#include <cds/user_setup/cache_line.h>
namespace cds { namespace gc {
+ /// Dynamic (adaptive) Hazard Pointer implementation details
namespace dhp {
using namespace cds::gc::hp::common;
class not_initialized: public std::runtime_error
+ //@cond
: std::runtime_error( "Global DHP SMR object is not initialized" )
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
struct guard_block: public cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl::node
guard_block* next_; // next block in the thread list
return reinterpret_cast<guard*>( this + 1 );
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
/// \p guard_block allocator (global object)
class hp_allocator
cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl free_list_; ///< list of free \p guard_block
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
/// Per-thread hazard pointer storage
class thread_hp_storage
guard* const array_; ///< initial HP array
size_t const initial_capacity_; ///< Capacity of \p array_
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
struct retired_block: public cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl::node
retired_block* next_; ///< Next block in thread-private retired array
return first() + c_capacity;
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
class retired_allocator
friend class smr;
cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl free_list_; ///< list of free \p guard_block
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
/// Per-thread retired array
class retired_array
retired_block* list_tail_;
size_t block_count_;
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
/// Per-thread data
struct thread_data {
thread_hp_storage hazards_; ///< Hazard pointers private to the thread
sync_.fetch_add( 1, atomics::memory_order_acq_rel );
+ //@endcond
- // Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
+ //@cond
+ // Dynmic (adaptive) Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
class smr
struct thread_record;
size_t nInitialHazardPtrCount = 16 ///< Initial number of hazard pointer per thread
- //@cond
// for back-copatibility
static void Construct(
size_t nInitialHazardPtrCount = 16 ///< Initial number of hazard pointer per thread
construct( nInitialHazardPtrCount );
- //@endcond
/// Destroys global instance of \ref smr
bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
- //@cond
- // for back-copatibility
+ // for back-compatibility
static void Destruct(
bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
destruct( bDetachAll );
- //@endcond
/// Checks if global SMR object is constructed and may be used
static bool isUsed() CDS_NOEXCEPT
CDS_EXPORT_API void detach_all_thread();
- //@cond
CDS_EXPORT_API thread_record* create_thread_data();
static CDS_EXPORT_API void destroy_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
/// Free HP SMR thread-private data
CDS_EXPORT_API void free_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
- //@endcond
static CDS_EXPORT_API smr* instance_;
// temporaries
std::atomic<size_t> last_plist_size_; ///< HP array size in last scan() call
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
// for backward compatibility
typedef smr GarbageCollector;
return smr::instance().get_retired_allocator();
+ //@endcond
} // namespace dhp
- /// Dynamic Hazard Pointer garbage collector
+ /// Dynamic (adaptie) Hazard Pointer SMR
/** @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
- @headerfile cds/gc/dhp.h
- Implementation of Dynamic Hazard Pointer garbage collector.
+ Implementation of Dynamic (adaptive) Hazard Pointer SMR
- [2002] Maged M.Michael "Safe memory reclamation for dynamic lock-freeobjects using atomic reads and writes"
- [2003] Maged M.Michael "Hazard Pointers: Safe memory reclamation for lock-free objects"
- [2004] Andrei Alexandrescy, Maged Michael "Lock-free Data Structures with Hazard Pointers"
- Dynamic Hazard Pointers SMR (safe memory reclamation) provides an unbounded number of hazard pointer per thread
- despite of classic Hazard Pointer SMR in which the count of the hazard pointef per thread is limited.
+ %DHP is an adaptive variant of classic \p cds::gc::HP, see @ref cds_garbage_collectors_comparison "Compare HP implementation"
- See \ref cds_how_to_use "How to use" section for details how to apply garbage collector.
+ See \ref cds_how_to_use "How to use" section for details how to apply SMR.
class DHP
@note This function may be called <b>BEFORE</b> creating an instance
of Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR
- SMR object allocates some memory for thread-specific data and for
- creating SMR object.
+ SMR object allocates some memory for thread-specific data and for creating SMR object.
By default, a standard \p new and \p delete operators are used for this.
static void set_memory_allocator(
#include <cds/details/lib.h>
#include <cds/threading/model.h>
- @page cds_garbage_collectors_comparison SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation schema) comparison
- @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th>Feature</th>
- <th>%cds::gc::HP</th>
- <th>%cds::gc::DHP</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Max number of guarded (hazard) pointers per thread</td>
- <td>limited (specifies in SMR object ctor)</td>
- <td>unlimited (dynamically allocated when needed)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Max number of retired pointers<sup>1</sup></td>
- <td>bounded</td>
- <td>bounded</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Array of retired pointers</td>
- <td>preallocated for each thread, size is limited</td>
- <td>global for the entire process, unlimited (dynamically allocated when needed)</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <sup>1</sup>Unbounded count of retired pointer means a possibility of memory exhaustion.
-namespace cds {
- /// Different safe memory reclamation schemas (garbage collectors)
- /** @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
- This namespace specifies different safe memory reclamation (SMR) algorithms.
