#define LISTEN_PORT 2156
#define BACKLOG 10 //max pending connections
+#define PRE_BUF_SIZE 2048
extern int classsize[];
return 0;
int prefetchReq(int acceptfd) {
- int length, sum, n, numbytes, N, oidnfound = 0;
- unsigned int oid;
- char *ptr;
+ int i, length, sum, n, numbytes, numoffset, N, objnotfound = 0, size;
+ unsigned int oid, index = 0;
+ char *ptr, buffer[PRE_BUF_SIZE];
void *mobj;
- unsigned int *oidnotfound;
+ unsigned int *oidnotfound, objoid;
+ char *header;
+ objheader_t * head;
- ptr = (char *)&fixed;;
- /* Counters and arrays to formulate decision on control message to be sent */
- oidnotfound = (unsigned int *) calloc(fixed->numread + fixed->nummod, sizeof(unsigned int));
- /* Repeated recv the oid and offset pairs sent for prefetch */
- while((numbytes = recv(int)acceptfd, &length, sizeof(int), 0) != -1) {
+ /* Repeatedly recv the oid and offset pairs sent for prefetch */
+ while(numbytes = recv((int)acceptfd, &length, sizeof(int), 0) != 0) {
+ if(length == -1)
+ break;
sum = 0;
+ index = 0;
oid = recv((int)acceptfd, &oid, sizeof(unsigned int), 0);
numoffset = (length - (sizeof(int) + sizeof(unsigned int)))/ sizeof(short);
N = numoffset * sizeof(short);
do {
n = recv((int)acceptfd, (void *)ptr+sum, N-sum, 0);
sum += n;
} while(sum < N && n != 0);
/* Process each oid */
/* Check if object is still present in the machine since the beginning of TRANS_PREFETCH */
if ((mobj = mhashSearch(oid)) == NULL) {/* Obj not found */
- /* Save the oids not found and number of oids not found for later use */
- oidnotfound[objnotfound] = oid;
- objnotfound++;
+ /* Save the oids not found in buffer for later use */
+ *(buffer + index) = OBJECT_NOT_FOUND;
+ index += sizeof(char);
+ memcpy(buffer+index, &oid, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ index += sizeof(unsigned int);
} else { /* If Obj found in machine (i.e. has not moved) */
/* Return the oid ..its header and data */
+ header = (char *) mobj;
+ head = (objheader_t *) header;
+ size = sizeof(objheader_t) + sizeof(classsize[head->type]);
+ *(buffer + index) = OBJECT_FOUND;
+ index += sizeof(char);
+ memcpy(buffer+index, &oid, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ index += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ memcpy(buffer + index, header, size);
+ index += size;
+ /* Calculate the oid corresponding to the offset value */
+ for(i = 0 ; i< numoffset ; i++) {
+ objoid = *((int *)(header + sizeof(objheader_t) + offset[i]));
+ if((header = (char *) mhashSearch(objoid)) == NULL) {
+ /* Obj not found, send oid and its offsets */
+ *(buffer + index) = OBJECT_NOT_FOUND;
+ index += sizeof(char);
+ memcpy(buffer+index, &oid, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ index += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ break;
+ } else {/* Obj Found */
+ head = (objheader_t *) header;
+ size = sizeof(objheader_t) + sizeof(classsize[head->type]);
+ *(buffer + index) = OBJECT_FOUND;
+ index += sizeof(char);
+ memcpy(buffer+index, &oid, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ index += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ memcpy(buffer + index, header, size);
+ index += size;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for overflow in the buffer */
+ if (index >= PRE_BUF_SIZE) {
+ printf("Char buffer is overflowing\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Send the buffer with all oids found and not found */
+ if(send((int)acceptfd, &buffer, sizeof(index - 1), MSG_NOSIGNAL) < sizeof(index -1)) {
+ perror("Error sending size of object\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
return 0;