// System.out.println("# false=" + tn.getFalseExpr().printNode(0) + " Loc="
// + falseLoc);
- // check if condLoc is higher than trueLoc & falseLoc
- if (!trueLoc.get(0).isTop()
- && !CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(condLoc, trueLoc, generateErrorMessage(cd, tn))) {
- throw new Error(
- "The location of the condition expression is lower than the true expression at "
- + cd.getSourceFileName() + ":" + tn.getCond().getNumLine());
- }
- if (!falseLoc.get(0).isTop()
- && !CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(condLoc, falseLoc,
- generateErrorMessage(cd, tn.getCond()))) {
- throw new Error(
- "The location of the condition expression is lower than the false expression at "
- + cd.getSourceFileName() + ":" + tn.getCond().getNumLine());
- }
+ // we don't need to check that condLoc is higher than trueLoc & falseLoc
+ // if (!trueLoc.get(0).isTop()
+ // && !CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(condLoc, trueLoc, generateErrorMessage(cd, tn))) {
+ // throw new Error(
+ // "The location of the condition expression is lower than the true expression at "
+ // + cd.getSourceFileName() + ":" + tn.getCond().getNumLine());
+ // }
+ //
+ // if (!falseLoc.get(0).isTop()
+ // && !CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(condLoc, falseLoc,
+ // generateErrorMessage(cd, tn.getCond()))) {
+ // throw new Error(
+ // "The location of the condition expression is lower than the false expression at "
+ // + cd.getSourceFileName() + ":" + tn.getCond().getNumLine());
+ // }
// then, return glb of trueLoc & falseLoc
Set<CompositeLocation> glbInputSet = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
+ glbInputSet.add(condLoc);
+ " paramCompareResult=" + paramCompareResult);
if (!(paramLocation.get(0).equals(calleePCLOC.get(0)) && calleePCLOC.getSize() > 1)
- && paramCompareResult != ComparisonResult.GREATER) {
+ && paramCompareResult == ComparisonResult.LESS) {
throw new Error(
"The argument(idx="
+ idx
} else if (lattice.isGreaterThan(loc1.getLocIdentifier(), loc2.getLocIdentifier())) {
return ComparisonResult.GREATER;
} else {
- return ComparisonResult.LESS;
+ if (lattice.isComparable(loc1.getLocIdentifier(), loc2.getLocIdentifier())) {
+ return ComparisonResult.LESS;
+ } else {
+ return ComparisonResult.INCOMPARABLE;
+ }
translateMapLocationToInferCompositeLocationToCalleeGraph(callerGlobalFlowGraph, min);
MethodDescriptor mdCallee = min.getMethod();
- //
- // FlowGraph calleeFlowGraph = getFlowGraph(mdCallee);
- //
- // NTuple<Descriptor> methodInvokeBaseDescTuple = mapMethodInvokeNodeToBaseTuple.get(min);
- // NTuple<Location> methodInvokeBaseLocTuple = null;
- // if (methodInvokeBaseDescTuple != null) {
- // methodInvokeBaseLocTuple = translateToLocTuple(mdCaller, methodInvokeBaseDescTuple);
- // }
- // ////////////////
- // ////////////////
- // If the location of an argument has a composite location
- // need to assign a proper composite location to the corresponding callee parameter
- // System.out.println("---translate arg composite location to callee param. min="
- // + min.printNode(0));
- // Map<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapIdxToArgTuple =
- // mapMethodInvokeNodeToArgIdxMap.get(min);
- // Set<Integer> idxSet = mapIdxToArgTuple.keySet();
- // for (Iterator iterator2 = idxSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- // Integer idx = (Integer) iterator2.next();
- //
- // if (idx == 0 && !min.getMethod().isStatic()) {
- // continue;
- // }
- //
- // NTuple<Descriptor> argTuple = mapIdxToArgTuple.get(idx);
- // if (argTuple.size() > 0) {
- // // check if an arg tuple has been already assigned to a composite location
- // NTuple<Location> argLocTuple = translateToLocTuple(mdCaller, argTuple);
- // Location argLocalLoc = argLocTuple.get(0);
- //
- // // if (!isPrimitiveType(argTuple)) {
- // if (callerMapLocToCompLoc.containsKey(argLocalLoc)) {
- //
- // CompositeLocation argLocalCompositeLocation = callerMapLocToCompLoc.get(argLocalLoc);
- // CompositeLocation argCompLoc = argLocalCompositeLocation.clone();
- // for (int i = 1; i < argLocTuple.size(); i++) {
- // argCompLoc.addLocation(argLocTuple.get(i));
