callerNodeIDsCopiedToCallee );
+ // return the set of heap regions from the given allocation
+ // site, if any, that exist in this graph
+ protected Set<HeapRegionNode> getAnyExisting( AllocSite as ) {
+ Set<HeapRegionNode> out = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ Integer idSum = as.getSummary();
+ if( id2hrn.containsKey( idSum ) ) {
+ out.add( id2hrn.get( idSum ) );
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
+ Integer idI = as.getIthOldest( i );
+ if( id2hrn.containsKey( idI ) ) {
+ out.add( id2hrn.get( idI ) );
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ // return the set of reach tuples (NOT A REACH STATE! JUST A SET!)
+ // from the given allocation site, if any, from regions for that
+ // site that exist in this graph
+ protected Set<ReachTuple> getAnyExisting( AllocSite as,
+ boolean includeARITY_ZEROORMORE,
+ boolean includeARITY_ONE ) {
+ Set<ReachTuple> out = new HashSet<ReachTuple>();
+ Integer idSum = as.getSummary();
+ if( id2hrn.containsKey( idSum ) ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = id2hrn.get( idSum );
+ assert !hrn.isOutOfContext();
+ if( !includeARITY_ZEROORMORE ) {
+ out.add( ReachTuple.factory( hrn.getID(),
+ true, // multi-obj region
+ false ) // ooc?
+ );
+ }
+ if( includeARITY_ONE ) {
+ out.add( ReachTuple.factory( hrn.getID(),
+ true, // multi-object region
+ ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE,
+ false ) // ooc?
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if( !includeARITY_ONE ) {
+ // no need to do the single-object regions that
+ // only have an ARITY ONE possible
+ return out;
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
+ Integer idI = as.getIthOldest( i );
+ if( id2hrn.containsKey( idI ) ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = id2hrn.get( idI );
+ assert !hrn.isOutOfContext();
+ out.add( ReachTuple.factory( hrn.getID(),
+ false, // multi-object region
+ ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE,
+ false ) // ooc?
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ // if an object allocated at the target site may be
+ // reachable from both an object from root1 and an
+ // object allocated at root2, return TRUE
public boolean mayBothReachTarget( AllocSite asRoot1,
AllocSite asRoot2,
AllocSite asTarget ) {
+ // consider all heap regions of the target and look
+ // for a reach state that indicates regions of root1
+ // and root2 might be able to reach same object
+ Set<HeapRegionNode> hrnSetTarget = getAnyExisting( asTarget );
+ // get relevant reach tuples, include ARITY_ZEROORMORE and ARITY_ONE
+ Set<ReachTuple> rtSet1 = getAnyExisting( asRoot1, true, true );
+ Set<ReachTuple> rtSet2 = getAnyExisting( asRoot2, true, true );
+ Iterator<HeapRegionNode> hrnItr = hrnSetTarget.iterator();
+ while( hrnItr.hasNext() ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn =;
+ Iterator<ReachTuple> rtItr1 = rtSet1.iterator();
+ while( rtItr1.hasNext() ) {
+ ReachTuple rt1 =;
+ Iterator<ReachTuple> rtItr2 = rtSet2.iterator();
+ while( rtItr2.hasNext() ) {
+ ReachTuple rt2 =;
+ if( hrn.getAlpha().getStatesWithBoth( rt1, rt2 ) != null ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
return false;
+ // similar to the method above, return TRUE if ever
+ // more than one object from the root allocation site
+ // may reach an object from the target site
public boolean mayManyReachTarget( AllocSite asRoot,
AllocSite asTarget ) {
+ // consider all heap regions of the target and look
+ // for a reach state that multiple objects of root
+ // might be able to reach the same object
+ Set<HeapRegionNode> hrnSetTarget = getAnyExisting( asTarget );
+ // get relevant reach tuples
+ Set<ReachTuple> rtSetZOM = getAnyExisting( asRoot, true, false );
+ Set<ReachTuple> rtSetONE = getAnyExisting( asRoot, false, true );
+ Iterator<HeapRegionNode> hrnItr = hrnSetTarget.iterator();
+ while( hrnItr.hasNext() ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn =;
+ // if any ZERORMORE tuples are here, TRUE
+ Iterator<ReachTuple> rtItr = rtSetZOM.iterator();
+ while( rtItr.hasNext() ) {
+ ReachTuple rtZOM =;
+ if( hrn.getAlpha().containsTuple( rtZOM ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // otherwise, look for any pair of ONE tuples
+ Iterator<ReachTuple> rtItr1 = rtSetONE.iterator();
+ while( rtItr1.hasNext() ) {
+ ReachTuple rt1 =;
+ Iterator<ReachTuple> rtItr2 = rtSetONE.iterator();
+ while( rtItr2.hasNext() ) {
+ ReachTuple rt2 =;
+ if( rt1 == rt2 ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( hrn.getAlpha().getStatesWithBoth( rt1, rt2 ) != null ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
return false;