--- /dev/null
+package Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis;
+import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.*;
+import IR.*;
+import IR.Tree.*;
+import IR.Flat.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import Util.GraphNode;
+public class EGTaskNode extends TaskNode {
+ private boolean source=false;
+ private int loopmarker=0;
+ private boolean multipleparams=false;
+ private boolean optional = false;
+ private boolean marked=false;
+ private boolean tomention=true;
+ private int type = 0;
+ private FlagState fs;
+ private TaskDescriptor td;
+ public EGTaskNode(){
+ super("default");
+ this.fs = null;
+ this.td = null;
+ }
+ public EGTaskNode(String name){
+ super(name);
+ this.fs = null;
+ this.td = null;
+ }
+ public EGTaskNode(String name, FlagState fs){
+ super(name);
+ this.fs = fs;
+ this.td = null;
+ }
+ public EGTaskNode(String name, TaskDescriptor td){
+ super(name);
+ this.fs = null;
+ this.td = td;
+ }
+ public EGTaskNode(String name, FlagState fs, TaskDescriptor td){
+ super(name);
+ this.fs = fs;
+ this.td = td;
+ }
+ public TaskDescriptor getTD(){
+ return td;
+ }
+ public void setSource(){
+ source = true;
+ }
+ public boolean isSource(){
+ return source;
+ }
+ public int getuid(){
+ return uid;
+ }
+ public void doSelfLoopMarking(){
+ loopmarker=1;
+ }
+ public void doLoopMarking(){
+ loopmarker=2;
+ }
+ public boolean isSelfLoop(){
+ if (loopmarker==1) return true;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ public boolean isLoop(){
+ if (loopmarker==2) return true;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ public void setMultipleParams(){
+ multipleparams=true;
+ }
+ public boolean isMultipleParams(){
+ return multipleparams;
+ }
+ public void setOptional(){
+ optional = true;
+ }
+ public boolean isOptional(){
+ return optional;
+ }
+ public void mark(){
+ marked = true;
+ }
+ public void unMark(){
+ marked = false;
+ }
+ public boolean isMarked(){
+ return marked;
+ }
+ public String getFSName(){
+ if(fs == null) return "no flag";
+ else return fs.getTextLabel();
+ }
+ public FlagState getFS(){
+ return fs;
+ }
+ public void dontMention(){
+ tomention = false;
+ }
+ public boolean toMention(){
+ return tomention;
+ }
+ public void setAND(){
+ type = 1;
+ }
+ public void setOR(){
+ type = 0;
+ }
+ public int type(){
+ return type;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis;
+import java.util.*;
+import IR.State;
+import IR.SymbolTable;
+import IR.ClassDescriptor;
+import IR.TaskDescriptor;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileWriter;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import Util.Edge;
+public class ExecutionGraph {
+ private TaskAnalysis taskanalysis;
+ private State state;
+ private TreeMap graphs;
+ private Hashtable executiongraph;
+ private SymbolTable tasks;
+ public ExecutionGraph(State state, TaskAnalysis ta){
+ this.taskanalysis=ta;
+ this.state=state;
+ this.tasks = this.state. getTaskSymbolTable();
+ this.graphs=new TreeMap();
+ this.executiongraph = new Hashtable();
+ }
+ public Hashtable getExecutionGraph(){
+ return executiongraph;
+ }
+ public void createExecutionGraph() throws java.io.IOException {
+ /** Explore the analysis structure "OPTIONAL ARGS" PROJECT**/
+ Enumeration e=taskanalysis.flagstates.keys();
+ while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
+ System.out.println("\nInto class :");
+ ClassDescriptor cdtemp=(ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement();
+ System.out.println("\t"+(cdtemp.getSymbol())+ "\n");
+ exploreGraph(cdtemp);
+ test();
+ adapt(cdtemp);
+ }
+ printDOTFile();
+ }
+ private void exploreGraph(ClassDescriptor cd) {
+ LinkedList fifo = new LinkedList();
+ Vector sourceNodeList = new Vector();
+ Enumeration e;
+ graphs.clear();
+ int l=0;
+ /* Search for starting nodes */
+ Collection nodes = ((Hashtable)taskanalysis.flagstates.get(cd)).values();
+ Iterator it = nodes.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState)it.next();
+ if(fs.isSourceNode()){
+ sourceNodeList.addElement(fs);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Perform the Breadth first search algorithm and build ExecutionGraph */
+ FlagState fstemp, fstemp2;
+ Iterator sourceit = sourceNodeList.iterator();
+ while( sourceit.hasNext() ){
+ createLevel(l);
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState)sourceit.next();
+ fs.doMarking();
+ fifo.addLast(fs);
+ int i=0;
+ while ( !fifo.isEmpty() ){
+ fstemp = (FlagState)fifo.getFirst();
+ fifo.removeFirst();
+ System.out.println("IN FS : "+fstemp.getTextLabel());
+ Iterator edges = fstemp.edges();
+ if (edges.hasNext()){
+ createNode(fstemp, l);
+ while(edges.hasNext()){
+ FEdge edge = (FEdge)edges.next();
+ fstemp2 = (FlagState)edge.getTarget();
+ if ( !fstemp2.isMarked() ) {
+ fstemp2.doMarking();
+ fifo.addLast(fstemp2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isFinished(fstemp, l)){
+ fifo.addLast(fstemp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Hashtable temphash = new Hashtable();
+ temphash = clean((Hashtable)graphs.get(l));
+ graphs.put(l, temphash);
+ l++;
+ }
+ }
+ private void createLevel(int level){
+ if (!graphs.containsKey(level)){
+ Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
+ graphs.put(level, ht);
+ }
+ }
+ private void createNode(FlagState fs, int level){
+ Enumeration allocatingtasks;
+ EGTaskNode tn;
+ EGTaskNode target;
+ FEdge edge;
+ if (fs.isSourceNode()){
+ for (Iterator inedges = ((Vector)fs.getAllocatingTasks()).iterator(); inedges.hasNext();){
+ String tname = new String(((TaskDescriptor)inedges.next()).getSymbol());
+ String key1 = new String(fs.getTextLabel()+tname);
+ if (((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).containsKey(key1)){
+ tn = (EGTaskNode)((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).get(key1);
+ }
+ else{
+ tn = new EGTaskNode(tname,(TaskDescriptor)tasks.get(tname));
+ tn.setSource();
+ }
+ for (Iterator edges = fs.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
+ edge = (FEdge)edges.next();
+ // if(!edge.isProcessed()){
+ target=new EGTaskNode(edge.getLabel(), fs, (TaskDescriptor)tasks.get(edge.getLabel()));
