Debug/%.o: %.c Debug/.dir Depend/.dir
$(CompileG) $< -o $@
+# Create a .cpp source file from a burg input file
+%.burm.cpp: %.burg
+ $(RunBurg) $< -o $@
# Create a .cpp source file from a flex input file... this uses sed to cut down
# on the warnings emited by GCC...
%.cpp: %.l
Debug/%.o: %.c Debug/.dir Depend/.dir
$(CompileG) $< -o $@
+# Create a .cpp source file from a burg input file
+%.burm.cpp: %.burg
+ $(RunBurg) $< -o $@
# Create a .cpp source file from a flex input file... this uses sed to cut down
# on the warnings emited by GCC...
%.cpp: %.l