template <class T>
static bool classof(const T *,
- ::llvm::enable_if_c<
- ::llvm::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value
+ ::std::enable_if<
+ ::std::is_base_of<Foo, T>::value
>::type* = 0) { return true; }
friend class DenseMapIterator<KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, true>;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef typename conditional<IsConst, const Bucket, Bucket>::type value_type;
+ typedef typename std::conditional<IsConst, const Bucket, Bucket>::type
+ value_type;
typedef value_type *pointer;
typedef value_type &reference;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
/// differing argument types even if they would implicit promote to a common
/// type without changing the value.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if<is_integral_or_enum<T>, hash_code>::type hash_value(T value);
+typename std::enable_if<is_integral_or_enum<T>::value, hash_code>::type
+hash_value(T value);
/// \brief Compute a hash_code for a pointer's address.
// and pointers, but there are platforms where it doesn't and we would like to
// support user-defined types which happen to satisfy this property.
template <typename T> struct is_hashable_data
- : integral_constant<bool, ((is_integral_or_enum<T>::value ||
- is_pointer<T>::value) &&
- 64 % sizeof(T) == 0)> {};
+ : std::integral_constant<bool, ((is_integral_or_enum<T>::value ||
+ std::is_pointer<T>::value) &&
+ 64 % sizeof(T) == 0)> {};
// Special case std::pair to detect when both types are viable and when there
// is no alignment-derived padding in the pair. This is a bit of a lie because
// std::pair isn't truly POD, but it's close enough in all reasonable
// implementations for our use case of hashing the underlying data.
template <typename T, typename U> struct is_hashable_data<std::pair<T, U> >
- : integral_constant<bool, (is_hashable_data<T>::value &&
- is_hashable_data<U>::value &&
- (sizeof(T) + sizeof(U)) ==
- sizeof(std::pair<T, U>))> {};
+ : std::integral_constant<bool, (is_hashable_data<T>::value &&
+ is_hashable_data<U>::value &&
+ (sizeof(T) + sizeof(U)) ==
+ sizeof(std::pair<T, U>))> {};
/// \brief Helper to get the hashable data representation for a type.
/// This variant is enabled when the type itself can be used.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if<is_hashable_data<T>, T>::type
+typename std::enable_if<is_hashable_data<T>::value, T>::type
get_hashable_data(const T &value) {
return value;
/// This variant is enabled when we must first call hash_value and use the
/// result as our data.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if_c<!is_hashable_data<T>::value, size_t>::type
+typename std::enable_if<!is_hashable_data<T>::value, size_t>::type
get_hashable_data(const T &value) {
using ::llvm::hash_value;
return hash_value(value);
/// are stored in contiguous memory, this routine avoids copying each value
/// and directly reads from the underlying memory.
template <typename ValueT>
-typename enable_if<is_hashable_data<ValueT>, hash_code>::type
+typename std::enable_if<is_hashable_data<ValueT>::value, hash_code>::type
hash_combine_range_impl(ValueT *first, ValueT *last) {
const size_t seed = get_execution_seed();
const char *s_begin = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(first);
// Declared and documented above, but defined here so that any of the hashing
// infrastructure is available.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if<is_integral_or_enum<T>, hash_code>::type
+typename std::enable_if<is_integral_or_enum<T>::value, hash_code>::type
hash_value(T value) {
return ::llvm::hashing::detail::hash_integer_value(value);
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
/// this returns true to signify the error. The string is considered
/// erroneous if empty or if it overflows T.