- // }
- //
- // FlowNode calleeParamFlowNode = calleeFlowGraph.getParamFlowNode(idx);
- //
- // System.out
- // .println("----- argLocTuple=" + argLocTuple + " argLocalLoc=+" + argLocalLoc);
- // System.out.println("-------need to translate argCompLoc=" + argCompLoc
- // + " with baseTuple=" + methodInvokeBaseLocTuple + " calleeParamLocTuple="
- // + calleeParamFlowNode);
- //
- // // CompositeLocation paramCompLoc = translateArgCompLocToParamCompLoc(min, argCompLoc);
- // // calleeParamFlowNode.setCompositeLocation(paramCompLoc);
- //
- // // if (baseLocTuple != null && callerCompLoc.getTuple().startsWith(baseLocTuple)) {
- // //
- // // FlowNode calleeParamFlowNode = calleeFlowGraph.getParamFlowNode(idx);
- // // NTuple<Descriptor> calleeParamDescTuple = calleeParamFlowNode.getDescTuple();
- // // NTuple<Location> calleeParamLocTuple
- // // =###translateCompositeLocationAssignmentToFlowGraph mdCaller=public static void
- // // huffcodetab.huffman_decoder(int htIdx, int x, BitReserve br)
- //
- // // translateToLocTuple(mdCallee, calleeParamDescTuple);
- // //
- // // System.out.println("---need to translate callerCompLoc=" + callerCompLoc
- // // + " with baseTuple=" + baseLocTuple + " calleeParamLocTuple="
- // // + calleeParamLocTuple);
- // //
- // // CompositeLocation newCalleeCompLoc =
- // // translateCompositeLocationToCallee(callerCompLoc, baseLocTuple, mdCallee);
- // //
- // // calleeGlobalGraph.addMapLocationToInferCompositeLocation(calleeParamLocTuple.get(0),
- // // newCalleeCompLoc);
- // //
- // // System.out.println("---callee loc=" + calleeParamLocTuple.get(0)
- // // + " newCalleeCompLoc=" + newCalleeCompLoc);
- // //
- // // // System.out.println("###need to assign composite location to=" +
- // // // calleeParamDescTuple
- // // // + " with baseTuple=" + baseLocTuple);
- // // }
- //
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // ////////////////
- // ////////////////
for (Iterator iterator = calleeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
MethodDescriptor callee = (MethodDescriptor) iterator.next();
- // for (Iterator iterator = minSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- // MethodInvokeNode min = (MethodInvokeNode) iterator.next();
- // // add an additional ordering constraint
- // // if the first element of a parameter composite location matches 'this' reference,
- // // the corresponding argument in the caller is required to be higher than the translated
- // // parameter location in the caller lattice
- // // TODO
- // // addOrderingConstraintFromCompLocParamToArg(mdCaller, min);
- // }
private CompositeLocation translateArgCompLocToParamCompLoc(MethodInvokeNode min,
} else {
int paramIdx = getParamIdx(callerCompLoc, mapIdxToArgTuple);
if (paramIdx == -1) {
- // System.out.println("*****key=" + key + " callerCompLoc=" + callerCompLoc);
+ // here, the first element of the current composite location comes from the current
+ // callee
+ // so transfer the same composite location to the callee
if (!calleeGlobalGraph.contrainsInferCompositeLocationMapKey(key)) {
- // calleeGlobalGraph.addMapLocationToInferCompositeLocation(key, callerCompLoc);
- System.out.println("3---key=" + key + " callerCompLoc=" + callerCompLoc
- + " newCalleeCompLoc=" + callerCompLoc);
- System.out.println("-----caller=" + mdCaller + " callee=" + mdCallee);
- if (!callerCompLoc.get(0).getDescriptor().equals(mdCallee)) {
- System.exit(0);
+ if (callerCompLoc.get(0).getDescriptor().equals(mdCallee)) {
+ System.out.println("3---key=" + key + " callerCompLoc=" + callerCompLoc
+ + " newCalleeCompLoc=" + callerCompLoc);
+ System.out.println("-----caller=" + mdCaller + " callee=" + mdCallee);
+ calleeGlobalGraph.addMapLocationToInferCompositeLocation(key, callerCompLoc);
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("3---SKIP key=" + key + " callerCompLoc=" + callerCompLoc);
+ // It is the case where two parameters have relative orderings between them by having
+ // composite locations
+ // if we found the param idx, it means that the first part of the caller composite
+ // location corresponds to the one of arguments.
