friend class DSNode;
DSNode * const Node;
unsigned Link;
- unsigned LinkIdx;
typedef DSNodeIterator _Self;
- DSNodeIterator(DSNode *N) : Node(N), Link(0), LinkIdx(0) { // begin iterator
- unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumOutgoingLinks();
- while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getOutgoingLink(Link).empty())
+ DSNodeIterator(DSNode *N) : Node(N), Link(0) { // begin iterator
+ unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumLinks();
+ while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getLink(Link) == 0)
DSNodeIterator(DSNode *N, bool) // Create end iterator
- : Node(N), Link(N->getNumOutgoingLinks()), LinkIdx(0) {
+ : Node(N), Link(N->getNumLinks()) {
bool operator==(const _Self& x) const {
- return Link == x.Link && LinkIdx == x.LinkIdx;
+ return Link == x.Link;
bool operator!=(const _Self& x) const { return !operator==(x); }
pointer operator*() const {
- return Node->getOutgoingLink(Link)[LinkIdx].getNode();
+ return Node->getLink(Link);
pointer operator->() const { return operator*(); }
_Self& operator++() { // Preincrement
- if (LinkIdx < Node->getOutgoingLink(Link).size()-1)
- ++LinkIdx;
- else {
- unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumOutgoingLinks();
- do {
- ++Link;
- } while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getOutgoingLink(Link).empty());
- LinkIdx = 0;
- }
+ unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumLinks();
+ do {
+ ++Link;
+ } while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getLink(Link) != 0);
return *this;
_Self operator++(int) { // Postincrement
#include <string>
class Type;
-class CallInst;
-class AllocationInst;
-class Argument;
-class DSNode;
-class FunctionRepBuilder;
-class GlobalValue;
-class FunctionDSGraph;
-class DataStructure;
-class DSNodeIterator;
-class ShadowDSNode;
-// FIXME: move this somewhere private
-unsigned countPointerFields(const Type *Ty);
-// PointerVal - Represent a pointer to a datastructure. The pointer points to
-// a node, and can index into it. This is used for getelementptr instructions,
-// which do not affect which node a pointer points to, but does change the field
-// index
+class DSNode; // Each node in the graph
+class DSGraph; // A graph for a function
+class DSNodeIterator; // Data structure graph traversal iterator
+class LocalDataStructures; // A collection of local graphs for a program
+// DSNodeHandle - Implement a "handle" to a data structure node that takes care
+// of all of the add/un'refing of the node to prevent the backpointers in the
+// graph from getting out of date.
-struct PointerVal {
- DSNode *Node;
- unsigned Index; // Index into Node->FieldLinks[]
+class DSNodeHandle {
+ DSNode *N;
- PointerVal(DSNode *N, unsigned Idx = 0) : Node(N), Index(Idx) {}
+ // Allow construction, destruction, and assignment...
+ DSNodeHandle(DSNode *n = 0) : N(0) { operator=(n); }
+ DSNodeHandle(const DSNodeHandle &H) : N(0) { operator=(H.N); }
+ ~DSNodeHandle() { operator=(0); }
+ DSNodeHandle &operator=(const DSNodeHandle &H) {operator=(H.N); return *this;}
- DSNode *getNode() const { return Node; }
- unsigned getIndex() const { return Index; }
+ // Assignment of DSNode*, implement all of the add/un'refing (defined later)
+ inline DSNodeHandle &operator=(DSNode *n);
- inline bool operator==(DSNode *N) const { return Node == N; }
- inline bool operator!=(DSNode *N) const { return Node != N; }
+ // Allow automatic, implicit, conversion to DSNode*
+ operator DSNode*() { return N; }
+ operator const DSNode*() const { return N; }
+ operator bool() const { return N != 0; }
+ operator bool() { return N != 0; }
- // operator< - Allow insertion into a map...
- bool operator<(const PointerVal &PV) const {
- return Node < PV.Node || (Node == PV.Node && Index < PV.Index);
- }
+ // Allow explicit conversion to DSNode...
+ DSNode *get() { return N; }
+ const DSNode *get() const { return N; }
- inline bool operator==(const PointerVal &PV) const {
- return Node == PV.Node && Index == PV.Index;
- }
- inline bool operator!=(const PointerVal &PV) const { return !operator==(PV); }
+ // Allow this to be treated like a pointer...
+ DSNode *operator->() { return N; }
- void print(std::ostream &O) const;
-// PointerValSet - This class represents a list of pointer values. The add
-// method is used to add values to the set, and ensures that duplicates cannot
-// happen.
-class PointerValSet {
- std::vector<PointerVal> Vals;
- void dropRefs();
- void addRefs();
- PointerValSet() {}
- PointerValSet(const PointerValSet &PVS) : Vals(PVS.Vals) { addRefs(); }
- ~PointerValSet() { dropRefs(); }
- const PointerValSet &operator=(const PointerValSet &PVS);
- // operator< - Allow insertion into a map...
- bool operator<(const PointerValSet &PVS) const;
- bool operator==(const PointerValSet &PVS) const;
- bool operator!=(const PointerValSet &PVS) const { return !operator==(PVS); }
- const PointerVal &operator[](unsigned i) const { return Vals[i]; }
- unsigned size() const { return Vals.size(); }
- bool empty() const { return Vals.empty(); }
- void clear() { dropRefs(); Vals.clear(); }
- // add - Add the specified pointer, or contents of the specified PVS to this
- // pointer set. If a 'Pointer' value is provided, notify the underlying data
- // structure node that the pointer is pointing to it, so that it can be
- // invalidated if neccesary later. True is returned if the value is new to
- // this pointer.
- //
- bool add(const PointerVal &PV, Value *Pointer = 0);
- bool add(const PointerValSet &PVS, Value *Pointer = 0) {
- bool Changed = false;
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = PVS.size(); i != e; ++i)
- Changed |= add(PVS[i], Pointer);
- return Changed;
- }
- // removePointerTo - Remove a single pointer val that points to the specified
- // node...
- void removePointerTo(DSNode *Node);
- void print(std::ostream &O) const;
-// DSNode - Base class for all data structure nodes...
+// DSNode - Data structure node class
+// This class keeps track of a node's type, and the fields in the data
+// structure.