+ String key2 = new String(((FlagState)edge.getTarget()).getTextLabel()+target.getName()+((FlagState)edge.getSource()).getTextLabel());
+ if (((FlagState)edge.getTarget()).isMarked()){
+ target.doSelfLoopMarking();
+ }
+ if (((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).containsKey(key2)){
+ target = (EGTaskNode)((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).get(key2);
+ TEdge newedge=new TEdge(target);
+ tn.addEdge(newedge);
+ }
+ else {
+ TEdge newedge=new TEdge(target);
+ tn.addEdge(newedge);
+ }
+ ((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).put(key2, target);
+ // }
+ }
+ ((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).put(key1, tn);
+ }
+ }
+ for (Iterator inedges = fs.inedges(); inedges.hasNext();){
+ FEdge in=(FEdge)inedges.next();
+ String key1 = new String(fs.getTextLabel()+in.getLabel()+((FlagState)in.getSource()).getTextLabel());
+ if (!in.isProcessed()){
+ tn = (EGTaskNode)((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).get(key1);
+ if (tn != null){
+ for (Iterator edges = fs.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
+ edge = (FEdge)edges.next();
+ target=new EGTaskNode(edge.getLabel(), fs, (TaskDescriptor)tasks.get(edge.getLabel()));
+ String key2 = new String(((FlagState)edge.getTarget()).getTextLabel()+target.getName()+((FlagState)edge.getSource()).getTextLabel());
+ if (((String)((FlagState)edge.getTarget()).getTextLabel()).compareTo(fs.getTextLabel())==0){
+ target.doSelfLoopMarking();
+ }
+ if (((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).containsKey(key2)){
+ target = (EGTaskNode)((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).get(key2);
+ TEdge newedge=new TEdge(target);
+ tn.addEdge(newedge);
+ }
+ else {
+ TEdge newedge=new TEdge(target);
+ tn.addEdge(newedge);
+ }
+ ((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).put(key2, target);
+ }
+ ((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).put(key1, tn);
+ in.setProcessed();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void adapt(ClassDescriptor cd) {
+ Vector tasknodes = new Vector();
+ Collection c1 = graphs.values();
+ for (Iterator it1 = c1.iterator(); it1.hasNext();){
+ Collection tempc=((Hashtable)it1.next()).values();
+ for(Iterator it2 = tempc.iterator(); it2.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)it2.next();
+ if(tn.getName().compareTo("Runtime")!=0){
+ TaskDescriptor td = tn.getTD();
+ System.out.println("Trying to get : " + tn.getName());
+ if(td.numParameters()>1) tn.setMultipleParams();
+ }
+ }
+ tasknodes.addAll(tempc);
+ }
+ executiongraph.put(cd,tasknodes);
+ }
+ private void test() {
+ int i = 0;
+ Collection c1 = graphs.values();
+ for (Iterator it1 = c1.iterator(); it1.hasNext();){
+ Hashtable ht = ((Hashtable)it1.next());
+ System.out.println("\nLevel " + i++ + " contains :");
+ Collection c2 = ht.values();
+ for ( Iterator it2 = c2.iterator(); it2.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)it2.next();
+ System.out.println(tn.getTextLabel()+" ID "+tn.getLabel()+" FS "+tn.getFSName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void printDOTFile()throws java.io.IOException {
+ Enumeration e = executiongraph.keys();
+ while (e.hasMoreElements()){
+ createDOTFile((ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement());
+ }
+ }
+ private void createDOTFile(ClassDescriptor cd) throws java.io.IOException {
+ Vector v = (Vector)executiongraph.get(cd);
+ java.io.PrintWriter output;
+ File dotfile_flagstates= new File("execution"+cd.getSymbol()+".dot");
+ FileOutputStream dotstream=new FileOutputStream(dotfile_flagstates,true);
+ output = new java.io.PrintWriter(dotstream, true);
+ output.println("digraph dotvisitor {");
+ output.println("\tnode [fontsize=10,height=\"0.1\", width=\"0.1\"];");
+ output.println("\tedge [fontsize=6];");
+ traverse(output, v);
+ output.println("}\n");
+ }
+ private void traverse(java.io.PrintWriter output, Vector v) {
+ EGTaskNode tn;
+ for(Iterator it1 = v.iterator(); it1.hasNext();){
+ tn = (EGTaskNode)it1.next();
+ output.println("\t"+tn.getLabel()+" [label=\""+tn.getTextLabel()+"\"");
+ if (tn.isSelfLoop()) output.println(", shape=box");
+ if (tn.isMultipleParams()) output.println(", color=blue");
+ output.println("];");
+ for(Iterator it2 = tn.edges();it2.hasNext();){
+ output.println("\t"+tn.getLabel()+" -> "+((EGTaskNode)((TEdge)it2.next()).getTarget()).getLabel()+";");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Hashtable clean(Hashtable ht){
+ Hashtable cleaned = new Hashtable();
+ Collection c = ht.values();
+ for ( Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)it.next();
+ Vector v = tn.getEdgeVector();
+ v = removeDouble(v);
+ tn.removeAllEdges();
+ tn.addEdge(v);
+ cleaned.put(tn.getuid(), tn);
+ }
+ return cleaned;
+ }
+ private Vector removeDouble(Vector v){
+ Vector vcleaned = new Vector();
+ for (Iterator it = v.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ TEdge edge = (TEdge)it.next();
+ int contains = 0;
+ for (Iterator it2 = vcleaned.iterator(); it2.hasNext();){
+ if (((EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget()).getuid()==((EGTaskNode)((TEdge)it2.next()).getTarget()).getuid()) contains = 1;
+ }
+ if (contains == 0) vcleaned.add(edge);
+ }
+ return vcleaned;
+ }
+ private boolean isFinished(FlagState fs, int level){
+ boolean result = true;
+ for (Iterator inedges = fs.inedges(); inedges.hasNext();){
+ FEdge in=(FEdge)inedges.next();
+ if (!in.isProcessed()){
+ String key1 = new String(fs.getTextLabel()+in.getLabel()+((FlagState)in.getSource()).getTextLabel());
+ if (((Hashtable)graphs.get(level)).get(key1)==null){
+ if (((String)((FlagState)in.getSource()).getTextLabel()).compareTo(fs.getTextLabel())!=0){
+ result = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
private final Hashtable<TagDescriptor,Integer> tags;
private boolean issourcenode;
private Vector tasks;
+ private boolean marked=false;
/** Class constructor
+ public int getuid() {
+ return uid;
+ }
+ public boolean isMarked() {
+ return marked;
+ }
+ public void doUnmarking() {
+ marked = false;
+ }
+ public void doMarking() {
+ marked = true;
+ }
/** Accessor method
* @param fd FlagDescriptor
* @return true if the flagstate contains fd else false.
