case Kind.IfStatementNode:
inferRelationsFromIfStatementNode(md, nametable, (IfStatementNode) bsn);
- /*
case Kind.LoopNode:
- inferRelationsFromLoopNode(md, nametable, (LoopNode) bsn, constraint);
+ inferRelationsFromLoopNode(md, nametable, (LoopNode) bsn);
case Kind.ReturnNode:
- inferRelationsFromReturnNode(md, nametable, (ReturnNode) bsn, constraint);
+ inferRelationsFromReturnNode(md, nametable, (ReturnNode) bsn);
- */
case Kind.SubBlockNode:
inferRelationsFromSubBlockNode(md, nametable, (SubBlockNode) bsn);
return new CompositeLocation();
- private CompositeLocation inferRelationsFromSwitchBlockNode(MethodDescriptor md,
- SymbolTable nametable, SwitchBlockNode sbn, CompositeLocation constraint) {
+ private void inferRelationsFromSwitchBlockNode(MethodDescriptor md,
+ SymbolTable nametable, SwitchBlockNode sbn) {
CompositeLocation blockLoc =
inferRelationsFromBlockNode(md, nametable, sbn.getSwitchBlockStatement(), constraint);
return blockLoc;
- private CompositeLocation inferRelationsFromReturnNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
- ReturnNode rn, CompositeLocation constraint) {
+ */
+ private void inferRelationsFromReturnNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ ReturnNode rn) {
ExpressionNode returnExp = rn.getReturnExpression();
- CompositeLocation returnValueLoc;
+ VarID returnID = new VarID();
+ returnID.setReturn();
if (returnExp != null) {
- returnValueLoc =
- inferRelationsFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, returnExp, new CompositeLocation(),
- constraint, false);
- // if this return statement is inside branch, return value has an implicit
- // flow from conditional location
- if (constraint != null) {
- Set<CompositeLocation> inputGLB = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
- inputGLB.add(returnValueLoc);
- inputGLB.add(constraint);
- returnValueLoc =
- CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(inputGLB, generateErrorMessage(md.getClassDesc(), rn));
- }
- // check if return value is equal or higher than RETRUNLOC of method
- // declaration annotation
- CompositeLocation declaredReturnLoc = md2ReturnLoc.get(md);
- int compareResult =
-, declaredReturnLoc, false,
- generateErrorMessage(md.getClassDesc(), rn));
- if (compareResult == ComparisonResult.LESS || compareResult == ComparisonResult.INCOMPARABLE) {
- throw new Error(
- "Return value location is not equal or higher than the declaraed return location at "
- + md.getClassDesc().getSourceFileName() + "::" + rn.getNumLine());
- }
- }
- return new CompositeLocation();
- }
- private boolean hasOnlyLiteralValue(ExpressionNode en) {
- if (en.kind() == Kind.LiteralNode) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
+ inferRelationsFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, returnExp, returnID, null, false);
- private CompositeLocation inferRelationsFromLoopNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
- LoopNode ln, CompositeLocation constraint) {
+ private void inferRelationsFromLoopNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ LoopNode ln) {
ClassDescriptor cd = md.getClassDesc();
if (ln.getType() == LoopNode.WHILELOOP || ln.getType() == LoopNode.DOWHILELOOP) {
- CompositeLocation condLoc =
- inferRelationsFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, ln.getCondition(),
- new CompositeLocation(), constraint, false);
- // addLocationType(ln.getCondition().getType(), (condLoc));
+ inferRelationsFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, ln.getCondition(), null, ln, false);
- constraint = generateNewConstraint(constraint, condLoc);
- inferRelationsFromBlockNode(md, nametable, ln.getBody(), constraint);
+ inferRelationsFromBlockNode(md, nametable, ln.getBody());
- return new CompositeLocation();
+ for(ImplicitTuple tuple: implicitFlowSet){
