// actions to take during the traversal
protected static final int VISIT_HRN_WRITE_FULL = 0;
- protected static String qString = new String( "Q_spec_" );
- protected static String rString = new String( "R_spec_" );
- protected static String blobString = new String( "_AliasBlob___" );
- protected static TempDescriptor tdReturn = new TempDescriptor( "_Return___" );
- protected static TempDescriptor tdAliasBlob = new TempDescriptor( blobString );
+ protected static final String qString = new String( "Q_spec_" );
+ protected static final String rString = new String( "R_spec_" );
+ protected static final String blobString = new String( "_AliasBlob___" );
+ protected static final TempDescriptor tdReturn = new TempDescriptor( "_Return___" );
+ protected static final TempDescriptor tdAliasBlob = new TempDescriptor( blobString );
+ protected static final TokenTupleSet ttsEmpty = new TokenTupleSet().makeCanonical();
+ protected static final ReachabilitySet rsEmpty = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
+ protected static final ReachabilitySet rsWttsEmpty = new ReachabilitySet( ttsEmpty ).makeCanonical();
// add a bogus entry with the identity rule for easy rewrite
// of new callee nodes and edges, doesn't belong to any parameter
return i+","+field;
+ // these hashtables are used during the mapping procedure to say that
+ // with respect to some argument i there is an edge placed into some
+ // category for mapping with respect to another argument index j
+ // so the key into the hashtable is i, the value is a two-element vector
+ // that contains in 0 the edge and in 1 the Integer index j
+ private void ensureEmptyEdgeIndexPair( Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edge_index_pairs,
+ Integer indexI ) {
+ Set<Vector> ei = edge_index_pairs.get( indexI );
+ if( ei == null ) {
+ ei = new HashSet<Vector>();
+ }
+ edge_index_pairs.put( indexI, ei );
+ }
+ private void addEdgeIndexPair( Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edge_index_pairs,
+ Integer indexI,
+ ReferenceEdge edge,
+ Integer indexJ ) {
+ Vector v = new Vector(); v.setSize( 2 );
+ v.set( 0 , edge );
+ v.set( 1 , indexJ );
+ Set<Vector> ei = edge_index_pairs.get( indexI );
+ if( ei == null ) {
+ ei = new HashSet<Vector>();
+ }
+ ei.add( v );
+ edge_index_pairs.put( indexI, ei );
+ }
+ private ReachabilitySet funcScriptR( ReachabilitySet rsIn,
+ OwnershipGraph ogCallee,
+ MethodContext mc ) {
+ ReachabilitySet rsOut = new ReachabilitySet( rsIn );
+ Iterator itr = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenPrimary.entrySet().iterator();
+ while( itr.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
+ Integer i = (Integer) me.getKey();
+ TokenTuple p_i = (TokenTuple) me.getValue();
+ TokenTuple s_i = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenSecondary.get( i );
+ // skip this if there is no secondary token or the parameter
+ // is part of the aliasing context
+ if( s_i == null || mc.getAliasedParamIndices().contains( i ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ rsOut = rsOut.removeTokenAIfTokenB( p_i, s_i );
+ }
+ return rsOut;
+ }
public void resolveMethodCall(FlatCall fc,
boolean isStatic,
FlatMethod fm,
MethodContext mc
) {
- //String debugCaller = "foo";
- //String debugCallee = "bar";
String debugCaller = "foo";
String debugCallee = "bar";
Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteJ_s2p = new Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet>();
Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteJ_s2s = new Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet>();
- Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteK_p = new Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet>();
- Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteK_s = new Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet>();
+ Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteK_p = new Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet>();
+ Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteK_p2 = new Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet>();
+ Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteK_s = new Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet>();
Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewrite_d_p = new Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet>();
Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewrite_d_s = new Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet>();
assert lnParamQ != null;
ReferenceEdge edgeSpecialQ_i = lnParamQ.getReferenceTo( hrnPrimary, null, null );
assert edgeSpecialQ_i != null;
- paramIndex2rewriteK_p.put( paramIndex,
- toShadowTokens( ogCallee, edgeSpecialQ_i.getBeta() ) );
+ ReachabilitySet qBeta = toShadowTokens( ogCallee, edgeSpecialQ_i.getBeta() );
+ TokenTuple p_i = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenPrimary .get( paramIndex );
+ TokenTuple s_i = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenSecondary.get( paramIndex );
+ ReachabilitySet K_p = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
+ ReachabilitySet K_p2 = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
+ if( s_i == null ) {
+ K_p = qBeta;
+ } else {
+ // sort qBeta into K_p1 and K_p2
+ Iterator<TokenTupleSet> ttsItr = qBeta.iterator();
+ while( ttsItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TokenTupleSet tts = ttsItr.next();
+ if( s_i != null && tts.containsBoth( p_i, s_i ) ) {
+ K_p2 = K_p2.union( tts );
+ } else {
+ K_p = K_p.union( tts );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ paramIndex2rewriteK_p .put( paramIndex, K_p );
+ paramIndex2rewriteK_p2.put( paramIndex, K_p2 );
// if there is a secondary node, compute the rest of the rewrite rules
new Hashtable<Integer, Set<HeapRegionNode> >();
Set<HeapRegionNode> defParamObj = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- //Set<HeapRegionNode> drAny = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- //Set<HeapRegionNode> rAny = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
Iterator lnArgItr = paramIndex2ln.entrySet().iterator();
while( lnArgItr.hasNext() ) {
HeapRegionNode hrn = edge.getDst();
dr.add( hrn );
- //drAny.add( hrn );
if( lnArg_i.getNumReferencees() == 1 && hrn.isSingleObject() ) {
defParamObj.add( hrn );
todo.remove( hrnr );
r.add( hrnr );
- //rAny.add( hrnr );
Iterator<ReferenceEdge> edgeItr = hrnr.iteratorToReferencees();
while( edgeItr.hasNext() ) {
assert defParamObj.size() <= fm.numParameters();
- System.out.println( "\n\n"+mc+" is calling "+fm+" *****" );
// now iterate over reachable nodes to rewrite their alpha, and
// classify edges found for beta rewrite
Hashtable<TokenTuple, ReachabilitySet> tokens2states = new Hashtable<TokenTuple, ReachabilitySet>();
- Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_p2p = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
- Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_p2s = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
- Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_s2p = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
- Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_s2s = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
- //HashSet<ReferenceEdge> edgesUpstreamDirectlyReachable = new HashSet<ReferenceEdge>();
- //HashSet<ReferenceEdge> edgesUpstreamReachable = new HashSet<ReferenceEdge>();
+ Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_p2p = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
+ Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_p2s = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
+ Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_s2p = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
+ Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_s2s = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
+ Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_up_dr = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
+ Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> > edges_up_r = new Hashtable< Integer, Set<Vector> >();
// so again, with respect to some arg i...
TokenTuple p_i = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenPrimary.get( index );
TokenTuple s_i = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenSecondary.get( index );
- assert p_i != null;
- Set<Vector> ei = edges_p2p.get( index );
- if( ei == null ) { ei = new HashSet<Vector>(); }
- edges_p2p.put( index, ei );
- ei = edges_p2s.get( index );
- if( ei == null ) { ei = new HashSet<Vector>(); }
- edges_p2s.put( index, ei );
- ei = edges_s2p.get( index );
- if( ei == null ) { ei = new HashSet<Vector>(); }
- edges_s2p.put( index, ei );
- ei = edges_s2s.get( index );
- if( ei == null ) { ei = new HashSet<Vector>(); }
- edges_s2s.put( index, ei );
- System.out.println( "with respect to arg "+index );
