--- /dev/null
+public class Estimator {
+ flag estimate;
+ flag prob;
+ int stages;
+ int time;
+ double variance;
+ double[] probtable;
+ public Estimator(int stages) {
+ this.stages = stages;
+ this.time = 0;
+ this.variance = 0;
+ this.probtable = new double[31];
+ int i = 0;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.5000;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.5398;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.5793;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.6179;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.6554;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.6915;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.7257;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.7580;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.7881;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.8159;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.8413;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.8643;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.8849;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9032;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9192;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9332;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9452;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9554;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9641;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9713;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9772;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9821;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9861;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9893;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9918;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9938;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9953;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9965;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9974;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9981;
+ this.probtable[i++] = 0.9987;
+ }
+ public boolean estimate(int time, double variance2) {
+ System.printI(0xff30);
+ this.time += time;
+ this.variance += variance2;
+ --this.stages;
+ System.printI(0xff31);
+ System.printI(this.stages);
+ System.printI(this.time);
+ System.printI((int)this.variance);
+ if(this.stages == 0) {
+ System.printI(0xff32);
+ //System.printString("variance2: " + (int)(this.variance*100) + "(/100); ");
+ this.variance = Math.sqrt(this.variance);
+ //System.printString("variance: " + (int)(this.variance*100) + "(/100)\n");
+ return true;
+ }
+ System.printI(0xff33);
+ return false;
+ }
+ public double getProbability(int x, int y) {
+ int l = x;
+ int r = y;
+ if(x > y) {
+ l = y;
+ r = x;
+ }
+ double prob = prob(r) - prob(l);
+ return prob;
+ }
+ private double prob(int s) {
+ int tmp = (int)((s - this.time) * 10 / this.variance);
+ //System.printString(tmp + "\n");
+ int abs = (int)Math.abs(tmp);
+ double prob = 0;
+ if(abs > this.probtable.length - 1) {
+ prob = 1;
+ } else {
+ prob = this.probtable[abs];
+ }
+ if(tmp < 0) {
+ return 1.0 - prob;
+ } else {
+ return prob;
+ }
+ }
+ public int getTime() {
+ return this.time;
+ }
+ public double getVariance() {
+ return this.variance;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+task t1(StartupObject s{initialstate}) {
+ System.printString("task t1\n");
+ int stages = 2;
+ Estimator estimator = new Estimator(stages){estimate};
+ for(int i = 0; i < stages; ++i) {
+ Stage stage = new Stage(i){sampling};
+ }
+ taskexit(s{!initialstate});
+task t2(Stage s{sampling}) {
+ System.printString("task t2\n");
+ s.sampling();
+ taskexit(s{!sampling, estimate});
+task t3(Stage s{estimate}) {
+ System.printString("task t3\n");
+ s.estimate();
+ taskexit(s{!estimate, merge});
+task t4(Estimator e{estimate}, Stage s{merge}) {
+ System.printString("task t4\n");
+ boolean fake = false;
+ boolean finish = e.estimate(s.getAntTime(), s.getAntVariance2());
+ if(finish) {
+ System.printI(0xff40);
+ taskexit(e{!estimate, prob}, s{!merge});
+ } else {
+ System.printI(0xff41);
+ taskexit(s{!merge});
+ }
+task t5(Estimator e{prob}) {
+ System.printString("task t5\n");
+ int x = 10;
+ int y = 20;
+ System.printString("x: " + x + "; y: " + y + "\n");
+ System.printString("The anticipate days need to finish this project is: " + e.getTime() + "\n");
+ System.printString("And the anticipate variance is: " + (int)(e.getVariance()*100) + "(/100)\n");
+ double prob = e.getProbability(x, y);
+ System.printString("The probability of this project to be finished in " + x + " to " + y + " days is: " + (int)(prob*100) + "%\n");
+ System.printI((int)(prob*100));
+ taskexit(e{!prob});
--- /dev/null
+public class Stage {
+ flag sampling;
+ flag estimate;
+ flag merge;
+ int ID;
+ int[] samplings;
+ int optime;
+ int nortime;
+ int petime;
+ int time;
+ double variance2;
+ public Stage(int id) {
+ System.printI(0xff20);
+ this.ID = id;
+ this.samplings = new int[10];
+ System.printI(0xff21);
+ for(int i = 0; i < this.samplings.length; ++i) {
+ System.printI(0xff22);
+ this.samplings[i] = 0;
+ }
+ System.printI(0xff23);
+ this.optime = 0;
+ this.nortime = 0;
+ this.petime = 0;
+ this.time = 0;
+ this.variance2 = 0;
+ System.printI(0xff24);
+ }
+ public void sampling() {
+ System.printI(0xff00);
+ Random r = new Random(ID);
+ System.printI(0xff01);
+ int tint = 0;
+ System.printI(this.samplings.length);
+ for(int i = 0; i < this.samplings.length; ++i) {
+ do {
+ tint = r.nextInt()%50;
+ } while(tint <= 0);
+ System.printI(0xff02);
+ this.samplings[i] = tint;
+ //System.printString(tint + "; ");
+ }
+ System.printI(0xff03);
+ }
+ public void estimate() {
+ System.printI(0xff10);
+ int highest = this.samplings[0];
+ System.printI(0xff12);
+ int lowest = this.samplings[0];
+ int sum = this.samplings[0];
+ System.printI(0xff13);
+ System.printI(this.samplings.length);
+ for(int i = 1; i < this.samplings.length; ++i) {
+ System.printI(0xff14);
+ int temp = this.samplings[i];
+ if(temp > highest) {
+ highest = temp;
+ } else if(temp < lowest) {
+ lowest = temp;
+ }
+ sum += temp;
+ }
+ System.printI(0xff15);
+ sum = sum - highest - lowest;
+ int ordinary = sum / (this.samplings.length - 2);
+ this.optime = lowest;;
+ this.petime = highest;
+ this.nortime = ordinary;
+ System.printI(0xff16);
+ this.time = (this.optime + 4 * this.nortime + this.petime) / 6;
+ System.printI(0xff17);
+ this.variance2 = (double)(this.optime - this.petime) * (double)(this.optime - this.petime) / 36.0;
+ System.printI(0xff18);
+ //System.printString("Op time: " + this.optime + "; Nor time: " + this.nortime + "; Pe time: " + this.petime + "; variance2: " + (int)(this.variance2*100) + "(/100)\n");
+ }
+ public int getAntTime() {
+ return this.time;
+ }
+ public double getAntVariance2() {
+ return this.variance2;
+ }