--- /dev/null
+package MCC.IR;
+import MCC.State;
+import java.util.*;
+public class Optimizer {
+ State state;
+ public Optimizer(State s) {
+ state = s;
+ }
+ public void optimize() {
+ /* functional relation strength reduction */
+ strengthreduction();
+ mergerules();
+ collapseconstraints();
+ eliminateUnusedSets();
+ }
+ public class ReduceRelationVisitor {
+ State state;
+ RelationDescriptor relation;
+ Rule rule;
+ Constraint constraint;
+ public ReduceRelationVisitor(RelationDescriptor rd, Rule rule, State state) {
+ this.state = state;
+ this.rule = rule;
+ this.relation = rd;
+ }
+ public void rewrite(Constraint theconstraint) {
+ // set class global
+ constraint = theconstraint;
+ constraint.logicstatement = (LogicStatement) rw(constraint.logicstatement);
+ }
+ Object rw(Object o) {
+ if (o instanceof LiteralExpr) {
+ return o;
+ } else if (o instanceof VarExpr) {
+ return o;
+ } else if (o instanceof OpExpr ) {
+ OpExpr oe = (OpExpr) o;
+ oe.left = (Expr) rw(oe.left);
+ if (oe.right != null) {
+ oe.right = (Expr) rw(oe.right);
+ }
+ return oe;
+ } else if (o instanceof ImageSetExpr) {
+ // shouldn't get here because we have to special case sizeof
+ // which is the only supported region for a strength reduction
+ throw new IRException("shouldn't be here");
+ } else if (o instanceof SetExpr) {
+ return o;
+ } else if (o instanceof SizeofExpr) {
+ SizeofExpr soe = (SizeofExpr) o;
+ // check to see if the relation is the one we are replacing..
+ // and then replace this relationexpr with another
+ // #TODO#: create a new EXPR which is basically an execution of a rule and a new
+ // binding . for sizeofexpr itsa little different because we are only interested
+ // in reporting 0 or 1
+ SetExpr se = soe.getSetExpr();
+ if (se instanceof ImageSetExpr) {
+ ImageSetExpr ise = (ImageSetExpr) se;
+ if (ise.getRelation() == relation) {
+ System.err.println("\nfound instance of sizeof for candidate");
+ soe.prettyPrint(new PrettyPrinter() { public void output(String s) { System.err.print(s); } });
+ System.err.println("");
+ // rewrite this node with a sizeoffunction IR node
+ return new SizeofFunction(ise.getVar(), relation, rule);
+ }
+ }
+ return soe;
+ } else if (o instanceof RelationExpr) {
+ RelationExpr re = (RelationExpr) o;
+ // check to see if the relation is the one we are replacing..
+ // and then replace this relationexpr with another
+ // #TODO#: we'll replace this relationexpr with a new expr which
+ // takes the rule, relation and bindings... when we generate we'll
+ // just insert the rule inline...
+ if (re.getRelation() == relation) {
+ System.err.println("\nfound instance of relationexpr for candidate");
+ re.prettyPrint(new PrettyPrinter() { public void output(String s) { System.err.print(s); } });
+ System.err.println("");
+ // rewrite this node with a relationfunctionexpr IR node
+ return new RelationFunctionExpr(re.getExpr(), relation, rule);
+ }
+ return re;
+ } else if (o instanceof RelationFunctionExpr) {
+ return o;
+ } else if (o instanceof SizeofFunction) {
+ return o;
+ } else if (o instanceof Expr) {
+ // catches castexpr, dotexpr, elementofexpr, tupleofexpr
+ throw new IRException("unsupported");
+ } else if (o instanceof ExprPredicate) {
+ ExprPredicate ep = (ExprPredicate) o;
+ ep.expr = (Expr) rw(ep.expr);
+ return ep;
+ } else if (o instanceof InclusionPredicate) {
+ throw new IRException("unsupported");
+ } else if (o instanceof LogicStatement) {
+ LogicStatement ls = (LogicStatement) o;
+ ls.left = (LogicStatement) rw(ls.left);
+ if (ls.right != null) {
+ ls.right = (LogicStatement) rw(ls.right);
+ }
+ return ls;
+ } else {
+ throw new IRException("unsupported");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void strengthreduction() {
+ // ok... need to find all relations that are quantified over...