--- /dev/null
+package Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis;
+import java.util.*;
+import IR.*;
+import IR.Flat.*;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileWriter;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import Util.Edge;
+public class SafetyAnalysis {
+ private Hashtable executiongraph;
+ private TreeMap safeexecution;
+ private static final int OR = 0;
+ private static final int AND = 1;
+ private static final int UNIONFS = 1;
+ private static final int NOUNION = 0;
+ private Hashtable reducedgraph;
+ private String classname;
+ private State state;
+ public class MyOptional{
+ public TaskDescriptor td;
+ public HashSet flagstates;
+ protected MyOptional(TaskDescriptor td, HashSet flagstates){
+ this.td = td;
+ this.flagstates = flagstates;
+ }
+ public boolean equal(MyOptional myo){
+ if (this.td.getSymbol().compareTo(myo.td.getSymbol())==0)
+ if(this.flagstates.equals(myo.flagstates))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public SafetyAnalysis(Hashtable executiongraph, State state){
+ this.executiongraph = executiongraph;
+ this.safeexecution = new TreeMap();
+ this.reducedgraph = new Hashtable();
+ this.state = state;
+ }
+ public void unMark(Vector nodes){
+ for(Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)it.next();
+ tn.unMark();
+ }
+ }
+ public void buildPath() throws java.io.IOException {
+ byte[] b = new byte[100] ;
+ Vector flagstates = new Vector();
+ HashSet safetasks = new HashSet();
+ System.out.println("Enter the Class of the object concerned :");
+ int k = System.in.read(b);
+ classname = new String(b,0,k-1);
+ //classname =new String("Test");
+ for (int i = 0 ; i<2 ; i++){
+ System.out.println("Enter the possible flagstates :");
+ k = System.in.read(b);
+ String previousflagstate = new String(b,0,k-1);
+ flagstates.add(previousflagstate);
+ }
+ Vector nodes = new Vector();
+ nodes = getConcernedClass( classname );
+ if(nodes==null) {
+ System.out.println("Impossible to find "+classname+". Maybe not declared in the source code.");
+ return;
+ }
+ HashSet tempnodes = new HashSet();
+ for(Iterator it = flagstates.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ Vector tns = new Vector();
+ String flagstate = (String)it.next();
+ tns = findEGTaskNode(flagstate, nodes);
+ if(tns==null) {
+ System.out.println("No task corresponding");
+ return;
+ }
+ else{
+ tempnodes.add(tns);
+ }
+ }
+ EGTaskNode sourcenode = findSourceNode(nodes);
+ buildSafeExecutions(sourcenode);
+ createDOTFile();
+ int counter = 0;
+ for(Iterator nodesit = tempnodes.iterator(); nodesit.hasNext();){
+ Vector tns = (Vector)nodesit.next();
+ HashSet availabletasks = new HashSet();
+ for(Iterator it = tns.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ counter++;
+ unMark(nodes);
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)it.next();
+ HashSet nodetags = createNodeTags(tn);
+ availabletasks = createUnion(determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags), availabletasks);
+ System.out.println("-----------------------------");
+ for(Iterator it2 = availabletasks.iterator(); it2.hasNext();){
+ MyOptional mm = (MyOptional)it2.next();
+ System.out.println("\t"+mm.td.getSymbol());
+ System.out.println("with flags :");
+ for(Iterator it3 = mm.flagstates.iterator(); it3.hasNext();){
+ System.out.println("\t"+((FlagState)it3.next()).getTextLabel());
+ }
+ System.out.println("-----------------------------");
+ }
+ //
+ if(counter == 1) safetasks = availabletasks;
+ else safetasks = createIntersection(availabletasks, safetasks, NOUNION);
+ }
+ }
+ /////DEBUG
+ System.out.println("\n\n\n\nSAFE TASKS : ");
+ for(Iterator it2 = safetasks.iterator(); it2.hasNext();){
+ MyOptional mm = (MyOptional)it2.next();
+ System.out.println("\t"+mm.td.getSymbol());
+ System.out.println("with flags :");
+ for(Iterator it3 = mm.flagstates.iterator(); it3.hasNext();){
+ System.out.println("\t"+((FlagState)it3.next()).getTextLabel());
+ }
+ resultingFS(mm, classname);
+ }
+ //////
+ }
+ public HashSet buildPath(Vector flagstates, ClassDescriptor cd) throws java.io.IOException {
+ HashSet safetasks = new HashSet();
+ Vector nodes = new Vector();
+ classname = cd.getSymbol();
+ nodes = getConcernedClass( classname );
+ if(nodes==null) {
+ System.out.println("Impossible to find "+classname+". Maybe not declared in the source code.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ HashSet tempnodes = new HashSet();
+ for(Iterator it = flagstates.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ Vector tns = new Vector();
+ String flagstate = (String)it.next();
+ tns = findEGTaskNode(flagstate, nodes);
+ if(tns==null) {
+ System.out.println("No task corresponding");
+ return null;
+ }
+ else{
+ tempnodes.add(tns);
+ }
+ }
+ EGTaskNode sourcenode = findSourceNode(nodes);
+ buildSafeExecutions(sourcenode);
+ createDOTFile();
+ int counter = 0;
+ for(Iterator nodesit = tempnodes.iterator(); nodesit.hasNext();){
+ Vector tns = (Vector)nodesit.next();
+ HashSet availabletasks = new HashSet();
+ for(Iterator it = tns.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ counter++;
+ unMark(nodes);
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)it.next();
+ HashSet nodetags = createNodeTags(tn);
+ availabletasks = createUnion(determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags), availabletasks);
+ if(counter == 1) safetasks = availabletasks;
+ else safetasks = createIntersection(availabletasks, safetasks, NOUNION);
+ }
+ }
+ return safetasks;
+ }
+ private void buildSafeExecutions(EGTaskNode extremity) throws java.io.IOException{
+ if (extremity.isMarked() || !((Iterator)extremity.edges()).hasNext()){
+ if (!((Iterator)extremity.edges()).hasNext()) extremity.mark();
+ reducedgraph.put(extremity.getuid(), extremity);
+ }
+ else {
+ process(extremity);
+ reducedgraph.put(extremity.getuid(), extremity);
+ extremity.mark();
+ for( Iterator it = extremity.edges(); it.hasNext(); ){
+ TEdge edge = (TEdge)it.next();
+ buildSafeExecutions((EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void process(EGTaskNode tn){
+ testIfOptional(tn);
+ testIfSameTask(tn);
+ testIfNextIsSelfLoop(tn);
+ //testIfLoop(tn);
+ testIfRuntime(tn);
+ testIfMultiple(tn);
+ }
+ private HashSet createNodeTags(EGTaskNode tn){
+ HashSet nodetags = new HashSet();
+ String flagstate = tn.getFSName();
+ String word = new String();
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(flagstate);
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens()){
+ word = st.nextToken();
+ if (word.compareTo("Tag")==0)
+ nodetags.add(st.nextToken());
+ }
+ for(Iterator it = nodetags.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ System.out.println("nodetag :"+it.next());
+ }
+ return nodetags;
+ }
+ private boolean tagChange(EGTaskNode tn, HashSet nodetags){
+ HashSet tags = new HashSet();
+ String flagstate = tn.getFSName();
+ String word = new String();
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(flagstate);
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens()){
+ word = st.nextToken();
+ if (word.compareTo("Tag")==0)
+ tags.add(st.nextToken());
+ }
+ for(Iterator it = tags.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ String tag = (String)it.next();
+ if( !nodetags.contains(tag)){
+ System.out.println("Tag Change :"+tag);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void testIfOptional(EGTaskNode tn){
+ for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
+ TEdge edge = (TEdge)edges.next();
+ EGTaskNode nexttn = (EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget();
+ if (nexttn.getTD()!=null)
+ if(nexttn.getTD().isOptional(classname))
+ nexttn.setOptional();
+ }
+ }
+ private void testIfMultiple(EGTaskNode tn){
+ for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
+ TEdge edge = (TEdge)edges.next();
+ EGTaskNode nexttn = (EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget();
+ if( nexttn.getTD().numParameters() > 1 ){
+ System.out.println("Multiple found");
+ nexttn.setMultipleParams();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void testIfRuntime(EGTaskNode tn){
+ for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
+ TEdge edge = (TEdge)edges.next();
+ EGTaskNode nexttn = (EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget();
+ if( ((String)nexttn.getName()).compareTo("Runtime") == 0 )
+ nexttn.setAND();
+ }
+ }
+ private void testIfSameTask(EGTaskNode tn){
+ Vector vtemp = new Vector();
+ Vector tomark = new Vector();
+ for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
+ TEdge edge = (TEdge)edges.next();
+ EGTaskNode nexttn = (EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget();
+ int contains = 0;
+ for (Iterator it = vtemp.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode nexttn2 = (EGTaskNode)it.next();
+ if (nexttn.getName()==nexttn2.getName()){
+ contains = 1;
+ tomark.add(nexttn);
+ tomark.add(nexttn2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (contains == 0) vtemp.add(nexttn);
+ }
+ for(Iterator it2 = tomark.iterator(); it2.hasNext();)
+ ((EGTaskNode)it2.next()).setAND();
+ }
+ private void testIfNextIsSelfLoop(EGTaskNode tn){
+ for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
+ TEdge edge = (TEdge)edges.next();
+ EGTaskNode nexttn = (EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget();
+ if(nexttn.isSelfLoop()) nexttn.setAND();
+ }
+ }
+ /*private void testIfLoop(EGTaskNode tn){
+ for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
+ TEdge edge = (TEdge)edges.next();
+ if (((EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget()).isMarked()){
+ ((EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget()).doLoopMarking();
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ private EGTaskNode findSourceNode(Vector nodes){
+ for(Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)it.next();
+ if(tn.isSource()){
+ System.out.println("Found Source Node !!");
+ return tn;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private Vector findEGTaskNode(String previousflagstate, Vector nodes){
+ Vector tns = new Vector();
+ for(Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)it.next();
+ if(tn.getFSName().compareTo(previousflagstate)==0)
+ tns.add(tn);
+ }
+ if(tns.size() == 0)
+ return null;
+ else if (tns.size() > 1){
+ for(Iterator it = tns.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)it.next();
+ tn.setAND();
+ }
+ }
+ return tns;
+ }
+ private Vector getConcernedClass( String classname ){
+ Enumeration e = executiongraph.keys();
+ while( e.hasMoreElements() ){
+ ClassDescriptor cd = (ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement();
+ if (classname.compareTo(cd.getSymbol())==0)
+ return (Vector)executiongraph.get(cd);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private HashSet determineIfIsSafe(EGTaskNode tn, HashSet nodetags){
+ if(tn == null) return null;
+ if(!tagChange(tn, nodetags)){
+ if(tn.isOptional()){
+ HashSet temp = new HashSet();
+ if( !((Iterator)tn.edges()).hasNext() || tn.isMarked() || tn.isSelfLoop()){
+ HashSet fstemp = new HashSet();
+ fstemp.add(tn.getFS());
+ MyOptional mo = new MyOptional(tn.getTD(), fstemp);
+ temp.add(mo);
+ return temp;
+ }
+ else{
+ tn.mark();
+ temp = computeEdges(tn, nodetags);
+ HashSet fstemp = new HashSet();
+ fstemp.add(tn.getFS());
+ MyOptional mo = new MyOptional(tn.getTD(), fstemp);
+ temp.add(mo);
+ return temp;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if( !((Iterator)tn.edges()).hasNext() || tn.isMarked() || tn.isSelfLoop()){
+ HashSet temp = new HashSet();
+ return temp;
+ }
+ else{
+ tn.mark();
+ return computeEdges(tn, nodetags);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ HashSet temp = new HashSet();
+ return temp;
+ }
+ }
+ private HashSet computeEdges(EGTaskNode tn, HashSet nodetags){
+ Hashtable andlist = new Hashtable();
+ Vector orlist = new Vector();
+ for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tntemp = (EGTaskNode)((TEdge)edges.next()).getTarget();
+ if(tntemp.type() == OR) orlist.add(tntemp);
+ else if(tntemp.type() == AND){
+ if(andlist.containsKey(tntemp.getName())){
+ ((Vector)andlist.get(tntemp.getName())).add(tntemp);}
+ else{
+ Vector vector = new Vector();
+ vector.add(tntemp);
+ andlist.put(tntemp.getName(), vector);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (createUnion(computeOrVector(orlist, nodetags), computeAndList(andlist, nodetags)));
+ }
+ private HashSet computeOrVector( Vector orlist, HashSet nodetags){
+ if(orlist.isEmpty()){
+ HashSet temp = new HashSet();
+ return temp;
+ }
+ else{
+ HashSet temp = new HashSet();
+ for(Iterator tns = orlist.iterator(); tns.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)tns.next();
+ temp = createUnion(determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags), temp);
+ }
+ return temp;
+ }
+ }
+ private HashSet computeAndList(Hashtable andlist, HashSet nodetags){
+ if( andlist.isEmpty()){
+ HashSet temp = new HashSet();
+ return temp;
+ }
+ else{
+ HashSet temp = new HashSet();
+ Collection c = andlist.values();
+ for(Iterator vectors = c.iterator(); vectors.hasNext();){
+ Vector vector = (Vector)vectors.next();
+ temp = createUnion(computeAndVector(vector, nodetags), temp);
+ }
+ return temp;
+ }
+ }
+ private HashSet computeAndVector(Vector vector, HashSet nodetags){
+ HashSet temp = new HashSet();
+ boolean init = true;
+ for(Iterator tns = vector.iterator(); tns.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode)tns.next();
+ if (init){
+ init = false;
+ temp = determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags);
+ System.out.println("first and vector : ");
+ for(Iterator it = temp.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ MyOptional mm = (MyOptional)it.next();
+ System.out.println(mm.td.getSymbol());
+ System.out.println("with flag :");
+ for(Iterator it3 = mm.flagstates.iterator(); it3.hasNext();){
+ System.out.println(((FlagState)it3.next()).getTextLabel());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ temp = createIntersection(determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags), temp, UNIONFS);
+ System.out.println("another and vector : ");
+ for(Iterator it = temp.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ MyOptional mm = (MyOptional)it.next();
+ System.out.println(mm.td.getSymbol());
+ System.out.println("with flag :");
+ for(Iterator it3 = mm.flagstates.iterator(); it3.hasNext();){
+ System.out.println(((FlagState)it3.next()).getTextLabel());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // DEBUG
+ System.out.println("Computation of and vector : ");
+ for(Iterator it = temp.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ System.out.println("\t"+(String)((MyOptional)it.next()).td.getSymbol());
+ }
+ return temp;
+ }
+ private HashSet createUnion( HashSet A, HashSet B){
+ A.addAll(B);
+ //remove duplicates (might happend)
+ System.out.println("A contains "+A.size()+" elements");
+ int i = 0;
+ for(Iterator itA = A.iterator(); itA.hasNext();){
+ MyOptional myA = (MyOptional)itA.next();
+ i++;
+ System.out.println("myA = "+myA.td.getSymbol());
+ Iterator itA2 = A.iterator();
+ for(int j = 0; j<i; j++){
+ itA2.next();
+ }
+ for(Iterator itA3 = itA2; itA3.hasNext();){
+ MyOptional myA2 = (MyOptional)itA3.next();
+ System.out.println("myA2 = "+myA2.td.getSymbol());
+ if(myA2.equal(myA)){
+ A.remove(myA2);
+ System.out.println("");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return A;
+ }
+ private HashSet createIntersection( HashSet A, HashSet B, int option){
+ HashSet result = new HashSet();
