--- /dev/null
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#include <mach/sram.h>
+typedef uint32_t uint32;
+#define Delay_us(usecs) sram_udelay(usecs)
+#define idle_req_cpu_cfg (1<<1)
+#define idle_req_peri_cfg (1<<2)
+#define idle_req_gpu_cfg (1<<3)
+#define idle_req_video_cfg (1<<4)
+#define idle_req_vio_cfg (1<<5)
+#define idle_cpu (1<<26)
+#define idle_peri (1<<25)
+#define idle_gpu (1<<24)
+#define idle_video (1<<23)
+#define idle_vio (1<<22)
+//PMU registers
+typedef volatile struct tagPMU_FILE
+ uint32 PMU_WAKEUP_CFG[2];
+ uint32 PMU_PWRDN_CON;
+ uint32 PMU_PWRDN_ST;
+ uint32 PMU_INT_CON;
+ uint32 PMU_INT_ST;
+ uint32 PMU_MISC_CON;
+ uint32 PMU_OSC_CNT;
+ uint32 PMU_PLL_CNT;
+ uint32 PMU_PMU_CNT;
+ uint32 PMU_MISC_CON1;
+ uint32 PMU_GPIO6_CON;
+ uint32 PMU_PMU_SYS_REG[4];
+#define pPMU_Reg ((pPMU_FILE)PMU_BASE_ADDR)
+ //CRU Registers
+typedef volatile struct tagCRU_STRUCT
+ uint32 CRU_PLL_CON[4][4];
+ uint32 CRU_MODE_CON;
+ uint32 CRU_CLKSEL_CON[35];
+ uint32 CRU_CLKGATE_CON[10];
+ uint32 reserved1[2];
+ uint32 reserved2[2];
+ uint32 CRU_SOFTRST_CON[9];
+ uint32 CRU_MISC_CON;
+ uint32 reserved3[2];
+ uint32 CRU_GLB_CNT_TH;
+#define pCRU_Reg ((pCRU_REG)CRU_BASE_ADDR)
+#define INIT_STATE (0)
+#define CFG_STATE (1)
+#define GO_STATE (2)
+#define SLEEP_STATE (3)
+#define WAKEUP_STATE (4)
+#define Init_mem (0)
+#define Config (1)
+#define Config_req (2)
+#define Access (3)
+#define Access_req (4)
+#define Low_power (5)
+#define Low_power_entry_req (6)
+#define Low_power_exit_req (7)
+#define mddr_lpddr2_clk_stop_idle(n) (n<<24)
+#define pd_idle(n) (n<<8)
+#define mddr_en (2<<22)
+#define lpddr2_en (3<<22)
+#define ddr2_en (0<<5)
+#define ddr3_en (1<<5)
+#define lpddr2_s2 (0<<6)
+#define lpddr2_s4 (1<<6)
+#define mddr_lpddr2_bl_2 (0<<20)
+#define mddr_lpddr2_bl_4 (1<<20)
+#define mddr_lpddr2_bl_8 (2<<20)
+#define mddr_lpddr2_bl_16 (3<<20)
+#define ddr2_ddr3_bl_4 (0)
+#define ddr2_ddr3_bl_8 (1)
+#define tfaw_cfg(n) ((n-4)<<18)
+#define pd_exit_slow (0<<17)
+#define pd_exit_fast (1<<17)
+#define pd_type(n) (n<<16)
+#define two_t_en(n) (n<<3)
+#define bl8int_en(n) (n<<2)
+#define cke_or_en(n) (n<<1)
+#define power_up_start (1<<0)
+#define power_up_done (1<<0)
+#define dfi_init_complete (1<<0)
+#define cmd_tstat (1<<0)
+#define cmd_tstat_en (1<<1)
+#define Deselect_cmd (0)
+#define PREA_cmd (1)
+#define REF_cmd (2)
+#define MRS_cmd (3)
+#define ZQCS_cmd (4)
+#define ZQCL_cmd (5)
+#define RSTL_cmd (6)
+#define MRR_cmd (8)
+#define DPDE_cmd (9)
+#define lpddr2_op(n) (n<<12)
+#define lpddr2_ma(n) (n<<4)
+#define bank_addr(n) (n<<17)
+#define cmd_addr(n) (n<<4)
+#define start_cmd (1u<<31)
+typedef union STAT_Tag
+ uint32 d32;
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned ctl_stat : 3;
+ unsigned reserved3 : 1;
+ unsigned lp_trig : 3;
+ unsigned reserved7_31 : 25;
+ }b;
+typedef union SCFG_Tag
+ uint32 d32;
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned hw_low_power_en : 1;
+ unsigned reserved1_5 : 5;
+ unsigned nfifo_nif1_dis : 1;
+ unsigned reserved7 : 1;
+ unsigned bbflags_timing : 4;
+ unsigned reserved12_31 : 20;
+ } b;
+/* DDR Controller register struct */
+typedef volatile struct DDR_REG_Tag
+ //Operational State, Control, and Status Registers
+ SCFG_T SCFG; //State Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 SCTL; //State Control Register
+ STAT_T STAT; //State Status Register
+ volatile uint32 INTRSTAT; //Interrupt Status Register
+ uint32 reserved0[(0x40-0x10)/4];
+ //Initailization Control and Status Registers
+ volatile uint32 MCMD; //Memory Command Register
+ volatile uint32 POWCTL; //Power Up Control Registers
+ volatile uint32 POWSTAT; //Power Up Status Register
+ volatile uint32 CMDTSTAT; //Command Timing Status Register
+ volatile uint32 CMDTSTATEN; //Command Timing Status Enable Register
+ uint32 reserved1[(0x60-0x54)/4];