-// This class keeps track of its type, the pointer fields in the data structure,
-// and a list of LLVM values that are pointing to this node.
class DSNode {
- friend class FunctionDSGraph;
const Type *Ty;
- std::vector<PointerValSet> FieldLinks;
- std::vector<Value*> Pointers; // Values pointing to me...
- std::vector<PointerValSet*> Referrers;
+ std::vector<DSNodeHandle> Links;
+ std::vector<DSNodeHandle*> Referrers;
- std::vector<std::pair<const Type *, ShadowDSNode *> > SynthNodes;
DSNode(const DSNode &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
void operator=(const DSNode &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
enum NodeTy {
- NewNode, CallNode, ShadowNode, GlobalNode
- } NodeType;
+ ShadowNode = 0 << 0, // Nothing is known about this node...
+ ScalarNode = 1 << 0, // Scalar of the current function contains this value
+ AllocaNode = 1 << 1, // This node was allocated with alloca
+ NewNode = 1 << 2, // This node was allocated with malloc
+ GlobalNode = 1 << 3, // This node was allocated by a global var decl
+ SubElement = 1 << 4, // This node is a part of some other node
+ CastNode = 1 << 5, // This node is accessed in unsafe ways
+ };
+ // NodeType - A union of the above bits. "Shadow" nodes do not add any flags
+ // to the nodes in the data structure graph, so it is possible to have nodes
+ // with a value of 0 for their NodeType. Scalar and Alloca markers go away
+ // when function graphs are inlined.
+ //
+ unsigned char NodeType;
DSNode(enum NodeTy NT, const Type *T);
virtual ~DSNode() {
- dropAllReferences();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ dropAllReferences(); // Only needed to satisfy assertion checks...
assert(Referrers.empty() && "Referrers to dead node exist!");
+ // Iterator for graph interface...
typedef DSNodeIterator iterator;
inline iterator begin(); // Defined in DataStructureGraph.h
inline iterator end();
- unsigned getNumLinks() const { return FieldLinks.size(); }
- PointerValSet &getLink(unsigned i) {
+ // Accessors
+ const Type *getType() const { return Ty; }
+ unsigned getNumLinks() const { return Links.size(); }
+ DSNode *getLink(unsigned i) {
assert(i < getNumLinks() && "Field links access out of range...");
- return FieldLinks[i];
+ return Links[i];
- const PointerValSet &getLink(unsigned i) const {
+ const DSNode *getLink(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < getNumLinks() && "Field links access out of range...");
- return FieldLinks[i];
+ return Links[i];
- // addReferrer - Keep the referrer set up to date...
- void addReferrer(PointerValSet *PVS) { Referrers.push_back(PVS); }
- void removeReferrer(PointerValSet *PVS);
- const std::vector<PointerValSet*> &getReferrers() const { return Referrers; }
- // removeAllIncomingEdges - Erase all edges in the graph that point to
- // this node
- void removeAllIncomingEdges();
- void addPointer(Value *V) { Pointers.push_back(V); }
- const std::vector<Value*> &getPointers() const { return Pointers; }
- const Type *getType() const { return Ty; }
- // getNumOutgoingLinks - Return the number of outgoing links, which is usually
- // the number of normal links, but for call nodes it also includes their
- // arguments.
+ // addEdgeTo - Add an edge from the current node to the specified node. This
+ // can cause merging of nodes in the graph.
- virtual unsigned getNumOutgoingLinks() const { return getNumLinks(); }
- virtual PointerValSet &getOutgoingLink(unsigned Link) {
- return getLink(Link);
- }
- virtual const PointerValSet &getOutgoingLink(unsigned Link) const {
- return getLink(Link);
+ void addEdgeTo(unsigned LinkNo, DSNode *N);
+ void addEdgeTo(DSNode *N) {
+ assert(getNumLinks() == 1 && "Must specify a field number to add edge if "
+ " more than one field exists!");
+ addEdgeTo(0, N);
- void print(std::ostream &O) const;
- void dump() const;
- virtual std::string getCaption() const = 0;
- virtual const std::vector<PointerValSet> *getAuxLinks() const {
- return 0; // Default to nothing...
- }
+ // mergeWith - Merge this node into the specified node, moving all links to
+ // and from the argument node into the current node. The specified node may
+ // be a null pointer (in which case, nothing happens).
+ //
+ void mergeWith(DSNode *N);
- // isEquivalentTo - Return true if the nodes should be merged...
- virtual bool isEquivalentTo(DSNode *Node) const = 0;
- virtual void mergeInto(DSNode *Node) const {}
+ // addReferrer - Keep the referrer set up to date...
+ void addReferrer(DSNodeHandle *H) { Referrers.push_back(H); }
+ void removeReferrer(DSNodeHandle *H);
+ const std::vector<DSNodeHandle*> &getReferrers() const { return Referrers; }
- DSNode *clone() const {
- DSNode *New = cloneImpl();
- // Add all of the pointers to the new node...
- for (unsigned pn = 0, pe = Pointers.size(); pn != pe; ++pn)
- New->addPointer(Pointers[pn]);
- return New;
- }
+ void print(std::ostream &O, Function *F) const;
+ void dump() const;
- // synthesizeNode - Create a new shadow node that is to be linked into this
- // chain..
- //
- ShadowDSNode *synthesizeNode(const Type *Ty, FunctionRepBuilder *Rep);
+ std::string getCaption(Function *F) const;
virtual void dropAllReferences() {
- FieldLinks.clear();
+ Links.clear();
- static bool classof(const DSNode *N) { return true; }
- virtual DSNode *cloneImpl() const = 0;
- virtual void mapNode(std::map<const DSNode*, DSNode*> &NodeMap,
- const DSNode *Old);
-// AllocDSNode - Represent all allocation (malloc or alloca) in the program.
-class AllocDSNode : public DSNode {
- AllocationInst *Allocation;
- bool isVarSize; // Allocating variable sized objects
- AllocDSNode(AllocationInst *V, bool isVarSize = false);
- virtual std::string getCaption() const;
- bool isAllocaNode() const;
- bool isMallocNode() const { return !isAllocaNode(); }
- AllocationInst *getAllocation() const { return Allocation; }
- bool isVariableSize() const { return isVarSize; }
- // isEquivalentTo - Return true if the nodes should be merged...