+ // for example, if the caller argument is <<caller.this>,<Decoder.br>>
+ // and the current caller composite location mapping
+ // <<caller.this>,<Decoder.br>,<Br.value>>
+ // and the parameter which matches with the caller argument is 'Br brParam'
+ // then, the translated callee composite location will be <<callee.brParam>,<Br.value>>
NTuple<Descriptor> argTuple = mapIdxToArgTuple.get(paramIdx);
FlowNode paramFlowNode = calleeFlowGraph.getParamFlowNode(paramIdx);
return prefixList;
- // List<NTuple<Location>> prefixList = new ArrayList<NTuple<Location>>();
- //
- // for (Iterator iterator = incomingNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- // GlobalFlowNode inNode = (GlobalFlowNode) iterator.next();
- // NTuple<Location> inNodeTuple = inNode.getLocTuple();
- //
- // for (int i = 1; i < inNodeTuple.size(); i++) {
- // NTuple<Location> prefix = inNodeTuple.subList(0, i);
- // if (!prefixList.contains(prefix)) {
- // prefixList.add(prefix);
- // }
- // }
- // }
- //
- // Collections.sort(prefixList, new Comparator<NTuple<Location>>() {
- // public int compare(NTuple<Location> arg0, NTuple<Location> arg1) {
- // int s0 = arg0.size();
- // int s1 = arg1.size();
- // if (s0 > s1) {
- // return -1;
- // } else if (s0 == s1) {
- // return 0;
- // } else {
- // return 1;
- // }
- // }
- // });
- // return prefixList;
private boolean containsClassDesc(ClassDescriptor cd, NTuple<Location> prefixLocTuple) {
NTuple<Descriptor> srcCurTuple = srcNode.getCurrentDescTuple();
NTuple<Descriptor> dstCurTuple = dstNode.getCurrentDescTuple();
- System.out.println("-srcCurTuple=" + srcCurTuple + " dstCurTuple=" + dstCurTuple);
+ System.out.println("-srcCurTuple=" + srcCurTuple + " dstCurTuple=" + dstCurTuple
+ + " srcNode=" + srcNode + " dstNode=" + dstNode);
if ((srcCurTuple.size() > 1 && dstCurTuple.size() > 1)
&& srcCurTuple.get(0).equals(dstCurTuple.get(0))) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < numParam; idx++) {
FlowNode paramNode = calleeFlowGraph.getParamFlowNode(idx);
CompositeLocation compLoc = paramNode.getCompositeLocation();
+ System.out.println("paramNode=" + paramNode + " compLoc=" + compLoc);
if (compLoc != null && compLoc.get(0).getLocDescriptor().equals(min.getMethod().getThis())) {
- System.out.println("$$$COMPLOC CASE=" + compLoc);
+ System.out.println("$$$COMPLOC CASE=" + compLoc + " idx=" + idx);
NTuple<Descriptor> argTuple = getNodeTupleByArgIdx(min, idx);
+ System.out.println("--- argTuple=" + argTuple + " current compLoc="
+ + callerFlowGraph.getFlowNode(argTuple).getCompositeLocation());
NTuple<Descriptor> translatedParamTuple =
translateCompositeLocationToCaller(idx, min, compLoc);
System.out.println("add a flow edge= " + argTuple + "->" + translatedParamTuple);
- for (int i = baseTuple.size(); i < compLocForParam1.getSize(); i++) {
+ for (int i = 1; i < compLocForParam1.getSize(); i++) {
Location loc = compLocForParam1.get(i);
private void analyzeFlowTertiaryNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, TertiaryNode tn,
NodeTupleSet nodeSet, NodeTupleSet implicitFlowTupleSet) {
- // System.out.println("analyzeFlowTertiaryNode=" + tn.printNode(0));
+ System.out.println("analyzeFlowTertiaryNode=" + tn.printNode(0));
NodeTupleSet tertiaryTupleNode = new NodeTupleSet();
analyzeFlowExpressionNode(md, nametable, tn.getCond(), tertiaryTupleNode, null,
+ System.out.println("---------newImplicitTupleSet=" + newImplicitTupleSet);
// add edges from tertiaryTupleNode to all nodes of conditional nodes
// tertiaryTupleNode.addTupleSet(implicitFlowTupleSet);
analyzeFlowExpressionNode(md, nametable, tn.getTrueExpr(), tertiaryTupleNode, null,
// }
// }
+ System.out.println("paramNode=" + paramNode + " calleeReturnSet=" + calleeReturnSet);
if (hasInFlowTo(calleeFlowGraph, paramNode, calleeReturnSet)
|| mdCallee.getModifiers().isNative()) {
addParamNodeFlowingToReturnValue(mdCallee, paramNode);
if (mdCallee.getReturnType() != null && !mdCallee.getReturnType().isVoid()) {
FlowReturnNode setNode = getFlowGraph(mdCaller).createReturnNode(min);
+ System.out.println("ADD TUPLESET=" + tupleSet + " to returnnode=" + setNode);
private boolean hasInFlowTo(FlowGraph fg, FlowNode inNode, Set<FlowNode> nodeSet) {
// return true if inNode has in-flows to nodeSet
+ if (nodeSet.contains(inNode)) {
+ // in this case, the method directly returns a parameter variable.
+ return true;
+ }
// Set<FlowNode> reachableSet = fg.getReachFlowNodeSetFrom(inNode);
Set<FlowNode> reachableSet = fg.getReachableSetFrom(inNode.getDescTuple());
- // System.out.println("inNode=" + inNode + " reachalbeSet=" + reachableSet);
+ System.out.println("inNode=" + inNode + " reachalbeSet=" + reachableSet);
for (Iterator iterator = reachableSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
FlowNode fn = (FlowNode) iterator.next();
analyzeFlowExpressionNode(md, nametable, aan.getIndex(), idxNodeTupleSet, base,
implicitFlowTupleSet, isLHS);
- nodeSet.addTupleSet(idxNodeTupleSet);
base =
analyzeFlowExpressionNode(md, nametable, left, nodeSet, base, implicitFlowTupleSet, isLHS);
} else {
+ nodeSet.addTupleSet(idxNodeTupleSet);
// if it is the array case and not the LHS case
if (isArrayCase) {