+ // because these cannot be made into relational functions
+ HashSet forbiddenrelations = new HashSet();
+ Vector rules = state.vRules;
+ for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) {
+ Rule rule = (Rule) rules.elementAt(i);
+ forbiddenrelations.addAll(rule.getQuantifierDescriptors());
+ }
+ // forbiddenrelations now contains all of the descriptors that
+ // are quantified over... strictly we could allow a relation
+ // to be quantified over by replacing the relation with a set
+ // quantifier and rewriting occurrences of the right hand side
+ // with the function applied to the left hand side (the set
+ // element)... but we won't. it is also not clear what the
+ // set of values should be on the left hand side... it is only
+ // well defined for true function, or rather could only be
+ // done efficiently by true functions because the set of s in
+ // S where s.R is not null is not S in general.
+ // ok enough rambling, uh... find candidate relations... these will be as follows...
+ // 1. they'll not be used as an inverse
+ // 2. they'll be generated by a rule of the form [forall x in S], guard => <x, x.field> in R
+ // ok... lets get a list of quantifiers used as inverses. we
+ // are going to loop through the constraints and then we are
+ // going to write some code that searches through the
+ // expression tree for inverses... when we find one we are
+ // going to add it to a set of inversed relations.... which we
+ // will add to our set of forbidden descriptors... then we'll
+ // search through the rules and look at the target descriptors
+ // and find relations that are not on the forbidden list
+ Vector constraints = state.vConstraints;
+ for (int i = 0; i < constraints.size(); i++) {
+ Constraint constraint = (Constraint) constraints.elementAt(i);
+ // ok... no we need to look for inversed relations...
+ Set inversedrelations = constraint.getLogicStatement().getInversedRelations();
+ forbiddenrelations.addAll(inversedrelations);
+ }
+ // now we need to search through the rules and look at the target
+ // descriptors... we are looking for relations that are not on
+ // the forbidden list... these we will add to our candidate list...
+ // we can ignore rules that don't have a single quantifier and
+ // we want rules of the form [fa s in S], guard => <s, s.field> in
+ HashMap candidaterelations = new HashMap();
+ for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) {
+ Rule rule = (Rule) rules.elementAt(i);
+ if (rule.quantifiers.size() == 1) {
+ // one quantifier!
+ Quantifier quantifier = (Quantifier) rule.quantifiers.elementAt(0);
+ if (quantifier instanceof SetQuantifier) {
+ // its a set!
+ SetQuantifier sq = (SetQuantifier) quantifier;
+ VarDescriptor setvar = sq.getVar();
+ // now we got the set var... because there can't be any funny
+ // business in the guard (we don't allow "in?" for these
+ // optimizations) we can go ahead and look at the inclusion...
+ // hopefully its a relationinclusion and then we'll inspect
+ // some more!
+ Inclusion inclusion = rule.getInclusion();
+ if (inclusion instanceof RelationInclusion) {
+ // ok... lets make sure the left hand element is the
+ // setdescriptors' var descriptor
+ RelationInclusion ri = (RelationInclusion) inclusion;
+ // lets make sure this relationdescriptor is not in our forbidden list
+ if (!forbiddenrelations.contains(ri.getRelation())) {
+ // not forbidden!
+ // lets make sure its of the form <s, s.field>
+ Expr expr = ri.getLeftExpr();
+ // lets make sure its a
+ if (expr instanceof VarExpr) {
+ VarExpr ve = (VarExpr) expr;
+ // lets make sure that ve points to our setvar
+ if (ve.getVar() == setvar) {
+ // ok, this relation is of the form
+ // [forall s in S], guard => <s, ??> in R
+ Expr rightexpr = ri.getRightExpr();
+ if (rightexpr instanceof DotExpr) {
+ DotExpr de = (DotExpr) rightexpr;
+ Expr innerexpr = de.getExpr();
+ if (expr instanceof VarExpr) {
+ VarExpr rightvar = (VarExpr) expr;
+ if (rightvar.getVar() == setvar) {
+ // ok... we have found a candidate
+ // lets add the relation and the rule that builds it to the candidate list
+ candidaterelations.put(ri.getRelation(), rule);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ok... we now have candidaterelations... however, we aren't done... we need to make sure
+ // that they are built from a single rule, because, otherwise, i'll be confused.