- virtual bool isEquivalentTo(DSNode *Node) const;
- virtual void mergeInto(DSNode *Node) const;
- // Support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast...
- static bool classof(const AllocDSNode *) { return true; }
- static bool classof(const DSNode *N) { return N->NodeType == NewNode; }
- virtual AllocDSNode *cloneImpl() const { return new AllocDSNode(Allocation,
- isVarSize); }
+inline DSNodeHandle &DSNodeHandle::operator=(DSNode *n) {
+ if (N) N->removeReferrer(this);
+ N = n;
+ if (N) N->addReferrer(this);
+ return *this;
-// GlobalDSNode - Represent the memory location that a global variable occupies
+// DSGraph - The graph that represents a function.
-class GlobalDSNode : public DSNode {
- GlobalValue *Val;
- GlobalDSNode(GlobalValue *V);
- GlobalValue *getGlobal() const { return Val; }
- virtual std::string getCaption() const;
- // isEquivalentTo - Return true if the nodes should be merged...
- virtual bool isEquivalentTo(DSNode *Node) const;
- // Support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast...
- static bool classof(const GlobalDSNode *) { return true; }
- static bool classof(const DSNode *N) { return N->NodeType == GlobalNode; }
- virtual GlobalDSNode *cloneImpl() const { return new GlobalDSNode(Val); }
-// CallDSNode - Represent a call instruction in the program...
-class CallDSNode : public DSNode {
- friend class FunctionDSGraph;
- CallInst *CI;
- std::vector<PointerValSet> ArgLinks;
- CallDSNode(CallInst *CI);
- ~CallDSNode() {
- ArgLinks.clear();
- }
- CallInst *getCall() const { return CI; }
- const std::vector<PointerValSet> *getAuxLinks() const { return &ArgLinks; }
- virtual std::string getCaption() const;
- bool addArgValue(unsigned ArgNo, const PointerValSet &PVS) {
- return ArgLinks[ArgNo].add(PVS);
- }
- unsigned getNumArgs() const { return ArgLinks.size(); }
- const PointerValSet &getArgValues(unsigned ArgNo) const {
- assert(ArgNo < ArgLinks.size() && "Arg # out of range!");
- return ArgLinks[ArgNo];
- }
- PointerValSet &getArgValues(unsigned ArgNo) {
- assert(ArgNo < ArgLinks.size() && "Arg # out of range!");
- return ArgLinks[ArgNo];
- }
- const std::vector<PointerValSet> &getArgs() const { return ArgLinks; }
- virtual void dropAllReferences() {
- DSNode::dropAllReferences();
- ArgLinks.clear();
- }
- // getNumOutgoingLinks - Return the number of outgoing links, which is usually
- // the number of normal links, but for call nodes it also includes their
- // arguments.
+class DSGraph {
+ Function &Func;
+ std::vector<DSNode*> Nodes;
+ DSNodeHandle RetNode; // Node that gets returned...
+ std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> ValueMap;
+ // FunctionCalls - This vector maintains a single entry for each call
+ // instruction in the current graph. Each call entry contains DSNodeHandles
+ // that refer to the arguments that are passed into the function call.
- virtual unsigned getNumOutgoingLinks() const {
- return getNumLinks() + getNumArgs();
- }
- virtual PointerValSet &getOutgoingLink(unsigned Link) {
- if (Link < getNumLinks()) return getLink(Link);
- return getArgValues(Link-getNumLinks());
- }
- virtual const PointerValSet &getOutgoingLink(unsigned Link) const {
- if (Link < getNumLinks()) return getLink(Link);
- return getArgValues(Link-getNumLinks());
- }
- // isEquivalentTo - Return true if the nodes should be merged...
- virtual bool isEquivalentTo(DSNode *Node) const;
- // Support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast...
- static bool classof(const CallDSNode *) { return true; }
- static bool classof(const DSNode *N) { return N->NodeType == CallNode; }
- virtual CallDSNode *cloneImpl() const { return new CallDSNode(CI); }
- virtual void mapNode(std::map<const DSNode*, DSNode*> &NodeMap,
- const DSNode *Old);
-// ShadowDSNode - Represent a chunk of memory that we need to be able to
-// address. These are generated due to (for example) pointer type method
-// arguments... if the pointer is dereferenced, we need to have a node to point
-// to. When functions are integrated into each other, shadow nodes are
-// resolved.
-class ShadowDSNode : public DSNode {
- friend class FunctionDSGraph;
- friend class FunctionRepBuilder;
- Module *Mod;
- DSNode *ShadowParent; // Nonnull if this is a synthesized node...
- ShadowDSNode(const Type *Ty, Module *M);
- virtual std::string getCaption() const;
- // isEquivalentTo - Return true if the nodes should be merged...
- virtual bool isEquivalentTo(DSNode *Node) const;
- DSNode *getShadowParent() const { return ShadowParent; }
- // Support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast...
- static bool classof(const ShadowDSNode *) { return true; }
- static bool classof(const DSNode *N) { return N->NodeType == ShadowNode; }
- ShadowDSNode(const Type *Ty, Module *M, DSNode *ShadParent);
- virtual ShadowDSNode *cloneImpl() const {
- if (ShadowParent)
- return new ShadowDSNode(getType(), Mod, ShadowParent);
- else
- return new ShadowDSNode(getType(), Mod);
- }
-// FunctionDSGraph - The graph that represents a method.
-class FunctionDSGraph {
- Function *Func;
- std::vector<AllocDSNode*> AllocNodes;
- std::vector<ShadowDSNode*> ShadowNodes;
- std::vector<GlobalDSNode*> GlobalNodes;
- std::vector<CallDSNode*> CallNodes;
- PointerValSet RetNode; // Node that gets returned...
- std::map<Value*, PointerValSet> ValueMap;
+ std::vector<std::vector<DSNodeHandle> > FunctionCalls;
+#if 0
// cloneFunctionIntoSelf - Clone the specified method graph into the current
// method graph, returning the Return's set of the graph. If ValueMap is set
// to true, the ValueMap of the function is cloned into this function as well
// as the data structure graph itself. Regardless, the arguments value sets
// of DSG are copied into Args.