+ volatile uint32 MRRCFG0; //MRR Configuration 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 MRRSTAT0; //MRR Status 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 MRRSTAT1; //MRR Status 1 Register
+ uint32 reserved2[(0x7c-0x6c)/4];
+ //Memory Control and Status Registers
+ volatile uint32 MCFG1; //Memory Configuration 1 Register
+ volatile uint32 MCFG; //Memory Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 PPCFG; //Partially Populated Memories Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 MSTAT; //Memory Status Register
+ volatile uint32 LPDDR2ZQCFG; //LPDDR2 ZQ Configuration Register
+ uint32 reserved3;
+ //DTU Control and Status Registers
+ volatile uint32 DTUPDES; //DTU Status Register
+ volatile uint32 DTUNA; //DTU Number of Random Addresses Created Register
+ volatile uint32 DTUNE; //DTU Number of Errors Register
+ volatile uint32 DTUPRD0; //DTU Parallel Read 0
+ volatile uint32 DTUPRD1; //DTU Parallel Read 1
+ volatile uint32 DTUPRD2; //DTU Parallel Read 2
+ volatile uint32 DTUPRD3; //DTU Parallel Read 3
+ volatile uint32 DTUAWDT; //DTU Address Width
+ uint32 reserved4[(0xc0-0xb4)/4];
+ //Memory Timing Registers
+ volatile uint32 TOGCNT1U; //Toggle Counter 1U Register
+ volatile uint32 TINIT; //t_init Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TRSTH; //Reset High Time Register
+ volatile uint32 TOGCNT100N; //Toggle Counter 100N Register
+ volatile uint32 TREFI; //t_refi Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TMRD; //t_mrd Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TRFC; //t_rfc Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TRP; //t_rp Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TRTW; //t_rtw Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TAL; //AL Latency Register
+ volatile uint32 TCL; //CL Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TCWL; //CWL Register
+ volatile uint32 TRAS; //t_ras Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TRC; //t_rc Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TRCD; //t_rcd Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TRRD; //t_rrd Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TRTP; //t_rtp Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TWR; //t_wr Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TWTR; //t_wtr Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TEXSR; //t_exsr Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TXP; //t_xp Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TXPDLL; //t_xpdll Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TZQCS; //t_zqcs Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TZQCSI; //t_zqcsi Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TDQS; //t_dqs Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TCKSRE; //t_cksre Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TCKSRX; //t_cksrx Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TCKE; //t_cke Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TMOD; //t_mod Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TRSTL; //Reset Low Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TZQCL; //t_zqcl Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TMRR; //t_mrr Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TCKESR; //t_ckesr Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 TDPD; //t_dpd Timing Register
+ uint32 reserved5[(0x180-0x148)/4];
+ //ECC Configuration, Control, and Status Registers
+ volatile uint32 ECCCFG; //ECC Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 ECCTST; //ECC Test Register
+ volatile uint32 ECCCLR; //ECC Clear Register
+ volatile uint32 ECCLOG; //ECC Log Register
+ uint32 reserved6[(0x200-0x190)/4];
+ //DTU Control and Status Registers
+ volatile uint32 DTUWACTL; //DTU Write Address Control Register
+ volatile uint32 DTURACTL; //DTU Read Address Control Register
+ volatile uint32 DTUCFG; //DTU Configuration Control Register
+ volatile uint32 DTUECTL; //DTU Execute Control Register
+ volatile uint32 DTUWD0; //DTU Write Data 0
