--- /dev/null
+//===-- Relooper.cpp - Top-level interface for WebAssembly ----*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+/// \file
+/// \brief This implements the Relooper algorithm. This implementation includes
+/// optimizations added since the original academic paper [1] was published.
+/// [1] Alon Zakai. 2011. Emscripten: an LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler. In
+/// Proceedings of the ACM international conference companion on Object
+/// oriented programming systems languages and applications companion
+/// (SPLASH '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 301-312. DOI=10.1145/2048147.2048224
+/// http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2048147.2048224
+#include "Relooper.h"
+#include <llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h>
+#include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h>
+#include <llvm/Support/CommandLine.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <functional>
+#include <list>
+#include <stack>
+#include <string>
+using namespace llvm;
+static cl::opt<int> RelooperSplittingFactor(
+ "relooper-splitting-factor",
+ cl::desc(
+ "How much to discount code size when deciding whether to split a node"),
+ cl::init(5));
+static cl::opt<unsigned> RelooperMultipleSwitchThreshold(
+ "relooper-multiple-switch-threshold",
+ cl::desc(
+ "How many entries to allow in a multiple before we use a switch"),
+ cl::init(10));
+static cl::opt<unsigned> RelooperNestingLimit(
+ "relooper-nesting-limit",
+ cl::desc(
+ "How much nesting is acceptable"),
+ cl::init(20));
+namespace llvm {
+namespace Relooper {
+template <class T, class U>
+static bool contains(const T &container, const U &contained) {
+ return container.count(contained);
+// Branch
+Branch::Branch(const char *ConditionInit, const char *CodeInit)
+ : Ancestor(nullptr), Labeled(true) {
+ // FIXME: move from char* to LLVM data structures
+ Condition = ConditionInit ? strdup(ConditionInit) : nullptr;
+ Code = CodeInit ? strdup(CodeInit) : nullptr;
+Branch::~Branch() {
+ // FIXME: move from char* to LLVM data structures
+ free(static_cast<void *>(const_cast<char *>(Condition)));
+ free(static_cast<void *>(const_cast<char *>(Code)));
+// Block
+Block::Block(const char *CodeInit, const char *BranchVarInit)
+ : Parent(nullptr), Id(-1), IsCheckedMultipleEntry(false) {
+ // FIXME: move from char* to LLVM data structures
+ Code = strdup(CodeInit);
+ BranchVar = BranchVarInit ? strdup(BranchVarInit) : nullptr;
+Block::~Block() {
+ // FIXME: move from char* to LLVM data structures
+ free(static_cast<void *>(const_cast<char *>(Code)));
+ free(static_cast<void *>(const_cast<char *>(BranchVar)));
+void Block::AddBranchTo(Block *Target, const char *Condition,
+ const char *Code) {
+ assert(
+ !contains(BranchesOut,
+ Target)); // cannot add more than one branch to the same target
+ BranchesOut[Target] = make_unique<Branch>(Condition, Code);
+// Relooper
+ : Root(nullptr), MinSize(false), BlockIdCounter(1),
+ ShapeIdCounter(0) { // block ID 0 is reserved for clearings
+Relooper::~Relooper() {
+ for (auto Curr : Blocks)
+ delete Curr;
+ for (auto Curr : Shapes)
+ delete Curr;
+void Relooper::AddBlock(Block *New, int Id) {
+ New->Id = Id == -1 ? BlockIdCounter++ : Id;
+ Blocks.push_back(New);
+struct RelooperRecursor {
+ Relooper *Parent;
+ RelooperRecursor(Relooper *ParentInit) : Parent(ParentInit) {}
+typedef std::list<Block *> BlockList;
+void Relooper::Calculate(Block *Entry) {
+ // Scan and optimize the input
+ struct PreOptimizer : public RelooperRecursor {
+ PreOptimizer(Relooper *Parent) : RelooperRecursor(Parent) {}
+ BlockSet Live;
+ void FindLive(Block *Root) {
+ BlockList ToInvestigate;
+ ToInvestigate.push_back(Root);
+ while (!ToInvestigate.empty()) {
+ Block *Curr = ToInvestigate.front();
+ ToInvestigate.pop_front();
+ if (contains(Live, Curr))
+ continue;
+ Live.insert(Curr);
+ for (const auto &iter : Curr->BranchesOut)
+ ToInvestigate.push_back(iter.first);
+ }
+ }
+ // If a block has multiple entries but no exits, and it is small enough, it
+ // is useful to split it. A common example is a C++ function where
+ // everything ends up at a final exit block and does some RAII cleanup.
