# tool dependencies: autotools and scons (for double-conversion)
-brewget autoconf automake libtool scons
+brewget autoconf automake libtool
# dependencies
-brewget glog gflags boost libevent
-# Install the double-conversion library.
-# NB their install target installs the libs but not the headers, hence the
-test -d double-conversion ||
- git clone https://github.com/google/double-conversion.git
-pushd double-conversion
-# fool libtool into using static linkage
-# (this won't work if you've already installed libdouble-conversion into a
-# default search path)
-rm -f libdouble-conversion*dylib
+brewget glog gflags boost libevent double-conversion
autoreconf -i
pushd test
test -e gtest-1.7.0.zip || {