} // namespace detail
-template <bool containerMode, class... Args>
-Formatter<containerMode, Args...>::Formatter(StringPiece str, Args&&... args)
- : str_(str),
- values_(FormatValue<typename std::decay<Args>::type>(
- std::forward<Args>(args))...) {
+template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
+BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>::BaseFormatter(StringPiece str,
+ Args&&... args)
+ : str_(str),
+ values_(FormatValue<typename std::decay<Args>::type>(
+ std::forward<Args>(args))...) {
static_assert(!containerMode || sizeof...(Args) == 1,
"Exactly one argument required in container mode");
-template <bool containerMode, class... Args>
-void Formatter<containerMode, Args...>::handleFormatStrError() const {
+template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
+void BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>::handleFormatStrError()
+ const {
if (crashOnError_) {
LOG(FATAL) << "folly::format: bad format string \"" << str_ << "\": " <<
-template <bool containerMode, class... Args>
+template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
template <class Output>
-void Formatter<containerMode, Args...>::operator()(Output& out) const {
+void BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>::operator()(Output& out)
+ const {
// Catch BadFormatArg and range_error exceptions, and call
// handleFormatStrError().
-template <bool containerMode, class... Args>
+template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
template <class Output>
-void Formatter<containerMode, Args...>::appendOutput(Output& out) const {
+void BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>::appendOutput(Output& out)
+ const {
auto p = str_.begin();
auto end = str_.end();
-template <bool containerMode, class... Args>
-void writeTo(FILE* fp, const Formatter<containerMode, Args...>& formatter) {
+template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
+void writeTo(FILE* fp,
+ const BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>& formatter) {
auto writer = [fp] (StringPiece sp) {
ssize_t n = fwrite(sp.data(), 1, sp.size(), fp);
if (n < sp.size()) {
format_value::formatString(val, arg, cb);
-template <class FormatCallback, bool containerMode, class... Args>
-void formatFormatter(const Formatter<containerMode, Args...>& formatter,
- FormatArg& arg,
- FormatCallback& cb) {
+template <class FormatCallback,
+ class Derived,
+ bool containerMode,
+ class... Args>
+void formatFormatter(
+ const BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>& formatter,
+ FormatArg& arg,
+ FormatCallback& cb) {
if (arg.width == FormatArg::kDefaultWidth &&
arg.precision == FormatArg::kDefaultPrecision) {
// nothing to do
// Partial specialization of FormatValue for nested Formatters
-template <bool containerMode, class... Args>
-class FormatValue<Formatter<containerMode, Args...>, void> {
- typedef Formatter<containerMode, Args...> FormatterValue;
+template <bool containerMode, class... Args,
+ template <bool, class...> class F>
+class FormatValue<F<containerMode, Args...>,
+ typename std::enable_if<detail::IsFormatter<
+ F<containerMode, Args...>>::value>::type> {
+ typedef typename F<containerMode, Args...>::BaseType FormatterValue;
explicit FormatValue(const FormatterValue& f) : f_(f) { }
* Formatter objects can be appended to strings, and therefore they're
* compatible with folly::toAppend and folly::to.
-template <class Tgt, bool containerMode, class... Args>
-typename std::enable_if<
- IsSomeString<Tgt>::value>::type
-toAppend(const Formatter<containerMode, Args...>& value, Tgt * result) {
+template <class Tgt, class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
+typename std::enable_if<IsSomeString<Tgt>::value>::type toAppend(
+ const BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>& value, Tgt* result) {
Formatter<true, C> vformat(StringPiece fmt, C&& container);
template <class T, class Enable=void> class FormatValue;
+// meta-attribute to identify formatters in this sea of template weirdness
+namespace detail {
+class FormatterTag {};
* Formatter class.
* this directly, you have to use format(...) below.
-template <bool containerMode, class... Args>
-class Formatter {
+/* BaseFormatter class. Currently, the only behavior that can be
+ * overridden is the actual formatting of positional parameters in
+ * `doFormatArg`. The Formatter class provides the default implementation.