+ volatile uint32 DTUWD1; //DTU Write Data 1
+ volatile uint32 DTUWD2; //DTU Write Data 2
+ volatile uint32 DTUWD3; //DTU Write Data 3
+ volatile uint32 DTUWDM; //DTU Write Data Mask
+ volatile uint32 DTURD0; //DTU Read Data 0
+ volatile uint32 DTURD1; //DTU Read Data 1
+ volatile uint32 DTURD2; //DTU Read Data 2
+ volatile uint32 DTURD3; //DTU Read Data 3
+ volatile uint32 DTULFSRWD; //DTU LFSR Seed for Write Data Generation
+ volatile uint32 DTULFSRRD; //DTU LFSR Seed for Read Data Generation
+ volatile uint32 DTUEAF; //DTU Error Address FIFO
+ //DFI Control Registers
+ volatile uint32 DFITCTRLDELAY; //DFI tctrl_delay Register
+ volatile uint32 DFIODTCFG; //DFI ODT Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 DFIODTCFG1; //DFI ODT Configuration 1 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFIODTRANKMAP; //DFI ODT Rank Mapping Register
+ //DFI Write Data Registers
+ volatile uint32 DFITPHYWRDATA; //DFI tphy_wrdata Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITPHYWRLAT; //DFI tphy_wrlat Register
+ uint32 reserved7[(0x260-0x258)/4];
+ volatile uint32 DFITRDDATAEN; //DFI trddata_en Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITPHYRDLAT; //DFI tphy_rddata Register
+ uint32 reserved8[(0x270-0x268)/4];
+ //DFI Update Registers
+ volatile uint32 DFITPHYUPDTYPE0; //DFI tphyupd_type0 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITPHYUPDTYPE1; //DFI tphyupd_type1 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITPHYUPDTYPE2; //DFI tphyupd_type2 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITPHYUPDTYPE3; //DFI tphyupd_type3 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITCTRLUPDMIN; //DFI tctrlupd_min Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITCTRLUPDMAX; //DFI tctrlupd_max Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITCTRLUPDDLY; //DFI tctrlupd_dly Register
+ uint32 reserved9;
+ volatile uint32 DFIUPDCFG; //DFI Update Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITREFMSKI; //DFI Masked Refresh Interval Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITCTRLUPDI; //DFI tctrlupd_interval Register
+ uint32 reserved10[(0x2ac-0x29c)/4];
+ volatile uint32 DFITRCFG0; //DFI Training Configuration 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRSTAT0; //DFI Training Status 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRWRLVLEN; //DFI Training dfi_wrlvl_en Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLEN; //DFI Training dfi_rdlvl_en Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLGATEEN; //DFI Training dfi_rdlvl_gate_en Register
+ //DFI Status Registers
+ volatile uint32 DFISTSTAT0; //DFI Status Status 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFISTCFG0; //DFI Status Configuration 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFISTCFG1; //DFI Status configuration 1 Register
+ uint32 reserved11;
+ volatile uint32 DFITDRAMCLKEN; //DFI tdram_clk_enalbe Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITDRAMCLKDIS; //DFI tdram_clk_disalbe Register
+ volatile uint32 DFISTCFG2; //DFI Status configuration 2 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFISTPARCLR; //DFI Status Parity Clear Register
+ volatile uint32 DFISTPARLOG; //DFI Status Parity Log Register
+ uint32 reserved12[(0x2f0-0x2e4)/4];
+ //DFI Low Power Registers
+ volatile uint32 DFILPCFG0; //DFI Low Power Configuration 0 Register
+ uint32 reserved13[(0x300-0x2f4)/4];
+ //DFI Training 2 Registers
