--- /dev/null
+package Analysis.Disjoint;
+import IR.*;
+import IR.Flat.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.io.*;
+public class DescriptorQWrapper implements Comparable {
+ private int priority;
+ private Descriptor d;
+ public DescriptorQWrapper( Integer p, Descriptor d ) {
+ priority = p.intValue();
+ this.d = d;
+ }
+ public DescriptorQWrapper( int p, Descriptor d ) {
+ priority = p;
+ this.d = d;
+ }
+ public Descriptor getDescriptor() {
+ return d;
+ }
+ public int compareTo( Object o ) throws ClassCastException {
+ if( !(o instanceof DescriptorQWrapper) ) {
+ throw new ClassCastException();
+ }
+ DescriptorQWrapper dqw = (DescriptorQWrapper) o;
+ return priority - dqw.priority;
+ }
+ public boolean equals(Object o) {
+ if( o == null ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( !( o instanceof DescriptorQWrapper) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ DescriptorQWrapper dqw = (DescriptorQWrapper) o;
+ return d.equals( dqw.d );
+ }
makeAnalysisEntryMethod( mdSourceEntry );
descriptorsToAnalyze.add( mdAnalysisEntry );
// topologically sort according to the call graph so
// leaf calls are ordered first, smarter analysis order
LinkedList<Descriptor> sortedDescriptors =
topologicalSort( descriptorsToAnalyze );
+ // add sorted descriptors to priority queue, and duplicate
+ // the queue as a set for testing whether some method
+ // is marked for analysis
+ PriorityQueue<DescriptorQWrapper> descriptorsToVisitQ
+ = new PriorityQueue<DescriptorQWrapper>();
- System.out.println( "topological:\n"+sortedDescriptors );
+ HashSet<Descriptor> descriptorsToVisitSet
+ = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
- /*
- methodContextsToVisitQ = new PriorityQueue<MethodContextQWrapper>();
- methodContextsToVisitSet = new HashSet<MethodContext>();
+ Hashtable<Descriptor, Integer> mapDescriptorToPriority
+ = new Hashtable<Descriptor, Integer>();
int p = 0;
- Iterator<MethodContext> mcItr = sortedMethodContexts.iterator();
- while( mcItr.hasNext() ) {
- MethodContext mc = mcItr.next();
- mapDescriptorToPriority.put( mc.getDescriptor(), new Integer( p ) );
- methodContextsToVisitQ.add( new MethodContextQWrapper( p, mc ) );
- methodContextsToVisitSet.add( mc );
+ Iterator<Descriptor> dItr = sortedDescriptors.iterator();
+ while( dItr.hasNext() ) {
+ Descriptor d = dItr.next();
+ mapDescriptorToPriority.put( d, new Integer( p ) );
+ descriptorsToVisitQ.add( new DescriptorQWrapper( p, d ) );
+ descriptorsToVisitSet.add( d );
// analyze methods from the priority queue until it is empty
- while( !methodContextsToVisitQ.isEmpty() ) {
- MethodContext mc = methodContextsToVisitQ.poll().getMethodContext();
- assert methodContextsToVisitSet.contains( mc );
- methodContextsToVisitSet.remove( mc );
+ while( !descriptorsToVisitQ.isEmpty() ) {
+ Descriptor d = descriptorsToVisitQ.poll().getDescriptor();
+ assert descriptorsToVisitSet.contains( d );
+ descriptorsToVisitSet.remove( d );
// because the task or method descriptor just extracted
// was in the "to visit" set it either hasn't been analyzed
// If there is a change detected, add any methods/tasks
// that depend on this one to the "to visit" set.
- System.out.println("Analyzing " + mc);
+ System.out.println( "Analyzing " + d );
- Descriptor d = mc.getDescriptor();
+ // get the flat code for this method descriptor
FlatMethod fm;
- if( d instanceof MethodDescriptor ) {
- fm = state.getMethodFlat( (MethodDescriptor) d);
+ if( d == mdAnalysisEntry ) {
+ fm = fmAnalysisEntry;
} else {
- assert d instanceof TaskDescriptor;
- fm = state.getMethodFlat( (TaskDescriptor) d);
+ fm = state.getMethodFlat( d );
+ /*
ReachGraph og = analyzeFlatMethod(mc, fm);
- ReachGraph ogPrev = mapMethodContextToCompleteReachabilityGraph.get(mc);
+ ReachGraph ogPrev = mapDescriptorToCompleteReachabilityGraph.get(mc);
if( !og.equals(ogPrev) ) {
- setGraphForMethodContext(mc, og);
+ setGraphForDescriptor(mc, og);
- Iterator<MethodContext> depsItr = iteratorDependents( mc );
+ Iterator<Descriptor> depsItr = iteratorDependents( mc );
while( depsItr.hasNext() ) {
- MethodContext mcNext = depsItr.next();
+ Descriptor mcNext = depsItr.next();
- if( !methodContextsToVisitSet.contains( mcNext ) ) {
- methodContextsToVisitQ.add( new MethodContextQWrapper( mapDescriptorToPriority.get( mcNext.getDescriptor() ),
+ if( !descriptorsToVisitSet.contains( mcNext ) ) {
+ descriptorsToVisitQ.add( new DescriptorQWrapper( mapDescriptorToPriority.get( mcNext.getDescriptor() ),
mcNext ) );
- methodContextsToVisitSet.add( mcNext );
+ descriptorsToVisitSet.add( mcNext );
+ */
- */
// keep passing the Descriptor of the method along for debugging
// and dot file writing
//FlatCall fc = new
- this.fmAnalysisEntry = new FlatMethod( mdAnalysisEntry, fe );
+ this.fmAnalysisEntry = new FlatMethod( mdAnalysisEntry, fe );