- PointerValSet cloneFunctionIntoSelf(const FunctionDSGraph &G, bool ValueMap,
+ PointerValSet cloneFunctionIntoSelf(const DSGraph &G, bool ValueMap,
std::vector<PointerValSet> &Args);
bool RemoveUnreachableNodes();
bool UnlinkUndistinguishableNodes();
void MarkEscapeableNodesReachable(std::vector<bool> &RSN,
std::vector<bool> &RAN);
// Define the interface only accessable to DataStructure
- friend class DataStructure;
- FunctionDSGraph(Function *F);
- FunctionDSGraph(const FunctionDSGraph &DSG);
- ~FunctionDSGraph();
+ friend class LocalDataStructures;
+ DSGraph(Function &F); // Compute the local DSGraph
+ ~DSGraph();
- void computeClosure(const DataStructure &DS);
+ DSGraph(const DSGraph &DSG); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ void operator=(const DSGraph &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
- Function *getFunction() const { return Func; }
+ Function &getFunction() const { return Func; }
+#if 0
// getEscapingAllocations - Add all allocations that escape the current
// function to the specified vector.
// current function to the specified vector.
void getNonEscapingAllocations(std::vector<AllocDSNode*> &Allocs);
// getValueMap - Get a map that describes what the nodes the scalars in this
// function point to...
- std::map<Value*, PointerValSet> &getValueMap() { return ValueMap; }
- const std::map<Value*, PointerValSet> &getValueMap() const { return ValueMap;}
+ std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> &getValueMap() { return ValueMap; }
+ const std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> &getValueMap() const { return ValueMap;}
- const PointerValSet &getRetNodes() const { return RetNode; }
+ const DSNode *getRetNode() const { return RetNode; }
unsigned getGraphSize() const {
- return AllocNodes.size() + ShadowNodes.size() +
- GlobalNodes.size() + CallNodes.size();
+ return Nodes.size();
- void printFunction(std::ostream &O, const char *Label) const;
+ void print(std::ostream &O) const;
-// FIXME: This should be a FunctionPass. When the pass framework sees a 'Pass'
-// that uses the output of a FunctionPass, it should automatically build a map
-// of output from the method pass that the pass can use.
+// LocalDataStructures - The analysis that computes the local data structure
+// graphs for all of the functions in the program.
-class DataStructure : public Pass {
- // DSInfo, one intraprocedural and one closed graph for each method...
- typedef std::map<Function*, std::pair<FunctionDSGraph*,
- FunctionDSGraph*> > InfoMap;
- mutable InfoMap DSInfo;
+class LocalDataStructures : public Pass {
+ // DSInfo, one graph for each function
+ std::map<Function*, DSGraph*> DSInfo;
static AnalysisID ID; // DataStructure Analysis ID
- DataStructure(AnalysisID id) { assert(id == ID); }
- ~DataStructure() { releaseMemory(); }
+ LocalDataStructures(AnalysisID id) { assert(id == ID); }
+ ~LocalDataStructures() { releaseMemory(); }
- virtual const char *getPassName() const { return "Data Structure Analysis"; }
- // run - Do nothing, because methods are analyzed lazily
- virtual bool run(Module &TheModule) { return false; }
- // getDSGraph - Return the data structure graph for the specified method.
- // Since method graphs are lazily computed, we may have to create one on the
- // fly here.
- //
- FunctionDSGraph &getDSGraph(Function *F) const {
- std::pair<FunctionDSGraph*, FunctionDSGraph*> &N = DSInfo[F];
- if (N.first) return *N.first;
- return *(N.first = new FunctionDSGraph(F));
+ virtual const char *getPassName() const {
+ return "Local Data Structure Analysis";
- // getClosedDSGraph - Return the data structure graph for the specified
- // method. Since method graphs are lazily computed, we may have to create one
- // on the fly here. This is different than the normal DSGraph for the method
- // because any function calls that are resolvable will have the data structure
- // graphs of the called function incorporated into this function as well.
- //
- FunctionDSGraph &getClosedDSGraph(Function *F) const {
- std::pair<FunctionDSGraph*, FunctionDSGraph*> &N = DSInfo[F];
- if (N.second) return *N.second;
- N.second = new FunctionDSGraph(getDSGraph(F));
- N.second->computeClosure(*this);
- return *N.second;
- }
+ virtual bool run(Module &M);
- // invalidateFunction - Inform this analysis that you changed the specified
- // function, so the graphs that depend on it are out of date.
- //
- void invalidateFunction(Function *F) const {
- // FIXME: THis should invalidate all functions who have inlined the
- // specified graph!
- //
- std::pair<FunctionDSGraph*, FunctionDSGraph*> &N = DSInfo[F];
- delete N.first;
- delete N.second;
- N.first = N.second = 0;
+ // getDSGraph - Return the data structure graph for the specified function.
+ DSGraph &getDSGraph(Function &F) const {
+ std::map<Function*, DSGraph*>::const_iterator I = DSInfo.find(&F);
+ assert(I != DSInfo.end() && "Function not in module!");
+ return *I->second;
// print - Print out the analysis results...
// If the pass pipeline is done with this pass, we can release our memory...
virtual void releaseMemory();
- // getAnalysisUsage - This obviously provides a call graph
+ // getAnalysisUsage - This obviously provides a data structure graph.