+ for(Iterator itB = B.iterator(); itB.hasNext();){
+ MyOptional myB = (MyOptional)itB.next();
+ for(Iterator itA = A.iterator(); itA.hasNext();){
+ MyOptional myA = (MyOptional)itA.next();
+ if(((String)myA.td.getSymbol()).compareTo((String)myB.td.getSymbol())==0){
+ if(option==UNIONFS){
+ HashSet newfs = new HashSet();
+ newfs.addAll(myA.flagstates);
+ newfs.addAll(myB.flagstates);
+ MyOptional newmy = new MyOptional(myB.td, newfs);
+ result.add(newmy);
+ }
+ else{//to do : don't duplicate tasks with same fses
+ result.add(myA);
+ result.add(myB);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /////////DEBUG
+ private void createDOTFile() throws java.io.IOException {
+ Collection v = reducedgraph.values();
+ java.io.PrintWriter output;
+ File dotfile_flagstates= new File("reducedtree.dot");
+ FileOutputStream dotstream=new FileOutputStream(dotfile_flagstates,true);
+ output = new java.io.PrintWriter(dotstream, true);
+ output.println("digraph dotvisitor {");
+ output.println("\tnode [fontsize=10,height=\"0.1\", width=\"0.1\"];");
+ output.println("\tedge [fontsize=6];");
+ traverse(output, v);
+ output.println("}\n");
+ }
+ private void traverse(java.io.PrintWriter output, Collection v) {
+ EGTaskNode tn;
+ for(Iterator it1 = v.iterator(); it1.hasNext();){
+ tn = (EGTaskNode)it1.next();
+ output.println("\t"+tn.getLabel()+" [label=\""+tn.getTextLabel()+"\"");
+ if (tn.isOptional()){
+ if (tn.isMultipleParams()) output.println(", shape = tripleoctagon");
+ else output.println(", shape=doubleoctagon");
+ }
+ else if (tn.isMultipleParams()) output.println(", shape=octagon");
+ if (tn.type()==AND) output.println(", color=blue");
+ output.println("];");
+ for(Iterator it2 = tn.edges();it2.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn2 = (EGTaskNode)((Edge)it2.next()).getTarget();
+ output.println("\t"+tn.getLabel()+" -> "+tn2.getLabel()+";");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////
+ private HashSet resultingFS(MyOptional mo, ClassDescriptor cd){
+ return resultingFS(mo, cd.getSymbol());
+ }
+ private HashSet resultingFS(MyOptional mo, String classname){
+ Stack stack = new Stack();
+ HashSet result = new HashSet();
+ FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat((TaskDescriptor)mo.td);
+ FlatNode fn = (FlatNode)fm;
+ Stack nodestack=new Stack();
+ HashSet discovered=new HashSet();
+ nodestack.push(fm);
+ discovered.add(fm);
+ //Iterating through the nodes
+ while(!nodestack.isEmpty()) {
+ FlatNode fn1 = (FlatNode) nodestack.pop();
+ if (fn1.kind()==FKind.FlatFlagActionNode) {
+ FlatFlagActionNode ffan=(FlatFlagActionNode)fn1;
+ if (ffan.getTaskType() == FlatFlagActionNode.TASKEXIT) {
+ //***
+ System.out.println("TASKEXIT");
+ //***
+ HashSet tempset = new HashSet();
+ for(Iterator it_fs = mo.flagstates.iterator(); it_fs.hasNext();){
+ FlagState fstemp = (FlagState)it_fs.next();
+ for(Iterator it_tfp=ffan.getTempFlagPairs();it_tfp.hasNext();) {
+ TempFlagPair tfp=(TempFlagPair)it_tfp.next();
+ TempDescriptor td = tfp.getTemp();
+ if (((String)((ClassDescriptor)((TypeDescriptor)td.getType()).getClassDesc()).getSymbol()).compareTo(classname)==0){
+ fstemp=fstemp.setFlag(tfp.getFlag(),ffan.getFlagChange(tfp));
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println("new flag : "+fstemp.getTextLabel());
+ tempset.add(fstemp);
+ }
+ result.add(tempset);
+ continue; // avoid queueing the return node if reachable
+ }
+ }else if (fn1.kind()==FKind.FlatReturnNode) {
+ result.add(mo.flagstates);
+ }
+ /* Queue other nodes past this one */
+ for(int i=0;i<fn1.numNext();i++) {
+ FlatNode fnext=fn1.getNext(i);
+ if (!discovered.contains(fnext)) {
+ discovered.add(fnext);
+ nodestack.push(fnext);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
public class TEdge extends Edge{
public TEdge(TaskNode target){
public int hashCode(){
return target.hashCode();
/** Creating DOT files */
Enumeration e=flagstates.keys();
System.out.println("creating dot file");
ClassDescriptor cdtemp=(ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement();
for(Enumeration en=fsv_taskexit.elements();en.hasMoreElements();){
FlagState fs_taskexit=(FlagState)en.nextElement();
+ if (fs_taskexit == null ) System.out.println("Bug to fix : fs_taskexit == null");//continue;
if (!sourcenodes.containsKey(fs_taskexit)) {
return fstemp;
- private Vector<FlagState> evalTaskExitNode(FlatNode nn,ClassDescriptor cd,FlagState fs, TempDescriptor temp){
- FlagState fstemp=fs;
- //FlagState[] fstemparray=new FlagState[3];
- Vector<FlagState> inprocess=new Vector<FlagState>();
- Vector<FlagState> processed=new Vector<FlagState>();
- for(Iterator it_tfp=((FlatFlagActionNode)nn).getTempFlagPairs();it_tfp.hasNext();) {
- TempFlagPair tfp=(TempFlagPair)it_tfp.next();
- if (temp==tfp.getTemp())
- fstemp=fstemp.setFlag(tfp.getFlag(),((FlatFlagActionNode)nn).getFlagChange(tfp));
- }
- inprocess.add(fstemp);
- processed.add(fstemp);
- for(Iterator it_ttp=((FlatFlagActionNode)nn).getTempTagPairs();it_ttp.hasNext();) {
- TempTagPair ttp=(TempTagPair)it_ttp.next();
- if (temp==ttp.getTemp()){
- processed=new Vector<FlagState>();
- for (Enumeration en=inprocess.elements();en.hasMoreElements();){
- FlagState fsworking=(FlagState)en.nextElement();