template <typename T>
- typename enable_if_c<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, bool>::type
+ typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, bool>::type
getAsInteger(unsigned Radix, T &Result) const {
long long LLVal;
if (getAsSignedInteger(*this, Radix, LLVal) ||
template <typename T>
- typename enable_if_c<!std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, bool>::type
+ typename std::enable_if<!std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, bool>::type
getAsInteger(unsigned Radix, T &Result) const {
unsigned long long ULLVal;
if (getAsUnsignedInteger(*this, Radix, ULLVal) ||
template <bool IsConst>
class block_iterator_wrapper
- : public df_iterator<typename conditional<IsConst,
- const BasicBlock,
- BasicBlock>::type*> {
- typedef df_iterator<typename conditional<IsConst,
- const BasicBlock,
- BasicBlock>::type*>
- super;
+ : public df_iterator<typename std::conditional<IsConst, const BasicBlock,
+ BasicBlock>::type *> {
+ typedef df_iterator<typename std::conditional<IsConst, const BasicBlock,
+ BasicBlock>::type *> super;
typedef block_iterator_wrapper<IsConst> Self;
typedef typename super::pointer pointer;
friend class ValueMap<KeyT, ValueT, Config>;
friend struct DenseMapInfo<ValueMapCallbackVH>;
typedef ValueMap<KeyT, ValueT, Config> ValueMapT;
- typedef typename llvm::remove_pointer<KeyT>::type KeySansPointerT;
+ typedef typename std::remove_pointer<KeyT>::type KeySansPointerT;
ValueMapT *Map;
class ELFFile {
- typedef typename conditional<ELFT::Is64Bits,
- uint64_t, uint32_t>::type uintX_t;
+ typedef typename std::conditional<ELFT::Is64Bits,
+ uint64_t, uint32_t>::type uintX_t;
/// \brief Iterate over constant sized entities.
template <class EntT>
} // end namespace object.
-template <> struct is_error_code_enum<object::object_error> : true_type { };
+template <> struct is_error_code_enum<object::object_error> : std::true_type {};
-template <> struct is_error_code_enum<object::object_error::Impl> : true_type {
+template <>
+struct is_error_code_enum<object::object_error::Impl> : std::true_type {};
} // end namespace llvm.
/// \brief Always allow upcasts, and perform no dynamic check for them.
template <typename To, typename From>
-struct isa_impl<To, From,
- typename enable_if<
- llvm::is_base_of<To, From>
- >::type
- > {
+struct isa_impl<
+ To, From, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<To, From>::value>::type> {
static inline bool doit(const From &) { return true; }
template <class X> struct is_simple_type {
static const bool value =
- is_same<X, typename simplify_type<X>::SimpleType>::value;
+ std::is_same<X, typename simplify_type<X>::SimpleType>::value;
// cast<X> - Return the argument parameter cast to the specified type. This
// cast<Instruction>(myVal)->getParent()
template <class X, class Y>
-inline typename enable_if_c<!is_simple_type<Y>::value,
- typename cast_retty<X, const Y>::ret_type>::type
+inline typename std::enable_if<!is_simple_type<Y>::value,
+ typename cast_retty<X, const Y>::ret_type>::type
cast(const Y &Val) {
assert(isa<X>(Val) && "cast<Ty>() argument of incompatible type!");
return cast_convert_val<
template <class X, class Y>
-LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_RESULT inline typename enable_if_c<
+LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_RESULT inline typename std::enable_if<
!is_simple_type<Y>::value, typename cast_retty<X, const Y>::ret_type>::type
dyn_cast(const Y &Val) {
return isa<X>(Val) ? cast<X>(Val) : 0;
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdarg>
// Top-level option class.
template<class DataType>
-struct OptionValue : OptionValueBase<DataType, is_class<DataType>::value> {
+struct OptionValue : OptionValueBase<DataType, std::is_class<DataType>::value> {
OptionValue() {}
OptionValue(const DataType& V) {
class ParserClass = parser<DataType> >
class opt : public Option,
public opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage,
- is_class<DataType>::value> {
+ std::is_class<DataType>::value> {
ParserClass Parser;
bool handleOccurrence(unsigned pos, StringRef ArgName,
#include "llvm/Support/AlignOf.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SwapByteOrder.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
namespace llvm {
namespace support {
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/Support/AlignOf.h"
#include "llvm/Support/system_error.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
template<class T>
class ErrorOr {
template <class OtherT> friend class ErrorOr;
- static const bool isRef = is_reference<T>::value;
- typedef ReferenceStorage<typename remove_reference<T>::type> wrap;
+ static const bool isRef = std::is_reference<T>::value;
+ typedef ReferenceStorage<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type> wrap;
- typedef typename
- conditional< isRef
- , wrap
- , T
- >::type storage_type;
+ typedef typename std::conditional<isRef, wrap, T>::type storage_type;
- typedef typename remove_reference<T>::type &reference;
- typedef const typename remove_reference<T>::type &const_reference;
- typedef typename remove_reference<T>::type *pointer;
+ typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type &reference;
+ typedef const typename std::remove_reference<T>::type &const_reference;
+ typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type *pointer;
template <class E>
- ErrorOr(E ErrorCode, typename enable_if_c<is_error_code_enum<E>::value ||
- is_error_condition_enum<E>::value,
- void *>::type = 0)
+ ErrorOr(E ErrorCode, typename std::enable_if<is_error_code_enum<E>::value ||
+ is_error_condition_enum<E>::value,
+ void *>::type = 0)
: HasError(true) {
new (getErrorStorage()) error_code(make_error_code(ErrorCode));
template<class T, class E>