+ for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) {
+ Rule rule = (Rule) rules.elementAt(i);
+ if (rule.getInclusion() instanceof RelationInclusion) {
+ RelationInclusion ri = (RelationInclusion) rule.getInclusion();
+ RelationDescriptor rd = ri.getRelation();
+ if (candidaterelations.containsKey(rd)) {
+ // we need to make sure the rules match
+ Rule buildrule = (Rule) candidaterelations.get(rd);
+ if (buildrule != rule) {
+ // uh oh... relation is candidate but is build
+ // by multiple rules... we don't support this.
+ // remove it from the list of candidates
+ candidaterelations.remove(rd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ok... now we have some true candidates...
+ // candidates are relations and there rules that build them... basically whenever we see an
+ // instance of this relation we are going to replace it with this relation
+ Iterator candidates;
+ // alright, lets find some places to replace these candidates!!!
+ candidates = candidaterelations.keySet().iterator();
+ while (candidates.hasNext()) {
+ RelationDescriptor rd = (RelationDescriptor) candidates.next();
+ Rule rule = (Rule) candidaterelations.get(rd);
+ System.err.println(rd.toString() + " is a candidate for STRENGTH REDUCTION!");
+ // ok ... lets seek out and destroy! we only need to look in constraints because
+ // candidates can't appear as quantifiers
+ ReduceRelationVisitor rrv = new ReduceRelationVisitor(rd, rule, state);
+ ListIterator listofconstraints = state.vConstraints.listIterator();
+ while (listofconstraints.hasNext()) {
+ Constraint constraint = (Constraint) listofconstraints.next();
+ // um... ok.. we have a constraint and we want to see if there are any places
+ // to replace the constraint...!!! ok... so basically what are the options
+ // well we allow anything really but the two things that should be swapped are
+ // relationexpr's with our relation and sizeof's... i think that covers everything
+ // ... ok...
+ // so because our IR blows, we are going to have to traverse the IR and make
+ // changes to the IR... this is fine.. we should write a visitor...
+ rrv.rewrite(constraint);
+ }
+ }
+ // we need to remove the rules that build these relations
+ candidates = candidaterelations.values().iterator();
+ while (candidates.hasNext()) {
+ state.vRules.remove((Rule) candidates.next());
+ }
+ }
+ public void mergerules() {
+ /*
+ 1. recognize that if you have an *unique* inclusion "... => x in S" and
+ a set of model rules of the form "[forall y in S]" that do not
+ contain any references to other sets (in? operator) then you can move
+ those quantified rules into the original inclusion
+ */
+ // lets find unique inclusions! (inclusions are unique if there set identifier is unique)
+ HashMap includedsets = new HashMap();
+ ListIterator rules = state.vRules.listIterator();
+ while (rules.hasNext()) {
+ Rule rule = (Rule) rules.next();
+ Inclusion inclusion = rule.getInclusion();
+ if (inclusion instanceof SetInclusion) {
+ SetInclusion si = (SetInclusion) inclusion;
+ SetDescriptor sd = si.getSet();
+ if (includedsets.containsKey(sd)) {
+ // already contained... set to empty
+ includedsets.put(sd, null);
+ } else {
+ includedsets.put(sd, rule);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ HashMap uniques = new HashMap(); // this a vector of pairs (or in java... vector pairs)
+ Iterator allsd = includedsets.keySet().iterator();
+ while (allsd.hasNext()) {
+ SetDescriptor sd = (SetDescriptor) allsd.next();
+ Object o = includedsets.get(sd);
+ if (o != null) { // a unique set!