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
friend class DSNode;
DSNode * const Node;
unsigned Link;
- unsigned LinkIdx;
typedef DSNodeIterator _Self;
- DSNodeIterator(DSNode *N) : Node(N), Link(0), LinkIdx(0) { // begin iterator
- unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumOutgoingLinks();
- while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getOutgoingLink(Link).empty())
+ DSNodeIterator(DSNode *N) : Node(N), Link(0) { // begin iterator
+ unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumLinks();
+ while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getLink(Link) == 0)
DSNodeIterator(DSNode *N, bool) // Create end iterator
- : Node(N), Link(N->getNumOutgoingLinks()), LinkIdx(0) {
+ : Node(N), Link(N->getNumLinks()) {
bool operator==(const _Self& x) const {
- return Link == x.Link && LinkIdx == x.LinkIdx;
+ return Link == x.Link;
bool operator!=(const _Self& x) const { return !operator==(x); }
pointer operator*() const {
- return Node->getOutgoingLink(Link)[LinkIdx].getNode();
+ return Node->getLink(Link);
pointer operator->() const { return operator*(); }
_Self& operator++() { // Preincrement
- if (LinkIdx < Node->getOutgoingLink(Link).size()-1)
- ++LinkIdx;
- else {
- unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumOutgoingLinks();
- do {
- ++Link;
- } while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getOutgoingLink(Link).empty());
- LinkIdx = 0;
- }
+ unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumLinks();
+ do {
+ ++Link;
+ } while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getLink(Link) != 0);
return *this;
_Self operator++(int) { // Postincrement
#include <string>
class Type;
-class CallInst;
-class AllocationInst;
-class Argument;
-class DSNode;
-class FunctionRepBuilder;
-class GlobalValue;
-class FunctionDSGraph;
-class DataStructure;
-class DSNodeIterator;
-class ShadowDSNode;
-// FIXME: move this somewhere private
-unsigned countPointerFields(const Type *Ty);
-// PointerVal - Represent a pointer to a datastructure. The pointer points to
-// a node, and can index into it. This is used for getelementptr instructions,
-// which do not affect which node a pointer points to, but does change the field
-// index
+class DSNode; // Each node in the graph
+class DSGraph; // A graph for a function
+class DSNodeIterator; // Data structure graph traversal iterator
+class LocalDataStructures; // A collection of local graphs for a program
+// DSNodeHandle - Implement a "handle" to a data structure node that takes care
+// of all of the add/un'refing of the node to prevent the backpointers in the
+// graph from getting out of date.
-struct PointerVal {
- DSNode *Node;
- unsigned Index; // Index into Node->FieldLinks[]
+class DSNodeHandle {
+ DSNode *N;
- PointerVal(DSNode *N, unsigned Idx = 0) : Node(N), Index(Idx) {}
+ // Allow construction, destruction, and assignment...
+ DSNodeHandle(DSNode *n = 0) : N(0) { operator=(n); }
+ DSNodeHandle(const DSNodeHandle &H) : N(0) { operator=(H.N); }
+ ~DSNodeHandle() { operator=(0); }
+ DSNodeHandle &operator=(const DSNodeHandle &H) {operator=(H.N); return *this;}
- DSNode *getNode() const { return Node; }
- unsigned getIndex() const { return Index; }
+ // Assignment of DSNode*, implement all of the add/un'refing (defined later)
+ inline DSNodeHandle &operator=(DSNode *n);
- inline bool operator==(DSNode *N) const { return Node == N; }
- inline bool operator!=(DSNode *N) const { return Node != N; }
+ // Allow automatic, implicit, conversion to DSNode*
+ operator DSNode*() { return N; }
+ operator const DSNode*() const { return N; }
+ operator bool() const { return N != 0; }
+ operator bool() { return N != 0; }
- // operator< - Allow insertion into a map...
- bool operator<(const PointerVal &PV) const {
- return Node < PV.Node || (Node == PV.Node && Index < PV.Index);
- }
+ // Allow explicit conversion to DSNode...
+ DSNode *get() { return N; }
+ const DSNode *get() const { return N; }
- inline bool operator==(const PointerVal &PV) const {
- return Node == PV.Node && Index == PV.Index;
- }
- inline bool operator!=(const PointerVal &PV) const { return !operator==(PV); }
+ // Allow this to be treated like a pointer...
+ DSNode *operator->() { return N; }
- void print(std::ostream &O) const;
-// PointerValSet - This class represents a list of pointer values. The add
-// method is used to add values to the set, and ensures that duplicates cannot
-// happen.
-class PointerValSet {
- std::vector<PointerVal> Vals;
- void dropRefs();
- void addRefs();
- PointerValSet() {}
- PointerValSet(const PointerValSet &PVS) : Vals(PVS.Vals) { addRefs(); }
- ~PointerValSet() { dropRefs(); }
- const PointerValSet &operator=(const PointerValSet &PVS);
- // operator< - Allow insertion into a map...
- bool operator<(const PointerValSet &PVS) const;
- bool operator==(const PointerValSet &PVS) const;
- bool operator!=(const PointerValSet &PVS) const { return !operator==(PVS); }
- const PointerVal &operator[](unsigned i) const { return Vals[i]; }
- unsigned size() const { return Vals.size(); }
- bool empty() const { return Vals.empty(); }
- void clear() { dropRefs(); Vals.clear(); }
- // add - Add the specified pointer, or contents of the specified PVS to this
- // pointer set. If a 'Pointer' value is provided, notify the underlying data
- // structure node that the pointer is pointing to it, so that it can be
- // invalidated if neccesary later. True is returned if the value is new to
- // this pointer.
- //
- bool add(const PointerVal &PV, Value *Pointer = 0);
- bool add(const PointerValSet &PVS, Value *Pointer = 0) {
- bool Changed = false;
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = PVS.size(); i != e; ++i)
- Changed |= add(PVS[i], Pointer);
- return Changed;
- }
- // removePointerTo - Remove a single pointer val that points to the specified
- // node...
- void removePointerTo(DSNode *Node);
- void print(std::ostream &O) const;
-// DSNode - Base class for all data structure nodes...
+// DSNode - Data structure node class
+// This class keeps track of a node's type, and the fields in the data
+// structure.
-// This class keeps track of its type, the pointer fields in the data structure,
-// and a list of LLVM values that are pointing to this node.
class DSNode {
- friend class FunctionDSGraph;
const Type *Ty;
- std::vector<PointerValSet> FieldLinks;
- std::vector<Value*> Pointers; // Values pointing to me...
- std::vector<PointerValSet*> Referrers;
+ std::vector<DSNodeHandle> Links;
+ std::vector<DSNodeHandle*> Referrers;
- std::vector<std::pair<const Type *, ShadowDSNode *> > SynthNodes;
DSNode(const DSNode &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
void operator=(const DSNode &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
enum NodeTy {
- NewNode, CallNode, ShadowNode, GlobalNode
- } NodeType;
+ ShadowNode = 0 << 0, // Nothing is known about this node...
