elif "java.lang.RuntimeException: Conflict between apps App1 and App2:" in line:
result = "conflict"
+ elif "Direct-Direct Interaction detected:" in line:
+ result = "direct-direct"
+ break
return result
+# Extract the error from specific error logs
+def extractError():
+ err = ""
+ if os.path.exists("appCreationError.log"):
+ extractError = open("appCreationError.log", "r")
+ for line in extractError:
+ err = err + line
+ extractError.close()
+ os.system("rm appCreationError.log")
+ return err
+# Write error log to the log directory
+# In this case we skip running JPF
+# e.g., in the case of having a direct-direct interaction pair
+def writeErrorLog(jpfLogDir, logName, error):
+ writeError = open(jpfLogDir + logName, "w+")
+ writeError.write(error)
+ writeError.close()
# Input parameters:
# - JPF directory
# - JPF logs directory
# Run Runner.py to extract things and create main.groovy, then compile it
print "==> Compiling the apps ...\n"
os.system("make Runner")
- os.system("make main")
- # Call JPF
- print "==> Calling JPF and generate logs ...\n"
+ error = extractError()
logName = item[0] + "--" + item[1] + ".log"
- os.system("cd " + jpfDir + ";./run.sh " + jpfLogDir + logName + " main.jpf")
+ if error == "":
+ # Compile
+ os.system("make main")
+ # Call JPF
+ print "==> Calling JPF and generate logs ...\n"
+ os.system("cd " + jpfDir + ";./run.sh " + jpfLogDir + logName + " main.jpf")
+ else:
+ # This is for specific error, e.g., direct-direct interaction that we need to skip
+ writeErrorLog(jpfLogDir, logName, error)
result = checkResult(jpfLogDir + logName)
writeLogList.write(logName + "\t\t" + result + "\n")
--- /dev/null
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+Hue Party Mode.groovy
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+photo-burst-when.groovy rise-and-shine.groovy
+smart-nightlight.groovy smart-security.groovy
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--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
-python ModelCheck.py ../jpf-core/ ../logs/ ../smartapps/ ../smartapps/appList1
+# Device conflict
+python ModelCheck.py ../jpf-core/ ../logs/ ../smartapps/ appLists/device-interaction/locksAppList
+# Physical conflict
+#python ModelCheck.py ../jpf-core/ ../logs/ ../smartapps/ appLists/physical-interaction/soundsensorAppList appLists/physical-interaction/soundAppList
+#python ModelCheck.py ../jpf-core/ ../logs/ ../smartapps/ appLists/physical-interaction/motionsensorAppList appLists/physical-interaction/motionAppList
+#python ModelCheck.py ../jpf-core/ ../logs/ ../smartapps/ appLists/physical-interaction/illuminancesensorAppList appLists/physical-interaction/lightAppList
+#python ModelCheck.py ../jpf-core/ ../logs/ ../smartapps/ appLists/physical-interaction/watersensorAppList appLists/physical-interaction/watervalveAppList