+ uniques.put(sd, (Rule) o);
+ }
+ }
+ // ok now we have a vector "unique set" of all of the
+ // set descriptors with unique inclusion rules
+ // NOW lets find all of the rules whose quantifiers
+ // have single set quantifiers for each of these set
+ // descriptors
+ Iterator uniquesetiterator = uniques.keySet().iterator();
+ while (uniquesetiterator.hasNext()) {
+ SetDescriptor sd = (SetDescriptor) uniquesetiterator.next();
+ Rule uniquerule = (Rule) uniques.get(sd);
+ // ok... search for candidate rules...
+ Vector candidaterules = new Vector();
+ ListIterator morerules = state.vRules.listIterator();
+ while (morerules.hasNext()) {
+ Rule rule = (Rule) morerules.next();
+ ListIterator quantifiers = rule.quantifiers();
+ if (rule == uniquerule) continue;
+ if (quantifiers.hasNext()) {
+ // first quantifier
+ Quantifier quantifier = (Quantifier) quantifiers.next();
+ if (quantifier instanceof SetQuantifier) {
+ SetQuantifier sq = (SetQuantifier) quantifier;
+ if (sq.getSet() == sd) {
+ // match! lets make sure this is the sole quantifier
+ if (!quantifiers.hasNext()) {
+ // no more quantifiers! bingo, match
+ candidaterules.addElement(rule);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // at this point we have a vector "candidaterules" which is composed
+ // of rules which have a first quantifier, which is a set quantifier
+ // which has the same setdescriptor as one that is unique and has no
+ // further quantifiers (sole quantifier)
+ // we need to now move these rules into the inclusion of "unique rule"
+ // we'll do by creating a meta-inclusion to replace the current
+ // inclusion ... the meta-inclusion will include the current inclusion
+ // to generate the rule's target set as well as the "candidate rules"
+ if (candidaterules.size() > 0) {
+ MetaInclusion meta = new MetaInclusion();
+ Inclusion oldinclusion = uniquerule.getInclusion();
+ meta.setInclusion(oldinclusion);
+ meta.addRules(candidaterules);
+ uniquerule.setInclusion(meta);
+ // no we must remove these rules from the global list so they are generated twice
+ state.vRules.removeAll(candidaterules);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void collapseconstraints() {
+ /* empty
+ we are going to look at constraints of the form "[forall s in S], logicstatement"
+ where logicstatement does not make any reference to any descriptors besides "s"
+ */
+ HashMap candidates = new HashMap();
+ Iterator constraints = state.vConstraints.iterator();
+ while (constraints.hasNext()) {
+ Constraint constraint = (Constraint) constraints.next();
+ // ok ... we are looping through the constraints trying to find ones
+ // with empty required descriptors in the logicstatement and single setquantifiers
+ if (constraint.getLogicStatement().getRequiredDescriptors().isEmpty()) {
+ // haha, no requried descriptors... this is what we want!
+ if (constraint.quantifiers.size() == 1) {
+ // good.
+ Quantifier q = (Quantifier) constraint.quantifiers.elementAt(0);
+ if (q instanceof SetQuantifier) {
+ SetQuantifier sq = (SetQuantifier) q;
+ SetDescriptor sd = sq.getSet();
+ candidates.put(constraint, sd);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ok... "candidates" now has a set of constraints that have the following
+ // properties: 1) don't have any model descriptors referenced in there body
+ // 2) have a single set quantifier
+ // now we will loop through our rules and find any rules that produce said
+ // set descriptors
+ // we can reuse the constraint iterator
+ constraints = candidates.keySet().iterator();
+ while (constraints.hasNext()) {
+ Constraint constraint = (Constraint) constraints.next();
+ SetDescriptor sd = (SetDescriptor) candidates.get(constraint);
+ // now we loop through all of the rules and find rules that
+ // and items to the set "sd"
+ Iterator rules = state.vRules.iterator();
+ while (rules.hasNext()) {
+ Rule rule = (Rule) rules.next();
+ mergeConstraintIntoRule(constraint, sd, rule);
+ }
+ }
+ // no we must remove the candidates from the list of constraints
+ // in state.vConstraints so they don't get built (redundant!)