+ if(tuple.isFromBranch(ln)){
+ implicitFlowSet.remove(tuple);
+ }
+ }
} else {
// check 'for loop' case
BlockNode bn = ln.getInitializer();
- // calculate glb location of condition and update statements
- CompositeLocation condLoc =
- inferRelationsFromExpressionNode(md, bn.getVarTable(), ln.getCondition(),
- new CompositeLocation(), constraint, false);
- // addLocationType(ln.getCondition().getType(), condLoc);
+ inferRelationsFromBlockNode(md, nametable, bn);
+ inferRelationsFromExpressionNode(md, bn.getVarTable(), ln.getCondition(), null, ln, false);
- constraint = generateNewConstraint(constraint, condLoc);
+ inferRelationsFromBlockNode(md, bn.getVarTable(), ln.getUpdate());
+ inferRelationsFromBlockNode(md, bn.getVarTable(), ln.getBody());
- inferRelationsFromBlockNode(md, bn.getVarTable(), ln.getUpdate(), constraint);
- inferRelationsFromBlockNode(md, bn.getVarTable(), ln.getBody(), constraint);
- return new CompositeLocation();
+ for(ImplicitTuple tuple: implicitFlowSet){
+ if(tuple.isFromBranch(ln)){
+ implicitFlowSet.remove(tuple);
+ }
+ }
- */
private void inferRelationsFromSubBlockNode(MethodDescriptor md,
SymbolTable nametable, SubBlockNode sbn) {
inferRelationsFromBlockNode(md, nametable, sbn.getBlockNode());
var = inferRelationsFromNameNode(md, nametable, (NameNode) en, flowTo, implicitTag);
- /* case Kind.OpNode:
- var = inferRelationsFromOpNode(md, nametable, (OpNode) en, flowTo);
+ case Kind.OpNode:
+ var = inferRelationsFromOpNode(md, nametable, (OpNode) en, flowTo, implicitTag);
+ /*
case Kind.CreateObjectNode:
var = inferRelationsFromCreateObjectNode(md, nametable, (CreateObjectNode) en);
return compLoc;
- private CompositeLocation inferRelationsFromOpNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
- OpNode on, CompositeLocation constraint) {
+ */
+ private VarID inferRelationsFromOpNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ OpNode on, VarID flowTo, BlockStatementNode implicitTag) {
ClassDescriptor cd = md.getClassDesc();
- CompositeLocation leftLoc = new CompositeLocation();
- leftLoc =
- inferRelationsFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, on.getLeft(), leftLoc, constraint, false);
- // addTypeLocation(on.getLeft().getType(), leftLoc);
+ VarID var = inferRelationsFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, on.getLeft(), flowTo, implicitTag, false);
CompositeLocation rightLoc = new CompositeLocation();
if (on.getRight() != null) {
- rightLoc =
- inferRelationsFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, on.getRight(), rightLoc, constraint, false);
- // addTypeLocation(on.getRight().getType(), rightLoc);
- }
- System.out.println("\n# OP NODE=" + on.printNode(0));
- System.out.println("# left loc=" + leftLoc + " from " + on.getLeft().getClass());
- if (on.getRight() != null) {
- System.out.println("# right loc=" + rightLoc + " from " + on.getRight().getClass());
+ inferRelationsFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, on.getRight(), flowTo, implicitTag, false);
Operation op = on.getOp();
case Operation.UNARYMINUS:
case Operation.LOGIC_NOT:
// single operand
- return leftLoc;
+ return var;
case Operation.LOGIC_OR:
case Operation.LOGIC_AND:
case Operation.RIGHTSHIFT:
case Operation.URIGHTSHIFT:
- Set<CompositeLocation> inputSet = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
- inputSet.add(leftLoc);
- inputSet.add(rightLoc);
- CompositeLocation glbCompLoc =
- CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(inputSet, generateErrorMessage(cd, on));
- System.out.println("# glbCompLoc=" + glbCompLoc);
- return glbCompLoc;
+ return null;
throw new Error(op.toString());
- */
private VarID inferRelationsFromLiteralNode(MethodDescriptor md,
SymbolTable nametable, LiteralNode ln) {
//literal data flow does not matter