+ */
+template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
+class BaseFormatter {
* Change whether or not Formatter should crash or throw exceptions if the
return s;
- private:
- explicit Formatter(StringPiece str, Args&&... args);
- // Not copyable
- Formatter(const Formatter&) = delete;
- Formatter& operator=(const Formatter&) = delete;
- // Movable, but the move constructor and assignment operator are private,
- // for the exclusive use of format() (below). This way, you can't create
- // a Formatter object, but can handle references to it (for streaming,
- // conversion to string, etc) -- which is good, as Formatter objects are
- // dangerous (they hold references, possibly to temporaries)
- Formatter(Formatter&&) = default;
- Formatter& operator=(Formatter&&) = default;
+ /**
+ * metadata to identify generated children of BaseFormatter
+ */
+ typedef detail::FormatterTag IsFormatter;
+ typedef BaseFormatter BaseType;
+ private:
typedef std::tuple<FormatValue<
typename std::decay<Args>::type>...> ValueTuple;
static constexpr size_t valueCount = std::tuple_size<ValueTuple>::value;
typename std::enable_if<(K < valueCount)>::type
doFormatFrom(size_t i, FormatArg& arg, Callback& cb) const {
if (i == K) {
- std::get<K>(values_).format(arg, cb);
+ static_cast<const Derived*>(this)->template doFormatArg<K>(arg, cb);
} else {
doFormatFrom<K+1>(i, arg, cb);
StringPiece str_;
- ValueTuple values_;
bool crashOnError_{true};
+ protected:
+ explicit BaseFormatter(StringPiece str, Args&&... args);
+ // Not copyable
+ BaseFormatter(const BaseFormatter&) = delete;
+ BaseFormatter& operator=(const BaseFormatter&) = delete;
+ // Movable, but the move constructor and assignment operator are private,
+ // for the exclusive use of format() (below). This way, you can't create
+ // a Formatter object, but can handle references to it (for streaming,
+ // conversion to string, etc) -- which is good, as Formatter objects are
+ // dangerous (they hold references, possibly to temporaries)
+ BaseFormatter(BaseFormatter&&) = default;
+ BaseFormatter& operator=(BaseFormatter&&) = default;
+ ValueTuple values_;
+template <bool containerMode, class... Args>
+class Formatter : public BaseFormatter<Formatter<containerMode, Args...>,
+ containerMode,
+ Args...> {
+ private:
+ explicit Formatter(StringPiece& str, Args&&... args)
+ : BaseFormatter<Formatter<containerMode, Args...>,
+ containerMode,
+ Args...>(str, std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
+ template <size_t K, class Callback>
+ void doFormatArg(FormatArg& arg, Callback& cb) const {
+ std::get<K>(this->values_).format(arg, cb);
+ }
+ friend class BaseFormatter<Formatter<containerMode, Args...>,
+ containerMode,
+ Args...>;
template <class... A>
friend Formatter<false, A...> format(StringPiece fmt, A&&... arg);
template <class... A>
* Formatter objects can be written to stdio FILEs.
-template<bool containerMode, class... Args>
-void writeTo(FILE* fp, const Formatter<containerMode, Args...>& formatter);
+template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
+void writeTo(FILE* fp,
+ const BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>& formatter);
* Create a formatter object.
* formatString(fmt.str(), arg, cb); but avoids creating a temporary
* string if possible.
-template <class FormatCallback, bool containerMode, class... Args>
-void formatFormatter(const Formatter<containerMode, Args...>& formatter,
- FormatArg& arg,
- FormatCallback& cb);
+template <class FormatCallback,
+ class Derived,
+ bool containerMode,
+ class... Args>
+void formatFormatter(
+ const BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>& formatter,
+ FormatArg& arg,
+ FormatCallback& cb);
} // namespace format_value
* empty string)
+namespace detail {
+template <class T, class Enable = void>
+struct IsFormatter : public std::false_type {};
+template <class T>
+struct IsFormatter<
+ T,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_same<typename T::IsFormatter, detail::FormatterTag>::value>::
+ type> : public std::true_type {};
+} // folly::detail
} // namespace folly
#include <folly/Format-inl.h>
#include <folly/dynamic.h>
#include <folly/json.h>
+#include <string>
using namespace folly;
template <class Uint>
EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("{0[test}"), std::exception);
+template <bool containerMode, class... Args>
+class TestExtendingFormatter;
+template <bool containerMode, class... Args>
+class TestExtendingFormatter
+ : public BaseFormatter<TestExtendingFormatter<containerMode, Args...>,
+ containerMode,
+ Args...> {
+ private:
+ explicit TestExtendingFormatter(StringPiece& str, Args&&... args)
+ : BaseFormatter<TestExtendingFormatter<containerMode, Args...>,
+ containerMode,
+ Args...>(str, std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
+ template <size_t K, class Callback>
+ void doFormatArg(FormatArg& arg, Callback& cb) const {
+ std::string result;
+ auto appender = [&result](StringPiece s) {
+ result.append(s.data(), s.size());
+ };
+ std::get<K>(this->values_).format(arg, appender);
+ result = sformat("{{{}}}", result);
+ cb(StringPiece(result));
+ }
+ friend class BaseFormatter<TestExtendingFormatter<containerMode, Args...>,
+ containerMode,
+ Args...>;
+ template <class... A>
+ friend std::string texsformat(StringPiece fmt, A&&... arg);
+template <class... Args>
+std::string texsformat(StringPiece fmt, Args&&... args) {
+ return TestExtendingFormatter<false, Args...>(
+ fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...).str();
+TEST(Format, Extending) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(texsformat("I {} brackets", "love"), "I {love} brackets");
+ EXPECT_EQ(texsformat("I {} nesting", sformat("really {}", "love")),
+ "I {really love} nesting");
+ sformat("I also {} nesting", texsformat("have an {} for", "affinity")),
+ "I also have an {affinity} for nesting");
+ EXPECT_EQ(texsformat("Extending {} in {}",
+ texsformat("a {}", "formatter"),
+ "another formatter"),
+ "Extending {a {formatter}} in {another formatter}");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);