+ volatile uint32 DFITRWRLVLRESP0; //DFI Training dif_wrlvl_resp Status 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRWRLVLRESP1; //DFI Training dif_wrlvl_resp Status 1 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRWRLVLRESP2; //DFI Training dif_wrlvl_resp Status 2 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLRESP0; //DFI Training dif_rdlvl_resp Status 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLRESP1; //DFI Training dif_rdlvl_resp Status 1 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLRESP2; //DFI Training dif_rdlvl_resp Status 2 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRWRLVLDELAY0; //DFI Training dif_wrlvl_delay Configuration 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRWRLVLDELAY1; //DFI Training dif_wrlvl_delay Configuration 1 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRWRLVLDELAY2; //DFI Training dif_wrlvl_delay Configuration 2 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLDELAY0; //DFI Training dif_rdlvl_delay Configuration 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLDELAY1; //DFI Training dif_rdlvl_delay Configuration 1 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLDELAY2; //DFI Training dif_rdlvl_delay Configuration 2 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLGATEDELAY0; //DFI Training dif_rdlvl_gate_delay Configuration 0 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLGATEDELAY1; //DFI Training dif_rdlvl_gate_delay Configuration 1 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRRDLVLGATEDELAY2; //DFI Training dif_rdlvl_gate_delay Configuration 2 Register
+ volatile uint32 DFITRCMD; //DFI Training Command Register
+ uint32 reserved14[(0x3f8-0x340)/4];
+ //IP Status Registers
+ volatile uint32 IPVR; //IP Version Register
+ volatile uint32 IPTR; //IP Type Register
+#define INIT (1<<0)
+#define DLLSRST (1<<1)
+#define DLLLOCK (1<<2)
+#define ZCAL (1<<3)
+#define ITMSRST (1<<4)
+#define DRAMRST (1<<5)
+#define DRAMINIT (1<<6)
+#define QSTRN (1<<7)
+#define EYETRN (1<<8)
+#define DLLBYP (1<<17)
+#define CTLDINIT (1<<18)
+#define CLRSR (1<<28)
+#define LOCKBYP (1<<29)
+#define ZCALBYP (1<<30)
+#define INITBYP (1u<<31)
+#define DFTLMT(n) (n<<3)
+#define DFTCMP(n) (n<<2)
+#define DQSCFG(n) (n<<1)
+#define ITMDMD(n) (n<<0)
+#define RANKEN(n) (n<<18)
+#define IDONE (1<<0)
+#define DLDONE (1<<1)
+#define ZCDONE (1<<2)
+#define DIDONE (1<<3)
+#define DTDONE (1<<4)
+#define DTERR (1<<5)
+#define DTIERR (1<<6)
+#define DFTERR (1<<7)
+#define TQ (1u<<31)
+#define tITMSRST(n) (n<<18)
+#define tDLLLOCK(n) (n<<6)
+#define tDLLSRST(n) (n<<0)
+#define tDINIT1(n) (n<<19)
+#define tDINIT0(n) (n<<0)
+#define tDINIT3(n) (n<<17)
+#define tDINIT2(n) (n<<0)
+#define DQSGE(n) (n<<8)
+#define DQSGX(n) (n<<5)
+typedef union DCR_Tag
+ uint32 d32;
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned DDRMD : 3;
+ unsigned DDR8BNK : 1;
+ unsigned PDQ : 3;
+ unsigned MPRDQ : 1;
+ unsigned DDRTYPE : 2;
+ unsigned reserved10_26 : 17;
+ unsigned NOSRA : 1;
+ unsigned DDR2T : 1;
+ unsigned UDIMM : 1;
+ unsigned RDIMM : 1;
+ unsigned TPD : 1;
+ } b;
+typedef volatile struct DATX8_REG_Tag
+ volatile uint32 DXGCR; //DATX8 General Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 DXGSR[2]; //DATX8 General Status Register
+ volatile uint32 DXDLLCR; //DATX8 DLL Control Register
+ volatile uint32 DXDQTR; //DATX8 DQ Timing Register
+ volatile uint32 DXDQSTR; //DATX8 DQS Timing Register
+ uint32 reserved[0x80-0x76];
+/* DDR PHY register struct */
+typedef volatile struct DDRPHY_REG_Tag
+ volatile uint32 RIDR; //Revision Identification Register
+ volatile uint32 PIR; //PHY Initialization Register
+ volatile uint32 PGCR; //PHY General Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 PGSR; //PHY General Status Register
+ volatile uint32 DLLGCR; //DLL General Control Register
+ volatile uint32 ACDLLCR; //AC DLL Control Register
+ volatile uint32 PTR[3]; //PHY Timing Registers 0-2
+ volatile uint32 ACIOCR; //AC I/O Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 DXCCR; //DATX8 Common Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 DSGCR; //DDR System General Configuration Register
+ DCR_T DCR; //DRAM Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 DTPR[3]; //DRAM Timing Parameters Register 0-2
+ volatile uint32 MR[4]; //Mode Register 0-3
+ volatile uint32 ODTCR; //ODT Configuration Register
+ volatile uint32 DTAR; //Data Training Address Register