-typename enable_if_c<is_error_code_enum<E>::value ||
- is_error_condition_enum<E>::value, bool>::type
+typename std::enable_if<is_error_code_enum<E>::value ||
+ is_error_condition_enum<E>::value, bool>::type
operator ==(ErrorOr<T> &Err, E Code) {
return error_code(Err) == Code;
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SwapByteOrder.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
#include <cstring>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
/// \param ZB the behavior on an input of 0. Only ZB_Width and ZB_Undefined are
/// valid arguments.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if_c<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, std::size_t>::type
+typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
+ !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, std::size_t>::type
countTrailingZeros(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB = ZB_Width) {
// Disable signed.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if_c<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, std::size_t>::type
+typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
+ std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, std::size_t>::type
countTrailingZeros(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB = ZB_Width) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
#if __GNUC__ >= 4 || _MSC_VER
/// \param ZB the behavior on an input of 0. Only ZB_Width and ZB_Undefined are
/// valid arguments.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if_c<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, std::size_t>::type
+typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
+ !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, std::size_t>::type
countLeadingZeros(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB = ZB_Width) {
// Disable signed.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if_c<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, std::size_t>::type
+typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
+ std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, std::size_t>::type
countLeadingZeros(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB = ZB_Width) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
#if __GNUC__ >= 4 || _MSC_VER
/// \param ZB the behavior on an input of 0. Only ZB_Max and ZB_Undefined are
/// valid arguments.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if_c<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, T>::type
+typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
+ !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, T>::type
findFirstSet(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB = ZB_Max) {
if (ZB == ZB_Max && Val == 0)
return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
// Disable signed.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if_c<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, T>::type
+typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
+ std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, T>::type
findFirstSet(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB = ZB_Max) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
/// \brief Get the index of the last set bit starting from the least
/// \param ZB the behavior on an input of 0. Only ZB_Max and ZB_Undefined are
/// valid arguments.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if_c<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, T>::type
+typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
+ !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, T>::type
findLastSet(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB = ZB_Max) {
if (ZB == ZB_Max && Val == 0)
return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
// Disable signed.
template <typename T>
-typename enable_if_c<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
- std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, T>::type
+typename std::enable_if<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer &&
+ std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, T>::type
findLastSet(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB = ZB_Max) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
/// \brief Macro compressed bit reversal table for 256 bits.
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLParser.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/system_error.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {
// has_FlowTraits<int> will cause an error with some compilers because
// it subclasses int. Using this wrapper only instantiates the
// real has_FlowTraits only if the template type is a class.
-template <typename T, bool Enabled = llvm::is_class<T>::value>
+template <typename T, bool Enabled = std::is_class<T>::value>
class has_FlowTraits
// Test if SequenceTraits<T> is defined on type T
template<typename T>
-struct has_SequenceTraits : public llvm::integral_constant<bool,
+struct has_SequenceTraits : public std::integral_constant<bool,
has_SequenceMethodTraits<T>::value > { };
template<typename T>
-struct missingTraits : public llvm::integral_constant<bool,
+struct missingTraits : public std::integral_constant<bool,
&& !has_ScalarBitSetTraits<T>::value
&& !has_ScalarTraits<T>::value
&& !has_DocumentListTraits<T>::value > {};
template<typename T>
-struct validatedMappingTraits : public llvm::integral_constant<bool,
+struct validatedMappingTraits : public std::integral_constant<bool,
&& has_MappingValidateTraits<T>::value> {};
template<typename T>
-struct unvalidatedMappingTraits : public llvm::integral_constant<bool,
+struct unvalidatedMappingTraits : public std::integral_constant<bool,
&& !has_MappingValidateTraits<T>::value> {};
// Base class for Input and Output.