- See \ref cds_garbage_collector "Garbage collectors"
- */
- namespace gc {
- } // namespace gc
-} // namespace cds
#endif // #ifndef CDSLIB_GC_HP_H
#include <cds/details/marked_ptr.h>
#include <cds/user_setup/cache_line.h>
+ @page cds_garbage_collectors_comparison Hazard Pointer SMR implementations
+ @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>%cds::gc::HP</th>
+ <th>%cds::gc::DHP</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Max number of guarded (hazard) pointers per thread</td>
+ <td>limited (specified at construction time)</td>
+ <td>unlimited (dynamically allocated when needed)</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Max number of retired pointers<sup>1</sup></td>
+ <td>bounded, specified at construction time</td>
+ <td>bounded, adaptive, depends on current thread count and number of hazard pointer for each thread</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Thread count</td>
+ <td>bounded, upper bound is specified at construction time</td>
+ <td>unbounded</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <sup>1</sup>Unbounded count of retired pointers means a possibility of memory exhaustion.
+namespace cds {
+ /// @defgroup cds_garbage_collector Garbage collectors
+ /// Different safe memory reclamation schemas (garbage collectors)
+ /** @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
+ This namespace specifies different safe memory reclamation (SMR) algorithms.
+ See \ref cds_garbage_collector "Garbage collectors"
+ */
+ namespace gc {
+ } // namespace gc
+} // namespace cds
namespace cds { namespace gc {
+ /// Hazard pointer implementation details
namespace hp {
using namespace cds::gc::hp::common;
/// Exception "Not enough Hazard Pointer"
class not_enought_hazard_ptr: public std::length_error
+ //@cond
- //@cond
: std::length_error( "Not enough Hazard Pointer" )
- //@endcond
+ //@endcond
/// Exception "Hazard Pointer SMR is not initialized"
class not_initialized: public std::runtime_error
+ //@cond
: std::runtime_error( "Global Hazard Pointer SMR object is not initialized" )
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
/// Per-thread hazard pointer storage
class thread_hp_storage {
size_t free_guard_count_;
# endif
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
/// Per-thread retired array
class retired_array
size_t retire_call_count_;
# endif
+ //@endcond
/// Internal statistics
struct stat {
size_t thread_rec_count; ///< Count of thread records
+ /// Default ctor
+ /// Clears all counters
void clear()
guard_allocated =
+ //@cond
/// Per-thread data
struct thread_data {
thread_hp_storage hazards_; ///< Hazard pointers private to the thread
sync_.fetch_add( 1, atomics::memory_order_acq_rel );
+ //@endcond
- /// smr::scan() strategy
+ /// \p smr::scan() strategy
enum scan_type {
classic, ///< classic scan as described in Michael's works (see smr::classic_scan() )
inplace ///< inplace scan without allocation (see smr::inplace_scan() )
- // Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
+ //@cond
+ /// Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
class smr
struct thread_record;
scan_type nScanType = inplace ///< Scan type (see \ref scan_type enum)
- //@cond
// for back-copatibility
static void Construct(
size_t nHazardPtrCount = 0, ///< Hazard pointer count per thread
construct( nHazardPtrCount, nMaxThreadCount, nMaxRetiredPtrCount, nScanType );
- //@endcond
/// Destroys global instance of \ref smr
The parameter \p bDetachAll should be used carefully: if its value is \p true,
bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
- //@cond
- // for back-copatibility
+ // for back-compatibility
static void Destruct(
bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
destruct( bDetachAll );
- //@endcond
/// Checks if global SMR object is constructed and may be used
static bool isUsed() CDS_NOEXCEPT
CDS_EXPORT_API void inplace_scan( thread_data* pRec );
- //@cond
CDS_EXPORT_API thread_record* create_thread_data();
static CDS_EXPORT_API void destroy_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
/// Free HP SMR thread-private data
CDS_EXPORT_API void free_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
- //@endcond
static CDS_EXPORT_API smr* instance_;
scan_type const scan_type_; ///< scan type (see \ref scan_type enum)
void ( smr::*scan_func_ )( thread_data* pRec );
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
// for backward compatibility
typedef smr GarbageCollector;
+ //@endcond
} // namespace hp
- /// @defgroup cds_garbage_collector Garbage collectors
/// Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
/** @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
- Implementation of classic Hazard Pointer garbage collector.
+ Implementation of classic Hazard Pointer SMR
- [2002] Maged M.Michael "Safe memory reclamation for dynamic lock-freeobjects using atomic reads and writes"
- [2003] Maged M.Michael "Hazard Pointers: Safe memory reclamation for lock-free objects"
- [2004] Andrei Alexandrescy, Maged Michael "Lock-free Data Structures with Hazard Pointers"
- Hazard Pointer garbage collector is a singleton. The main user-level part of Hazard Pointer schema is
- \p %cds::gc::HP class and its nested classes. Before use any HP-related class you must initialize HP
+ Hazard Pointer SMR is a singleton. The main user-level part of Hazard Pointer schema is
+ \p %cds::gc::HP class and its nested classes. Before use any HP-related class you must initialize \p %HP
by contructing \p %cds::gc::HP object in beginning of your \p main().
See \ref cds_how_to_use "How to use" section for details how to apply SMR schema.