--- /dev/null
+* *
+* Java Grande Forum Benchmark Suite - Thread Version 1.0 *
+* *
+* produced by *
+* *
+* Java Grande Benchmarking Project *
+* *
+* at *
+* *
+* Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre *
+* *
+* email: epcc-javagrande@epcc.ed.ac.uk *
+* *
+* *
+* This version copyright (c) The University of Edinburgh, 2001. *
+* All rights reserved. *
+* *
+public class JGFSORBenchSizeD{
+ public static void main(String argv[]){
+ int nthreads;
+ if(argv.length != 0 ) {
+ nthreads = Integer.parseInt(argv[0]);
+ } else {
+ System.printString("The no of threads has not been specified, defaulting to 1\n");
+ System.printString(" \n");
+ nthreads = 1;
+ }
+ JGFInstrumentor instr = new JGFInstrumentor();
+ //JGFInstrumentor.printHeader(2,0,nthreads);
+ JGFSORBench sor;
+ sor = new JGFSORBench(nthreads);
+ int size = 3;
+ JGFInstrumentor.addTimer("Section2:SOR:Kernel", "Iterations",size, instr.timers);
+ sor.JGFsetsize(size);
+ JGFSORBench.JGFkernel(sor);
+ int retval = 0;
+ /*
+ retval = sor.JGFvalidate();
+ */
+ if(retval!=0) {
+ System.printString("Validation failed\n");
+ }
+ int jacobi;
+ jacobi = sor.JACOBI_NUM_ITER;
+ JGFInstrumentor.addOpsToTimer("Section2:SOR:Kernel", (double) (sor.JACOBI_NUM_ITER), instr.timers);
+ JGFInstrumentor.printTimer("Section2:SOR:Kernel", instr.timers);
+ System.printString("Finished\n");
+ }