+ // Without splitting, we will be forced to introduce labelled loops to
+ // allow reaching the final block
+ void SplitDeadEnds() {
+ unsigned TotalCodeSize = 0;
+ for (const auto &Curr : Live) {
+ TotalCodeSize += strlen(Curr->Code);
+ }
+ BlockSet Splits;
+ BlockSet Removed;
+ for (const auto &Original : Live) {
+ if (Original->BranchesIn.size() <= 1 ||
+ !Original->BranchesOut.empty())
+ continue; // only dead ends, for now
+ if (contains(Original->BranchesOut, Original))
+ continue; // cannot split a looping node
+ if (strlen(Original->Code) * (Original->BranchesIn.size() - 1) >
+ TotalCodeSize / RelooperSplittingFactor)
+ continue; // if splitting increases raw code size by a significant
+ // amount, abort
+ // Split the node (for simplicity, we replace all the blocks, even
+ // though we could have reused the original)
+ for (const auto &Prior : Original->BranchesIn) {
+ Block *Split = new Block(Original->Code, Original->BranchVar);
+ Parent->AddBlock(Split, Original->Id);
+ Split->BranchesIn.insert(Prior);
+ std::unique_ptr<Branch> Details;
+ Details.swap(Prior->BranchesOut[Original]);
+ Prior->BranchesOut[Split] = make_unique<Branch>(Details->Condition,
+ Details->Code);
+ for (const auto &iter : Original->BranchesOut) {
+ Block *Post = iter.first;
+ Branch *Details = iter.second.get();
+ Split->BranchesOut[Post] = make_unique<Branch>(Details->Condition,
+ Details->Code);
+ Post->BranchesIn.insert(Split);
+ }
+ Splits.insert(Split);
+ Removed.insert(Original);
+ }
+ for (const auto &iter : Original->BranchesOut) {
+ Block *Post = iter.first;
+ Post->BranchesIn.remove(Original);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto &iter : Splits)
+ Live.insert(iter);
+ for (const auto &iter : Removed)
+ Live.remove(iter);
+ }
+ };
+ PreOptimizer Pre(this);
+ Pre.FindLive(Entry);
+ // Add incoming branches from live blocks, ignoring dead code
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < Blocks.size(); i++) {
+ Block *Curr = Blocks[i];
+ if (!contains(Pre.Live, Curr))
+ continue;
+ for (const auto &iter : Curr->BranchesOut)
+ iter.first->BranchesIn.insert(Curr);
+ }
+ if (!MinSize)
+ Pre.SplitDeadEnds();
+ // Recursively process the graph
+ struct Analyzer : public RelooperRecursor {
+ Analyzer(Relooper *Parent) : RelooperRecursor(Parent) {}
+ // Add a shape to the list of shapes in this Relooper calculation
+ void Notice(Shape *New) {
+ New->Id = Parent->ShapeIdCounter++;
+ Parent->Shapes.push_back(New);
+ }
+ // Create a list of entries from a block. If LimitTo is provided, only
+ // results in that set will appear
+ void GetBlocksOut(Block *Source, BlockSet &Entries,
+ BlockSet *LimitTo = nullptr) {
+ for (const auto &iter : Source->BranchesOut)
+ if (!LimitTo || contains(*LimitTo, iter.first))
+ Entries.insert(iter.first);
+ }
+ // Converts/processes all branchings to a specific target
+ void Solipsize(Block *Target, Branch::FlowType Type, Shape *Ancestor,
+ BlockSet &From) {
+ for (auto iter = Target->BranchesIn.begin();
+ iter != Target->BranchesIn.end();) {
+ Block *Prior = *iter;
+ if (!contains(From, Prior)) {
+ iter++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<Branch> PriorOut;
+ PriorOut.swap(Prior->BranchesOut[Target]);
+ PriorOut->Ancestor = Ancestor;
+ PriorOut->Type = Type;
+ if (MultipleShape *Multiple = dyn_cast<MultipleShape>(Ancestor))
+ Multiple->Breaks++; // We are breaking out of this Multiple, so need a
+ // loop
+ iter++; // carefully increment iter before erasing
+ Target->BranchesIn.remove(Prior);
+ Target->ProcessedBranchesIn.insert(Prior);
+ Prior->ProcessedBranchesOut[Target].swap(PriorOut);
+ }
+ }
+ Shape *MakeSimple(BlockSet &Blocks, Block *Inner, BlockSet &NextEntries) {
+ SimpleShape *Simple = new SimpleShape;
+ Notice(Simple);
+ Simple->Inner = Inner;
+ Inner->Parent = Simple;
+ if (Blocks.size() > 1) {
+ Blocks.remove(Inner);
+ GetBlocksOut(Inner, NextEntries, &Blocks);
+ BlockSet JustInner;
+ JustInner.insert(Inner);
+ for (const auto &iter : NextEntries)
+ Solipsize(iter, Branch::Direct, Simple, JustInner);
+ }
+ return Simple;
+ }
+ Shape *MakeLoop(BlockSet &Blocks, BlockSet &Entries,
+ BlockSet &NextEntries) {
+ // Find the inner blocks in this loop. Proceed backwards from the entries
+ // until
+ // you reach a seen block, collecting as you go.
+ BlockSet InnerBlocks;
+ BlockSet Queue = Entries;
+ while (!Queue.empty()) {
+ Block *Curr = *(Queue.begin());
+ Queue.remove(*Queue.begin());
+ if (!contains(InnerBlocks, Curr)) {
+ // This element is new, mark it as inner and remove from outer
+ InnerBlocks.insert(Curr);
+ Blocks.remove(Curr);
+ // Add the elements prior to it
+ for (const auto &iter : Curr->BranchesIn)
+ Queue.insert(iter);
+ }
+ }
+ assert(!InnerBlocks.empty());
+ for (const auto &Curr : InnerBlocks) {
+ for (const auto &iter : Curr->BranchesOut) {
+ Block *Possible = iter.first;
+ if (!contains(InnerBlocks, Possible))
+ NextEntries.insert(Possible);
+ }
+ }
+ LoopShape *Loop = new LoopShape();
+ Notice(Loop);
+ // Solipsize the loop, replacing with break/continue and marking branches
+ // as Processed (will not affect later calculations)
+ // A. Branches to the loop entries become a continue to this shape
+ for (const auto &iter : Entries)
+ Solipsize(iter, Branch::Continue, Loop, InnerBlocks);
+ // B. Branches to outside the loop (a next entry) become breaks on this
+ // shape
+ for (const auto &iter : NextEntries)
+ Solipsize(iter, Branch::Break, Loop, InnerBlocks);
+ // Finish up
+ Shape *Inner = Process(InnerBlocks, Entries, nullptr);
+ Loop->Inner = Inner;
+ return Loop;
+ }
+ // For each entry, find the independent group reachable by it. The
+ // independent group is the entry itself, plus all the blocks it can
+ // reach that cannot be directly reached by another entry. Note that we
+ // ignore directly reaching the entry itself by another entry.
+ // @param Ignore - previous blocks that are irrelevant
+ void FindIndependentGroups(BlockSet &Entries,
+ BlockBlockSetMap &IndependentGroups,
+ BlockSet *Ignore = nullptr) {
+ typedef std::map<Block *, Block *> BlockBlockMap;
+ struct HelperClass {
+ BlockBlockSetMap &IndependentGroups;
+ BlockBlockMap Ownership; // For each block, which entry it belongs to.
+ // We have reached it from there.
+ HelperClass(BlockBlockSetMap &IndependentGroupsInit)
+ : IndependentGroups(IndependentGroupsInit) {}
+ void InvalidateWithChildren(Block *New) {
+ // Being in the list means you need to be invalidated
+ BlockList ToInvalidate;
+ ToInvalidate.push_back(New);
+ while (!ToInvalidate.empty()) {
+ Block *Invalidatee = ToInvalidate.front();
+ ToInvalidate.pop_front();
+ Block *Owner = Ownership[Invalidatee];
+ // Owner may have been invalidated, do not add to
+ // IndependentGroups!
+ if (contains(IndependentGroups, Owner))
+ IndependentGroups[Owner].remove(Invalidatee);
+ if (Ownership[Invalidatee]) { // may have been seen before and
+ // invalidated already
+ Ownership[Invalidatee] = nullptr;
+ for (const auto &iter : Invalidatee->BranchesOut) {
+ Block *Target = iter.first;
+ BlockBlockMap::iterator Known = Ownership.find(Target);
+ if (Known != Ownership.end()) {
+ Block *TargetOwner = Known->second;
+ if (TargetOwner)
+ ToInvalidate.push_back(Target);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ HelperClass Helper(IndependentGroups);
+ // We flow out from each of the entries, simultaneously.
+ // When we reach a new block, we add it as belonging to the one we got to
+ // it from.
+ // If we reach a new block that is already marked as belonging to someone,
+ // it is reachable by two entries and is not valid for any of them.
+ // Remove it and all it can reach that have been visited.
+ // Being in the queue means we just added this item, and
+ // we need to add its children
+ BlockList Queue;
+ for (const auto &Entry : Entries) {
+ Helper.Ownership[Entry] = Entry;
+ IndependentGroups[Entry].insert(Entry);
+ Queue.push_back(Entry);
+ }
+ while (!Queue.empty()) {
+ Block *Curr = Queue.front();
+ Queue.pop_front();
+ Block *Owner = Helper.Ownership[Curr]; // Curr must be in the ownership
+ // map if we are in the queue
+ if (!Owner)
+ continue; // we have been invalidated meanwhile after being reached
+ // from two entries
+ // Add all children
+ for (const auto &iter : Curr->BranchesOut) {
+ Block *New = iter.first;
+ BlockBlockMap::iterator Known = Helper.Ownership.find(New);
+ if (Known == Helper.Ownership.end()) {
+ // New node. Add it, and put it in the queue
+ Helper.Ownership[New] = Owner;
+ IndependentGroups[Owner].insert(New);
+ Queue.push_back(New);
+ continue;
+ }
+ Block *NewOwner = Known->second;
+ if (!NewOwner)
+ continue; // We reached an invalidated node
+ if (NewOwner != Owner)
+ // Invalidate this and all reachable that we have seen - we reached
+ // this from two locations
+ Helper.InvalidateWithChildren(New);
+ // otherwise, we have the same owner, so do nothing
+ }
+ }
+ // Having processed all the interesting blocks, we remain with just one
+ // potential issue:
+ // If a->b, and a was invalidated, but then b was later reached by
+ // someone else, we must invalidate b. To check for this, we go over all
+ // elements in the independent groups, if an element has a parent which
+ // does *not* have the same owner, we/ must remove it and all its
+ // children.