template <typename T>
- typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value,void>::type
+ typename std::enable_if<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value,void>::type
mapOptional(const char* Key, T& Val) {
// omit key/value instead of outputting empty sequence
if ( this->canElideEmptySequence() && !(Val.begin() != Val.end()) )
template <typename T>
- typename llvm::enable_if_c<!has_SequenceTraits<T>::value,void>::type
+ typename std::enable_if<!has_SequenceTraits<T>::value,void>::type
mapOptional(const char* Key, T& Val) {
this->processKey(Key, Val, false);
template<typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_ScalarEnumerationTraits<T>::value,void>::type
+typename std::enable_if<has_ScalarEnumerationTraits<T>::value,void>::type
yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool) {
ScalarEnumerationTraits<T>::enumeration(io, Val);
template<typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_ScalarBitSetTraits<T>::value,void>::type
+typename std::enable_if<has_ScalarBitSetTraits<T>::value,void>::type
yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool) {
bool DoClear;
if ( io.beginBitSetScalar(DoClear) ) {
template<typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_ScalarTraits<T>::value,void>::type
+typename std::enable_if<has_ScalarTraits<T>::value,void>::type
yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool) {
if ( io.outputting() ) {
std::string Storage;
template<typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<validatedMappingTraits<T>::value, void>::type
+typename std::enable_if<validatedMappingTraits<T>::value, void>::type
yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool) {
if (io.outputting()) {
template<typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<unvalidatedMappingTraits<T>::value, void>::type
+typename std::enable_if<unvalidatedMappingTraits<T>::value, void>::type
yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool) {
MappingTraits<T>::mapping(io, Val);
template<typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<missingTraits<T>::value, void>::type
+typename std::enable_if<missingTraits<T>::value, void>::type
yamlize(IO &io, T &Val, bool) {
char missing_yaml_trait_for_type[sizeof(MissingTrait<T>)];
template<typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value,void>::type
+typename std::enable_if<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value,void>::type
yamlize(IO &io, T &Seq, bool) {
if ( has_FlowTraits< SequenceTraits<T> >::value ) {
unsigned incnt = io.beginFlowSequence();
// Define non-member operator>> so that Input can stream in a document list.
template <typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_DocumentListTraits<T>::value,Input &>::type
+typename std::enable_if<has_DocumentListTraits<T>::value, Input &>::type
operator>>(Input &yin, T &docList) {
int i = 0;
while ( yin.setCurrentDocument() ) {
// Define non-member operator>> so that Input can stream in a map as a document.
template <typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_MappingTraits<T>::value,Input &>::type
+typename std::enable_if<has_MappingTraits<T>::value, Input &>::type
operator>>(Input &yin, T &docMap) {
yamlize(yin, docMap, true);
// a document.
template <typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value,Input &>::type
+typename std::enable_if<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value, Input &>::type
operator>>(Input &yin, T &docSeq) {
if (yin.setCurrentDocument())
yamlize(yin, docSeq, true);
// Provide better error message about types missing a trait specialization
template <typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<missingTraits<T>::value,Input &>::type
+typename std::enable_if<missingTraits<T>::value, Input &>::type
operator>>(Input &yin, T &docSeq) {
char missing_yaml_trait_for_type[sizeof(MissingTrait<T>)];
return yin;
// Define non-member operator<< so that Output can stream out document list.
template <typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_DocumentListTraits<T>::value,Output &>::type
+typename std::enable_if<has_DocumentListTraits<T>::value, Output &>::type
operator<<(Output &yout, T &docList) {
const size_t count = DocumentListTraits<T>::size(yout, docList);
// Define non-member operator<< so that Output can stream out a map.
template <typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_MappingTraits<T>::value,Output &>::type
+typename std::enable_if<has_MappingTraits<T>::value, Output &>::type
operator<<(Output &yout, T &map) {
if ( yout.preflightDocument(0) ) {
// Define non-member operator<< so that Output can stream out a sequence.