+ volatile uint32 DTDR[2]; //Data Training Data Register 0-1
+ uint32 reserved1[0x30-0x18];
+ uint32 DCU[0x38-0x30];
+ uint32 reserved2[0x40-0x38];
+ uint32 BIST[0x51-0x40];
+ uint32 reserved3[0x60-0x51];
+ volatile uint32 ZQ0CR[2]; //ZQ 0 Impedance Control Register 0-1
+ volatile uint32 ZQ0SR[2]; //ZQ 0 Impedance Status Register 0-1
+ volatile uint32 ZQ1CR[2]; //ZQ 1 Impedance Control Register 0-1
+ volatile uint32 ZQ1SR[2]; //ZQ 1 Impedance Status Register 0-1
+ volatile uint32 ZQ2CR[2]; //ZQ 2 Impedance Control Register 0-1
+ volatile uint32 ZQ2SR[2]; //ZQ 2 Impedance Status Register 0-1
+ volatile uint32 ZQ3CR[2]; //ZQ 3 Impedance Control Register 0-1
+ volatile uint32 ZQ3SR[2]; //ZQ 3 Impedance Status Register 0-1
+ DATX8_REG_T DATX8[9]; //DATX8 Register
+__sramfunc static void Idle_port(void)
+ pPMU_Reg->PMU_MISC_CON1 = (pPMU_Reg->PMU_MISC_CON1 & (~(0xF<<2)))
+ | idle_req_peri_cfg
+ | idle_req_gpu_cfg
+ | idle_req_video_cfg
+ | idle_req_vio_cfg;
+ while(((pPMU_Reg->PMU_PWRDN_ST) & (idle_peri
+ | idle_gpu
+ | idle_video
+ | idle_vio)) != (idle_peri
+ | idle_gpu
+ | idle_video
+ | idle_vio));
+__sramfunc static void DeIdle_port(void)
+ pPMU_Reg->PMU_MISC_CON1 &= ~(idle_req_peri_cfg
+ | idle_req_gpu_cfg
+ | idle_req_video_cfg
+ | idle_req_vio_cfg);
+__sramfunc void Move_to_Lowpower_state(void)
+ volatile uint32 value;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ value = pDDR_Reg->STAT.b.ctl_stat;
+ if(value == Low_power)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(value)
+ {
+ case Init_mem:
+ while((pDDR_Reg->STAT.b.ctl_stat) != Config);
+ case Config:
+ while((pDDR_Reg->STAT.b.ctl_stat) != Access);
+ case Access:
+ while((pDDR_Reg->STAT.b.ctl_stat) != Low_power);
+ break;
+ default: //Transitional state
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+__sramfunc void Move_to_Access_state(void)
+ volatile uint32 value;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ value = pDDR_Reg->STAT.b.ctl_stat;
+ if(value == Access)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(value)
+ {
+ case Low_power:
+ while((pDDR_Reg->STAT.b.ctl_stat) != Access);
+ while((pPHY_Reg->PGSR & DLDONE) != DLDONE); //wait DLL lock
+ break;
+ case Init_mem:
+ while((pDDR_Reg->STAT.b.ctl_stat) != Config);
+ case Config:
+ while((pDDR_Reg->STAT.b.ctl_stat) != Access);
+ break;
+ default: //Transitional state
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+__sramfunc void ddr_selfrefresh_enter(void)
+ uint32 i;
+// Idle_port();
+ Move_to_Lowpower_state();
+ pCRU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[0] = ((0x1<<2)<<16) | (1<<2); //disable DDR PHY clock
+ pCRU_Reg->CRU_MODE_CON = (0x3<<((1*4) + 16)) | (0x0<<(1*4)); //PLL slow-mode
+ pPHY_Reg->ACDLLCR |= 0x80000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[0].DXDLLCR |= 0x80000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[1].DXDLLCR |= 0x80000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[2].DXDLLCR |= 0x80000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[3].DXDLLCR |= 0x80000000;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {;}
+ while((pPHY_Reg->PGSR & IDONE) != IDONE);
+__sramfunc void ddr_selfrefresh_exit(void)
+ uint32 i;
+ pPHY_Reg->ACDLLCR &= ~0x80000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[0].DXDLLCR &= ~0x80000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[1].DXDLLCR &= ~0x80000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[2].DXDLLCR &= ~0x80000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[3].DXDLLCR &= ~0x80000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->PIR = INIT;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {;}
+ while((pPHY_Reg->PGSR & IDONE) != IDONE);
+ pCRU_Reg->CRU_MODE_CON = (0x3<<((1*4) + 16)) | (0x1<<(1*4)); //PLL normal
+ Delay_us(10); //wait pll lock
+ pCRU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[0] = ((0x1<<2)<<16) | (0<<2); //enable DDR PHY clock