+ for (const auto &iter : Entries) {
+ BlockSet &CurrGroup = IndependentGroups[iter];
+ BlockList ToInvalidate;
+ for (const auto &iter : CurrGroup) {
+ Block *Child = iter;
+ for (const auto &iter : Child->BranchesIn) {
+ Block *Parent = iter;
+ if (Ignore && contains(*Ignore, Parent))
+ continue;
+ if (Helper.Ownership[Parent] != Helper.Ownership[Child])
+ ToInvalidate.push_back(Child);
+ }
+ }
+ while (!ToInvalidate.empty()) {
+ Block *Invalidatee = ToInvalidate.front();
+ ToInvalidate.pop_front();
+ Helper.InvalidateWithChildren(Invalidatee);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove empty groups
+ for (const auto &iter : Entries)
+ if (IndependentGroups[iter].empty())
+ IndependentGroups.erase(iter);
+ }
+ Shape *MakeMultiple(BlockSet &Blocks, BlockSet &Entries,
+ BlockBlockSetMap &IndependentGroups, Shape *Prev,
+ BlockSet &NextEntries) {
+ bool Fused = isa<SimpleShape>(Prev);
+ MultipleShape *Multiple = new MultipleShape();
+ Notice(Multiple);
+ BlockSet CurrEntries;
+ for (auto &iter : IndependentGroups) {
+ Block *CurrEntry = iter.first;
+ BlockSet &CurrBlocks = iter.second;
+ // Create inner block
+ CurrEntries.clear();
+ CurrEntries.insert(CurrEntry);
+ for (const auto &CurrInner : CurrBlocks) {
+ // Remove the block from the remaining blocks
+ Blocks.remove(CurrInner);
+ // Find new next entries and fix branches to them
+ for (auto iter = CurrInner->BranchesOut.begin();
+ iter != CurrInner->BranchesOut.end();) {
+ Block *CurrTarget = iter->first;
+ auto Next = iter;
+ Next++;
+ if (!contains(CurrBlocks, CurrTarget)) {
+ NextEntries.insert(CurrTarget);
+ Solipsize(CurrTarget, Branch::Break, Multiple, CurrBlocks);
+ }
+ iter = Next; // increment carefully because Solipsize can remove us
+ }
+ }
+ Multiple->InnerMap[CurrEntry->Id] =
+ Process(CurrBlocks, CurrEntries, nullptr);
+ // If we are not fused, then our entries will actually be checked
+ if (!Fused)
+ CurrEntry->IsCheckedMultipleEntry = true;
+ }
+ // Add entries not handled as next entries, they are deferred
+ for (const auto &Entry : Entries)
+ if (!contains(IndependentGroups, Entry))
+ NextEntries.insert(Entry);
+ // The multiple has been created, we can decide how to implement it
+ if (Multiple->InnerMap.size() >= RelooperMultipleSwitchThreshold) {
+ Multiple->UseSwitch = true;
+ Multiple->Breaks++; // switch captures breaks
+ }
+ return Multiple;
+ }
+ // Main function.
+ // Process a set of blocks with specified entries, returns a shape
+ // The Make* functions receive a NextEntries. If they fill it with data,
+ // those are the entries for the ->Next block on them, and the blocks
+ // are what remains in Blocks (which Make* modify). In this way
+ // we avoid recursing on Next (imagine a long chain of Simples, if we
+ // recursed we could blow the stack).
+ Shape *Process(BlockSet &Blocks, BlockSet &InitialEntries, Shape *Prev) {
+ BlockSet *Entries = &InitialEntries;
+ BlockSet TempEntries[2];
+ int CurrTempIndex = 0;
+ BlockSet *NextEntries;
+ Shape *Ret = nullptr;
+ auto Make = [&](Shape *Temp) {
+ if (Prev)
+ Prev->Next = Temp;
+ if (!Ret)
+ Ret = Temp;
+ Prev = Temp;
+ Entries = NextEntries;
+ };
+ while (1) {
+ CurrTempIndex = 1 - CurrTempIndex;
+ NextEntries = &TempEntries[CurrTempIndex];
+ NextEntries->clear();
+ if (Entries->empty())
+ return Ret;
+ if (Entries->size() == 1) {
+ Block *Curr = *(Entries->begin());
+ if (Curr->BranchesIn.empty()) {
+ // One entry, no looping ==> Simple
+ Make(MakeSimple(Blocks, Curr, *NextEntries));
+ if (NextEntries->empty())
+ return Ret;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // One entry, looping ==> Loop
+ Make(MakeLoop(Blocks, *Entries, *NextEntries));
+ if (NextEntries->empty())
+ return Ret;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // More than one entry, try to eliminate through a Multiple groups of
+ // independent blocks from an entry/ies. It is important to remove
+ // through multiples as opposed to looping since the former is more
+ // performant.
