// TODO: For now, just compare using one hostname and one list per FlowPattern
// List<String> hostnameList = mPattern.getHostnameList();
// int hostIndex = 0;
- int patternLength = mPattern.getLength();
while ((packet = mPcap.getNextPacketEx()) != null) {
// Let DnsMap handle DNS packets.
if (packet.get(DnsPacket.class) != null) {
// For now, we only work support pattern search in TCP over IPv4.
- IpV4Packet ipPacket = packet.get(IpV4Packet.class);
- TcpPacket tcpPacket = packet.get(TcpPacket.class);
+ final IpV4Packet ipPacket = packet.get(IpV4Packet.class);
+ final TcpPacket tcpPacket = packet.get(TcpPacket.class);
if (ipPacket == null || tcpPacket == null) {
- if (tcpPacket.getPayload() == null) {
- // We skip non-payload control packets as these are less predictable
- continue;
- }
String srcAddress = ipPacket.getHeader().getSrcAddr().getHostAddress();
String dstAddress = ipPacket.getHeader().getDstAddr().getHostAddress();
int srcPort = tcpPacket.getHeader().getSrcPort().valueAsInt();
// Packet not related to pattern, skip it.
// Conversations (connections/sessions) are identified by the four-tuple
// (clientIp, clientPort, serverIp, serverPort) (see Conversation Javadoc).
// Create "dummy" conversation for looking up an existing entry.
new Conversation(dstAddress, dstPort, srcAddress, srcPort);
// Add the packet so that the "dummy" conversation can be immediately added to the map if no entry
// exists for the conversation that the current packet belongs to.
- conversation.addPacket(packet, true);
+ if (tcpPacket.getHeader().getFin()) {
+ // Record FIN packets.
+ conversation.addFinPacket(packet);
+ }
+ if (tcpPacket.getPayload() != null) {
+ // Record regular payload packets.
+ conversation.addPacket(packet, true);
+ }
+ // Note: does not make sense to call attemptAcknowledgementOfFin here as the new packet has no FINs
+ // in its list, so if this packet is an ACK, it would not be added anyway.
+ // Need to retain a final reference to get access to the packet in the lambda below.
+ final PcapPacket finalPacket = packet;
// Add the new conversation to the map if an equal entry is not already present.
// If an existing entry is already present, the current packet is simply added to that conversation.
mConversations.merge(conversation, conversation, (existingEntry, toMerge) -> {
- // toMerge only has a single packet, which is the same as referred to by 'packet' variable, but need
- // this hack as 'packet' is not final and hence cannot be referred to in a lambda.
- existingEntry.addPacket(toMerge.getPackets().get(0), true);
+ // toMerge may not have any payload packets if the current packet is a FIN packet.
+ if (toMerge.getPackets().size() > 0) {
+ existingEntry.addPacket(toMerge.getPackets().get(0), true);
+ }
+ if (toMerge.getFinAckPairs().size() > 0) {
+ // Add the FIN packet to the existing entry.
+ existingEntry.addFinPacket(toMerge.getFinAckPairs().get(0).getFinPacket());
+ }
+ if (finalPacket.get(TcpPacket.class).getHeader().getAck()) {
+ existingEntry.attemptAcknowledgementOfFin(finalPacket);
+ }
return existingEntry;
// Refresh reference to point to entry in map (in case packet was added to existing entry).
conversation = mConversations.get(conversation);
- if (conversation.getPackets().size() == mPattern.getLength()) {
-// if (conversation.getPackets().size() == mPattern.getLength(currentHostname)) {
- // Conversation reached a size that matches the expected size.
+ if (conversation.isGracefullyShutdown()) {
+ // Conversation terminated gracefully, so we can now start analyzing it.
// Remove the Conversation from the map and start the analysis.
// Any future packets identified by the same four tuple will be tied to a new Conversation instance.
- // This might, for example, occur if the same conversation is reused for multiple events.
// Create comparison task and send to executor service.
PatternComparisonTask<CompleteMatchPatternComparisonResult> comparisonTask =
} catch (EOFException eofe) {
+ // TODO should check for leftover conversations in map here and fire tasks for those.
+ // TODO [cont'd] such tasks may be present if connections did not terminate gracefully or if there are longlived connections.
System.out.println("[ findFlowPattern ] Finished processing entire PCAP stream!");
System.out.println("[ findFlowPattern ] Now waiting for comparisons to finish...");
// Wait for all comparisons to finish, then output their results to std.out.