- if (((FlatFlagActionNode)nn).getTagChange(ttp)){
- fsworking=fsworking.setTag(ttp.getTag());
- processed.add(fsworking);
- }
- else
- {
- processed.addAll(Arrays.asList(fsworking.clearTag(ttp.getTag())));
- }
- }
- inprocess=processed;
- }
- }
- return processed;
+ private Vector<FlagState> evalTaskExitNode(FlatNode nn,ClassDescriptor cd,FlagState fs, TempDescriptor temp){
+ FlagState fstemp=fs;
+ //FlagState[] fstemparray=new FlagState[3];
+ Vector<FlagState> inprocess=new Vector<FlagState>();
+ Vector<FlagState> processed=new Vector<FlagState>();
+ for(Iterator it_tfp=((FlatFlagActionNode)nn).getTempFlagPairs();it_tfp.hasNext();) {
+ TempFlagPair tfp=(TempFlagPair)it_tfp.next();
+ if (temp==tfp.getTemp())
+ fstemp=fstemp.setFlag(tfp.getFlag(),((FlatFlagActionNode)nn).getFlagChange(tfp));
+ }
+ inprocess.add(fstemp);
+ processed.add(fstemp);
+ for(Iterator it_ttp=((FlatFlagActionNode)nn).getTempTagPairs();it_ttp.hasNext();) {
+ TempTagPair ttp=(TempTagPair)it_ttp.next();
+ if (temp==ttp.getTemp()){
+ processed=new Vector<FlagState>();
+ for (Enumeration en=inprocess.elements();en.hasMoreElements();){
+ FlagState fsworking=(FlagState)en.nextElement();
+ if (((FlatFlagActionNode)nn).getTagChange(ttp)){
+ fsworking=fsworking.setTag(ttp.getTag());
+ processed.add(fsworking);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ processed.addAll(Arrays.asList(fsworking.clearTag(ttp.getTag())));
+ }
+ }
+ inprocess=processed;
+ }
+ }
+ return processed;
+ }
private FlagState canonicalizeFlagState(Hashtable sourcenodes, FlagState fs){
if (sourcenodes.containsKey(fs))
/** Returns the flag states for the class descriptor. */
public Set getFlagStates(ClassDescriptor cd) {
if (flagstates.containsKey(cd))
return (Vector)cdtorootnodes.get(cd);
public class TaskNode extends GraphNode {
private final String name;
- private int uid;
+ protected int uid;
private static int nodeid=0;
+ // private int loopmarker=0;
+ //private boolean multipleparams=false;
/**Class Constructor
* Creates a new TaskNode using the TaskDescriptor.
* @param tasknode TaskDescriptor
public String getName(){
return name;
+ // public int getuid(){
+ //return uid;
+ //}
/**toString method.
* @return string representation of the tasknode (e.g "Task foo")
return false;
public boolean edgeExists(TEdge newedge){
return false;
return edges.contains(newedge);
public boolean WEBINTERFACE;
public boolean TASK;
public boolean TASKSTATE=false;
+ public boolean OPTIONAL=false;
public boolean THREAD=false;
public boolean INSTRUCTIONFAILURE=false;
public String structfile;
import IR.Tree.FlagEffects;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Iterator;
import IR.Tree.Modifiers;
protected Vector vfe;
protected String identifier;
protected Vector params;
+ protected Vector optionals;
protected SymbolTable paramtable;
public TaskDescriptor(String identifier) {
flagstable=new Hashtable();
tagstable=new Hashtable(); //BUGFIX - added initialization here
params=new Vector();
+ optionals = new Vector();
paramtable=new SymbolTable();
return paramtable;
- public void addParameter(TypeDescriptor type, String paramname, FlagExpressionNode fen, TagExpressionList tel) {
+ public void addParameter(TypeDescriptor type, String paramname, FlagExpressionNode fen, TagExpressionList tel, boolean isoptional) {
if (paramname.equals("this"))
throw new Error("Can't have parameter named this");
VarDescriptor vd=new VarDescriptor(type, paramname);
+ if (isoptional) optionals.add(vd);
if (fen!=null)
flagstable.put(vd, fen);
if (tel!=null) {//BUGFIX - added null check here...test with any bristlecone program
+ public boolean isOptional(String classname){
+ for (Iterator it = optionals.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
+ if( ((VarDescriptor)it.next()).getType().getSymbol().compareTo(classname)==0) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
public int numParameters() {
return params.size();
public void parseParameterList(TaskDescriptor td, ParseNode pn) {
+ boolean optional;
ParseNode paramlist=pn.getChild("task_parameter_list");
if (paramlist==null)
- ParseNodeVector pnv=paramlist.getChildren();
- for(int i=0;i<pnv.size();i++) {
- ParseNode paramn=pnv.elementAt(i);
- TypeDescriptor type=parseTypeDescriptor(paramn);
- String paramname=paramn.getChild("single").getTerminal();
- FlagExpressionNode fen=null;
- if (paramn.getChild("flag")!=null)
- fen=parseFlagExpression(paramn.getChild("flag").getFirstChild());
- ParseNode tagnode=paramn.getChild("tag");
+ ParseNodeVector pnv=paramlist.getChildren();
+ for(int i=0;i<pnv.size();i++) {
+ ParseNode paramn=pnv.elementAt(i);
+ if(paramn.getChild("optional")!=null){
+ optional = true;
+ paramn = paramn.getChild("optional").getFirstChild();
+ System.out.println("OPTIONAL FOUND!!!!!!!");
+ }
+ else { optional = false;
+ System.out.println("NOT OPTIONAL");
+ }
- TagExpressionList tel=null;
- if (tagnode!=null) {
- tel=parseTagExpressionList(tagnode);
- }
- td.addParameter(type,paramname,fen, tel);
- }
+ TypeDescriptor type=parseTypeDescriptor(paramn);
+ String paramname=paramn.getChild("single").getTerminal();
+ FlagExpressionNode fen=null;
+ if (paramn.getChild("flag")!=null)
