// --- Functions related to the reachability analysis when there is a state match
+ // Check and make sure that state ID and choice haven't been explored for this trace
+ private boolean alreadyChecked(HashSet<String> checkedStateIdAndChoice, BacktrackPoint backtrackPoint) {
+ int stateId = backtrackPoint.getStateId();
+ int choice = backtrackPoint.getChoice();
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ sb.append(stateId);
+ sb.append(':');
+ sb.append(choice);
+ // Check if the trace has been constructed as a backtrack point for this state
+ if (checkedStateIdAndChoice.contains(sb.toString())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ checkedStateIdAndChoice.add(sb.toString());
+ return false;
+ }
// We use backtrackPointsList to analyze the reachable states/events when there is a state match:
// 1) Whenever there is state match, there is a cycle of events
// 2) We need to analyze and find conflicts for the reachable choices/events in the cycle
if (currVisitedStates.contains(stateId)) {
// Update the backtrack sets in the cycle
- } /* else if (prevVisitedStates.contains(stateId)) { // We visit a state in a previous execution
+ } else if (prevVisitedStates.contains(stateId)) { // We visit a state in a previous execution
// Update the backtrack sets in a previous execution
- updateBacktrackSetsInPreviousExecution(stateId);
- }*/
+ updateBacktrackSetsInPreviousExecutions(stateId);
+ }
- // Check and make sure that state ID and choice haven't been explored for this trace
- private boolean isNotChecked(HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>> checkedStateIdAndChoice,
- BacktrackPoint backtrackPoint) {
- int stateId = backtrackPoint.getStateId();
- int choice = backtrackPoint.getChoice();
- HashSet<Integer> choiceSet;
- if (checkedStateIdAndChoice.containsKey(stateId)) {
- choiceSet = checkedStateIdAndChoice.get(stateId);
- if (choiceSet.contains(choice)) {
- // State ID and choice found. It has been checked!
- return false;
+ private void updateBacktrackSetsInPreviousExecution(Execution rExecution, int stateId,
+ HashSet<String> checkedStateIdAndChoice) {
+ // Find the choice/event that marks the start of the subtrace from the previous execution
+ ArrayList<BacktrackPoint> pastExecutionTrace = rExecution.getExecutionTrace();
+ HashMap<Integer, ReadWriteSet> pastReadWriteFieldsMap = rExecution.getReadWriteFieldsMap();
+ int pastConfChoice = getPastConflictChoice(stateId, pastExecutionTrace);
+ int reachableChoice = choiceCounter;
+ // Iterate from the starting point until the end of the past execution trace
+ while (pastConfChoice < pastExecutionTrace.size() - 1) { // BacktrackPoint list always has a surplus of 1
+ // Get the info of the event from the past execution trace
+ BacktrackPoint confBtrackPoint = pastExecutionTrace.get(pastConfChoice);
+ if (!alreadyChecked(checkedStateIdAndChoice, confBtrackPoint)) {
+ ReadWriteSet rwSet = pastReadWriteFieldsMap.get(pastConfChoice);
+ // Append this event to the current list and map
+ ArrayList<BacktrackPoint> currentTrace = currentExecution.getExecutionTrace();
+ HashMap<Integer, ReadWriteSet> currRWFieldsMap = currentExecution.getReadWriteFieldsMap();
+ currentTrace.add(confBtrackPoint);
+ currRWFieldsMap.put(choiceCounter, rwSet);
+ for (int conflictChoice = reachableChoice - 1; conflictChoice >= 0; conflictChoice--) {
+ if (isConflictFound(reachableChoice, conflictChoice, currentExecution)) {
+ createBacktrackingPoint(reachableChoice, conflictChoice, currentExecution);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove this event to replace it with a new one
+ currentTrace.remove(currentTrace.size() - 1);
+ currRWFieldsMap.remove(choiceCounter);
- } else {
- choiceSet = new HashSet<>();
- checkedStateIdAndChoice.put(stateId, choiceSet);
+ pastConfChoice++;
- choiceSet.add(choice);
- return true;
// Update the backtrack sets in a previous execution
- private void updateBacktrackSetsInPreviousExecution(int stateId) {
+ private void updateBacktrackSetsInPreviousExecutions(int stateId) {
// Don't check a past trace twice!
HashSet<Execution> checkedTrace = new HashSet<>();
// Don't check the same event twice for a revisited state
- HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>> checkedStateIdAndChoice = new HashMap<>();
+ HashSet<String> checkedStateIdAndChoice = new HashSet<>();
// Get sorted reachable state IDs
ArrayList<Integer> reachableStateIds = getReachableStateIds(rGraph.keySet(), stateId);
// Iterate from this state ID until the biggest state ID
ArrayList<Execution> rExecutions = rGraph.get(stId);
for (Execution rExecution : rExecutions) {
if (!checkedTrace.contains(rExecution)) {
- // Find the choice/event that marks the start of the subtrace from the previous execution
- ArrayList<BacktrackPoint> pastExecutionTrace = rExecution.getExecutionTrace();
- HashMap<Integer, ReadWriteSet> pastReadWriteFieldsMap = rExecution.getReadWriteFieldsMap();
- int pastConfChoice = getPastConflictChoice(stId, pastExecutionTrace);
- int conflictChoice = choiceCounter;
- // Iterate from the starting point until the end of the past execution trace
- while (pastConfChoice < pastExecutionTrace.size() - 1) { // BacktrackPoint list always has a surplus of 1
- // Get the info of the event from the past execution trace
- BacktrackPoint confBtrackPoint = pastExecutionTrace.get(pastConfChoice);
- if (isNotChecked(checkedStateIdAndChoice, confBtrackPoint)) {
- ReadWriteSet rwSet = pastReadWriteFieldsMap.get(pastConfChoice);
- // Append this event to the current list and map
- ArrayList<BacktrackPoint> currentTrace = currentExecution.getExecutionTrace();
- HashMap<Integer, ReadWriteSet> currRWFieldsMap = currentExecution.getReadWriteFieldsMap();
- currentTrace.add(confBtrackPoint);
- currRWFieldsMap.put(choiceCounter, rwSet);
- for (int pastChoice = conflictChoice - 1; pastChoice >= 0; pastChoice--) {
- if (isConflictFound(conflictChoice, pastChoice, rExecution)) {
- createBacktrackingPoint(conflictChoice, pastChoice, rExecution);
- }
- }
- // Remove this event to replace it with a new one
- currentTrace.remove(currentTrace.size() - 1);
- currRWFieldsMap.remove(choiceCounter);
- }
- pastConfChoice++;
- }
+ updateBacktrackSetsInPreviousExecution(rExecution, stateId, checkedStateIdAndChoice);