+ assert p_i != null;
+ ensureEmptyEdgeIndexPair( edges_p2p, index );
+ ensureEmptyEdgeIndexPair( edges_p2s, index );
+ ensureEmptyEdgeIndexPair( edges_s2p, index );
+ ensureEmptyEdgeIndexPair( edges_s2s, index );
+ ensureEmptyEdgeIndexPair( edges_up_dr, index );
+ ensureEmptyEdgeIndexPair( edges_up_r, index );
Set<HeapRegionNode> dr = pi2dr.get( index );
Iterator<HeapRegionNode> hrnItr = dr.iterator();
ReferenceEdge edge = edgeItr.next();
OwnershipNode on = edge.getSrc();
- //edgesUpstreamDirectlyReachable.add( edge );
+ boolean edge_classified = false;
if( on instanceof HeapRegionNode ) {
// hrn0 may be "a_j" and/or "r_j" or even neither
Set<HeapRegionNode> dr_i = (Set<HeapRegionNode>) mo.getValue();
if( dr_i.contains( hrn0 ) ) {
- Vector v = new Vector(); v.setSize( 2 );
- v.set( 0 , edge );
- v.set( 1 , index );
- Set<Vector> e = edges_p2p.get( pi );
- if( e == null ) { e = new HashSet<Vector>(); }
- e.add( v );
- edges_p2p.put( pi, e );
- //System.out.println( " sorting "+edge+" with "+pi+"->"+index );
+ addEdgeIndexPair( edges_p2p, pi, edge, index );
+ edge_classified = true;
Set<HeapRegionNode> r_i = (Set<HeapRegionNode>) mo.getValue();
if( r_i.contains( hrn0 ) ) {
- Vector v = new Vector(); v.setSize( 2 );
- v.set( 0, edge );
- v.set( 1, index );
- Set<Vector> e = edges_s2p.get( pi );
- if( e == null ) { e = new HashSet<Vector>(); }
- e.add( v );
- edges_s2p.put( pi, e );
+ addEdgeIndexPair( edges_s2p, pi, edge, index );
+ edge_classified = true;
+ // all of these edges are upstream of directly reachable objects
+ if( !edge_classified ) {
+ addEdgeIndexPair( edges_up_dr, index, edge, index );
+ }
ReferenceEdge edge = edgeItr.next();
OwnershipNode on = edge.getSrc();
- //edgesUpstreamReachable.add( edge );
+ boolean edge_classified = false;
if( on instanceof HeapRegionNode ) {
// hrn0 may be "a_j" and/or "r_j" or even neither
Set<HeapRegionNode> dr_i = (Set<HeapRegionNode>) mo.getValue();
if( dr_i.contains( hrn0 ) ) {
- Vector v = new Vector(); v.setSize( 2 );
- v.set( 0, edge );
- v.set( 1, index );
- Set<Vector> e = edges_p2s.get( pi );
- if( e == null ) { e = new HashSet<Vector>(); }
- e.add( v );
- edges_p2s.put( pi, e );
+ addEdgeIndexPair( edges_p2s, pi, edge, index );
+ edge_classified = true;
Set<HeapRegionNode> r_i = (Set<HeapRegionNode>) mo.getValue();
if( r_i.contains( hrn0 ) ) {
- Vector v = new Vector(); v.setSize( 2 );
- v.set( 0, edge );
- v.set( 1, index );
- Set<Vector> e = edges_s2s.get( pi );
- if( e == null ) { e = new HashSet<Vector>(); }
- e.add( v );
- edges_s2s.put( pi, e );
+ addEdgeIndexPair( edges_s2s, pi, edge, index );
+ edge_classified = true;
+ // these edges are all upstream of some reachable node
+ if( !edge_classified ) {
+ addEdgeIndexPair( edges_up_r, index, edge, index );
+ }
TokenTuple p_j = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenPrimary.get( indexJ );
assert p_j != null;
- System.out.println( "Classified "+edge+" as p2p, p_j="+p_j );
- System.out.println( " and callee index2tok="+ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenPrimary );
- System.out.println( " and callee tok2index="+ogCallee.paramTokenPrimary2paramIndex );
- System.out.println( " paramIndex2rewriteJ_p2p="+paramIndex2rewriteJ_p2p );
- System.out.println( " key is: "+makeMapKey( index, indexJ, edge.getField() ) );
tokens2states.put( p_j, edge.getBeta() );
edgesWithNewBeta.add( edge );
- /*
// update directly upstream edges
Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet> edgeUpstreamPlannedChanges =
new Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet>();
+ HashSet<ReferenceEdge> edgesDirectlyUpstream =
+ new HashSet<ReferenceEdge>();
- edgeItr = edgesUpstreamDirectlyReachable.iterator();
+ edgeItr = edges_up_dr.get( index ).iterator();
while( edgeItr.hasNext() ) {
- ReferenceEdge edge = edgeItr.next();
+ Vector mo = (Vector) edgeItr.next();
+ ReferenceEdge edge = (ReferenceEdge) mo.get( 0 );
+ Integer indexJ = (Integer) mo.get( 1 );
+ edgesDirectlyUpstream.add( edge );
+ TokenTuple p_j = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenPrimary.get( indexJ );
+ assert p_j != null;
+ // start with K_p2 and p_j
+ tokens2states.clear();
+ tokens2states.put( p_j, edge.getBeta() );
rewriteCallerReachability( index,
- paramIndex2rewriteK_p.get( index ),
+ paramIndex2rewriteK_p2.get( index ),
+ tokens2states,
edgeUpstreamPlannedChanges );