+ fen=parseFlagExpression(paramn.getChild("flag").getFirstChild());
+ ParseNode tagnode=paramn.getChild("tag");
+ TagExpressionList tel=null;
+ if (tagnode!=null) {
+ tel=parseTagExpressionList(tagnode);
+ }
+ td.addParameter(type,paramname,fen, tel, optional);
+ }
public TagExpressionList parseTagExpressionList(ParseNode pn) {
//BUG FIX: change pn.getChildren() to pn.getChild("tag_expression_list").getChildren()
//To test, feed in any input program that uses tags
//Keywords for failure aware computation
key_table.put("flag", new Integer(Sym.FLAG));
key_table.put("external", new Integer(Sym.EXTERNAL));
+ key_table.put("optional", new Integer(Sym.OPTIONAL));
key_table.put("tag", new Integer(Sym.TAG));
key_table.put("task", new Integer(Sym.TASK));
key_table.put("taskexit", new Integer(Sym.TASKEXIT));
"extends", "external", "final", "finally",
"flag", //keyword for failure aware computation
"float", "for", "goto", "if",
- "implements", "import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long",
- "native", "new", "package", "private", "protected", "public",
+ "implements", "import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long",
+ "native", "new", "optional", "package", "private", "protected", "public",
"return", "short", "static", "strictfp", "super", "switch", "synchronized",
"tag", "task", "taskexit", //keywords for failure aware computation
"this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "try", "void",
import Analysis.CallGraph.CallGraph;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.TagAnalysis;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.GarbageAnalysis;
+import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.ExecutionGraph;
+import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.SafetyAnalysis;
import Interface.*;
public class Main {
else if (option.equals("-taskstate"))
+ else if (option.equals("-optional"))
+ state.OPTIONAL=true;
else if (option.equals("-thread"))
else if (option.equals("-webinterface"))
System.out.println("-struct structfile -- output structure declarations for repair tool");
System.out.println("-mainclass -- main function to call");
System.out.println("-precise -- use precise garbage collection");
System.out.println("-conscheck -- turn on consistency checking");
System.out.println("-task -- compiler for tasks");
System.out.println("-thread -- threads");
System.out.println("-instructionfailures -- insert code for instruction level failures");
System.out.println("-taskstate -- do task state analysis");
+ System.out.println("-optional -- enable optional arguments");
System.out.println("-webinterface -- enable web interface");
System.out.println("-help -- print out help");
TaskGraph tg=new TaskGraph(state, ta);
+ if (state.OPTIONAL) {
+ ExecutionGraph et=new ExecutionGraph(state, ta);
+ et.createExecutionGraph();
+ SafetyAnalysis sa = new SafetyAnalysis(et.getExecutionGraph(), state);
+ sa.buildPath();
+ }
if (state.WEBINTERFACE) {
GarbageAnalysis ga=new GarbageAnalysis(state, ta);
WebInterface wi=new WebInterface(state, ta, tg, ga, taganalysis);
//non terminal ParseNode constant_expression;
//failure aware computation keywords
terminal FLAG;
+terminal OPTIONAL;
terminal EXTERNAL;
terminal TAG;
terminal TASK;
+ | OPTIONAL task_parameter:fp {:
+ ParseNode pn=new ParseNode("task_parameter");
+ pn.addChild("optional").addChild(fp);
+ RESULT=pn;
+ :}
tag_expression_list ::= tag_expression:te {:
public class Edge {
protected GraphNode target;
protected GraphNode source;
+ protected boolean processed = false;
protected String dotnodeparams = new String();
public Edge(GraphNode target) {
public GraphNode getTarget() {
return target;
+ public void setProcessed() {
+ processed = true;
+ }
+ public boolean isProcessed(){
+ return processed;
+ }
public void setDotNodeParameters(String param) {
if (param == null) {
public static final NodeStatus UNVISITED = new NodeStatus("UNVISITED");
public static final NodeStatus PROCESSING = new NodeStatus("PROCESSING");
public static final NodeStatus FINISHED = new NodeStatus("FINISHED");
public static class NodeStatus {
private static String name;
private NodeStatus(String name) { this.name = name; }
this.status = status;
public String getLabel() {
return "";
return (Edge) inedges.get(i);
+ public Vector getEdgeVector() {
+ return edges;
+ }
+ public Vector getInedgeVector() {
+ return inedges;
+ }
public Iterator edges() {
return edges.iterator();
public Iterator inedges() {
return inedges.iterator();
public void addEdge(Edge newedge) {
+ public void addEdge(Vector v) {
+ for (Iterator it = v.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
+ addEdge((Edge)it.next());
+ }
+ public void removeEdge(Edge edge) {
+ edges.remove(edge);
+ }
+ public void removeInedge(Edge edge) {
+ inedges.remove(edge);
+ }
+ public void removeAllEdges() {
+ edges.removeAllElements();
+ }
+ public void removeAllInedges() {
+ inedges.removeAllElements();
+ }
void reset() {
discoverytime = -1;
finishingtime = -1;
output.println("\tnode [fontsize=10,height=\"0.1\", width=\"0.1\"];");
output.println("\tedge [fontsize=6];");
- traverse();
+ traverse();
private void traverse() {
Set cycleset=GraphNode.findcycles(nodes);