template <bool exact, class Delim, class... OutputTypes>
typename std::enable_if<
- AllConvertible<OutputTypes...>::value && sizeof...(OutputTypes) >= 1,
+ StrictConjunction<IsConvertible<OutputTypes>...>::value &&
+ sizeof...(OutputTypes) >= 1,
split(const Delim& delimiter, StringPiece input, OutputTypes&... outputs) {
return detail::splitFixed<exact>(
namespace folly {
+static_assert(IsConvertible<float>::value, "");
+static_assert(IsConvertible<int>::value, "");
+static_assert(IsConvertible<bool>::value, "");
+static_assert(IsConvertible<int>::value, "");
+static_assert(!IsConvertible<std::vector<int>>::value, "");
static inline bool is_oddspace(char c) {
return c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r';
#include <folly/Portability.h>
#include <folly/Range.h>
#include <folly/ScopeGuard.h>
+#include <folly/Traits.h>
// Compatibility function, to make sure toStdString(s) can be called
// to convert a std::string or fbstring variable s into type std::string
* Note that this will likely not work if the last field's target is of numeric
* type, in which case folly::to<> will throw an exception.
-template <class T, class Enable = void>
-struct IsConvertible {
- enum { value = false };
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Void, typename OutputType>
+struct IsConvertible : std::false_type {};
-template <class T>
+template <typename OutputType>
struct IsConvertible<
- T,
- decltype(static_cast<void>(
- parseTo(std::declval<folly::StringPiece>(), std::declval<T&>())))> {
- enum { value = true };
-template <class... Types>
-struct AllConvertible;
-template <class Head, class... Tail>
-struct AllConvertible<Head, Tail...> {
- enum { value = IsConvertible<Head>::value && AllConvertible<Tail...>::value };
-template <>
-struct AllConvertible<> {
- enum { value = true };
-static_assert(AllConvertible<float>::value, "");
-static_assert(AllConvertible<int>::value, "");
-static_assert(AllConvertible<bool>::value, "");
-static_assert(AllConvertible<int>::value, "");
-static_assert(!AllConvertible<std::vector<int>>::value, "");
+ void_t<decltype(parseTo(StringPiece{}, std::declval<OutputType&>()))>,
+ OutputType> : std::true_type {};
+} // namespace detail
+template <typename OutputType>
+struct IsConvertible : detail::IsConvertible<void, OutputType> {};
template <bool exact = true, class Delim, class... OutputTypes>
typename std::enable_if<
- AllConvertible<OutputTypes...>::value && sizeof...(OutputTypes) >= 1,
+ StrictConjunction<IsConvertible<OutputTypes>...>::value &&
+ sizeof...(OutputTypes) >= 1,
split(const Delim& delimiter, StringPiece input, OutputTypes&... outputs);