+ Delay_us(10); //wait
+ // start to add by cjh 20120330
+ // reset dll
+ pPHY_Reg->ACDLLCR &= ~0x40000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[0].DXDLLCR &= ~0x40000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[1].DXDLLCR &= ~0x40000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[2].DXDLLCR &= ~0x40000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[3].DXDLLCR &= ~0x40000000;
+ Delay_us(10); //wait
+ // de-reset dll
+ pPHY_Reg->ACDLLCR |= 0x40000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[0].DXDLLCR |= 0x40000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[1].DXDLLCR |= 0x40000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[2].DXDLLCR |= 0x40000000;
+ pPHY_Reg->DATX8[3].DXDLLCR |= 0x40000000;
+ Delay_us(10); //wait
+ // end to add by cjh 20120330
+ Move_to_Access_state();
+// DeIdle_port();
#include <mach/pmu.h>
#include <mach/board.h>
#include <mach/system.h>
-#include <plat/sram.h>
+#include <mach/sram.h>
#include <mach/gpio.h>
#include <mach/iomux.h>
+#include <mach/cru.h>
+#define cru_readl(offset) readl_relaxed(RK30_CRU_BASE + offset)
+#define cru_writel(v, offset) do { writel_relaxed(v, RK30_CRU_BASE + offset); dsb(); } while (0)
+#define pmu_readl(offset) readl_relaxed(RK30_PMU_BASE + offset)
+#define pmu_writel(v,offset) do { writel_relaxed(v, RK30_PMU_BASE + offset); dsb(); } while (0)
+#define grf_readl(offset) readl_relaxed(RK30_GRF_BASE + offset)
+#define grf_writel(v, offset) do { writel_relaxed(v, RK30_GRF_BASE + offset); dsb(); } while (0)
+#define gate_save_soc_clk(val,_save,cons,w_msk) \
+ (_save)=cru_readl(cons);\
+ cru_writel((((~(val)|(_save))&(w_msk))|((w_msk)<<16)),cons)
void __sramfunc sram_printch(char byte)
+ int clk_gate2, clk_gate4, clk_gate8;
+ clk_gate2 = cru_readl(CRU_CLKGATES_CON(2));
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_PEIRPH % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_HCLK_PEIRPH % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PCLK_PEIRPH % 16)
+ , clk_gate2, CRU_CLKGATES_CON(2), 0
+ | (1 << ((CLK_GATE_ACLK_PEIRPH % 16) + 16))
+ | (1 << ((CLK_GATE_HCLK_PEIRPH % 16) + 16))
+ | (1 << ((CLK_GATE_PCLK_PEIRPH % 16) + 16)));
+ gate_save_soc_clk((1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_CPU_PERI % 16)
+ , clk_gate4, CRU_CLKGATES_CON(4),
+ (1 << ((CLK_GATE_ACLK_CPU_PERI % 16) + 16)));
+ gate_save_soc_clk((1 << ((CLK_GATE_PCLK_UART0 + CONFIG_RK_DEBUG_UART) % 16)),
+ clk_gate8, CRU_CLKGATES_CON(8),
+ (1 << (((CLK_GATE_PCLK_UART0 + CONFIG_RK_DEBUG_UART) % 16) + 16)));
writel_relaxed(byte, DEBUG_UART_BASE);
while (!(readl_relaxed(DEBUG_UART_BASE + 0x14) & 0x40))
+ cru_writel(0xffff0000 | clk_gate2, CRU_CLKSELS_CON(2));
+ cru_writel(0xffff0000 | clk_gate4, CRU_CLKSELS_CON(4));
+ cru_writel(0xffff0000 | clk_gate8, CRU_CLKSELS_CON(8));
if (byte == '\n')
static int inline calc_crc32(u32 addr, size_t len)
- return crc32_le(~0,(const unsigned char *)addr,len);
+ return crc32_le(~0, (const unsigned char *)addr, len);
static void __sramfunc ddr_testmode(void)
- int32_t g_crc1,g_crc2;
+ int32_t g_crc1, g_crc2;
uint32_t nMHz;
uint32_t n = 0;
extern char _stext[], _etext[];
+static void pm_pll_wait_lock(int pll_idx)
+ u32 pll_state[4] = { 1, 0, 2, 3 };
+ u32 bit = 0x10u << pll_state[pll_idx];
+ int delay = 2400000;
+ udelay(25);
+ while (delay > 0) {
+ if (grf_readl(GRF_SOC_STATUS0) & bit)
+ break;
+ delay--;
+ }
+ if (delay == 0) {
+ //CRU_PRINTK_ERR("wait pll bit 0x%x time out!\n", bit);
+ sram_printch('p');
+ sram_printch('l');
+ sram_printch('l');
+ sram_printhex(pll_idx);
+ sram_printch('\n');
+ }
+#define power_on_pll(id) \
+ cru_writel(PLL_PWR_DN_W_MSK|PLL_PWR_ON,PLL_CONS((id),3));\
+ pm_pll_wait_lock((id))
+#define DDR_SAVE_SP(save_sp) do { save_sp = ddr_save_sp(((unsigned long)SRAM_DATA_END & (~7))); } while (0)
+#define DDR_RESTORE_SP(save_sp) do { ddr_save_sp(save_sp); } while (0)
+static unsigned long save_sp;