+ ScalarNode = 1 << 0, // Scalar of the current function contains this value
+ AllocaNode = 1 << 1, // This node was allocated with alloca
+ NewNode = 1 << 2, // This node was allocated with malloc
+ GlobalNode = 1 << 3, // This node was allocated by a global var decl
+ SubElement = 1 << 4, // This node is a part of some other node
+ CastNode = 1 << 5, // This node is accessed in unsafe ways
+ };
+ // NodeType - A union of the above bits. "Shadow" nodes do not add any flags
+ // to the nodes in the data structure graph, so it is possible to have nodes
+ // with a value of 0 for their NodeType. Scalar and Alloca markers go away
+ // when function graphs are inlined.
+ //
+ unsigned char NodeType;
DSNode(enum NodeTy NT, const Type *T);
virtual ~DSNode() {
- dropAllReferences();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ dropAllReferences(); // Only needed to satisfy assertion checks...
assert(Referrers.empty() && "Referrers to dead node exist!");
+ // Iterator for graph interface...
typedef DSNodeIterator iterator;
inline iterator begin(); // Defined in DataStructureGraph.h
inline iterator end();
- unsigned getNumLinks() const { return FieldLinks.size(); }
- PointerValSet &getLink(unsigned i) {
+ // Accessors
+ const Type *getType() const { return Ty; }
+ unsigned getNumLinks() const { return Links.size(); }
+ DSNode *getLink(unsigned i) {
assert(i < getNumLinks() && "Field links access out of range...");
- return FieldLinks[i];
+ return Links[i];
- const PointerValSet &getLink(unsigned i) const {
+ const DSNode *getLink(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < getNumLinks() && "Field links access out of range...");
- return FieldLinks[i];
+ return Links[i];
- // addReferrer - Keep the referrer set up to date...
- void addReferrer(PointerValSet *PVS) { Referrers.push_back(PVS); }
- void removeReferrer(PointerValSet *PVS);
- const std::vector<PointerValSet*> &getReferrers() const { return Referrers; }
- // removeAllIncomingEdges - Erase all edges in the graph that point to
- // this node
- void removeAllIncomingEdges();
- void addPointer(Value *V) { Pointers.push_back(V); }
- const std::vector<Value*> &getPointers() const { return Pointers; }
- const Type *getType() const { return Ty; }
- // getNumOutgoingLinks - Return the number of outgoing links, which is usually
- // the number of normal links, but for call nodes it also includes their
- // arguments.
+ // addEdgeTo - Add an edge from the current node to the specified node. This
+ // can cause merging of nodes in the graph.
- virtual unsigned getNumOutgoingLinks() const { return getNumLinks(); }
- virtual PointerValSet &getOutgoingLink(unsigned Link) {
- return getLink(Link);
- }
- virtual const PointerValSet &getOutgoingLink(unsigned Link) const {
- return getLink(Link);
+ void addEdgeTo(unsigned LinkNo, DSNode *N);
+ void addEdgeTo(DSNode *N) {
+ assert(getNumLinks() == 1 && "Must specify a field number to add edge if "
+ " more than one field exists!");
+ addEdgeTo(0, N);
- void print(std::ostream &O) const;
- void dump() const;
- virtual std::string getCaption() const = 0;
- virtual const std::vector<PointerValSet> *getAuxLinks() const {
- return 0; // Default to nothing...
- }
+ // mergeWith - Merge this node into the specified node, moving all links to
+ // and from the argument node into the current node. The specified node may
+ // be a null pointer (in which case, nothing happens).
+ //
+ void mergeWith(DSNode *N);
- // isEquivalentTo - Return true if the nodes should be merged...
- virtual bool isEquivalentTo(DSNode *Node) const = 0;
- virtual void mergeInto(DSNode *Node) const {}
+ // addReferrer - Keep the referrer set up to date...
+ void addReferrer(DSNodeHandle *H) { Referrers.push_back(H); }
+ void removeReferrer(DSNodeHandle *H);
+ const std::vector<DSNodeHandle*> &getReferrers() const { return Referrers; }
- DSNode *clone() const {
- DSNode *New = cloneImpl();
- // Add all of the pointers to the new node...
- for (unsigned pn = 0, pe = Pointers.size(); pn != pe; ++pn)
- New->addPointer(Pointers[pn]);
- return New;
- }
+ void print(std::ostream &O, Function *F) const;
+ void dump() const;
- // synthesizeNode - Create a new shadow node that is to be linked into this
- // chain..
- //
- ShadowDSNode *synthesizeNode(const Type *Ty, FunctionRepBuilder *Rep);
+ std::string getCaption(Function *F) const;
virtual void dropAllReferences() {
- FieldLinks.clear();
+ Links.clear();
- static bool classof(const DSNode *N) { return true; }
- virtual DSNode *cloneImpl() const = 0;
- virtual void mapNode(std::map<const DSNode*, DSNode*> &NodeMap,
- const DSNode *Old);
-// AllocDSNode - Represent all allocation (malloc or alloca) in the program.
-class AllocDSNode : public DSNode {
- AllocationInst *Allocation;
- bool isVarSize; // Allocating variable sized objects
- AllocDSNode(AllocationInst *V, bool isVarSize = false);
- virtual std::string getCaption() const;
- bool isAllocaNode() const;
- bool isMallocNode() const { return !isAllocaNode(); }
- AllocationInst *getAllocation() const { return Allocation; }
- bool isVariableSize() const { return isVarSize; }
- // isEquivalentTo - Return true if the nodes should be merged...
- virtual bool isEquivalentTo(DSNode *Node) const;
- virtual void mergeInto(DSNode *Node) const;
- // Support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast...
- static bool classof(const AllocDSNode *) { return true; }
- static bool classof(const DSNode *N) { return N->NodeType == NewNode; }
- virtual AllocDSNode *cloneImpl() const { return new AllocDSNode(Allocation,
- isVarSize); }
+inline DSNodeHandle &DSNodeHandle::operator=(DSNode *n) {
+ if (N) N->removeReferrer(this);
+ N = n;
+ if (N) N->addReferrer(this);
+ return *this;
-// GlobalDSNode - Represent the memory location that a global variable occupies
+// DSGraph - The graph that represents a function.