+ BlockBlockSetMap IndependentGroups;
+ FindIndependentGroups(*Entries, IndependentGroups);
+ if (!IndependentGroups.empty()) {
+ // We can handle a group in a multiple if its entry cannot be reached
+ // by another group.
+ // Note that it might be reachable by itself - a loop. But that is
+ // fine, we will create a loop inside the multiple block (which
+ // is the performant order to do it).
+ for (auto iter = IndependentGroups.begin();
+ iter != IndependentGroups.end();) {
+ Block *Entry = iter->first;
+ BlockSet &Group = iter->second;
+ auto curr = iter++; // iterate carefully, we may delete
+ for (BlockSet::iterator iterBranch = Entry->BranchesIn.begin();
+ iterBranch != Entry->BranchesIn.end(); iterBranch++) {
+ Block *Origin = *iterBranch;
+ if (!contains(Group, Origin)) {
+ // Reached from outside the group, so we cannot handle this
+ IndependentGroups.erase(curr);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // As an optimization, if we have 2 independent groups, and one is a
+ // small dead end, we can handle only that dead end.
+ // The other then becomes a Next - without nesting in the code and
+ // recursion in the analysis.
+ // TODO: if the larger is the only dead end, handle that too
+ // TODO: handle >2 groups
+ // TODO: handle not just dead ends, but also that do not branch to the
+ // NextEntries. However, must be careful there since we create a
+ // Next, and that Next can prevent eliminating a break (since we no
+ // longer naturally reach the same place), which may necessitate a
+ // one-time loop, which makes the unnesting pointless.
+ if (IndependentGroups.size() == 2) {
+ // Find the smaller one
+ auto iter = IndependentGroups.begin();
+ Block *SmallEntry = iter->first;
+ auto SmallSize = iter->second.size();
+ iter++;
+ Block *LargeEntry = iter->first;
+ auto LargeSize = iter->second.size();
+ if (SmallSize != LargeSize) { // ignore the case where they are
+ // identical - keep things symmetrical
+ // there
+ if (SmallSize > LargeSize) {
+ Block *Temp = SmallEntry;
+ SmallEntry = LargeEntry;
+ LargeEntry = Temp; // Note: we did not flip the Sizes too, they
+ // are now invalid. TODO: use the smaller
+ // size as a limit?
+ }
+ // Check if dead end
+ bool DeadEnd = true;
+ BlockSet &SmallGroup = IndependentGroups[SmallEntry];
+ for (const auto &Curr : SmallGroup) {
+ for (const auto &iter : Curr->BranchesOut) {
+ Block *Target = iter.first;
+ if (!contains(SmallGroup, Target)) {
+ DeadEnd = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!DeadEnd)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (DeadEnd)
+ IndependentGroups.erase(LargeEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!IndependentGroups.empty())
+ // Some groups removable ==> Multiple
+ Make(MakeMultiple(Blocks, *Entries, IndependentGroups, Prev,
+ *NextEntries));
+ if (NextEntries->empty())
+ return Ret;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // No independent groups, must be loopable ==> Loop
+ Make(MakeLoop(Blocks, *Entries, *NextEntries));
+ if (NextEntries->empty())
+ return Ret;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Main
+ BlockSet AllBlocks;
+ for (const auto &Curr : Pre.Live) {
+ AllBlocks.insert(Curr);
+ }
+ BlockSet Entries;
+ Entries.insert(Entry);
+ Root = Analyzer(this).Process(AllBlocks, Entries, nullptr);
+ assert(Root);
+ ///
+ /// Relooper post-optimizer
+ ///
+ struct PostOptimizer {
+ Relooper *Parent;
+ std::stack<Shape *> LoopStack;
+ PostOptimizer(Relooper *ParentInit) : Parent(ParentInit) {}
+ void ShapeSwitch(Shape* var,
+ std::function<void (SimpleShape*)> simple,
+ std::function<void (MultipleShape*)> multiple,
+ std::function<void (LoopShape*)> loop) {
+ switch (var->getKind()) {
+ case Shape::SK_Simple: {
+ simple(cast<SimpleShape>(var));
+ break;
+ }
+ case Shape::SK_Multiple: {
+ multiple(cast<MultipleShape>(var));
+ break;
+ }
+ case Shape::SK_Loop: {
+ loop(cast<LoopShape>(var));
+ break;
+ }
+ default: llvm_unreachable("invalid shape");
+ }
+ }
+ // Find the blocks that natural control flow can get us directly to, or
+ // through a multiple that we ignore
+ void FollowNaturalFlow(Shape *S, BlockSet &Out) {
+ ShapeSwitch(S, [&](SimpleShape* Simple) {
+ Out.insert(Simple->Inner);
+ }, [&](MultipleShape* Multiple) {
+ for (const auto &iter : Multiple->InnerMap) {
+ FollowNaturalFlow(iter.second, Out);
+ }
+ FollowNaturalFlow(Multiple->Next, Out);
+ }, [&](LoopShape* Loop) {
+ FollowNaturalFlow(Loop->Inner, Out);
+ });
+ }
+ void FindNaturals(Shape *Root, Shape *Otherwise = nullptr) {
+ if (Root->Next) {
+ Root->Natural = Root->Next;
+ FindNaturals(Root->Next, Otherwise);
+ } else {
+ Root->Natural = Otherwise;
+ }
+ ShapeSwitch(Root, [](SimpleShape* Simple) {
+ }, [&](MultipleShape* Multiple) {
+ for (const auto &iter : Multiple->InnerMap) {
+ FindNaturals(iter.second, Root->Natural);
+ }
+ }, [&](LoopShape* Loop){
+ FindNaturals(Loop->Inner, Loop->Inner);
+ });
+ }
+ // Remove unneeded breaks and continues.