template <typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value,Output &>::type
+typename std::enable_if<has_SequenceTraits<T>::value, Output &>::type
operator<<(Output &yout, T &seq) {
if ( yout.preflightDocument(0) ) {
// Provide better error message about types missing a trait specialization
template <typename T>
-typename llvm::enable_if_c<missingTraits<T>::value,Output &>::type
+typename std::enable_if<missingTraits<T>::value, Output &>::type
operator<<(Output &yout, T &seq) {
char missing_yaml_trait_for_type[sizeof(MissingTrait<T>)];
return yout;
const error_category& system_category();
template <class T> struct is_error_code_enum
- : public false_type {};
+ : public std::false_type {};
template <class T> struct is_error_condition_enum
- : public false_type {};
+ : public std::false_type {};
class error_code
wrong_protocol_type // EPROTOTYPE
-template <> struct is_error_condition_enum<errc> : true_type { }
+template <> struct is_error_condition_enum<errc> : std::true_type { }
error_code make_error_code(errc e);
error_condition make_error_condition(errc e);
#include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
#include <cerrno>
#include <string>
// is_error_code_enum
-template <class Tp> struct is_error_code_enum : public false_type {};
+template <class Tp> struct is_error_code_enum : public std::false_type {};
// is_error_condition_enum
-template <class Tp> struct is_error_condition_enum : public false_type {};
+template <class Tp> struct is_error_condition_enum : public std::false_type {};
// Some error codes are not present on all platforms, so we provide equivalents
// for them:
operator int() const {return v_;}
-template <> struct is_error_condition_enum<errc> : true_type { };
+template <> struct is_error_condition_enum<errc> : std::true_type { };
-template <> struct is_error_condition_enum<errc::_> : true_type { };
+template <> struct is_error_condition_enum<errc::_> : std::true_type { };
class error_condition;
class error_code;
: _val_(_val), _cat_(&_cat) {}
template <class E>
- error_condition(E _e, typename enable_if_c<
+ error_condition(E _e, typename std::enable_if<
>::type* = 0)
{*this = make_error_condition(_e);}
template <class E>
- typename enable_if_c
- <
- is_error_condition_enum<E>::value,
- error_condition&
- >::type
- operator=(E _e)
- {*this = make_error_condition(_e); return *this;}
+ typename std::enable_if<is_error_condition_enum<E>::value,
+ error_condition &>::type
+ operator=(E _e) {
+ *this = make_error_condition(_e);
+ return *this;
+ }
void clear() {
_val_ = 0;
: _val_(_val), _cat_(&_cat) {}
template <class E>
- error_code(E _e, typename enable_if_c<
+ error_code(E _e, typename std::enable_if<
>::type* = 0) {
*this = make_error_code(_e);
template <class E>
- typename enable_if_c
- <
- is_error_code_enum<E>::value,
- error_code&
- >::type
- operator=(E _e)
- {*this = make_error_code(_e); return *this;}
+ typename std::enable_if<is_error_code_enum<E>::value, error_code &>::type
+ operator=(E _e) {
+ *this = make_error_code(_e);
+ return *this;
+ }
void clear() {
_val_ = 0;
-template <> struct is_error_code_enum<windows_error> : true_type { };
+template <> struct is_error_code_enum<windows_error> : std::true_type { };
-template <> struct is_error_code_enum<windows_error::_> : true_type { };
+template <> struct is_error_code_enum<windows_error::_> : std::true_type { };
inline error_code make_error_code(windows_error e) {
return error_code(static_cast<int>(e), system_category());
namespace hashing {
namespace detail {
-template <> struct is_hashable_data<LargeTestInteger> : true_type {};
+template <> struct is_hashable_data<LargeTestInteger> : std::true_type {};
} // namespace detail
} // namespace hashing
class TinyPtrVectorTest : public testing::Test {
typedef typename VectorT::value_type PtrT;
- typedef typename remove_pointer<PtrT>::type ValueT;
+ typedef typename std::remove_pointer<PtrT>::type ValueT;
VectorT V;
VectorT V2;
// Test the peculiar behavior of Use in simplify_type.
-int Check1[is_same<simplify_type<Use>::SimpleType, Value *>::value ? 1 : -1];
-int Check2[is_same<simplify_type<Use *>::SimpleType, Value *>::value ? 1 : -1];
+static_assert(std::is_same<simplify_type<Use>::SimpleType, Value *>::value,
+ "Use doesn't simplify correctly!");
+static_assert(std::is_same<simplify_type<Use *>::SimpleType, Value *>::value,
+ "Use doesn't simplify correctly!");
// Test that a regular class behaves as expected.
-int Check3[is_same<simplify_type<foo>::SimpleType, int>::value ? 1 : -1];
-int Check4[is_same<simplify_type<foo *>::SimpleType, foo *>::value ? 1 : -1];
+static_assert(std::is_same<simplify_type<foo>::SimpleType, int>::value,
+ "Unexpected simplify_type result!");
+static_assert(std::is_same<simplify_type<foo *>::SimpleType, foo *>::value,
+ "Unexpected simplify_type result!");
namespace {