin/lib_iotcloud.so
g++ -g -O3 Test.C -L./bin/ -l_iotcloud -lpthread -lbsd -o bin/Test
+ g++ -g -O3 Init.C -L./bin/ -l_iotcloud -lpthread -lbsd -o bin/init
+ g++ -g -O3 Update.C -L./bin/ -l_iotcloud -lpthread -lbsd -o bin/update
+ g++ -g -O3 Read.C -L./bin/ -l_iotcloud -lpthread -lbsd -o bin/read
+ sudo cp ./bin/*.so /usr/lib/
--- /dev/null
+#include "Table.h"
+#include "IoTString.h"
+#include "TimingSingleton.h"
+#include "TransactionStatus.h"
+#define NUMBER_OF_TESTS 1
+#define MACHINE_ID 371
+int main(int numargs, char ** args) {
+ TimingSingleton * timer = TimingSingleton_getInstance();
+ bool foundError = false;
+ Vector<TransactionStatus *> * transStatusList = new Vector<TransactionStatus *>();
+ // Setup the 2 clients
+ IoTString *baseurl = new IoTString("http://dc-6.calit2.uci.edu/test.iotcloud/");
+ IoTString * password = new IoTString("reallysecret");
+ Table * t1 = new Table(baseurl, password, MACHINE_ID, -1);
+ //t1->initTable();
+ t1->rebuild();
+ printf("T1 Ready\n");
+ baseurl->releaseRef();
+ password->releaseRef();
+ printf("Checking Key-Values...\n");
+ char buffer[80];
+ sprintf(buffer, "sensor0");
+ IoTString * iKeyA = new IoTString(buffer);
+ IoTString *testValA1 = t1->getCommitted(iKeyA);
+ if (testValA1 == NULL) {
+ printf("\n\nKEY-VALUE A is NULL!\n\n");
+ foundError = true;
+ } else {
+ printf("Printing value... ");
+ testValA1->print();
+ printf("\n\n");
+ }
+ iKeyA->releaseRef();
+ testValA1->releaseRef();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < transStatusList->size(); i++) {
+ TransactionStatus * status = transStatusList->get(i);
+ if (status->getStatus() != TransactionStatus_StatusCommitted) {
+ foundError = true;
+ printf("Status error\n");
+ }
+ delete status;
+ }
+ if (foundError) {
+ printf("Found Errors...\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("No Errors Found...\n");
+ }
+ delete transStatusList;
+ delete t1;
* @version 1.0
-#define SlotBuffer_DEFAULT_SIZE 32
+#define SlotBuffer_DEFAULT_SIZE 4
class SlotBuffer {
--- /dev/null
+#include "Table.h"
+#include "IoTString.h"
+#include "TimingSingleton.h"
+#include "TransactionStatus.h"
+#define MACHINE_ID 260
+int main(int numargs, char ** args) {
+ TimingSingleton * timer = TimingSingleton_getInstance();
+ bool foundError = false;
+ Vector<TransactionStatus *> * transStatusList = new Vector<TransactionStatus *>();
+ // Setup the 2 clients
+ IoTString * baseurl = new IoTString("http://dc-6.calit2.uci.edu/test.iotcloud/");
+ IoTString * password = new IoTString("reallysecret");
+ Table * t1 = new Table(baseurl, password, MACHINE_ID, -1);
+ t1->rebuild();
+ printf("T1 Ready\n");
+ baseurl->releaseRef();
+ password->releaseRef();
+ /*char keyBuffer[80];
+ char dataBuffer[80];
+ sprintf(keyBuffer, "sensor0");
+ IoTString * iKeyA = new IoTString(keyBuffer);
+ sprintf(dataBuffer, "data1");
+ IoTString * iValueA = new IoTString(dataBuffer);
+ t1->startTransaction();
+ t1->put(iKeyA, iValueA);
+ transStatusList->add(t1->commitTransaction());*/
+ t1->update();
+ //iKeyA->releaseRef();
+ //iValueA->releaseRef();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < transStatusList->size(); i++) {
+ TransactionStatus * status = transStatusList->get(i);
+ if (status->getStatus() != TransactionStatus_StatusCommitted) {
+ foundError = true;
+ printf("Status error\n");
+ }
+ delete status;
+ }
+ if (foundError) {
+ printf("Found Errors...\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("No Errors Found...\n");
+ }
+ delete transStatusList;
+ delete t1;