+extern void __sramfunc ddr_selfrefresh_enter(void);
+extern void __sramfunc ddr_selfrefresh_exit(void);
+static void interface_ctr_reg_pread(void)
+ readl_relaxed(RK30_PMU_BASE);
+ readl_relaxed(RK30_GRF_BASE);
+ readl_relaxed(RK30_DDR_PCTL_BASE);
+ readl_relaxed(RK30_DDR_PUBL_BASE);
+static inline bool pm_pmu_power_domain_is_on(enum pmu_power_domain pd, u32 pmu_pwrdn_st)
+ return !(pmu_pwrdn_st & (1 << pd));
+__weak void board_gpio_suspend(void) {}
+__weak void board_gpio_resume(void) {}
+__weak void __sramfunc board_pmu_suspend(void) {}
+__weak void __sramfunc board_pmu_resume(void) {}
+static void __sramfunc rk30_sram_suspend(void)
+ u32 cru_clksel0_con;
+ u32 clkgt_regs[CRU_CLKGATES_CON_CNT];
+ int i;
+ sram_printch('5');
+ ddr_selfrefresh_enter();
+ sram_printch('6');
+ for (i = 0; i < CRU_CLKGATES_CON_CNT; i++) {
+ clkgt_regs[i] = cru_readl(CRU_CLKGATES_CON(i));
+ }
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_CPU)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_HCLK_CPU)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PCLK_CPU)
+ , clkgt_regs[0], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(0), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0, clkgt_regs[1], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(1), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0, clkgt_regs[2], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(2), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_STRC_SYS % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_INTMEM % 16)
+ , clkgt_regs[4], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(4), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PCLK_GRF % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PCLK_PMU % 16)
+ , clkgt_regs[5], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(5), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_CLK_L2C % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_INTMEM0 % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_INTMEM1 % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_INTMEM2 % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_INTMEM3 % 16)
+ , clkgt_regs[9], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(9), 0x07ff);
+ board_pmu_suspend();
+ cru_clksel0_con = cru_readl(CRU_CLKSELS_CON(0));
+ cru_writel((0x1f << 16) | 0x1f, CRU_CLKSELS_CON(0));
+ dsb();
+ wfi();
+ cru_writel((0x1f << 16) | cru_clksel0_con, CRU_CLKSELS_CON(0));
+ board_pmu_resume();
+ for (i = 0; i < CRU_CLKGATES_CON_CNT; i++) {
+ cru_writel(clkgt_regs[i] | 0xffff0000, CRU_CLKGATES_CON(i));
+ }
+ sram_printch('6');
+ ddr_selfrefresh_exit();
+ sram_printch('5');
+static void noinline rk30_suspend(void)
+ DDR_SAVE_SP(save_sp);
+ rk30_sram_suspend();
+ DDR_RESTORE_SP(save_sp);
static int rk30_pm_enter(suspend_state_t state)
+ u32 i;
+ u32 clkgt_regs[CRU_CLKGATES_CON_CNT];
+ u32 clk_sel0, clk_sel1, clk_sel10;
+ u32 cpll_con3;
+ u32 cru_mode_con;
+ u32 pmu_pwrdn_st;
// memory tester
if (ddr_debug != 2)
// dump GPIO INTEN for debug
+ //gpio6_b7
+ grf_writel(0xc0004000, 0x10c);
+ cru_writel(0x07000000, CRU_MISC_CON);
+ pmu_pwrdn_st = pmu_readl(PMU_PWRDN_ST);
+ if (pm_pmu_power_domain_is_on(PD_DBG, pmu_pwrdn_st))
+ pmu_set_power_domain(PD_DBG, false);
+ if (pm_pmu_power_domain_is_on(PD_GPU, pmu_pwrdn_st))
+ pmu_set_power_domain(PD_GPU, false);
+ if (pm_pmu_power_domain_is_on(PD_VIDEO, pmu_pwrdn_st))
+ pmu_set_power_domain(PD_VIDEO, false);
+// if (pm_pmu_power_domain_is_on(PD_VIO, pmu_pwrdn_st))
+// pmu_set_power_domain(PD_VIO, false);
+ sram_printch('1');
+ local_fiq_disable();
+ for (i = 0; i < CRU_CLKGATES_CON_CNT; i++) {
+ clkgt_regs[i] = cru_readl(CRU_CLKGATES_CON(i));
+ }
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_DDRPHY)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_CPU)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_HCLK_CPU)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PCLK_CPU)
+ , clkgt_regs[0], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(0), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_DDR_GPLL % 16)
+ , clkgt_regs[1], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(1), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PEIRPH_SRC % 16)
+ , clkgt_regs[2], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(2), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0, clkgt_regs[3], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(3), 0xff9f);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_CPU_PERI % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_PEI_NIU % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_HCLK_CPUBUS % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_STRC_SYS % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_INTMEM % 16)
+ , clkgt_regs[4], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(4), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PCLK_GRF % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PCLK_PMU % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PCLK_DDRUPCTL % 16)
+ , clkgt_regs[5], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(5), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0, clkgt_regs[6], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(6), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0, clkgt_regs[7], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(7), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PCLK_GPIO6 % 16)
+ , clkgt_regs[8], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(8), 0xffff);
+ gate_save_soc_clk(0
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_CLK_L2C % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_PCLK_PUBL % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_INTMEM0 % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_INTMEM1 % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_INTMEM2 % 16)
+ | (1 << CLK_GATE_ACLK_INTMEM3 % 16)
+ , clkgt_regs[9], CRU_CLKGATES_CON(9), 0x07ff);
+ sram_printch('2');
+ cru_mode_con = cru_readl(CRU_MODE_CON);
+ //cpll
+ cpll_con3 = cru_readl(PLL_CONS(CPLL_ID, 3));
+ cru_writel(PLL_PWR_DN_MSK | PLL_PWR_DN, PLL_CONS(CPLL_ID, 3));
+ //gpll
+ clk_sel10 = cru_readl(CRU_CLKSELS_CON(10));
+ cru_writel(PLL_PWR_DN_MSK | PLL_PWR_DN, PLL_CONS(GPLL_ID, 3));
+ //apll
+ clk_sel0 = cru_readl(CRU_CLKSELS_CON(0));
+ clk_sel1 = cru_readl(CRU_CLKSELS_CON(1));
+ cru_writel(CORE_ACLK_W_MSK | CORE_ACLK_11
+ cru_writel(PLL_PWR_DN_W_MSK | PLL_PWR_DN, PLL_CONS(APLL_ID, 3));
+ sram_printch('3');
+ board_gpio_suspend();
+ interface_ctr_reg_pread();
- dsb();
- wfi();
+ sram_printch('4');
+ rk30_suspend();
+ sram_printch('4');
+ board_gpio_resume();
+ sram_printch('3');
+ //apll
+ cru_writel(0xffff0000 | clk_sel1, CRU_CLKSELS_CON(1));
+ cru_writel(0xffff0000 | clk_sel0, CRU_CLKSELS_CON(0));
+ power_on_pll(APLL_ID);
+ cru_writel((PLL_MODE_MSK(APLL_ID) << 16) | (PLL_MODE_MSK(APLL_ID) & cru_mode_con), CRU_MODE_CON);
+ //gpll
+ cru_writel(0xffff0000 | clk_sel10, CRU_CLKSELS_CON(10));
+ cru_writel(clk_sel10, CRU_CLKSELS_CON(10));
+ power_on_pll(GPLL_ID);
+ cru_writel((PLL_MODE_MSK(GPLL_ID) << 16) | (PLL_MODE_MSK(GPLL_ID) & cru_mode_con), CRU_MODE_CON);
+ //cpll
+ if (((cpll_con3 & PLL_PWR_DN_MSK) == PLL_PWR_ON) &&
+ power_on_pll(CPLL_ID);
+ }
+ cru_writel((PLL_MODE_MSK(CPLL_ID) << 16) | (PLL_MODE_MSK(CPLL_ID) & cru_mode_con), CRU_MODE_CON);
+ sram_printch('2');
+ for (i = 0; i < CRU_CLKGATES_CON_CNT; i++) {
+ cru_writel(clkgt_regs[i] | 0xffff0000, CRU_CLKGATES_CON(i));
+ }
+ sram_printch('1');
+ local_fiq_enable();
+ if (pm_pmu_power_domain_is_on(PD_DBG, pmu_pwrdn_st))
+ pmu_set_power_domain(PD_DBG, true);
+ if (pm_pmu_power_domain_is_on(PD_GPU, pmu_pwrdn_st))
+ pmu_set_power_domain(PD_GPU, true);
+ if (pm_pmu_power_domain_is_on(PD_VIDEO, pmu_pwrdn_st))
+ pmu_set_power_domain(PD_VIDEO, true);
+// if (pm_pmu_power_domain_is_on(PD_VIO, pmu_pwrdn_st))
+// pmu_set_power_domain(PD_VIO, true);