+ // A flow operation is trivially unneeded if the shape we naturally get to
+ // by normal code execution is the same as the flow forces us to.
+ void RemoveUnneededFlows(Shape *Root, Shape *Natural = nullptr,
+ LoopShape *LastLoop = nullptr,
+ unsigned Depth = 0) {
+ BlockSet NaturalBlocks;
+ FollowNaturalFlow(Natural, NaturalBlocks);
+ Shape *Next = Root;
+ while (Next) {
+ Root = Next;
+ Next = nullptr;
+ ShapeSwitch(
+ Root,
+ [&](SimpleShape* Simple) {
+ if (Simple->Inner->BranchVar)
+ LastLoop =
+ nullptr; // a switch clears out the loop (TODO: only for
+ // breaks, not continue)
+ if (Simple->Next) {
+ if (!Simple->Inner->BranchVar &&
+ Simple->Inner->ProcessedBranchesOut.size() == 2 &&
+ Depth < RelooperNestingLimit) {
+ // If there is a next block, we already know at Simple
+ // creation time to make direct branches, and we can do
+ // nothing more in general. But, we try to optimize the
+ // case of a break and a direct: This would normally be
+ // if (break?) { break; } ..
+ // but if we make sure to nest the else, we can save the
+ // break,
+ // if (!break?) { .. }
+ // This is also better because the more canonical nested
+ // form is easier to further optimize later. The
+ // downside is more nesting, which adds to size in builds with
+ // whitespace.
+ // Note that we avoid switches, as it complicates control flow
+ // and is not relevant for the common case we optimize here.
+ bool Found = false;
+ bool Abort = false;
+ for (const auto &iter : Simple->Inner->ProcessedBranchesOut) {
+ Block *Target = iter.first;
+ Branch *Details = iter.second.get();
+ if (Details->Type == Branch::Break) {
+ Found = true;
+ if (!contains(NaturalBlocks, Target))
+ Abort = true;
+ } else if (Details->Type != Branch::Direct)
+ Abort = true;
+ }
+ if (Found && !Abort) {
+ for (const auto &iter : Simple->Inner->ProcessedBranchesOut) {
+ Branch *Details = iter.second.get();
+ if (Details->Type == Branch::Break) {
+ Details->Type = Branch::Direct;
+ if (MultipleShape *Multiple =
+ dyn_cast<MultipleShape>(Details->Ancestor))
+ Multiple->Breaks--;
+ } else {
+ assert(Details->Type == Branch::Direct);
+ Details->Type = Branch::Nested;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Depth++; // this optimization increases depth, for us and all
+ // our next chain (i.e., until this call returns)
+ }
+ Next = Simple->Next;
+ } else {
+ // If there is no next then Natural is where we will
+ // go to by doing nothing, so we can potentially optimize some
+ // branches to direct.
