switch(curr.kind()) {
+ case FKind.FlatCall:
+ processCall((FlatCall)curr,child_prefetch_set_copy);
+ break;
case FKind.FlatBackEdge:
case FKind.FlatCheckNode:
case FKind.FlatReturnNode:
case FKind.FlatNop:
case FKind.FlatNew:
case FKind.FlatCastNode:
- case FKind.FlatCall:
case FKind.FlatTagDeclaration:
updatePairMap(curr, pm, 0);
updatePrefetchSet(curr, tocompare);
+ /** If FlatNode is not concerned with the prefetch set of its Child then propagate
+ * prefetches up the FlatNode*/
+ private void processCall(FlatCall curr, Hashtable<PrefetchPair, Double> child_prefetch_set_copy) {
+ PairMap pm = new PairMap();
+ Hashtable<PrefetchPair, Double> tocompare = new Hashtable<PrefetchPair, Double>();
+ /* Don't propagate prefetches across cache clear */
+ if (!curr.getMethod().getClassMethodName().equals("System.clearPrefetchCache")) {
+ /* Propagate all child nodes */
+ nexttemp:
+ for(Enumeration e = child_prefetch_set_copy.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
+ PrefetchPair childpp = (PrefetchPair) e.nextElement();
+ TempDescriptor[] writearray=curr.writesTemps();
+ for(int i=0;i<writearray.length;i++) {
+ TempDescriptor wtd=writearray[i];
+ if(childpp.base == wtd||
+ childpp.containsTemp(wtd))
+ continue nexttemp;
+ }
+ tocompare.put(childpp, child_prefetch_set_copy.get(childpp));
+ pm.addPair(childpp, childpp);
+ }
+ }
+ updatePairMap(curr, pm, 0);
+ updatePrefetchSet(curr, tocompare);
+ }
/** This function prints the Prefetch pairs of a given flatnode */
private void printPrefetchPairs(FlatNode fn) {