+ // and add in s_j, if required, and do K_p
+ TokenTuple s_j = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenSecondary.get( indexJ );
+ if( s_j != null ) {
+ tokens2states.put( s_j, edge.getBeta() );
+ }
+ rewriteCallerReachability( index,
+ null,
+ edge,
+ paramIndex2rewriteK_p.get( index ),
+ tokens2states,
+ paramIndex2rewrite_d_p,
+ paramIndex2rewrite_d_s,
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ ogCallee,
+ true,
+ edgeUpstreamPlannedChanges );
edgesWithNewBeta.add( edge );
- propagateTokensOverEdges( edgesUpstream,
+ propagateTokensOverEdges( edgesDirectlyUpstream,
edgesWithNewBeta );
// update upstream edges
edgeUpstreamPlannedChanges =
new Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet>();
- edgeItr = edgesUpstreamReachable.iterator();
+ HashSet<ReferenceEdge> edgesUpstream =
+ new HashSet<ReferenceEdge>();
+ edgeItr = edges_up_r.get( index ).iterator();
while( edgeItr.hasNext() ) {
- ReferenceEdge edge = edgeItr.next();
+ Vector mo = (Vector) edgeItr.next();
+ ReferenceEdge edge = (ReferenceEdge) mo.get( 0 );
+ Integer indexJ = (Integer) mo.get( 1 );
+ edgesUpstream.add( edge );
+ TokenTuple p_j = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenPrimary.get( indexJ );
+ assert p_j != null;
+ TokenTuple s_j = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenSecondary.get( indexJ );
+ assert s_j != null;
+ tokens2states.clear();
+ tokens2states.put( p_j, rsWttsEmpty );
+ tokens2states.put( s_j, edge.getBeta() );
rewriteCallerReachability( index,
paramIndex2rewriteK_s.get( index ),
+ tokens2states,
propagateTokensOverEdges( edgesUpstream,
edgesWithNewBeta );
- */
} // end effects per argument/parameter map
// commit changes to alpha and beta
Iterator<HeapRegionNode> nodeItr = nodesWithNewAlpha.iterator();
while( nodeItr.hasNext() ) {
- /*
// verify the existence of allocation sites and their
// shadows from the callee in the context of this caller graph
// then map allocated nodes of callee onto the caller shadows
// of them
+ Hashtable<TokenTuple, ReachabilitySet> tokens2statesEmpty = new Hashtable<TokenTuple, ReachabilitySet>();
Iterator<AllocationSite> asItr = ogCallee.allocationSites.iterator();
while( asItr.hasNext() ) {
AllocationSite allocSite = asItr.next();
// grab the summary in the caller just to make sure
// the allocation site has nodes in the caller
- HeapRegionNode hrnSummary = getSummaryNode(allocSite);
+ HeapRegionNode hrnSummary = getSummaryNode( allocSite );
// assert that the shadow nodes have no reference edges
// because they're brand new to the graph, or last time
// they were used they should have been cleared of edges
- HeapRegionNode hrnShadowSummary = getShadowSummaryNode(allocSite);
+ HeapRegionNode hrnShadowSummary = getShadowSummaryNode( allocSite );
assert hrnShadowSummary.getNumReferencers() == 0;
assert hrnShadowSummary.getNumReferencees() == 0;
// then bring g_ij onto g'_ij and rewrite
- HeapRegionNode hrnSummaryCallee = ogCallee.getSummaryNode(allocSite);
- hrnShadowSummary.setAlpha(toShadowTokens(ogCallee, hrnSummaryCallee.getAlpha() ) );
+ HeapRegionNode hrnSummaryCallee = ogCallee.getSummaryNode( allocSite );
+ hrnShadowSummary.setAlpha( toShadowTokens( ogCallee, hrnSummaryCallee.getAlpha() ) );
// shadow nodes only are touched by a rewrite one time,
// so rewrite and immediately commit--and they don't belong
// to a particular parameter, so use a bogus param index
// that pulls a self-rewrite out of H
- rewriteCallerReachability(bogusIndex,
- hrnShadowSummary,
- null,
- hrnShadowSummary.getAlpha(),
- paramIndex2rewrite_d,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- bogusToken,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenPlus2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
- false,
- null);
+ rewriteCallerReachability( bogusIndex,
+ hrnShadowSummary,
+ null,
+ funcScriptR( hrnShadowSummary.getAlpha(), ogCallee, mc ),
+ tokens2statesEmpty,
+ paramIndex2rewrite_d_p,
+ paramIndex2rewrite_d_s,
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ ogCallee,
+ false,
+ null );
HeapRegionNode hrnIthCallee = ogCallee.id2hrn.get(idIth);
hrnIthShadow.setAlpha(toShadowTokens(ogCallee, hrnIthCallee.getAlpha() ) );
- rewriteCallerReachability(bogusIndex,
- hrnIthShadow,
- null,
- hrnIthShadow.getAlpha(),
- paramIndex2rewrite_d,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- bogusToken,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenPlus2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