-class GlobalDSNode : public DSNode {
- GlobalValue *Val;
- GlobalDSNode(GlobalValue *V);
- GlobalValue *getGlobal() const { return Val; }
- virtual std::string getCaption() const;
- // isEquivalentTo - Return true if the nodes should be merged...
- virtual bool isEquivalentTo(DSNode *Node) const;
- // Support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast...
- static bool classof(const GlobalDSNode *) { return true; }
- static bool classof(const DSNode *N) { return N->NodeType == GlobalNode; }
- virtual GlobalDSNode *cloneImpl() const { return new GlobalDSNode(Val); }
-// CallDSNode - Represent a call instruction in the program...
-class CallDSNode : public DSNode {
- friend class FunctionDSGraph;
- CallInst *CI;
- std::vector<PointerValSet> ArgLinks;
- CallDSNode(CallInst *CI);
- ~CallDSNode() {
- ArgLinks.clear();
- }
- CallInst *getCall() const { return CI; }
- const std::vector<PointerValSet> *getAuxLinks() const { return &ArgLinks; }
- virtual std::string getCaption() const;
- bool addArgValue(unsigned ArgNo, const PointerValSet &PVS) {
- return ArgLinks[ArgNo].add(PVS);
- }
- unsigned getNumArgs() const { return ArgLinks.size(); }
- const PointerValSet &getArgValues(unsigned ArgNo) const {
- assert(ArgNo < ArgLinks.size() && "Arg # out of range!");
- return ArgLinks[ArgNo];
- }
- PointerValSet &getArgValues(unsigned ArgNo) {
- assert(ArgNo < ArgLinks.size() && "Arg # out of range!");
- return ArgLinks[ArgNo];
- }
- const std::vector<PointerValSet> &getArgs() const { return ArgLinks; }
- virtual void dropAllReferences() {
- DSNode::dropAllReferences();
- ArgLinks.clear();
- }
- // getNumOutgoingLinks - Return the number of outgoing links, which is usually
- // the number of normal links, but for call nodes it also includes their
- // arguments.
+class DSGraph {
+ Function &Func;
+ std::vector<DSNode*> Nodes;
+ DSNodeHandle RetNode; // Node that gets returned...
+ std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> ValueMap;
+ // FunctionCalls - This vector maintains a single entry for each call
+ // instruction in the current graph. Each call entry contains DSNodeHandles
+ // that refer to the arguments that are passed into the function call.
- virtual unsigned getNumOutgoingLinks() const {
- return getNumLinks() + getNumArgs();
- }
- virtual PointerValSet &getOutgoingLink(unsigned Link) {
- if (Link < getNumLinks()) return getLink(Link);
- return getArgValues(Link-getNumLinks());
- }
- virtual const PointerValSet &getOutgoingLink(unsigned Link) const {
- if (Link < getNumLinks()) return getLink(Link);
- return getArgValues(Link-getNumLinks());
- }
- // isEquivalentTo - Return true if the nodes should be merged...
- virtual bool isEquivalentTo(DSNode *Node) const;
- // Support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast...
- static bool classof(const CallDSNode *) { return true; }
- static bool classof(const DSNode *N) { return N->NodeType == CallNode; }
- virtual CallDSNode *cloneImpl() const { return new CallDSNode(CI); }
- virtual void mapNode(std::map<const DSNode*, DSNode*> &NodeMap,
- const DSNode *Old);
-// ShadowDSNode - Represent a chunk of memory that we need to be able to
-// address. These are generated due to (for example) pointer type method
-// arguments... if the pointer is dereferenced, we need to have a node to point
-// to. When functions are integrated into each other, shadow nodes are
-// resolved.
-class ShadowDSNode : public DSNode {
- friend class FunctionDSGraph;
- friend class FunctionRepBuilder;
- Module *Mod;
- DSNode *ShadowParent; // Nonnull if this is a synthesized node...
- ShadowDSNode(const Type *Ty, Module *M);
- virtual std::string getCaption() const;
- // isEquivalentTo - Return true if the nodes should be merged...
- virtual bool isEquivalentTo(DSNode *Node) const;
- DSNode *getShadowParent() const { return ShadowParent; }
- // Support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast...
- static bool classof(const ShadowDSNode *) { return true; }
- static bool classof(const DSNode *N) { return N->NodeType == ShadowNode; }
- ShadowDSNode(const Type *Ty, Module *M, DSNode *ShadParent);
- virtual ShadowDSNode *cloneImpl() const {
- if (ShadowParent)
- return new ShadowDSNode(getType(), Mod, ShadowParent);
- else
- return new ShadowDSNode(getType(), Mod);
- }
-// FunctionDSGraph - The graph that represents a method.
-class FunctionDSGraph {
- Function *Func;
- std::vector<AllocDSNode*> AllocNodes;
- std::vector<ShadowDSNode*> ShadowNodes;
- std::vector<GlobalDSNode*> GlobalNodes;
- std::vector<CallDSNode*> CallNodes;
- PointerValSet RetNode; // Node that gets returned...
- std::map<Value*, PointerValSet> ValueMap;
+ std::vector<std::vector<DSNodeHandle> > FunctionCalls;
+#if 0
// cloneFunctionIntoSelf - Clone the specified method graph into the current
// method graph, returning the Return's set of the graph. If ValueMap is set
// to true, the ValueMap of the function is cloned into this function as well
// as the data structure graph itself. Regardless, the arguments value sets
// of DSG are copied into Args.
- PointerValSet cloneFunctionIntoSelf(const FunctionDSGraph &G, bool ValueMap,
+ PointerValSet cloneFunctionIntoSelf(const DSGraph &G, bool ValueMap,
std::vector<PointerValSet> &Args);
bool RemoveUnreachableNodes();
bool UnlinkUndistinguishableNodes();
void MarkEscapeableNodesReachable(std::vector<bool> &RSN,
std::vector<bool> &RAN);
// Define the interface only accessable to DataStructure
- friend class DataStructure;
- FunctionDSGraph(Function *F);
- FunctionDSGraph(const FunctionDSGraph &DSG);
- ~FunctionDSGraph();
+ friend class LocalDataStructures;
+ DSGraph(Function &F); // Compute the local DSGraph
+ ~DSGraph();
- void computeClosure(const DataStructure &DS);
+ DSGraph(const DSGraph &DSG); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ void operator=(const DSGraph &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
- Function *getFunction() const { return Func; }
+ Function &getFunction() const { return Func; }
+#if 0
// getEscapingAllocations - Add all allocations that escape the current
// function to the specified vector.