+ for (const auto &iter : Simple->Inner->ProcessedBranchesOut) {
+ Block *Target = iter.first;
+ Branch *Details = iter.second.get();
+ if (Details->Type != Branch::Direct &&
+ contains(NaturalBlocks,
+ Target)) { // note: cannot handle split blocks
+ Details->Type = Branch::Direct;
+ if (MultipleShape *Multiple =
+ dyn_cast<MultipleShape>(Details->Ancestor))
+ Multiple->Breaks--;
+ } else if (Details->Type == Branch::Break && LastLoop &&
+ LastLoop->Natural == Details->Ancestor->Natural) {
+ // it is important to simplify breaks, as simpler breaks
+ // enable other optimizations
+ Details->Labeled = false;
+ if (MultipleShape *Multiple =
+ dyn_cast<MultipleShape>(Details->Ancestor))
+ Multiple->Breaks--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, [&](MultipleShape* Multiple)
+ {
+ for (const auto &iter : Multiple->InnerMap) {
+ RemoveUnneededFlows(iter.second, Multiple->Next,
+ Multiple->Breaks ? nullptr : LastLoop,
+ Depth + 1);
+ }
+ Next = Multiple->Next;
+ }, [&](LoopShape* Loop)
+ {
+ RemoveUnneededFlows(Loop->Inner, Loop->Inner, Loop, Depth + 1);
+ Next = Loop->Next;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // After we know which loops exist, we can calculate which need to be
+ // labeled
+ void FindLabeledLoops(Shape *Root) {
+ Shape *Next = Root;
+ while (Next) {
+ Root = Next;
+ Next = nullptr;
+ ShapeSwitch(
+ Root,
+ [&](SimpleShape *Simple) {
+ MultipleShape *Fused = dyn_cast<MultipleShape>(Root->Next);
+ // If we are fusing a Multiple with a loop into this Simple, then
+ // visit it now
+ if (Fused && Fused->Breaks)
+ LoopStack.push(Fused);
+ if (Simple->Inner->BranchVar)
+ LoopStack.push(nullptr); // a switch means breaks are now useless,
+ // push a dummy
+ if (Fused) {
+ if (Fused->UseSwitch)
+ LoopStack.push(nullptr); // a switch means breaks are now
+ // useless, push a dummy
+ for (const auto &iter : Fused->InnerMap) {
+ FindLabeledLoops(iter.second);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto &iter : Simple->Inner->ProcessedBranchesOut) {
+ Branch *Details = iter.second.get();
+ if (Details->Type == Branch::Break ||
+ Details->Type == Branch::Continue) {
+ assert(!LoopStack.empty());
+ if (Details->Ancestor != LoopStack.top() && Details->Labeled) {
+ if (MultipleShape *Multiple =
+ dyn_cast<MultipleShape>(Details->Ancestor)) {
+ Multiple->Labeled = true;
+ } else {
+ LoopShape *Loop = cast<LoopShape>(Details->Ancestor);
+ Loop->Labeled = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Details->Labeled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Fused && Fused->UseSwitch)
+ LoopStack.pop();
+ if (Simple->Inner->BranchVar)
+ LoopStack.pop();
+ if (Fused && Fused->Breaks)
+ LoopStack.pop();
+ if (Fused)
+ Next = Fused->Next;
+ else
+ Next = Root->Next;
+ }
+ }
+ , [&](MultipleShape* Multiple) {
+ if (Multiple->Breaks)
+ LoopStack.push(Multiple);
+ for (const auto &iter : Multiple->InnerMap)
+ FindLabeledLoops(iter.second);
+ if (Multiple->Breaks)
+ LoopStack.pop();
+ Next = Root->Next;
+ }
+ , [&](LoopShape* Loop) {
+ LoopStack.push(Loop);
+ FindLabeledLoops(Loop->Inner);
+ LoopStack.pop();
+ Next = Root->Next;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ void Process(Shape * Root) {
+ FindNaturals(Root);
+ RemoveUnneededFlows(Root);
+ FindLabeledLoops(Root);
+ }
+ };
+ PostOptimizer(this).Process(Root);
+} // namespace Relooper
+} // namespace llvm
--- /dev/null
+//===-- Relooper.h - Top-level interface for WebAssembly ----*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+/// \file
+/// \brief This defines an optimized C++ implemention of the Relooper
+/// algorithm, originally developed as part of Emscripten, which
+/// generates a structured AST from arbitrary control flow.
+#include <llvm/ADT/MapVector.h>
+#include <llvm/ADT/SetVector.h>
+#include <llvm/Support/Casting.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <deque>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+namespace llvm {
+namespace Relooper {
+struct Block;
+struct Shape;
+/// Info about a branching from one block to another
+struct Branch {
+ enum FlowType {
+ Direct = 0, // We will directly reach the right location through other
+ // means, no need for continue or break
+ Break = 1,
+ Continue = 2,
+ Nested = 3 // This code is directly reached, but we must be careful to
+ // ensure it is nested in an if - it is not reached
+ // unconditionally, other code paths exist alongside it that we need to make
+ // sure do not intertwine
+ };
+ Shape
+ *Ancestor; // If not nullptr, this shape is the relevant one for purposes
+ // of getting to the target block. We break or continue on it
+ Branch::FlowType
+ Type; // If Ancestor is not nullptr, this says whether to break or
+ // continue
+ bool Labeled; // If a break or continue, whether we need to use a label
+ const char *Condition; // The condition for which we branch. For example,
+ // "my_var == 1". Conditions are checked one by one.
+ // One of the conditions should have nullptr as the
+ // condition, in which case it is the default
+ // FIXME: move from char* to LLVM data structures
+ const char *Code; // If provided, code that is run right before the branch is
+ // taken. This is useful for phis
+ // FIXME: move from char* to LLVM data structures
+ Branch(const char *ConditionInit, const char *CodeInit = nullptr);
+ ~Branch();
+typedef SetVector<Block *> BlockSet;
+typedef MapVector<Block *, Branch *> BlockBranchMap;
+typedef MapVector<Block *, std::unique_ptr<Branch>> OwningBlockBranchMap;
+/// Represents a basic block of code - some instructions that end with a
+/// control flow modifier (a branch, return or throw).
+struct Block {
+ // Branches become processed after we finish the shape relevant to them. For
+ // example, when we recreate a loop, branches to the loop start become
+ // continues and are now processed. When we calculate what shape to generate
+ // from a set of blocks, we ignore processed branches. Blocks own the Branch
+ // objects they use, and destroy them when done.
+ OwningBlockBranchMap BranchesOut;
+ BlockSet BranchesIn;
+ OwningBlockBranchMap ProcessedBranchesOut;
+ BlockSet ProcessedBranchesIn;
+ Shape *Parent; // The shape we are directly inside
+ int Id; // A unique identifier, defined when added to relooper. Note that this
+ // uniquely identifies a *logical* block - if we split it, the two
+ // instances have the same content *and* the same Id
+ const char *Code; // The string representation of the code in this block.
+ // Owning pointer (we copy the input)
+ // FIXME: move from char* to LLVM data structures
+ const char *BranchVar; // A variable whose value determines where we go; if
+ // this is not nullptr, emit a switch on that variable
+ // FIXME: move from char* to LLVM data structures
+ bool IsCheckedMultipleEntry; // If true, we are a multiple entry, so reaching
+ // us requires setting the label variable
+ Block(const char *CodeInit, const char *BranchVarInit);
+ ~Block();
+ void AddBranchTo(Block *Target, const char *Condition,
+ const char *Code = nullptr);
+/// Represents a structured control flow shape
+struct Shape {
+ int Id; // A unique identifier. Used to identify loops, labels are Lx where x
+ // is the Id. Defined when added to relooper
+ Shape *Next; // The shape that will appear in the code right after this one
+ Shape *Natural; // The shape that control flow gets to naturally (if there is
+ // Next, then this is Next)
+ /// Discriminator for LLVM-style RTTI (dyn_cast<> et al.)
+ enum ShapeKind { SK_Simple, SK_Multiple, SK_Loop };
+ ShapeKind Kind;
+ ShapeKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
+ Shape(ShapeKind KindInit) : Id(-1), Next(nullptr), Kind(KindInit) {}
+/// Simple: No control flow at all, just instructions.
+struct SimpleShape : public Shape {
+ Block *Inner;
+ SimpleShape() : Shape(SK_Simple), Inner(nullptr) {}
+ static bool classof(const Shape *S) { return S->getKind() == SK_Simple; }
+/// A shape that may be implemented with a labeled loop.
+struct LabeledShape : public Shape {
+ bool Labeled; // If we have a loop, whether it needs to be labeled
+ LabeledShape(ShapeKind KindInit) : Shape(KindInit), Labeled(false) {}
+// Blocks with the same id were split and are identical, so we just care about
+// ids in Multiple entries
+typedef std::map<int, Shape *> IdShapeMap;
+/// Multiple: A shape with more than one entry. If the next block to
+/// be entered is among them, we run it and continue to
+/// the next shape, otherwise we continue immediately to the
+/// next shape.
+struct MultipleShape : public LabeledShape {
+ IdShapeMap InnerMap; // entry block ID -> shape
+ int Breaks; // If we have branches on us, we need a loop (or a switch). This
+ // is a counter of requirements,
+ // if we optimize it to 0, the loop is unneeded
+ bool UseSwitch; // Whether to switch on label as opposed to an if-else chain
+ MultipleShape() : LabeledShape(SK_Multiple), Breaks(0), UseSwitch(false) {}
+ static bool classof(const Shape *S) { return S->getKind() == SK_Multiple; }
+/// Loop: An infinite loop.
+struct LoopShape : public LabeledShape {
+ Shape *Inner;
+ LoopShape() : LabeledShape(SK_Loop), Inner(nullptr) {}
+ static bool classof(const Shape *S) { return S->getKind() == SK_Loop; }
+/// Implements the relooper algorithm for a function's blocks.
+/// Implementation details: The Relooper instance has
+/// ownership of the blocks and shapes, and frees them when done.
+struct Relooper {
+ std::deque<Block *> Blocks;
+ std::deque<Shape *> Shapes;
+ Shape *Root;
+ bool MinSize;
+ int BlockIdCounter;
+ int ShapeIdCounter;
+ Relooper();
+ ~Relooper();
+ void AddBlock(Block *New, int Id = -1);
+ // Calculates the shapes
+ void Calculate(Block *Entry);
+ // Sets us to try to minimize size
+ void SetMinSize(bool MinSize_) { MinSize = MinSize_; }
+typedef MapVector<Block *, BlockSet> BlockBlockSetMap;
+} // namespace Relooper
+} // namespace llvm