- false,
- null);
+ rewriteCallerReachability( bogusIndex,
+ hrnIthShadow,
+ null,
+ funcScriptR( hrnIthShadow.getAlpha(), ogCallee, mc ),
+ tokens2statesEmpty,
+ paramIndex2rewrite_d_p,
+ paramIndex2rewrite_d_s,
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ ogCallee,
+ false,
+ null );
// for every heap region->heap region edge in the
// callee graph, create the matching edge or edges
// in the caller graph
- Set sCallee = ogCallee.id2hrn.entrySet();
+ Set sCallee = ogCallee.id2hrn.entrySet();
Iterator iCallee = sCallee.iterator();
while( iCallee.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry meCallee = (Map.Entry)iCallee.next();
- Integer idCallee = (Integer) meCallee.getKey();
+ Map.Entry meCallee = (Map.Entry) iCallee.next();
+ Integer idCallee = (Integer) meCallee.getKey();
HeapRegionNode hrnCallee = (HeapRegionNode) meCallee.getValue();
Iterator<ReferenceEdge> heapRegionsItrCallee = hrnCallee.iteratorToReferencees();
while( heapRegionsItrCallee.hasNext() ) {
- ReferenceEdge edgeCallee = heapRegionsItrCallee.next();
+ ReferenceEdge edgeCallee = heapRegionsItrCallee.next();
HeapRegionNode hrnChildCallee = edgeCallee.getDst();
- Integer idChildCallee = hrnChildCallee.getID();
+ Integer idChildCallee = hrnChildCallee.getID();
- // only address this edge if it is not a special reflexive edge
+ // only address this edge if it is not a special initial edge
if( !edgeCallee.isInitialParam() ) {
// now we know that in the callee method's ownership graph
// make the edge with src and dst so beta info is
// calculated once, then copy it for each new edge in caller
- ReferenceEdge edgeNewInCallerTemplate = new ReferenceEdge(null,
- null,
- edgeCallee.getType(),
- edgeCallee.getField(),
- false,
- toShadowTokens(ogCallee,
- edgeCallee.getBeta() )
- );
- rewriteCallerReachability(bogusIndex,
- null,
- edgeNewInCallerTemplate,
- edgeNewInCallerTemplate.getBeta(),
- paramIndex2rewrite_d,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- bogusToken,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenPlus2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
- false,
- null);
+ ReferenceEdge edgeNewInCallerTemplate = new ReferenceEdge( null,
+ null,
+ edgeCallee.getType(),
+ edgeCallee.getField(),
+ false,
+ funcScriptR( toShadowTokens( ogCallee,
+ edgeCallee.getBeta()
+ ),
+ ogCallee,
+ mc )
+ );
+ rewriteCallerReachability( bogusIndex,
+ null,
+ edgeNewInCallerTemplate,
+ edgeNewInCallerTemplate.getBeta(),
+ tokens2statesEmpty,
+ paramIndex2rewrite_d_p,
+ paramIndex2rewrite_d_s,
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ ogCallee,
+ false,
+ null );
// and a set of destination heaps in the caller graph, and make
// a reference edge in the caller for every possible (src,dst) pair
HashSet<HeapRegionNode> possibleCallerSrcs =
- getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN(ogCallee,
- (HeapRegionNode) edgeCallee.getSrc(),
- pi2r);
+ getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN( ogCallee,
+ (HeapRegionNode) edgeCallee.getSrc(),
+ pi2dr,
+ pi2r );
HashSet<HeapRegionNode> possibleCallerDsts =
- getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN(ogCallee,
- edgeCallee.getDst(),
- pi2r);
+ getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN( ogCallee,
+ edgeCallee.getDst(),
+ pi2dr,
+ pi2r );
// make every possible pair of {srcSet} -> {dstSet} edges in the caller
Iterator srcItr = possibleCallerSrcs.iterator();
while( srcItr.hasNext() ) {
HeapRegionNode src = (HeapRegionNode) srcItr.next();
- if( !hasMatchingField(src, edgeCallee) ) {
+ if( !hasMatchingField( src, edgeCallee ) ) {
// prune this source node possibility
while( dstItr.hasNext() ) {
HeapRegionNode dst = (HeapRegionNode) dstItr.next();
- if( !hasMatchingType(edgeCallee, dst) ) {
+ if( !hasMatchingType( edgeCallee, dst ) ) {
// prune
// otherwise the caller src and dst pair can match the edge, so make it
ReferenceEdge edgeNewInCaller = edgeNewInCallerTemplate.copy();
- edgeNewInCaller.setSrc(src);
- edgeNewInCaller.setDst(dst);
+ edgeNewInCaller.setSrc( src );
+ edgeNewInCaller.setDst( dst );
- ReferenceEdge edgeExisting = src.getReferenceTo(dst,
- edgeNewInCaller.getType(),
- edgeNewInCaller.getField() );
+ ReferenceEdge edgeExisting = src.getReferenceTo( dst,
+ edgeNewInCaller.getType(),
+ edgeNewInCaller.getField() );
if( edgeExisting == null ) {
