+++ /dev/null
-// $Id$ -*-c++-*-
-// File:
-// LLCOptions.h
-// Purpose:
-// Options for the llc compiler.
-// History:
-// 7/15/01 - Vikram Adve - Created
-//************************** System Include Files **************************/
-#include <iostream.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-//*************************** User Include Files ***************************/
-#include "llvm/Support/ProgramOptions.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ProgramOption.h"
-//************************ Option Name Definitions *************************/
-const char* const HELP_OPT = "help";
-const char* const DEBUG_OPT = "d";
-const char* const QUIET_OPT = "q";
-const char* const DEBUG_INSTR_SELECT_OPT= "debug_select";
-const char* const OUTFILENAME_OPT = "o";
-// class LLCOptions
-class LLCOptions : public ProgramOptions {
- /*ctor*/ LLCOptions (int _argc,
- const char* _argv[],
- const char* _envp[]);
- /*dtor*/ virtual ~LLCOptions ();
- const string& getInputFileName() const { return inputFileName; }
- const string& getOutputFileName() const { return outputFileName; }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Initialize for all our compiler options (called by constructors).
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void InitializeOptions();
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Make sure the parse went ok.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void CheckParse();
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parse arguments after all options are consumed.
- // This is called after a successful ParseArgs.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void ParseExtraArgs();
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Print message describing which arguments and options are
- // required, optional, mutually exclusive, ...
- // called in ProgramOptions::Usage() method
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- virtual void PrintUsage(ostream& stream) const;
- string inputFileName;
- string outputFileName;