Template parameters are:
- \p GC - Garbage collector. Note the \p GC must be the same as the \p GC used for \p OrderedList
- \p OrderedList - ordered list implementation used as a bucket for hash set, for example, \p MichaelList, \p LazyList.
- The intrusive ordered list implementation specifies the type \p T stored in the hash-set, the reclamation
- schema \p GC used by hash-set, the comparison functor for the type \p T and other features specific for
- the ordered list.
+ The intrusive ordered list implementation specifies the type \p T stored in the split-list set, the reclamation
+ schema \p GC used by split-list set, the comparison functor for the type \p T and other features specific for
+ the ordered list.
- \p Traits - split-list traits, default is \p split_list::traits.
Instead of defining \p Traits struct you may use option-based syntax with \p split_list::make_traits metafunction.
+ @warning \p IterableList is not supported as \p OrderedList template parameter.
There are several specialization of the split-list class for different \p GC:
- for \ref cds_urcu_gc "RCU type" include <tt><cds/intrusive/split_list_rcu.h></tt> - see
\ref cds_intrusive_SplitListSet_rcu "RCU-based split-list"
static CDS_CONSTEXPR const size_t c_nHazardPtrCount = ordered_list::c_nHazardPtrCount + 4; // +4 - for iterators
+ //@cond
typedef typename ordered_list::node_type list_node_type; ///< Node type as declared in ordered list
typedef split_list::node<list_node_type> node_type; ///< split-list node type
typedef node_type dummy_node_type; ///< dummy node type
typedef split_list::node_traits<typename ordered_list::node_traits> node_traits;
- //@cond
/// Bucket table implementation
typedef typename split_list::details::bucket_table_selector<
, opt::allocator< typename traits::allocator >
, opt::memory_model< memory_model >
>::type bucket_table;
+ typedef cds::details::Allocator< dummy_node_type, typename traits::allocator > dummy_node_allocator;
- protected:
- ordered_list_wrapper m_List; ///< Ordered list containing split-list items
- bucket_table m_Buckets; ///< bucket table
- atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nBucketCountLog2; ///< log2( current bucket count )
- atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nMaxItemCount; ///< number of items container can hold, before we have to resize
- item_counter m_ItemCounter; ///< Item counter
- hash m_HashFunctor; ///< Hash functor
- stat m_Stat; ///< Internal statistics
- protected:
- //@cond
- typedef cds::details::Allocator< dummy_node_type, typename traits::allocator > dummy_node_allocator;
- dummy_node_type * alloc_dummy_node( size_t nHash )
- {
- m_Stat.onHeadNodeAllocated();
- return dummy_node_allocator().New( nHash );
- }
- void free_dummy_node( dummy_node_type * p )
- {
- dummy_node_allocator().Delete( p );
- m_Stat.onHeadNodeFreed();
- }
- /// Calculates hash value of \p key
- template <typename Q>
- size_t hash_value( Q const& key ) const
- {
- return m_HashFunctor( key );
- }
- size_t bucket_no( size_t nHash ) const
- {
- return nHash & ( (1 << m_nBucketCountLog2.load(memory_model::memory_order_relaxed)) - 1 );
- }
- static size_t parent_bucket( size_t nBucket )
- {
- assert( nBucket > 0 );
- return nBucket & ~( 1 << bitop::MSBnz( nBucket ));
- }
- dummy_node_type * init_bucket( size_t nBucket )
- {
- assert( nBucket > 0 );
- size_t nParent = parent_bucket( nBucket );
- dummy_node_type * pParentBucket = m_Buckets.bucket( nParent );
- if ( pParentBucket == nullptr ) {
- pParentBucket = init_bucket( nParent );
- m_Stat.onRecursiveInitBucket();
- }
- assert( pParentBucket != nullptr );
- // Allocate a dummy node for new bucket
- {
- dummy_node_type * pBucket = alloc_dummy_node( split_list::dummy_hash( nBucket ));
- if ( m_List.insert_aux_node( pParentBucket, pBucket )) {
- m_Buckets.bucket( nBucket, pBucket );
- m_Stat.onNewBucket();
- return pBucket;
- }
- free_dummy_node( pBucket );
- }
- // Another thread set the bucket. Wait while it done
- // In this point, we must wait while nBucket is empty.
- // The compiler can decide that waiting loop can be "optimized" (stripped)
- // To prevent this situation, we use waiting on volatile bucket_head_ptr pointer.