+ state.vConstraints.removeAll(candidates.keySet());
+ }
+ void mergeConstraintIntoRule(Constraint constraint, SetDescriptor sd, Rule rule) {
+ if (rule.getInclusion() instanceof SetInclusion) {
+ SetInclusion si = (SetInclusion) rule.getInclusion();
+ if (si.getSet() == sd) {
+ // we have a match... lets convert this inclusion to a meta-inclusion
+ MetaInclusion meta = new MetaInclusion();
+ meta.setInclusion(si);
+ meta.addConstraint(constraint);
+ rule.setInclusion(meta);
+ }
+ } else if (rule.getInclusion() instanceof MetaInclusion) {
+ MetaInclusion meta = (MetaInclusion) rule.getInclusion();
+ if (meta.getInclusion() instanceof SetInclusion) {
+ SetInclusion si = (SetInclusion) meta.getInclusion();
+ if (si.getSet() == sd) {
+ // we have a match, we need to add this constraint to the current
+ // meta inclusion
+ meta.addConstraint(constraint);
+ }
+ }
+ // we need to recurse on the sub rules
+ Iterator subrules = meta.rules.iterator();
+ while (subrules.hasNext()) {
+ mergeConstraintIntoRule(constraint, sd, (Rule)subrules.next());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void eliminateUnusedSets() {
+ // ok. so we know that rules with metainclusions have setquantifiers and that all
+ // sub rules and sub constraints use that set. however they don't need that inclusion
+ // constraint...
+ // so we are going to loop through the constraints and the relations and we are going to keep
+ // track of all the required model descriptors for the top-level rules/constraints...
+ // we are then going to go through all of the rules and look at the inclusion constraints
+ // if the inclusion constraint is adding to a ste that is not on the required list then
+ // we are going to flag that setinclusion with a "donotstore" flag which will prevent it
+ // from adding to its respective sets
+ // there is one complication... if the inclusion is in a meta inclusion then its possible that
+ // the values being added to the set are not unique. ... there are two possibilities, this matters,
+ // or it doesn't matter. ok... it doesn't matter if the rules below aren't optimized by removing
+ // redundancy checks... ok... actually... i don't think it ever matters. in the worst case you'll
+ // do a lot more work than necessary because the sub rules and sub constraints could represent a lot
+ // of work that you don't need to do because there is say , for example, only three distinct items in
+ // 1,000,000 instances...
+ // ok... with that aside aside, we continue.
+ // loop through constraints and relations and get the set of requireddescriptors
+ HashSet required = new HashSet();
+ Iterator allrules = state.vRules.iterator();
+ while (allrules.hasNext()) {
+ required.addAll( ((Rule) allrules.next()).getRequiredDescriptors());
+ }
+ Iterator allconstraints = state.vConstraints.iterator();
+ while (allconstraints.hasNext()) {
+ required.addAll( ((Constraint) allconstraints.next()).getRequiredDescriptors());
+ }
+ // ok... now the set "required" has a list of all the descriptors that do not need to be built.
+ // lets now loop through the rules and look at the inclusion constraints . if a rule has an setinculsion
+ // whose set is not on the list than the rule is removed. if a rule has a metainclusion whose set inclusion's
+ // set is not on the list the setinclusion is marked "dostore= false"
+ // reset
+ allrules = state.vRules.iterator();
+ while (allrules.hasNext()) {
+ Rule rule = (Rule) allrules.next();
+ if (rule.getInclusion() instanceof SetInclusion) {
+ SetInclusion si = (SetInclusion) rule.getInclusion();
+ if (!required.contains(si.getSet())) {
+ System.err.println("removing " + rule.getLabel());
+ // we don't need this set so remove the rule
+ allrules.remove();
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (rule.getInclusion() instanceof MetaInclusion) {
+ MetaInclusion meta = (MetaInclusion) rule.getInclusion();
+ // we are guanarneed taht the sub inclsion on a meta inclusion is a setinclusion
+ SetInclusion si = (SetInclusion) meta.getInclusion();
+ if (!required.contains(si.getSet())) {
+ // don't need this set, but need its value
+ si.dostore = false;
+ System.err.println("removing set construction for " + si.getSet().toString() + " in " + rule.getLabel());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }