--- /dev/null
+public class SpamFilter extends Thread {
+ DistributedHashMap mydhmap;
+ int id; //thread id
+ /**
+ * Total number of iterations
+ **/
+ int numiter;
+ /**
+ * Total number of emails
+ **/
+ int numemail;
+ /**
+ * Total number of threads
+ **/
+ int nthreads;
+ public SpamFilter() {
+ }
+ public SpamFilter(int numiter, int numemail,int id, DistributedHashMap mydhmap, int nthreads) {
+ this.numiter=numiter;
+ this.numemail=numemail;
+ this.id = id;
+ this.mydhmap = mydhmap;
+ this.nthreads = nthreads;
+ }
+ public void run() {
+ int niter;
+ int nemails;
+ int thid;
+ int correct=0;
+ int wrong=0;
+ atomic {
+ niter=numiter;
+ nemails=numemail;
+ thid = id;
+ }
+ Random rand = new Random(thid);
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<niter; i++) {
+ correct =0;
+ wrong = 0;
+ for(int j=0; j<nemails; j++) {
+ // long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ int pickemail = rand.nextInt(100);
+ //System.out.println("pickemail= " + pickemail);
+ // randomly pick emails
+ pickemail+=1;
+ Mail email = new Mail("emails/email"+pickemail);
+ Vector signatures = email.checkMail(thid);
+ //check with global data structure
+ int[] confidenceVals=null;
+ // long startcheck = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ atomic {
+ confidenceVals = check(signatures,thid);
+ }
+ // long stopcheckMail = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ // long diff = (stopcheckMail-startcheck);
+ // System.out.println("check takes= " + diff + "millisecs");
+ /* Only for debugging
+ for(int k=0; k<signatures.size();k++) {
+ System.out.println("confidenceVals["+k+"]= "+confidenceVals[k]);
+ }
+ */
+ //---- create and return results --------
+ FilterResult filterResult = new FilterResult();
+ //long startgetResult = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ boolean filterAnswer = filterResult.getResult(confidenceVals);
+ //long stopgetResult = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ //diff = (stopgetResult-startgetResult);
+ //System.out.println("getResult takes= " + diff + "millisecs");
+ //---- get user's take on email and send feedback ------
+ boolean userAnswer = email.getIsSpam();
+ // System.out.println("userAnswer= " + userAnswer + " filterAnswer= " + filterAnswer);
+ if(filterAnswer != userAnswer) {
+ /* wrong answer from the spam filter */
+ wrong++;
+ //long startsendFeedBack = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ atomic {
+ sendFeedBack(signatures, userAnswer, thid, rand);
+ }
+ //long stopsendFeedBack = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ //diff = (stopsendFeedBack-startsendFeedBack);
+ //System.out.println("sendFeedback takes= " + diff + "millisecs");
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Correct answer from the spam filter */
+ correct++;
+ }
+ //long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ //diff = stop-start;
+ //System.out.println("time to complete iteration" + j + " = " + diff + " millisecs");
+ } //end num emails
+ // System.out.println((i+1)+"th iteration correct = " + correct + " Wrong = " + wrong + " percentage = " + ((float)correct/(float)nemails));
+ }//end num iter
+ // Sanity check
+ System.out.println((i)+"th iteration correct = " + correct + " Wrong = " + wrong + " percentage = " + ((float)correct/(float)nemails));
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ int[] mid = new int[8];
+ mid[0] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(136<<8)|162; //dc-1.calit2
+ mid[1] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(136<<8)|163; //dc-2.calit2
+ mid[2] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(136<<8)|164; //dc-3.calit2
+ mid[3] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(136<<8)|165; //dc-4.calit2
+ mid[4] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(136<<8)|166; //dc-5.calit2
+ mid[5] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(136<<8)|167; //dc-6.calit2
+ mid[6] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(136<<8)|168; //dc-7.calit2
+ mid[7] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(136<<8)|169; //dc-8.calit2
+ //Read options from command prompt
+ SpamFilter sf = new SpamFilter();
+ SpamFilter.parseCmdLine(args, sf);
+ int nthreads = sf.nthreads;
+ //Create Global data structure
+ DistributedHashMap dhmap;
+ SpamFilter[] spf;
+ atomic {
+ dhmap = global new DistributedHashMap(500, 0.75f);
+ }
+ atomic {
+ spf = global new SpamFilter[nthreads];
+ for(int i=0; i<nthreads; i++) {
+ spf[i] = global new SpamFilter(sf.numiter, sf.numemail, i, dhmap, nthreads);
+ }
+ }
+ /* ---- Start Threads ---- */
+ SpamFilter tmp;
+ for(int i = 0; i<nthreads; i++) {
+ atomic {
+ tmp = spf[i];
+ }
+ tmp.start(mid[i]);
+ }
+ /* ---- Join threads----- */
+ for(int i = 0; i<nthreads; i++) {
+ atomic {
+ tmp = spf[i];
+ }
+ tmp.join();
+ }
+ System.out.println("Finished");
+ }
+ public static void parseCmdLine(String args[], SpamFilter sf) {
+ int i = 0;
+ String arg;
+ while (i < args.length && args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+ arg = args[i++];
+ //check options
+ if(arg.equals("-n")) { //num of iterations
+ if(i < args.length) {
+ sf.numiter = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
+ }
+ } else if(arg.equals("-e")) { //num of emails
+ if(i < args.length) {
+ sf.numemail = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
+ }
+ } else if(arg.equals("-t")) { //num of threads
+ if(i < args.length) {
+ sf.nthreads = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
+ }
+ } else if(arg.equals("-h")) {
+ sf.usage();
+ }
+ }
+ if(sf.nthreads == 0) {
+ sf.usage();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The usage routine describing the program
+ **/
+ public void usage() {
+ System.out.println("usage: ./spamfilter -n <num iterations> -e <num emails> -t <num threads>\n");
+ System.out.println( " -n : num iterations");
+ System.out.println( " -e : number of emails");
+ System.out.println( " -t : number of threads");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns result to the Spam filter
+ **/
+ /*
+ public boolean checkMail(Mail mail, int userid) {
+ //Preprocess emails
+ //Vector partsOfMailStrings = mail.createMailStringsWithURL();
+ /*
+ Vector partsOfMailStrings = mail.getCommonPart();
+ partsOfMailStrings.addElement(mail.getBodyString());
+ //Compute signatures
+ SignatureComputer sigComp = new SignatureComputer();
+ Vector signatures = sigComp.computeSigs(partsOfMailStrings);//vector of strings
+ //check with global data structure
+ int[] confidenceVals = check(signatures,userid);
+ //---- create and return results --------
+ FilterResult filterResult = new FilterResult();
+ boolean spam = filterResult.getResult(confidenceVals);
+ return spam;
+ }
+ */
+ public int[] check(Vector signatures, int userid) {
+ int numparts = signatures.size();
+ //System.out.println("check() numparts= " + numparts);
+ int[] confidenceVals = new int[numparts];
+ for(int i=0; i<numparts; i++) {
+ String part = (String)(signatures.elementAt(i));
+ char tmpengine = part.charAt(0);
+ GString engine=null;
+ if(tmpengine == '4') { //Ephemeral Signature calculator
+ String tmpstr = new String("4");
+ engine = global new GString(tmpstr);
+ }
+ if(tmpengine == '8') { //Whiplash Signature calculator
+ String tmpstr = new String("8");
+ engine = global new GString(tmpstr);
+ }
+ //System.out.println("check(): engine= " + engine.toLocalString());
+ String str = new String(part.substring(2));//a:b index of a =0, index of : =1, index of b =2
+ GString signature = global new GString(str);
+ HashEntry myhe = global new HashEntry();
+ myhe.setengine(engine);
+ myhe.setsig(signature);
+ //find object in distributedhashMap: if no object then add object
+ //HashEntry tmphe = (HashEntry)(mydhmap.getKey(myhe));
+ HashEntry tmphe=null;
+ int hashCode = myhe.hashCode();
+ int index1 = mydhmap.hash1(hashCode, mydhmap.table.length);
+ DistributedHashEntry testhe = mydhmap.table[index1];
+ int point;
+ DHashEntry ptr=null;
+ FilterStatistic fs=null;
+ if(testhe==null) {
+ tmphe=null;
+ fs=null;
+ } else {
+ ptr=testhe.array;
+ point=0;
+ while(ptr !=null) {
+ //TODO: Inline equals method
+ if(ptr.hashval==hashCode&&ptr.key.equals(myhe)) {
+ tmphe=ptr.key;
+ fs= ptr.value;
+ point=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ ptr=ptr.next;
+ }
+ if(point != 1){
+ tmphe=null;
+ fs=null;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tmphe==null) {
+ //add new object
+ HashStat mystat = global new HashStat();
+ mystat.setuser(userid, 0, 0, -1);
+ myhe.setstats(mystat);
+ FilterStatistic myfs = global new FilterStatistic(0,0,-1);
+ /** put into hash map **/
+ point=0;
+ if(testhe==null){
+ testhe = global new DistributedHashEntry();
+ mydhmap.table[index1]=testhe;
+ }
+ ptr=testhe.array;
+ while(ptr !=null) {
+ if(ptr.hashval==hashCode&&ptr.key.equals(myhe)) {
+ FilterStatistic oldvalue=ptr.value;
+ ptr.value=myfs;
+ point=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ ptr=ptr.next;
+ }
+ if(point==0) {
+ DHashEntry he = global new DHashEntry();
+ he.value=myfs;
+ he.key=myhe;
+ he.hashval=hashCode;
+ he.next = testhe.array;
+ testhe.array=he;
+ testhe.count++;
+ //System.out.println("put method returning null");
+ }
+ //mydhmap.put(myhe,myfs);
+ confidenceVals[i] = 0;
+ } else { //read exsisting object
+ // ----- now connect to global data structure and ask for spam -----
+ //HashEntry tmphe = (HashEntry)(mydhmap.getKey(myhe));
+ //FilterStatistic fs = (FilterStatistic) (mydhmap.get(tmphe)); //get the value from hash
+ //System.out.println(fs.toString()+"\n");
+ confidenceVals[i] = fs.getChecked();
+ }
+ }
+ // --> the mail client is able to determine if it is spam or not
+ // --- According to the "any"-logic (in Core#check_logic) in original Razor ---
+ // If any answer is spam, the entire email is spam.
+ return confidenceVals;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method sends feedback from the user to a distributed
+ * spam database and trains the spam database to check future
+ * emails and detect spam
+ **/
+ public void sendFeedBack(Vector signatures, boolean isSpam, int id, Random myrand) {
+ for(int i=0;i<signatures.size();i++) {
+ String part = (String)(signatures.elementAt(i));
+ //
+ // Signature is of form a:b
+ // where a = string representing a signature engine
+ // either "4" or "8"
+ // b = string representing signature
+ //
+ char tmpengine = part.charAt(0); //
+ GString engine=null;
+ if(tmpengine == '4') {
+ String tmpstr = new String("4");
+ engine = global new GString(tmpstr);
+ }
+ if(tmpengine == '8') {
+ String tmpstr = new String("8");
+ engine = global new GString(tmpstr);
+ }
+ //System.out.println("sendFeedBack(): engine= " + engine.toLocalString());
+ String tmpsig = new String(part.substring(2));
+ GString signature = global new GString(tmpsig);
+ //System.out.println("sendFeedBack(): signature= " + signature.toLocalString());
+ HashEntry myhe = global new HashEntry();
+ myhe.setengine(engine);
+ myhe.setsig(signature);
+ // ----- now connect to global data structure and update stats -----
+ //if(mydhmap.containsKey(myhe))
+ //HashEntry tmphe = (HashEntry)(mydhmap.getKey(myhe));
+ HashEntry tmphe=null;
+ FilterStatistic fs=null;
+ int hashCode = myhe.hashCode();
+ int index1 = mydhmap.hash1(hashCode, mydhmap.table.length);
+ DistributedHashEntry testhe = mydhmap.table[index1];
+ if(testhe==null) {
+ tmphe=null;
+ fs=null;
+ } else {
+ DHashEntry ptr=testhe.array;
+ int point=0;
+ while(ptr !=null) {
+ if(ptr.hashval==hashCode&&ptr.key.equals(myhe)) {
+ tmphe=ptr.key;
+ fs=ptr.value;
+ point=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ ptr=ptr.next;
+ }
+ if(point != 1) {
+ tmphe=null;
+ fs=null;
+ }
+ }
+ //tmphe has the key at the end
+ //fs has the value at the end
+ if(tmphe==null)
+ return;
+ if(tmphe.stats.userid[id] != 1) {
+ tmphe.stats.setuserid(id);
+ }
+ //---- get value from distributed hash and update spam count
+ //FilterStatistic fs = (FilterStatistic) (mydhmap.get(myhe));
+ //---- get value from distributed hash and update spam count
+ //System.out.println(fs.toString());
+ //Allow users to give incorrect feedback
+ int pickemail = myrand.nextInt(100);
+ /* Randomly allow user to provide incorrect feedback */
+ if(pickemail < 95) {
+ //give correct feedback 95% of times
+ //Increment spam or ham value
+ if(isSpam) {
+ tmphe.stats.incSpamCount(id);
+ fs.increaseSpam();
+ } else {
+ tmphe.stats.incHamCount(id);
+ fs.increaseHam();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Give incorrect feedback 5% of times
+ if(isSpam) {
+ tmphe.stats.incHamCount(id);
+ fs.increaseHam();
+ } else {
+ tmphe.stats.incSpamCount(id);
+ fs.increaseSpam();
+ }
+ } //end of pickemail
+ }//end of for
+ }//end of sendFeedback