--- /dev/null
+Script that takes a file (output by wireshark/tshark, in JSON format) and analyze
+the traffic frequency of a certain device at a certain time.
+import sys
+import json
+from collections import defaultdict
+from dateutil import parser
+JSON_KEY_SOURCE = "_source"
+JSON_KEY_LAYERS = "layers"
+JSON_KEY_ETH = "eth"
+JSON_KEY_ETH_DST = "eth.dst"
+JSON_KEY_ETH_SRC = "eth.src"
+JSON_KEY_FRAME = "frame"
+JSON_KEY_FRAME_TIME = "frame.time"
+def save_to_file(tbl_header, dictionary, filename_out):
+ """ Show summary of statistics of PCAP file
+ Args:
+ tbl_header: header for the saved table
+ dictionary: dictionary to be saved
+ filename_out: file name to save
+ """
+ # Appending, not overwriting!
+ f = open(filename_out, 'a')
+ # Write the table header
+ f.write("\n\n" + str(tbl_header) + "\n");
+ # Iterate over dictionary and write (key, value) pairs
+ #for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
+ for key in sorted(dictionary):
+ f.write(str(key) + ", " + str(dictionary[key]) + "\n")
+ f.close()
+ print "Writing output to file: ", filename_out
+def main():
+ """ Main function
+ """
+ if len(sys.argv) < 5:
+ print "Usage: python", sys.argv[0], "<input_file> <output_file> <device_name> <mac_address>"
+ return
+ # Parse the file for the specified MAC address
+ time_freq = parse_json(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[4])
+ # Write statistics into file
+ save_to_file(sys.argv[3], time_freq, sys.argv[2])
+ print "====================================================================="
+ for time in time_freq.keys():
+ print time, " => ", time_freq[time]
+ print "====================================================================="
+# Convert JSON file containing DNS traffic to a map in which a hostname points to its set of associated IPs.
+def parse_json(file_path, mac_address):
+ """ Show summary of statistics of PCAP file
+ Args:
+ file_path: path of the read file
+ mac_address: MAC address of a device to analyze
+ """
+ # Maps timestamps to frequencies of packets
+ time_freq = dict()
+ with open(file_path) as jf:
+ # Read JSON.
+ # data becomes reference to root JSON object (or in our case json array)
+ data = json.load(jf)
+ # Loop through json objects in data
+ # Each entry is a pcap entry (request/response (packet) and associated metadata)
+ for p in data:
+ # p is a JSON object, not an index
+ # Get timestamp
+ frame = layers.get(JSON_KEY_FRAME, None)
+ date_time = frame.get(JSON_KEY_FRAME_TIME, None)
+ # Get into the Ethernet address part
+ eth = layers.get(JSON_KEY_ETH, None)
+ # Skip any non DNS traffic
+ if eth is None:
+ print "[ WARNING: Packet has no ethernet address! ]"
+ continue
+ # Get source and destination MAC addresses
+ src = eth.get(JSON_KEY_ETH_SRC, None)
+ dst = eth.get(JSON_KEY_ETH_DST, None)
+ # Get just the time part
+ date_time_obj = parser.parse(date_time)
+ # Remove the microsecond part
+ time_str = str(date_time_obj.time())[:8]
+ print str(time_str) + " - src:" + str(src) + " - dest:" + str(dst)
+ # Get and count the traffic for the specified MAC address
+ if src == mac_address or dst == mac_address:
+ # Check if timestamp already exists in the map
+ # If yes, then just increment the frequency value...
+ if time_str in time_freq:
+ time_freq[time_str] = time_freq[time_str] + 1
+ else: # If not, then put the value one there
+ time_freq[time_str] = 1
+ return time_freq
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()