// if this edge doesn't exist in the caller, create it
- addReferenceEdge(src, dst, edgeNewInCaller);
+ addReferenceEdge( src, dst, edgeNewInCaller );
} else {
// if it already exists, merge with it
- edgeExisting.setBeta(edgeExisting.getBeta().union(edgeNewInCaller.getBeta() ) );
+ edgeExisting.setBeta( edgeExisting.getBeta().union( edgeNewInCaller.getBeta() ) );
TempDescriptor returnTemp = fc.getReturnTemp();
if( returnTemp != null && !returnTemp.getType().isImmutable() ) {
- LabelNode lnLhsCaller = getLabelNodeFromTemp(returnTemp);
- clearReferenceEdgesFrom(lnLhsCaller, null, null, true);
+ LabelNode lnLhsCaller = getLabelNodeFromTemp( returnTemp );
+ clearReferenceEdgesFrom( lnLhsCaller, null, null, true );
- LabelNode lnReturnCallee = ogCallee.getLabelNodeFromTemp(tdReturn);
+ LabelNode lnReturnCallee = ogCallee.getLabelNodeFromTemp( tdReturn );
Iterator<ReferenceEdge> edgeCalleeItr = lnReturnCallee.iteratorToReferencees();
while( edgeCalleeItr.hasNext() ) {
ReferenceEdge edgeCallee = edgeCalleeItr.next();
- ReferenceEdge edgeNewInCallerTemplate = new ReferenceEdge(null,
- null,
- edgeCallee.getType(),
- edgeCallee.getField(),
- false,
- toShadowTokens(ogCallee,
- edgeCallee.getBeta() )
- );
- rewriteCallerReachability(bogusIndex,
- null,
- edgeNewInCallerTemplate,
- edgeNewInCallerTemplate.getBeta(),
- paramIndex2rewrite_d,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- bogusToken,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenPlus2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
- false,
- null);
+ ReferenceEdge edgeNewInCallerTemplate = new ReferenceEdge( null,
+ null,
+ edgeCallee.getType(),
+ edgeCallee.getField(),
+ false,
+ funcScriptR( toShadowTokens(ogCallee,
+ edgeCallee.getBeta() ),
+ ogCallee,
+ mc )
+ );
+ rewriteCallerReachability( bogusIndex,
+ null,
+ edgeNewInCallerTemplate,
+ edgeNewInCallerTemplate.getBeta(),
+ tokens2statesEmpty,
+ paramIndex2rewrite_d_p,
+ paramIndex2rewrite_d_s,
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ ogCallee,
+ false,
+ null );
HashSet<HeapRegionNode> assignCallerRhs =
- getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN(ogCallee,
- edgeCallee.getDst(),
- pi2r);
+ getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN( ogCallee,
+ edgeCallee.getDst(),
+ pi2dr,
+ pi2r );
Iterator<HeapRegionNode> itrHrn = assignCallerRhs.iterator();
while( itrHrn.hasNext() ) {
HeapRegionNode hrnCaller = itrHrn.next();
- if( !hasMatchingType(edgeCallee, hrnCaller) ) {
+ if( !hasMatchingType( edgeCallee, hrnCaller ) ) {
// prune
// otherwise caller node can match callee edge, so make it
ReferenceEdge edgeNewInCaller = edgeNewInCallerTemplate.copy();
- edgeNewInCaller.setSrc(lnLhsCaller);
- edgeNewInCaller.setDst(hrnCaller);
+ edgeNewInCaller.setSrc( lnLhsCaller );
+ edgeNewInCaller.setDst( hrnCaller );
- ReferenceEdge edgeExisting = lnLhsCaller.getReferenceTo(hrnCaller,
- edgeNewInCaller.getType(),
- edgeNewInCaller.getField() );
+ ReferenceEdge edgeExisting = lnLhsCaller.getReferenceTo( hrnCaller,
+ edgeNewInCaller.getType(),
+ edgeNewInCaller.getField() );
if( edgeExisting == null ) {
// if this edge doesn't exist in the caller, create it
- addReferenceEdge(lnLhsCaller, hrnCaller, edgeNewInCaller);
+ addReferenceEdge( lnLhsCaller, hrnCaller, edgeNewInCaller );
} else {
// if it already exists, merge with it
- edgeExisting.setBeta(edgeExisting.getBeta().union(edgeNewInCaller.getBeta() ) );
+ edgeExisting.setBeta( edgeExisting.getBeta().union( edgeNewInCaller.getBeta() ) );
// first age each allocation site enough times to make room for the shadow nodes
for( int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
- age(as);
+ age( as );
// then merge the shadow summary into the normal summary
- HeapRegionNode hrnSummary = getSummaryNode(as);
+ HeapRegionNode hrnSummary = getSummaryNode( as );
assert hrnSummary != null;
- HeapRegionNode hrnSummaryShadow = getShadowSummaryNode(as);
+ HeapRegionNode hrnSummaryShadow = getShadowSummaryNode( as );
assert hrnSummaryShadow != null;
- mergeIntoSummary(hrnSummaryShadow, hrnSummary);
+ mergeIntoSummary( hrnSummaryShadow, hrnSummary );
// then clear off after merge
- clearReferenceEdgesFrom(hrnSummaryShadow, null, null, true);
- clearReferenceEdgesTo(hrnSummaryShadow, null, null, true);
- hrnSummaryShadow.setAlpha(new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical() );
+ clearReferenceEdgesFrom( hrnSummaryShadow, null, null, true );
+ clearReferenceEdgesTo ( hrnSummaryShadow, null, null, true );
+ hrnSummaryShadow.setAlpha( new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical() );
// then transplant shadow nodes onto the now clean normal nodes
for( int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
- Integer idIth = as.getIthOldest(i);
- HeapRegionNode hrnIth = id2hrn.get(idIth);
- Integer idIthShadow = as.getIthOldestShadow(i);
- HeapRegionNode hrnIthShadow = id2hrn.get(idIthShadow);
+ Integer idIth = as.getIthOldest( i );
+ HeapRegionNode hrnIth = id2hrn.get( idIth );
+ Integer idIthShadow = as.getIthOldestShadow( i );
+ HeapRegionNode hrnIthShadow = id2hrn.get( idIthShadow );
- transferOnto(hrnIthShadow, hrnIth);
+ transferOnto( hrnIthShadow, hrnIth );
// clear off shadow nodes after transfer
- clearReferenceEdgesFrom(hrnIthShadow, null, null, true);
- clearReferenceEdgesTo(hrnIthShadow, null, null, true);
- hrnIthShadow.setAlpha(new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical() );
+ clearReferenceEdgesFrom( hrnIthShadow, null, null, true );
+ clearReferenceEdgesTo ( hrnIthShadow, null, null, true );
+ hrnIthShadow.setAlpha( new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical() );
// finally, globally change shadow tokens into normal tokens
Iterator itrAllLabelNodes = td2ln.entrySet().iterator();
while( itrAllLabelNodes.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry)itrAllLabelNodes.next();
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itrAllLabelNodes.next();
LabelNode ln = (LabelNode) me.getValue();
Iterator<ReferenceEdge> itrEdges = ln.iteratorToReferencees();
while( itrEdges.hasNext() ) {
- unshadowTokens(as, itrEdges.next() );
+ unshadowTokens( as, itrEdges.next() );
Iterator itrAllHRNodes = id2hrn.entrySet().iterator();
while( itrAllHRNodes.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry)itrAllHRNodes.next();
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itrAllHRNodes.next();
HeapRegionNode hrnToAge = (HeapRegionNode) me.getValue();
- unshadowTokens(as, hrnToAge);
+ unshadowTokens( as, hrnToAge );
Iterator<ReferenceEdge> itrEdges = hrnToAge.iteratorToReferencees();
while( itrEdges.hasNext() ) {
- unshadowTokens(as, itrEdges.next() );
+ unshadowTokens( as, itrEdges.next() );
// improve reachability as much as possible
- */
if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
assert rules != null;
assert tokens2states != null;
- /*
- ReachabilitySet callerReachabilityCurrent;
- if( hrn == null ) {
- callerReachabilityCurrent = edge.getBeta();
- } else {
- callerReachabilityCurrent = hrn.getAlpha();
- }
- */
- //System.out.println( " -------------------------" );
- //System.out.println( " rewriting "+hrn+" with reach: "+hrn.getAlpha() );
- //System.out.println( " and token2states = "+tokens2states );
- //System.out.println( " paramTokenPrimary2paramIndex = "+paramTokenPrimary2paramIndex );
- //System.out.println( " d_p = "+paramIndex2rewrite_d_p );
ReachabilitySet callerReachabilityNew = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
// for initializing structures in this method
while(rulesItr.hasNext()) {
TokenTupleSet rule = rulesItr.next();
- //System.out.println( " rule is "+rule );
ReachabilitySet rewrittenRule = new ReachabilitySet(ttsEmpty).makeCanonical();
Iterator<TokenTuple> ruleItr = rule.iterator();
ReachabilitySet ttCalleeRewrites = null;
boolean callerSourceUsed = false;
- if( tokens2states.containsKey( ttCallee ) ) {
- // there are states for this token passed in
- //ttCalleeRewrites = callerReachabilityCurrent;
- //System.out.print( " using token2states, " );
+ if( tokens2states.containsKey( ttCallee ) ) {
callerSourceUsed = true;
ttCalleeRewrites = tokens2states.get( ttCallee );
assert ttCalleeRewrites != null;
} else if( ogCallee.paramTokenPrimary2paramIndex.containsKey( ttCallee ) ) {
// use little d_p
- //System.out.print( " using d_p, " );
Integer paramIndex_j = ogCallee.paramTokenPrimary2paramIndex.get( ttCallee );
assert paramIndex_j != null;
ttCalleeRewrites = paramIndex2rewrite_d_p.get( paramIndex_j );
} else if( ogCallee.paramTokenSecondary2paramIndex.containsKey( ttCallee ) ) {
// use little d_s
- //System.out.print( " using d_s, " );
Integer paramIndex_j = ogCallee.paramTokenSecondary2paramIndex.get( ttCallee );
assert paramIndex_j != null;
ttCalleeRewrites = paramIndex2rewrite_d_s.get( paramIndex_j );
} else {
// otherwise there's no need for a rewrite, just pass this one on
- //System.out.print( " just pass, " );
TokenTupleSet ttsCaller = new TokenTupleSet( ttCallee ).makeCanonical();
ttCalleeRewrites = new ReachabilitySet( ttsCaller ).makeCanonical();
- //System.out.println( " "+ttCallee+" to "+ttCalleeRewrites );
// branch every version of the working rewritten rule with
// the possibilities for rewriting the current callee token
ReachabilitySet rewrittenRuleWithTTCallee = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
} else {
hrn.setAlphaNew( hrn.getAlphaNew().union( callerReachabilityNew ) );
- //System.out.println( " -------------------------" );
private HashSet<HeapRegionNode>
- getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN(OwnershipGraph ogCallee,
- HeapRegionNode hrnCallee,
- Hashtable<Integer, HashSet<HeapRegionNode> > paramIndex2reachableCallerNodes
- ) {
- /*
+ getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN( OwnershipGraph ogCallee,
+ HeapRegionNode hrnCallee,
+ Hashtable<Integer, Set<HeapRegionNode> > pi2dr,
+ Hashtable<Integer, Set<HeapRegionNode> > pi2r
+ ) {
HashSet<HeapRegionNode> possibleCallerHRNs = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- Set<Integer> paramIndicesCallee = ogCallee.id2paramIndexSet.get( hrnCallee.getID() );
+ Set<Integer> paramIndicesCallee_p = ogCallee.idPrimary2paramIndexSet .get( hrnCallee.getID() );
+ Set<Integer> paramIndicesCallee_s = ogCallee.idSecondary2paramIndexSet.get( hrnCallee.getID() );
- if( paramIndicesCallee == null ) {
- // this is a node allocated in the callee then and it has
+ if( paramIndicesCallee_p == null &&
+ paramIndicesCallee_s == null ) {
+ // this is a node allocated in the callee and it has
// exactly one shadow node in the caller to map to
AllocationSite as = hrnCallee.getAllocationSite();
assert as != null;
- int age = as.getAgeCategory(hrnCallee.getID() );
+ int age = as.getAgeCategory( hrnCallee.getID() );
assert age != AllocationSite.AGE_notInThisSite;
Integer idCaller;
if( age == AllocationSite.AGE_summary ) {
idCaller = as.getSummaryShadow();
} else if( age == AllocationSite.AGE_oldest ) {
idCaller = as.getOldestShadow();
} else {
assert age == AllocationSite.AGE_in_I;
- Integer I = as.getAge(hrnCallee.getID() );
+ Integer I = as.getAge( hrnCallee.getID() );
assert I != null;
- idCaller = as.getIthOldestShadow(I);
+ idCaller = as.getIthOldestShadow( I );
- assert id2hrn.containsKey(idCaller);
- HeapRegionNode hrnCaller = id2hrn.get(idCaller);
- possibleCallerHRNs.add(hrnCaller);
+ assert id2hrn.containsKey( idCaller );
+ possibleCallerHRNs.add( id2hrn.get( idCaller ) );
- } else {
+ return possibleCallerHRNs;
+ }
+ // find out what primary objects this might be
+ if( paramIndicesCallee_p != null ) {
// this is a node that was created to represent a parameter
- // so it maps to a whole mess of heap regions
- Iterator<Integer> itrIndex = paramIndicesCallee.iterator();
+ // so it maps to some regions directly reachable from the arg labels
+ Iterator<Integer> itrIndex = paramIndicesCallee_p.iterator();
while( itrIndex.hasNext() ) {
Integer paramIndexCallee = itrIndex.next();
- assert paramIndex2reachableCallerNodes.containsKey(paramIndexCallee);
- possibleCallerHRNs.addAll( paramIndex2reachableCallerNodes.get(paramIndexCallee) );
+ assert pi2dr.containsKey( paramIndexCallee );
+ possibleCallerHRNs.addAll( pi2dr.get( paramIndexCallee ) );
+ // find out what secondary objects this might be
+ if( paramIndicesCallee_s != null ) {
+ // this is a node that was created to represent objs reachable from
+ // some parameter, so it maps to regions reachable from the arg labels
+ Iterator<Integer> itrIndex = paramIndicesCallee_s.iterator();
+ while( itrIndex.hasNext() ) {
+ Integer paramIndexCallee = itrIndex.next();
+ assert pi2r.containsKey( paramIndexCallee );
+ possibleCallerHRNs.addAll( pi2r.get( paramIndexCallee ) );
+ }
+ }
+ // one of the two cases above should have put something in here
+ assert !possibleCallerHRNs.isEmpty();
return possibleCallerHRNs;
- */
- return new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
// assert that this node and incoming edges have clean alphaNew
// and betaNew sets, respectively
- ReachabilitySet rsEmpty = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
assert rsEmpty.equals( hrn.getAlphaNew() );
Iterator<ReferenceEdge> itrRers = hrn.iteratorToReferencers();