--- /dev/null
+set terminal png
+##------- Plot small Date vs LOC ----
+set output "running_loc.png"
+set xlabel "Date" "TimesRoman,24"
+set ylabel "Lines of Code" "TimesRoman,24"
+set xdata time
+set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d:"
+set format x "%b %m, %Y"
+## Various labels for the graph
+set label "Removed\ndummy\nfunction" at "2003-07-30:", 150000
+set size .5,.5
+plot "running_loc.txt" using 1:2 title '', \
+ "running_loc.txt" using 1:2 title "Date vs. Lines of Code" with lines
+##------- Plot large Date vs LOC ----
+set size 1.5,1.5
+set output "running_loc_large.png"
+plot "running_loc.txt" using 1:2 title '', \
+ "running_loc.txt" using 1:2 title "Date vs. Lines of Code" with lines
+# Delete all labels...
+set nolabel
my $PrevDaysList = # Format list for sidebar
join "\n ", map { "<a href=\"$_.html\">$_</a><br>" } @PrevDays;
+# Start outputing files into the web directory
+chdir $WebDir or die "Could not change into web directory!";
+# Add information to the files which accumulate information for graphs...
+AddRecord($LOC, "running_loc.txt");
+AddRecord($BuildTime, "running_build_time.txt");
+# Rebuild the graphs now...
+system "/usr/dcs/software/supported/bin/gnuplot " .
+ "$BuildDir/llvm/utils/NightlyTest.gnuplot";
# Remove the cvs tree...
-chdir $WebDir or die "Could not change into web directory!";
system "rm -rf $BuildDir" if (!$NOCHECKOUT and !$NOREMOVE);
# Print out information...
WriteFile $Filename, (join "\n", @Records) . "\n";
return @Records;
-# Add information to the files which accumulate information for graphs...
-AddRecord($LOC, "running_loc.txt");
-AddRecord($BuildTime, "running_build_time.txt");