- m_Stat.onBucketInitContenton();
- back_off bkoff;
- while ( true ) {
- dummy_node_type volatile * p = m_Buckets.bucket( nBucket );
- if ( p != nullptr )
- return const_cast<dummy_node_type *>( p );
- bkoff();
- m_Stat.onBusyWaitBucketInit();
- }
- }
- dummy_node_type * get_bucket( size_t nHash )
- {
- size_t nBucket = bucket_no( nHash );
- dummy_node_type * pHead = m_Buckets.bucket( nBucket );
- if ( pHead == nullptr )
- pHead = init_bucket( nBucket );
- assert( pHead->is_dummy());
- return pHead;
- }
- void init()
- {
- // GC and OrderedList::gc must be the same
- static_assert( std::is_same<gc, typename ordered_list::gc>::value, "GC and OrderedList::gc must be the same");
- // atomicity::empty_item_counter is not allowed as a item counter
- static_assert( !std::is_same<item_counter, cds::atomicity::empty_item_counter>::value,
- "cds::atomicity::empty_item_counter is not allowed as a item counter");
- // Initialize bucket 0
- dummy_node_type * pNode = alloc_dummy_node( 0 /*split_list::dummy_hash(0)*/ );
- // insert_aux_node cannot return false for empty list
- CDS_VERIFY( m_List.insert_aux_node( pNode ));
- m_Buckets.bucket( 0, pNode );
- }
- static size_t max_item_count( size_t nBucketCount, size_t nLoadFactor )
- {
- return nBucketCount * nLoadFactor;
- }
- void inc_item_count()
- {
- size_t nMaxCount = m_nMaxItemCount.load(memory_model::memory_order_relaxed);
- if ( ++m_ItemCounter <= nMaxCount )
- return;
- size_t sz = m_nBucketCountLog2.load(memory_model::memory_order_relaxed);
- const size_t nBucketCount = static_cast<size_t>(1) << sz;
- if ( nBucketCount < m_Buckets.capacity()) {
- // we may grow the bucket table
- const size_t nLoadFactor = m_Buckets.load_factor();
- if ( nMaxCount < max_item_count( nBucketCount, nLoadFactor ))
- return; // someone already have updated m_nBucketCountLog2, so stop here
- m_nMaxItemCount.compare_exchange_strong( nMaxCount, max_item_count( nBucketCount << 1, nLoadFactor ),
- memory_model::memory_order_relaxed, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- m_nBucketCountLog2.compare_exchange_strong( sz, sz + 1, memory_model::memory_order_relaxed, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
- }
- else
- m_nMaxItemCount.store( std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
- }
- template <typename Q, typename Compare, typename Func>
- bool find_( Q& val, Compare cmp, Func f )
- {
- size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
- split_list::details::search_value_type<Q> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ));
- dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
- assert( pHead != nullptr );
- return m_Stat.onFind(
- m_List.find_at( pHead, sv, cmp,
- [&f](value_type& item, split_list::details::search_value_type<Q>& val){ f(item, val.val ); })
- );
- }
- template <typename Q, typename Compare>
- bool find_( Q const& val, Compare cmp )
- {
- size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
- split_list::details::search_value_type<Q const> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ));
- dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
- assert( pHead != nullptr );
- return m_Stat.onFind( m_List.find_at( pHead, sv, cmp ));
- }
- template <typename Q, typename Compare>
- guarded_ptr get_( Q const& val, Compare cmp )
- {
- size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
- split_list::details::search_value_type<Q const> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ));
- dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
- assert( pHead != nullptr );
- guarded_ptr gp = m_List.get_at( pHead, sv, cmp );
- m_Stat.onFind( !gp.empty() );
- return gp;
- }
- template <typename Q>
- guarded_ptr get_( Q const& key )
- {
- return get_( key, key_comparator());
- }
- template <typename Q, typename Less>
- guarded_ptr get_with_( Q const& key, Less )
- {
- return get_( key, typename wrapped_ordered_list::template make_compare_from_less<Less>());
- }
- template <typename Q, typename Compare, typename Func>
- bool erase_( Q const& val, Compare cmp, Func f )
- {
- size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
- split_list::details::search_value_type<Q const> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ));
- dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
- assert( pHead != nullptr );
- if ( m_List.erase_at( pHead, sv, cmp, f )) {
- --m_ItemCounter;
- m_Stat.onEraseSuccess();
- return true;
- }
- m_Stat.onEraseFailed();
- return false;
- }
- template <typename Q, typename Compare>
- bool erase_( Q const& val, Compare cmp )
- {
- size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
- split_list::details::search_value_type<Q const> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ));
- dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
- assert( pHead != nullptr );
- if ( m_List.erase_at( pHead, sv, cmp )) {
- --m_ItemCounter;
- m_Stat.onEraseSuccess();
- return true;
- }
- m_Stat.onEraseFailed();
- return false;
- }
- template <typename Q, typename Compare>
- guarded_ptr extract_( Q const& val, Compare cmp )
- {
- size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
- split_list::details::search_value_type<Q const> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ));
- dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
- assert( pHead != nullptr );
- guarded_ptr gp = m_List.extract_at( pHead, sv, cmp );
- if ( gp ) {
- --m_ItemCounter;
- m_Stat.onExtractSuccess();
- }
- else
- m_Stat.onExtractFailed();
- return gp;
- }
- template <typename Q>
- guarded_ptr extract_( Q const& key )
- {
- return extract_( key, key_comparator());
- }
- template <typename Q, typename Less>
- guarded_ptr extract_with_( Q const& key, Less )
- {
- return extract_( key, typename wrapped_ordered_list::template make_compare_from_less<Less>());
- }
- //@endcond
/// Initialize split-ordered list of default capacity
return const_iterator( m_List.cend(), m_List.cend());
+ protected:
+ //@cond
+ dummy_node_type * alloc_dummy_node( size_t nHash )
+ {
+ m_Stat.onHeadNodeAllocated();
+ return dummy_node_allocator().New( nHash );
+ }
+ void free_dummy_node( dummy_node_type * p )
+ {
+ dummy_node_allocator().Delete( p );
+ m_Stat.onHeadNodeFreed();
+ }
+ /// Calculates hash value of \p key
+ template <typename Q>
+ size_t hash_value( Q const& key ) const
+ {
+ return m_HashFunctor( key );
+ }
+ size_t bucket_no( size_t nHash ) const
+ {
+ return nHash & ((1 << m_nBucketCountLog2.load( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed )) - 1);
+ }
+ static size_t parent_bucket( size_t nBucket )
+ {
+ assert( nBucket > 0 );
+ return nBucket & ~(1 << bitop::MSBnz( nBucket ));
+ }
+ dummy_node_type * init_bucket( size_t nBucket )
+ {
+ assert( nBucket > 0 );
+ size_t nParent = parent_bucket( nBucket );
+ dummy_node_type * pParentBucket = m_Buckets.bucket( nParent );
+ if ( pParentBucket == nullptr ) {
+ pParentBucket = init_bucket( nParent );
+ m_Stat.onRecursiveInitBucket();
+ }
+ assert( pParentBucket != nullptr );
+ // Allocate a dummy node for new bucket
+ {
+ dummy_node_type * pBucket = alloc_dummy_node( split_list::dummy_hash( nBucket ) );
+ if ( m_List.insert_aux_node( pParentBucket, pBucket ) ) {
+ m_Buckets.bucket( nBucket, pBucket );
+ m_Stat.onNewBucket();
+ return pBucket;
+ }
+ free_dummy_node( pBucket );
+ }
+ // Another thread set the bucket. Wait while it done
+ // In this point, we must wait while nBucket is empty.
+ // The compiler can decide that waiting loop can be "optimized" (stripped)
+ // To prevent this situation, we use waiting on volatile bucket_head_ptr pointer.
+ m_Stat.onBucketInitContenton();
+ back_off bkoff;
+ while ( true ) {
+ dummy_node_type volatile * p = m_Buckets.bucket( nBucket );
+ if ( p != nullptr )
+ return const_cast<dummy_node_type *>(p);
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onBusyWaitBucketInit();
+ }
+ }
+ dummy_node_type * get_bucket( size_t nHash )
+ {
+ size_t nBucket = bucket_no( nHash );
+ dummy_node_type * pHead = m_Buckets.bucket( nBucket );
+ if ( pHead == nullptr )
+ pHead = init_bucket( nBucket );
+ assert( pHead->is_dummy() );
+ return pHead;
+ }
+ void init()
+ {
+ // GC and OrderedList::gc must be the same
+ static_assert(std::is_same<gc, typename ordered_list::gc>::value, "GC and OrderedList::gc must be the same");
+ // atomicity::empty_item_counter is not allowed as a item counter
+ static_assert(!std::is_same<item_counter, cds::atomicity::empty_item_counter>::value,
+ "cds::atomicity::empty_item_counter is not allowed as a item counter");
+ // Initialize bucket 0
+ dummy_node_type * pNode = alloc_dummy_node( 0 /*split_list::dummy_hash(0)*/ );
+ // insert_aux_node cannot return false for empty list
+ CDS_VERIFY( m_List.insert_aux_node( pNode ) );
+ m_Buckets.bucket( 0, pNode );
+ }
+ static size_t max_item_count( size_t nBucketCount, size_t nLoadFactor )
+ {
+ return nBucketCount * nLoadFactor;
+ }
+ void inc_item_count()
+ {
+ size_t nMaxCount = m_nMaxItemCount.load( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
+ if ( ++m_ItemCounter <= nMaxCount )
+ return;
+ size_t sz = m_nBucketCountLog2.load( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
+ const size_t nBucketCount = static_cast<size_t>(1) << sz;
+ if ( nBucketCount < m_Buckets.capacity() ) {
+ // we may grow the bucket table
+ const size_t nLoadFactor = m_Buckets.load_factor();