// current function to the specified vector.
void getNonEscapingAllocations(std::vector<AllocDSNode*> &Allocs);
// getValueMap - Get a map that describes what the nodes the scalars in this
// function point to...
- std::map<Value*, PointerValSet> &getValueMap() { return ValueMap; }
- const std::map<Value*, PointerValSet> &getValueMap() const { return ValueMap;}
+ std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> &getValueMap() { return ValueMap; }
+ const std::map<Value*, DSNodeHandle> &getValueMap() const { return ValueMap;}
- const PointerValSet &getRetNodes() const { return RetNode; }
+ const DSNode *getRetNode() const { return RetNode; }
unsigned getGraphSize() const {
- return AllocNodes.size() + ShadowNodes.size() +
- GlobalNodes.size() + CallNodes.size();
+ return Nodes.size();
- void printFunction(std::ostream &O, const char *Label) const;
+ void print(std::ostream &O) const;
-// FIXME: This should be a FunctionPass. When the pass framework sees a 'Pass'
-// that uses the output of a FunctionPass, it should automatically build a map
-// of output from the method pass that the pass can use.
+// LocalDataStructures - The analysis that computes the local data structure
+// graphs for all of the functions in the program.
-class DataStructure : public Pass {
- // DSInfo, one intraprocedural and one closed graph for each method...
- typedef std::map<Function*, std::pair<FunctionDSGraph*,
- FunctionDSGraph*> > InfoMap;
- mutable InfoMap DSInfo;
+class LocalDataStructures : public Pass {
+ // DSInfo, one graph for each function
+ std::map<Function*, DSGraph*> DSInfo;
static AnalysisID ID; // DataStructure Analysis ID
- DataStructure(AnalysisID id) { assert(id == ID); }
- ~DataStructure() { releaseMemory(); }
+ LocalDataStructures(AnalysisID id) { assert(id == ID); }
+ ~LocalDataStructures() { releaseMemory(); }
- virtual const char *getPassName() const { return "Data Structure Analysis"; }
- // run - Do nothing, because methods are analyzed lazily
- virtual bool run(Module &TheModule) { return false; }
- // getDSGraph - Return the data structure graph for the specified method.
- // Since method graphs are lazily computed, we may have to create one on the
- // fly here.
- //
- FunctionDSGraph &getDSGraph(Function *F) const {
- std::pair<FunctionDSGraph*, FunctionDSGraph*> &N = DSInfo[F];
- if (N.first) return *N.first;
- return *(N.first = new FunctionDSGraph(F));
+ virtual const char *getPassName() const {
+ return "Local Data Structure Analysis";
- // getClosedDSGraph - Return the data structure graph for the specified
- // method. Since method graphs are lazily computed, we may have to create one
- // on the fly here. This is different than the normal DSGraph for the method
- // because any function calls that are resolvable will have the data structure
- // graphs of the called function incorporated into this function as well.
- //
- FunctionDSGraph &getClosedDSGraph(Function *F) const {
- std::pair<FunctionDSGraph*, FunctionDSGraph*> &N = DSInfo[F];
- if (N.second) return *N.second;
- N.second = new FunctionDSGraph(getDSGraph(F));
- N.second->computeClosure(*this);
- return *N.second;
- }
+ virtual bool run(Module &M);
- // invalidateFunction - Inform this analysis that you changed the specified
- // function, so the graphs that depend on it are out of date.
- //
- void invalidateFunction(Function *F) const {
- // FIXME: THis should invalidate all functions who have inlined the
- // specified graph!
- //
- std::pair<FunctionDSGraph*, FunctionDSGraph*> &N = DSInfo[F];
- delete N.first;
- delete N.second;
- N.first = N.second = 0;
+ // getDSGraph - Return the data structure graph for the specified function.
+ DSGraph &getDSGraph(Function &F) const {
+ std::map<Function*, DSGraph*>::const_iterator I = DSInfo.find(&F);
+ assert(I != DSInfo.end() && "Function not in module!");
+ return *I->second;
// print - Print out the analysis results...
// If the pass pipeline is done with this pass, we can release our memory...
virtual void releaseMemory();
- // getAnalysisUsage - This obviously provides a call graph
+ // getAnalysisUsage - This obviously provides a data structure graph.
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
friend class DSNode;
DSNode * const Node;
unsigned Link;
- unsigned LinkIdx;
typedef DSNodeIterator _Self;
- DSNodeIterator(DSNode *N) : Node(N), Link(0), LinkIdx(0) { // begin iterator
- unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumOutgoingLinks();
- while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getOutgoingLink(Link).empty())
+ DSNodeIterator(DSNode *N) : Node(N), Link(0) { // begin iterator
+ unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumLinks();
+ while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getLink(Link) == 0)
DSNodeIterator(DSNode *N, bool) // Create end iterator
- : Node(N), Link(N->getNumOutgoingLinks()), LinkIdx(0) {
+ : Node(N), Link(N->getNumLinks()) {
bool operator==(const _Self& x) const {
- return Link == x.Link && LinkIdx == x.LinkIdx;
+ return Link == x.Link;
bool operator!=(const _Self& x) const { return !operator==(x); }
pointer operator*() const {
- return Node->getOutgoingLink(Link)[LinkIdx].getNode();
+ return Node->getLink(Link);
pointer operator->() const { return operator*(); }
_Self& operator++() { // Preincrement
- if (LinkIdx < Node->getOutgoingLink(Link).size()-1)
- ++LinkIdx;
- else {
- unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumOutgoingLinks();
- do {
- ++Link;
- } while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getOutgoingLink(Link).empty());
- LinkIdx = 0;
- }
+ unsigned NumLinks = Node->getNumLinks();
+ do {
+ ++Link;
+ } while (Link < NumLinks && Node->getLink(Link) != 0);
return *this;
_Self operator++(int) { // Postincrement