+ if ( nMaxCount < max_item_count( nBucketCount, nLoadFactor ) )
+ return; // someone already have updated m_nBucketCountLog2, so stop here
+ m_nMaxItemCount.compare_exchange_strong( nMaxCount, max_item_count( nBucketCount << 1, nLoadFactor ),
+ memory_model::memory_order_relaxed, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ m_nBucketCountLog2.compare_exchange_strong( sz, sz + 1, memory_model::memory_order_relaxed, atomics::memory_order_relaxed );
+ }
+ else
+ m_nMaxItemCount.store( std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
+ }
+ template <typename Q, typename Compare, typename Func>
+ bool find_( Q& val, Compare cmp, Func f )
+ {
+ size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
+ split_list::details::search_value_type<Q> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ) );
+ dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
+ assert( pHead != nullptr );
+ return m_Stat.onFind(
+ m_List.find_at( pHead, sv, cmp,
+ [&f]( value_type& item, split_list::details::search_value_type<Q>& val ) { f( item, val.val ); } )
+ );
+ }
+ template <typename Q, typename Compare>
+ bool find_( Q const& val, Compare cmp )
+ {
+ size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
+ split_list::details::search_value_type<Q const> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ) );
+ dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
+ assert( pHead != nullptr );
+ return m_Stat.onFind( m_List.find_at( pHead, sv, cmp ) );
+ }
+ template <typename Q, typename Compare>
+ guarded_ptr get_( Q const& val, Compare cmp )
+ {
+ size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
+ split_list::details::search_value_type<Q const> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ) );
+ dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
+ assert( pHead != nullptr );
+ guarded_ptr gp = m_List.get_at( pHead, sv, cmp );
+ m_Stat.onFind( !gp.empty() );
+ return gp;
+ }
+ template <typename Q>
+ guarded_ptr get_( Q const& key )
+ {
+ return get_( key, key_comparator() );
+ }
+ template <typename Q, typename Less>
+ guarded_ptr get_with_( Q const& key, Less )
+ {
+ return get_( key, typename wrapped_ordered_list::template make_compare_from_less<Less>() );
+ }
+ template <typename Q, typename Compare, typename Func>
+ bool erase_( Q const& val, Compare cmp, Func f )
+ {
+ size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
+ split_list::details::search_value_type<Q const> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ) );
+ dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
+ assert( pHead != nullptr );
+ if ( m_List.erase_at( pHead, sv, cmp, f ) ) {
+ --m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onEraseSuccess();
+ return true;
+ }
+ m_Stat.onEraseFailed();
+ return false;
+ }
+ template <typename Q, typename Compare>
+ bool erase_( Q const& val, Compare cmp )
+ {
+ size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
+ split_list::details::search_value_type<Q const> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ) );
+ dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
+ assert( pHead != nullptr );
+ if ( m_List.erase_at( pHead, sv, cmp ) ) {
+ --m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onEraseSuccess();
+ return true;
+ }
+ m_Stat.onEraseFailed();
+ return false;
+ }
+ template <typename Q, typename Compare>
+ guarded_ptr extract_( Q const& val, Compare cmp )
+ {
+ size_t nHash = hash_value( val );
+ split_list::details::search_value_type<Q const> sv( val, split_list::regular_hash( nHash ) );
+ dummy_node_type * pHead = get_bucket( nHash );
+ assert( pHead != nullptr );
+ guarded_ptr gp = m_List.extract_at( pHead, sv, cmp );
+ if ( gp ) {
+ --m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onExtractSuccess();
+ }
+ else
+ m_Stat.onExtractFailed();
+ return gp;
+ }
+ template <typename Q>
+ guarded_ptr extract_( Q const& key )
+ {
+ return extract_( key, key_comparator() );
+ }
+ template <typename Q, typename Less>
+ guarded_ptr extract_with_( Q const& key, Less )
+ {
+ return extract_( key, typename wrapped_ordered_list::template make_compare_from_less<Less>() );
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ protected:
+ //@cond
+ ordered_list_wrapper m_List; ///< Ordered list containing split-list items
+ bucket_table m_Buckets; ///< bucket table
+ atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nBucketCountLog2; ///< log2( current bucket count )
+ atomics::atomic<size_t> m_nMaxItemCount; ///< number of items container can hold, before we have to resize
+ item_counter m_ItemCounter; ///< Item counter
+ hash m_HashFunctor; ///< Hash functor
+ stat m_Stat; ///< Internal statistics
+ //@endcond
}} // namespace cds::intrusive